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maven-core-3.8.6.jar - Maven Core Module
maven-core-3.8.6.jar is the JAR file for Apache Maven 3.8.6 Core module. Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File: 646022 06-06-2022 16:16 lib/maven-core-3.8.6.jar Download: Apache Maven Website
⏎ org/apache/maven/execution/
package org.apache.maven.execution; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository; import org.apache.maven.eventspy.internal.EventSpyDispatcher; import org.apache.maven.model.Profile; import org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuildingRequest; import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingRequest; import; import org.apache.maven.settings.Mirror; import org.apache.maven.settings.Proxy; import org.apache.maven.settings.Server; import org.apache.maven.toolchain.model.ToolchainModel; import org.eclipse.aether.DefaultRepositoryCache; import org.eclipse.aether.RepositoryCache; import org.eclipse.aether.repository.WorkspaceReader; import org.eclipse.aether.transfer.TransferListener; /** * @author Jason van Zyl */ public class DefaultMavenExecutionRequest implements MavenExecutionRequest { private RepositoryCache repositoryCache = new DefaultRepositoryCache(); private WorkspaceReader workspaceReader; private ArtifactRepository localRepository; private EventSpyDispatcher eventSpyDispatcher; private File localRepositoryPath; private boolean offline = false; private boolean interactiveMode = true; private boolean cacheTransferError; private boolean cacheNotFound; private List<Proxy> proxies; private List<Server> servers; private List<Mirror> mirrors; private List<Profile> profiles; private List<String> pluginGroups; private boolean isProjectPresent = true; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We need to allow per execution user and global settings as the embedder // might be running in a mode where its executing many threads with totally // different settings. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- private File userSettingsFile; private File globalSettingsFile; private File userToolchainsFile; private File globalToolchainsFile; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Request // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- private File multiModuleProjectDirectory; private File basedir; private List<String> goals; private boolean useReactor = false; private boolean recursive = true; private File pom; private String reactorFailureBehavior = REACTOR_FAIL_FAST; private List<String> selectedProjects; private List<String> excludedProjects; private String resumeFrom; private String makeBehavior; private Properties systemProperties; private Properties userProperties; private Date startTime; private boolean showErrors = false; private List<String> activeProfiles; private List<String> inactiveProfiles; private TransferListener transferListener; private int loggingLevel = LOGGING_LEVEL_INFO; private String globalChecksumPolicy; private boolean updateSnapshots = false; private List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories; private List<ArtifactRepository> pluginArtifactRepositories; private ExecutionListener executionListener; private int degreeOfConcurrency = 1; private String builderId = "singlethreaded"; private Map<String, List<ToolchainModel>> toolchains; /** * Suppress SNAPSHOT updates. * * @issue MNG-2681 */ private boolean noSnapshotUpdates; private boolean useLegacyLocalRepositoryManager = false; private Map<String, Object> data; public DefaultMavenExecutionRequest() { } public static MavenExecutionRequest copy( MavenExecutionRequest original ) { DefaultMavenExecutionRequest copy = new DefaultMavenExecutionRequest(); copy.setLocalRepository( original.getLocalRepository() ); copy.setLocalRepositoryPath( original.getLocalRepositoryPath() ); copy.setOffline( original.isOffline() ); copy.setInteractiveMode( original.isInteractiveMode() ); copy.setCacheNotFound( original.isCacheNotFound() ); copy.setCacheTransferError( original.isCacheTransferError() ); copy.setProxies( original.getProxies() ); copy.setServers( original.getServers() ); copy.setMirrors( original.getMirrors() ); copy.setProfiles( original.getProfiles() ); copy.setPluginGroups( original.getPluginGroups() ); copy.setProjectPresent( original.isProjectPresent() ); copy.setUserSettingsFile( original.getUserSettingsFile() ); copy.setGlobalSettingsFile( original.getGlobalSettingsFile() ); copy.setUserToolchainsFile( original.getUserToolchainsFile() ); copy.setGlobalToolchainsFile( original.getGlobalToolchainsFile() ); copy.setBaseDirectory( ( original.getBaseDirectory() != null ) ? new File( original.getBaseDirectory() ) : null ); copy.setGoals( original.getGoals() ); copy.setRecursive( original.isRecursive() ); copy.setPom( original.getPom() ); copy.setSystemProperties( original.getSystemProperties() ); copy.setUserProperties( original.getUserProperties() ); copy.setShowErrors( original.isShowErrors() ); copy.setActiveProfiles( original.getActiveProfiles() ); copy.setInactiveProfiles( original.getInactiveProfiles() ); copy.setTransferListener( original.getTransferListener() ); copy.setLoggingLevel( original.getLoggingLevel() ); copy.setGlobalChecksumPolicy( original.getGlobalChecksumPolicy() ); copy.setUpdateSnapshots( original.isUpdateSnapshots() ); copy.setRemoteRepositories( original.getRemoteRepositories() ); copy.setPluginArtifactRepositories( original.getPluginArtifactRepositories() ); copy.setRepositoryCache( original.getRepositoryCache() ); copy.setWorkspaceReader( original.getWorkspaceReader() ); copy.setNoSnapshotUpdates( original.isNoSnapshotUpdates() ); copy.setExecutionListener( original.getExecutionListener() ); copy.setUseLegacyLocalRepository( original.isUseLegacyLocalRepository() ); copy.setBuilderId( original.getBuilderId() ); return copy; } @Override public String getBaseDirectory() { if ( basedir == null ) { return null; } return basedir.getAbsolutePath(); } @Override public ArtifactRepository getLocalRepository() { return localRepository; } @Override public File getLocalRepositoryPath() { return localRepositoryPath; } @Override public List<String> getGoals() { if ( goals == null ) { goals = new ArrayList<>(); } return goals; } @Override public Properties getSystemProperties() { if ( systemProperties == null ) { systemProperties = new Properties(); } return systemProperties; } @Override public Properties getUserProperties() { if ( userProperties == null ) { userProperties = new Properties(); } return userProperties; } @Override public File getPom() { return pom; } @Override public String getReactorFailureBehavior() { return reactorFailureBehavior; } @Override public List<String> getSelectedProjects() { if ( selectedProjects == null ) { selectedProjects = new ArrayList<>(); } return selectedProjects; } @Override public List<String> getExcludedProjects() { if ( excludedProjects == null ) { excludedProjects = new ArrayList<>(); } return excludedProjects; } @Override public String getResumeFrom() { return resumeFrom; } @Override public String getMakeBehavior() { return makeBehavior; } @Override public Date getStartTime() { return startTime; } @Override public boolean isShowErrors() { return showErrors; } @Override public boolean isInteractiveMode() { return interactiveMode; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setActiveProfiles( List<String> activeProfiles ) { if ( activeProfiles != null ) { this.activeProfiles = new ArrayList<>( activeProfiles ); } else { this.activeProfiles = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setInactiveProfiles( List<String> inactiveProfiles ) { if ( inactiveProfiles != null ) { this.inactiveProfiles = new ArrayList<>( inactiveProfiles ); } else { this.inactiveProfiles = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setRemoteRepositories( List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories ) { if ( remoteRepositories != null ) { this.remoteRepositories = new ArrayList<>( remoteRepositories ); } else { this.remoteRepositories = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setPluginArtifactRepositories( List<ArtifactRepository> pluginArtifactRepositories ) { if ( pluginArtifactRepositories != null ) { this.pluginArtifactRepositories = new ArrayList<>( pluginArtifactRepositories ); } else { this.pluginArtifactRepositories = null; } return this; } public void setProjectBuildingConfiguration( ProjectBuildingRequest projectBuildingConfiguration ) { this.projectBuildingRequest = projectBuildingConfiguration; } @Override public List<String> getActiveProfiles() { if ( activeProfiles == null ) { activeProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); } return activeProfiles; } @Override public List<String> getInactiveProfiles() { if ( inactiveProfiles == null ) { inactiveProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); } return inactiveProfiles; } @Override public TransferListener getTransferListener() { return transferListener; } @Override public int getLoggingLevel() { return loggingLevel; } @Override public boolean isOffline() { return offline; } @Override public boolean isUpdateSnapshots() { return updateSnapshots; } @Override public boolean isNoSnapshotUpdates() { return noSnapshotUpdates; } @Override public String getGlobalChecksumPolicy() { return globalChecksumPolicy; } @Override public boolean isRecursive() { return recursive; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setBaseDirectory( File