What Is poi-scratchpad-5.2.3.jar?

What Is poi-scratchpad-5.2.3.jar?

✍: FYIcenter.com

poi-scratchpad-5.2.3.jar is one of the JAR files for Apache POI 5.2.3, which provides an API for Microsoft document files of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Visio.

poi-scratchpad-5.2.3.jar provides support for older versions of Microsoft document files like Word 97, Excel 97, PowerPoint 97, etc.

poi-scratchpad-5.2.3.jar is distributed as part of the poi-bin-5.2.3-20220909.zip download file.

JAR File Size and Download Location:

JAR name: poi-scratchpad-5.2.3.jar
Target JDK version: 9

File name: poi-scratchpad.jar, poi-scratchpad-5.2.3.jar
File size: 1897121 bytes
Release date: 09-09-2022
Download: Apache POI Website

Here are Java Source Code files for poi-scratchpad-5.2.3.jar:


/* ====================================================================
   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
==================================================================== */

package org.apache.poi.hwpf.model;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.poi.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.poi.util.Internal;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianConsts;

 * Plex of CPs stored in File (PLCF)
 * <p>
 * common data structure in a Word file. Contains an array of 4 byte ints in the
 * front that relate to an array of arbitrary data structures in the back.
 * <p>
 * See page 184 of official documentation for details
public final class PlexOfCps {

    //arbitrarily selected; may need to increase
    private static final int MAX_RECORD_LENGTH = 10_485_760;
    private static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES = 100_000;

    private int _iMac;
    private final int _cbStruct;
    private final List<GenericPropertyNode> _props;

    public PlexOfCps(int sizeOfStruct) {
        _props = new ArrayList<>();
        _cbStruct = sizeOfStruct;

     * Constructor
     * @param cb       The size of PLCF in bytes
     * @param cbStruct The size of the data structure type stored in this PlexOfCps.
    public PlexOfCps(byte[] buf, int start, int cb, int cbStruct) {
        // Figure out the number we hold
        _iMac = (cb - 4) / (4 + cbStruct);

        IOUtils.safelyAllocateCheck(_iMac, MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES);

        _cbStruct = cbStruct;
        _props = new ArrayList<>(_iMac);

        for (int x = 0; x < _iMac; x++) {
            _props.add(getProperty(x, buf, start));

    void adjust(int startCp, int shift) {
        for (GenericPropertyNode node : _props) {
            if (node.getStart() > startCp) {
                node.setStart(Math.max(node.getStart() + shift, startCp));
            if (node.getEnd() >= startCp) {
                node.setEnd(Math.max(node.getEnd() + shift, startCp));

    public GenericPropertyNode getProperty(int index) {
        return _props.get(index);

    public void addProperty(GenericPropertyNode node) {

    void remove(int index) {

    public byte[] toByteArray() {
        int size = _props.size();
        int cpBufSize = ((size + 1) * LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE);
        int structBufSize = +(_cbStruct * size);
        int bufSize = cpBufSize + structBufSize;

        byte[] buf = IOUtils.safelyAllocate(bufSize, MAX_RECORD_LENGTH);

        int nodeEnd = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
            GenericPropertyNode node = _props.get(x);
            nodeEnd = node.getEnd();

            // put the starting offset of the property into the plcf.
            LittleEndian.putInt(buf, (LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE * x), node.getStart());

            // put the struct into the plcf
            System.arraycopy(node.getBytes(), 0, buf, cpBufSize + (x * _cbStruct), _cbStruct);
        // put the ending offset of the last property into the plcf.
        LittleEndian.putInt(buf, LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE * size, nodeEnd);

        return buf;

    private GenericPropertyNode getProperty(int index, byte[] buf, int offset) {
        int start = LittleEndian.getInt(buf, offset + getIntOffset(index));
        int end = LittleEndian.getInt(buf, offset + getIntOffset(index + 1));

        byte[] struct = IOUtils.safelyClone(buf, offset + getStructOffset(index), _cbStruct, MAX_RECORD_LENGTH);

        return new GenericPropertyNode(start, end, struct);

    private int getIntOffset(int index) {
        return index * 4;

     * returns the number of data structures in this PlexofCps.
     * @return The number of data structures in this PlexofCps
    public int length() {
        return _iMac;

     * Returns the offset, in bytes, from the beginning if this PlexOfCps to the
     * data structure at index.
     * @param index The index of the data structure.
     * @return The offset, in bytes, from the beginning if this PlexOfCps to the
     * data structure at index.
    private int getStructOffset(int index) {
        return (4 * (_iMac + 1)) + (_cbStruct * index);

    GenericPropertyNode[] toPropertiesArray() {
        if (_props == null || _props.isEmpty())
            return new GenericPropertyNode[0];

        return _props.toArray(new GenericPropertyNode[0]);

    public String toString() {
        return "PLCF (cbStruct: " + _cbStruct + "; iMac: " + _iMac + ")";


Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: poi-scratchpad-5.2.3-src.zip
File size: 1238744 bytes
Release date: 2022-09-09


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Downloading and Installing Apache POI Java Library

⇑⇑ FAQ for Apache POI (Poor Obfuscation Implementation)

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