maven-core-3.8.6.jar - Maven Core Module

maven-core-3.8.6.jar is the JAR file for Apache Maven 3.8.6 Core module. Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.

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File:  646022  06-06-2022 16:16   lib/maven-core-3.8.6.jar
Download: Apache Maven Website



package org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal;

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.ArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.CumulativeScopeArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.execution.ExecutionEvent;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.internal.MultilineMessageHelper;
import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.MissingProjectException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.BuildPluginManager;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MavenPluginManager;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginConfigurationException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginIncompatibleException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginManagerException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.aether.SessionData;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

 * <p>
 * Executes an individual mojo
 * </p>
 * <strong>NOTE:</strong> This class is not part of any public api and can be changed or deleted without prior notice.
 * @author Jason van Zyl
 * @author Benjamin Bentmann
 * @author Kristian Rosenvold
 * @since 3.0
@Component( role = MojoExecutor.class )
public class MojoExecutor

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( MojoExecutor.class );

    private BuildPluginManager pluginManager;

    private MavenPluginManager mavenPluginManager;

    private LifecycleDependencyResolver lifeCycleDependencyResolver;

    private ExecutionEventCatapult eventCatapult;

    private final OwnerReentrantReadWriteLock aggregatorLock = new OwnerReentrantReadWriteLock();

    private final Map<Thread, MojoDescriptor> mojos = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public MojoExecutor()

    public DependencyContext newDependencyContext( MavenSession session, List<MojoExecution> mojoExecutions )
        Set<String> scopesToCollect = new TreeSet<>();
        Set<String> scopesToResolve = new TreeSet<>();

        collectDependencyRequirements( scopesToResolve, scopesToCollect, mojoExecutions );

        return new DependencyContext( session.getCurrentProject(), scopesToCollect, scopesToResolve );

    private void collectDependencyRequirements( Set<String> scopesToResolve, Set<String> scopesToCollect,
                                                Collection<MojoExecution> mojoExecutions )
        for ( MojoExecution mojoExecution : mojoExecutions )
            MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();

            scopesToResolve.addAll( toScopes( mojoDescriptor.getDependencyResolutionRequired() ) );

            scopesToCollect.addAll( toScopes( mojoDescriptor.getDependencyCollectionRequired() ) );

    private Collection<String> toScopes( String classpath )
        Collection<String> scopes = Collections.emptyList();

        if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( classpath ) )
            if ( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE.equals( classpath ) )
                scopes = Arrays.asList( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED );
            else if ( Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME.equals( classpath ) )
                scopes = Arrays.asList( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME );
            else if ( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE_PLUS_RUNTIME.equals( classpath ) )
                scopes = Arrays.asList( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED,
                                        Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME );
            else if ( Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME_PLUS_SYSTEM.equals( classpath ) )
                scopes = Arrays.asList( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM, Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME );
            else if ( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equals( classpath ) )
                scopes = Arrays.asList( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED,
                                        Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME, Artifact.SCOPE_TEST );
        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection( scopes );

    public void execute( MavenSession session, List<MojoExecution> mojoExecutions, ProjectIndex projectIndex )
        throws LifecycleExecutionException

        DependencyContext dependencyContext = newDependencyContext( session, mojoExecutions );

        PhaseRecorder phaseRecorder = new PhaseRecorder( session.getCurrentProject() );

        for ( MojoExecution mojoExecution : mojoExecutions )
            execute( session, mojoExecution, projectIndex, dependencyContext, phaseRecorder );

    public void execute( MavenSession session, MojoExecution mojoExecution, ProjectIndex projectIndex,
                         DependencyContext dependencyContext, PhaseRecorder phaseRecorder )
        throws LifecycleExecutionException
        execute( session, mojoExecution, projectIndex, dependencyContext );
        phaseRecorder.observeExecution( mojoExecution );

    private void execute( MavenSession session, MojoExecution mojoExecution, ProjectIndex projectIndex,
                          DependencyContext dependencyContext )
        throws LifecycleExecutionException
        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();

            mavenPluginManager.checkRequiredMavenVersion( mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor() );
        catch ( PluginIncompatibleException e )
            throw new LifecycleExecutionException( mojoExecution, session.getCurrentProject(), e );

        if ( mojoDescriptor.isProjectRequired() && !session.getRequest().isProjectPresent() )
            Throwable cause = new MissingProjectException(
                "Goal requires a project to execute" + " but there is no POM in this directory ("
                    + session.getExecutionRootDirectory() + ")."
                    + " Please verify you invoked Maven from the correct directory." );
            throw new LifecycleExecutionException( mojoExecution, null, cause );

        if ( mojoDescriptor.isOnlineRequired() && session.isOffline() )
            if ( MojoExecution.Source.CLI.equals( mojoExecution.getSource() ) )
                Throwable cause = new IllegalStateException(
                    "Goal requires online mode for execution" + " but Maven is currently offline." );
                throw new LifecycleExecutionException( mojoExecution, session.getCurrentProject(), cause );
       ExecutionEvent.Type.MojoSkipped, session, mojoExecution );


        doExecute( session, mojoExecution, projectIndex, dependencyContext );