basedir ) { this.basedir = basedir; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setStartTime( Date startTime ) { this.startTime = startTime; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setShowErrors( boolean showErrors ) { this.showErrors = showErrors; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setGoals( List<String> goals ) { if ( goals != null ) { this.goals = new ArrayList<>( goals ); } else { this.goals = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setLocalRepository( ArtifactRepository localRepository ) { this.localRepository = localRepository; if ( localRepository != null ) { setLocalRepositoryPath( new File( localRepository.getBasedir() ).getAbsoluteFile() ); } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setLocalRepositoryPath( File localRepository ) { localRepositoryPath = localRepository; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setLocalRepositoryPath( String localRepository ) { localRepositoryPath = ( localRepository != null ) ? new File( localRepository ) : null; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setSystemProperties( Properties properties ) { if ( properties != null ) { this.systemProperties = SystemProperties.copyProperties( properties ); } else { this.systemProperties = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setUserProperties( Properties userProperties ) { if ( userProperties != null ) { this.userProperties = new Properties(); this.userProperties.putAll( userProperties ); } else { this.userProperties = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setReactorFailureBehavior( String failureBehavior ) { reactorFailureBehavior = failureBehavior; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setSelectedProjects( List<String> selectedProjects ) { if ( selectedProjects != null ) { this.selectedProjects = new ArrayList<>( selectedProjects ); } else { this.selectedProjects = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setExcludedProjects( List<String> excludedProjects ) { if ( excludedProjects != null ) { this.excludedProjects = new ArrayList<>( excludedProjects ); } else { this.excludedProjects = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setResumeFrom( String project ) { this.resumeFrom = project; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setMakeBehavior( String makeBehavior ) { this.makeBehavior = makeBehavior; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addActiveProfile( String profile ) { if ( !getActiveProfiles().contains( profile ) ) { getActiveProfiles().add( profile ); } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addInactiveProfile( String profile ) { if ( !getInactiveProfiles().contains( profile ) ) { getInactiveProfiles().add( profile ); } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addActiveProfiles( List<String> profiles ) { for ( String profile : profiles ) { addActiveProfile( profile ); } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addInactiveProfiles( List<String> profiles ) { for ( String profile : profiles ) { addInactiveProfile( profile ); } return this; } public MavenExecutionRequest setUseReactor( boolean reactorActive ) { useReactor = reactorActive; return this; } public boolean useReactor() { return useReactor; } /** @deprecated use {@link #setPom(File)} */ @Deprecated public MavenExecutionRequest setPomFile( String pomFilename ) { if ( pomFilename != null ) { pom = new File( pomFilename ); } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setPom( File pom ) { this.pom = pom; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setInteractiveMode( boolean interactive ) { interactiveMode = interactive; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setTransferListener( TransferListener transferListener ) { this.transferListener = transferListener; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setLoggingLevel( int loggingLevel ) { this.loggingLevel = loggingLevel; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setOffline( boolean offline ) { this.offline = offline; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setUpdateSnapshots( boolean updateSnapshots ) { this.updateSnapshots = updateSnapshots; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setNoSnapshotUpdates( boolean noSnapshotUpdates ) { this.noSnapshotUpdates = noSnapshotUpdates; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setGlobalChecksumPolicy( String globalChecksumPolicy ) { this.globalChecksumPolicy = globalChecksumPolicy; return this; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings equivalents // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public List<Proxy> getProxies() { if ( proxies == null ) { proxies = new ArrayList<>(); } return proxies; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setProxies( List<Proxy> proxies ) { if ( proxies != null ) { this.proxies = new ArrayList<>( proxies ); } else { this.proxies = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addProxy( Proxy proxy ) { Objects.requireNonNull( proxy, "proxy cannot be null" ); for ( Proxy p : getProxies() ) { if ( p.getId() != null && p.getId().equals( proxy.getId() ) ) { return this; } } getProxies().add( proxy ); return this; } @Override public List<Server> getServers() { if ( servers == null ) { servers = new ArrayList<>(); } return servers; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setServers( List<Server> servers ) { if ( servers != null ) { this.servers = new ArrayList<>( servers ); } else { this.servers = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addServer( Server server ) { Objects.requireNonNull( server, "server cannot be null" ); for ( Server p : getServers() ) { if ( p.getId() != null && p.getId().equals( server.getId() ) ) { return this; } } getServers().add( server ); return this; } @Override public List<Mirror> getMirrors() { if ( mirrors == null ) { mirrors = new ArrayList<>(); } return mirrors; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setMirrors( List<Mirror> mirrors ) { if ( mirrors != null ) { this.mirrors = new ArrayList<>( mirrors ); } else { this.mirrors = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addMirror( Mirror mirror ) { Objects.requireNonNull( mirror, "mirror cannot be null" ); for ( Mirror p : getMirrors() ) { if ( p.getId() != null && p.getId().equals( mirror.getId() ) ) { return this; } } getMirrors().add( mirror ); return this; } @Override public List<Profile> getProfiles() { if ( profiles == null ) { profiles = new ArrayList<>(); } return profiles; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setProfiles( List<Profile> profiles ) { if ( profiles != null ) { this.profiles = new ArrayList<>( profiles ); } else { this.profiles = null; } return this; } @Override public List<String> getPluginGroups() { if ( pluginGroups == null ) { pluginGroups = new ArrayList<>(); } return pluginGroups; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setPluginGroups( List<String> pluginGroups ) { if ( pluginGroups != null ) { this.pluginGroups = new ArrayList<>( pluginGroups ); } else { this.pluginGroups = null; } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addPluginGroup( String pluginGroup ) { if ( !getPluginGroups().contains( pluginGroup ) ) { getPluginGroups().add( pluginGroup ); } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addPluginGroups( List<String> pluginGroups ) { for ( String pluginGroup : pluginGroups ) { addPluginGroup( pluginGroup ); } return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setRecursive( boolean recursive ) { this.recursive = recursive; return this; } // calculated from request attributes. private ProjectBuildingRequest projectBuildingRequest; @Override public boolean isProjectPresent() { return isProjectPresent; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setProjectPresent( boolean projectPresent ) { isProjectPresent = projectPresent; return this; } // Settings files @Override public File getUserSettingsFile() { return userSettingsFile; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setUserSettingsFile( File userSettingsFile ) { this.userSettingsFile = userSettingsFile; return this; } @Override public File getGlobalSettingsFile() { return globalSettingsFile; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setGlobalSettingsFile( File globalSettingsFile ) { this.globalSettingsFile = globalSettingsFile; return this; } @Override public File getUserToolchainsFile() { return userToolchainsFile; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setUserToolchainsFile( File userToolchainsFile ) { this.userToolchainsFile = userToolchainsFile; return this; } @Override public File getGlobalToolchainsFile() { return globalToolchainsFile; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setGlobalToolchainsFile( File globalToolchainsFile ) { this.globalToolchainsFile = globalToolchainsFile; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addRemoteRepository( ArtifactRepository repository ) { for ( ArtifactRepository repo : getRemoteRepositories() ) { if ( repo.getId() != null && repo.getId().equals( repository.getId() ) ) { return this; } } getRemoteRepositories().add( repository ); return this; } @Override public List<ArtifactRepository> getRemoteRepositories() { if ( remoteRepositories == null ) { remoteRepositories = new ArrayList<>(); } return remoteRepositories; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addPluginArtifactRepository( ArtifactRepository