     * Aggregating mojo executions (possibly) modify all MavenProjects, including those that are currently in use
     * by concurrently running mojo executions. To prevent race conditions, an aggregating execution will block
     * all other executions until finished.
     * We also lock on a given project to forbid a forked lifecycle to be executed concurrently with the project.
     * TODO: ideally, the builder should take care of the ordering in a smarter way
     * TODO: and concurrency issues fixed with MNG-7157
    private class ProjectLock implements AutoCloseable
        final Lock acquiredAggregatorLock;
        final OwnerReentrantLock acquiredProjectLock;

        ProjectLock( MavenSession session, MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor )
            mojos.put( Thread.currentThread(), mojoDescriptor );
            if ( session.getRequest().getDegreeOfConcurrency() > 1 )
                boolean aggregator = mojoDescriptor.isAggregator();
                acquiredAggregatorLock = aggregator ? aggregatorLock.writeLock() : aggregatorLock.readLock();
                acquiredProjectLock = getProjectLock( session );
                if ( !acquiredAggregatorLock.tryLock() )
                    Thread owner = aggregatorLock.getOwner();
                    MojoDescriptor ownerMojo = owner != null ? mojos.get( owner ) : null;
                    String str = ownerMojo != null ? " The " + ownerMojo.getId() : "An";
                    String msg = str + " aggregator mojo is already being executed "
                            + "in this parallel build, those kind of mojos require exclusive access to "
                            + "reactor to prevent race conditions. This mojo execution will be blocked "
                            + "until the aggregator mojo is done.";
                    warn( msg );
                if ( !acquiredProjectLock.tryLock() )
                    Thread owner = acquiredProjectLock.getOwner();
                    MojoDescriptor ownerMojo = owner != null ? mojos.get( owner ) : null;
                    String str = ownerMojo != null ? " The " + ownerMojo.getId() : "A";
                    String msg = str + " mojo is already being executed "
                            + "on the project " + session.getCurrentProject().getGroupId()
                            + ":" + session.getCurrentProject().getArtifactId() + ". "
                            + "This mojo execution will be blocked "
                            + "until the mojo is done.";
                    warn( msg );
                acquiredAggregatorLock = null;
                acquiredProjectLock = null;

        public void close()
            // release the lock in the reverse order of the acquisition
            if ( acquiredProjectLock != null )
            if ( acquiredAggregatorLock != null )
            mojos.remove( Thread.currentThread() );

        @SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked", "rawtypes" } )
        private OwnerReentrantLock getProjectLock( MavenSession session )
            SessionData data = session.getRepositorySession().getData();
            ConcurrentMap<MavenProject, OwnerReentrantLock> locks = ( ConcurrentMap ) data.get( ProjectLock.class );
            // initialize the value if not already done (in case of a concurrent access) to the method
            if ( locks == null )
                // the call to data.set(k, null, v) is effectively a call to data.putIfAbsent(k, v)
                data.set( ProjectLock.class, null, new ConcurrentHashMap<>() );
                locks = ( ConcurrentMap ) data.get( ProjectLock.class );
            OwnerReentrantLock acquiredProjectLock = locks.get( session.getCurrentProject() );
            if ( acquiredProjectLock == null )
                acquiredProjectLock = new OwnerReentrantLock();
                OwnerReentrantLock prev = locks.putIfAbsent( session.getCurrentProject(), acquiredProjectLock );
                if ( prev != null )
                    acquiredProjectLock = prev;
            return acquiredProjectLock;

    static class OwnerReentrantLock extends ReentrantLock
        public Thread getOwner()
            return super.getOwner();

    static class OwnerReentrantReadWriteLock extends ReentrantReadWriteLock
        public Thread getOwner()
            return super.getOwner();

    private static void warn( String msg )
        for ( String s : MultilineMessageHelper.format( msg ) )
            LOGGER.warn( s );

    private void doExecute( MavenSession session, MojoExecution mojoExecution, ProjectIndex projectIndex,
                            DependencyContext dependencyContext )
            throws LifecycleExecutionException
        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();

        List<MavenProject> forkedProjects = executeForkedExecutions( mojoExecution, session, projectIndex );

        ensureDependenciesAreResolved( mojoDescriptor, session, dependencyContext );

        try ( ProjectLock lock = new ProjectLock( session, mojoDescriptor ) )
            doExecute2( session, mojoExecution );
            for ( MavenProject forkedProject : forkedProjects )
                forkedProject.setExecutionProject( null );

    private void doExecute2( MavenSession session, MojoExecution mojoExecution )
            throws LifecycleExecutionException
    { ExecutionEvent.Type.MojoStarted, session, mojoExecution );
                pluginManager.executeMojo( session, mojoExecution );
            catch ( MojoFailureException | PluginManagerException | PluginConfigurationException
                | MojoExecutionException e )
                throw new LifecycleExecutionException( mojoExecution, session.getCurrentProject(), e );

   ExecutionEvent.Type.MojoSucceeded, session, mojoExecution );
        catch ( LifecycleExecutionException e )
   ExecutionEvent.Type.MojoFailed, session, mojoExecution, e );

            throw e;

    public void ensureDependenciesAreResolved( MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor, MavenSession session,
                                               DependencyContext dependencyContext )
        throws LifecycleExecutionException

        MavenProject project = dependencyContext.getProject();
        boolean aggregating = mojoDescriptor.isAggregator();

        if ( dependencyContext.isResolutionRequiredForCurrentProject() )
            Collection<String> scopesToCollect = dependencyContext.getScopesToCollectForCurrentProject();
            Collection<String> scopesToResolve = dependencyContext.getScopesToResolveForCurrentProject();

            lifeCycleDependencyResolver.resolveProjectDependencies( project, scopesToCollect, scopesToResolve, session,
                                                                    aggregating, Collections.<Artifact>emptySet() );


        if ( aggregating )
            Collection<String> scopesToCollect = toScopes( mojoDescriptor.getDependencyCollectionRequired() );
            Collection<String> scopesToResolve = toScopes( mojoDescriptor.getDependencyResolutionRequired() );

            if ( dependencyContext.isResolutionRequiredForAggregatedProjects( scopesToCollect, scopesToResolve ) )
                for ( MavenProject aggregatedProject : session.getProjects() )
                    if ( aggregatedProject != project )
                        lifeCycleDependencyResolver.resolveProjectDependencies( aggregatedProject, scopesToCollect,
                                                                                scopesToResolve, session, aggregating,
                                                                                Collections.<Artifact>emptySet() );

        ArtifactFilter artifactFilter = getArtifactFilter( mojoDescriptor );
        List<MavenProject> projectsToResolve =
            LifecycleDependencyResolver.getProjects( session.getCurrentProject(), session,
                                                     mojoDescriptor.isAggregator() );
        for ( MavenProject projectToResolve : projectsToResolve )
            projectToResolve.setArtifactFilter( artifactFilter );

    private ArtifactFilter getArtifactFilter( MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor )
        String scopeToResolve = mojoDescriptor.getDependencyResolutionRequired();
        String scopeToCollect = mojoDescriptor.getDependencyCollectionRequired();

        List<String> scopes = new ArrayList<>( 2 );
        if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( scopeToCollect ) )
            scopes.add( scopeToCollect );
        if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( scopeToResolve ) )
            scopes.add( scopeToResolve );

        if ( scopes.isEmpty() )
            return null;
            return new CumulativeScopeArtifactFilter( scopes );

    public List<MavenProject> executeForkedExecutions( MojoExecution mojoExecution, MavenSession session,
                                                       ProjectIndex projectIndex )
        throws LifecycleExecutionException
        List<MavenProject> forkedProjects = Collections.emptyList();

        Map<String, List<MojoExecution>> forkedExecutions = mojoExecution.getForkedExecutions();

        if ( !forkedExecutions.isEmpty() )
   ExecutionEvent.Type.ForkStarted, session, mojoExecution );

            MavenProject project = session.getCurrentProject();

            forkedProjects = new ArrayList<>( forkedExecutions.size() );

                for ( Map.Entry<String, List<MojoExecution>> fork : forkedExecutions.entrySet() )
                    String projectId = fork.getKey();

                    int index = projectIndex.getIndices().get( projectId );

                    MavenProject forkedProject = projectIndex.getProjects().get( projectId );

                    forkedProjects.add( forkedProject );

                    MavenProject executedProject = forkedProject.clone();

                    forkedProject.setExecutionProject( executedProject );

                    List<MojoExecution> mojoExecutions = fork.getValue();

                    if ( mojoExecutions.isEmpty() )

                        session.setCurrentProject( executedProject );
                        session.getProjects().set( index, executedProject );
                        projectIndex.getProjects().put( projectId, executedProject );

               ExecutionEvent.Type.ForkedProjectStarted, session, mojoExecution );

                        execute( session, mojoExecutions, projectIndex );

               ExecutionEvent.Type.ForkedProjectSucceeded, session, mojoExecution );
                    catch ( LifecycleExecutionException e )
               ExecutionEvent.Type.ForkedProjectFailed, session, mojoExecution, e );

                        throw e;
                        projectIndex.getProjects().put( projectId, forkedProject );
                        session.getProjects().set( index, forkedProject );
                        session.setCurrentProject( project );

       ExecutionEvent.Type.ForkSucceeded, session, mojoExecution );
            catch ( LifecycleExecutionException e )
       ExecutionEvent.Type.ForkFailed, session, mojoExecution, e );

                throw e;

        return forkedProjects;



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Release date: 2022-06-06


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