repository ) { for ( ArtifactRepository repo : getPluginArtifactRepositories() ) { if ( repo.getId() != null && repo.getId().equals( repository.getId() ) ) { return this; } } getPluginArtifactRepositories().add( repository ); return this; } @Override public List<ArtifactRepository> getPluginArtifactRepositories() { if ( pluginArtifactRepositories == null ) { pluginArtifactRepositories = new ArrayList<>(); } return pluginArtifactRepositories; } // TODO this does not belong here. @Override public ProjectBuildingRequest getProjectBuildingRequest() { if ( projectBuildingRequest == null ) { projectBuildingRequest = new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest(); projectBuildingRequest.setLocalRepository( getLocalRepository() ); projectBuildingRequest.setSystemProperties( getSystemProperties() ); projectBuildingRequest.setUserProperties( getUserProperties() ); projectBuildingRequest.setRemoteRepositories( getRemoteRepositories() ); projectBuildingRequest.setPluginArtifactRepositories( getPluginArtifactRepositories() ); projectBuildingRequest.setActiveProfileIds( getActiveProfiles() ); projectBuildingRequest.setInactiveProfileIds( getInactiveProfiles() ); projectBuildingRequest.setProfiles( getProfiles() ); projectBuildingRequest.setProcessPlugins( true ); projectBuildingRequest.setBuildStartTime( getStartTime() ); } return projectBuildingRequest; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest addProfile( Profile profile ) { Objects.requireNonNull( profile, "profile cannot be null" ); for ( Profile p : getProfiles() ) { if ( p.getId() != null && p.getId().equals( profile.getId() ) ) { return this; } } getProfiles().add( profile ); return this; } @Override public RepositoryCache getRepositoryCache() { return repositoryCache; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setRepositoryCache( RepositoryCache repositoryCache ) { this.repositoryCache = repositoryCache; return this; } @Override public ExecutionListener getExecutionListener() { return executionListener; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setExecutionListener( ExecutionListener executionListener ) { this.executionListener = executionListener; return this; } @Override public void setDegreeOfConcurrency( final int degreeOfConcurrency ) { this.degreeOfConcurrency = degreeOfConcurrency; } @Override public int getDegreeOfConcurrency() { return degreeOfConcurrency; } @Override public WorkspaceReader getWorkspaceReader() { return workspaceReader; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setWorkspaceReader( WorkspaceReader workspaceReader ) { this.workspaceReader = workspaceReader; return this; } @Override public boolean isCacheTransferError() { return cacheTransferError; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setCacheTransferError( boolean cacheTransferError ) { this.cacheTransferError = cacheTransferError; return this; } @Override public boolean isCacheNotFound() { return cacheNotFound; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setCacheNotFound( boolean cacheNotFound ) { this.cacheNotFound = cacheNotFound; return this; } @Override public boolean isUseLegacyLocalRepository() { return this.useLegacyLocalRepositoryManager; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setUseLegacyLocalRepository( boolean useLegacyLocalRepositoryManager ) { this.useLegacyLocalRepositoryManager = useLegacyLocalRepositoryManager; return this; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setBuilderId( String builderId ) { this.builderId = builderId; return this; } @Override public String getBuilderId() { return builderId; } @Override public Map<String, List<ToolchainModel>> getToolchains() { if ( toolchains == null ) { toolchains = new HashMap<>(); } return toolchains; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setToolchains( Map<String, List<ToolchainModel>> toolchains ) { this.toolchains = toolchains; return this; } @Override public void setMultiModuleProjectDirectory( File directory ) { this.multiModuleProjectDirectory = directory; } @Override public File getMultiModuleProjectDirectory() { return multiModuleProjectDirectory; } @Override public MavenExecutionRequest setEventSpyDispatcher( EventSpyDispatcher eventSpyDispatcher ) { this.eventSpyDispatcher = eventSpyDispatcher; return this; } @Override public EventSpyDispatcher getEventSpyDispatcher() { return eventSpyDispatcher; } @Override public Map<String, Object> getData() { if ( data == null ) { data = new HashMap<>(); } return data; } }
⏎ org/apache/maven/execution/
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⇒ maven-artifact-3.8.6.jar - Maven Artifact Module
⇐ - Apache Maven Binary Package
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