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JDK 11 - Management Module
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⏎ javax/management/
/* * Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; /** * <p>Constructs query object constraints.</p> * * <p>The MBean Server can be queried for MBeans that meet a particular * condition, using its {@link MBeanServer#queryNames queryNames} or * {@link MBeanServer#queryMBeans queryMBeans} method. The {@link QueryExp} * parameter to the method can be any implementation of the interface * {@code QueryExp}, but it is usually best to obtain the {@code QueryExp} * value by calling the static methods in this class. This is particularly * true when querying a remote MBean Server: a custom implementation of the * {@code QueryExp} interface might not be present in the remote MBean Server, * but the methods in this class return only standard classes that are * part of the JMX implementation.</p> * * <p>As an example, suppose you wanted to find all MBeans where the {@code * Enabled} attribute is {@code true} and the {@code Owner} attribute is {@code * "Duke"}. Here is how you could construct the appropriate {@code QueryExp} by * chaining together method calls:</p> * * <pre> * QueryExp query = * Query.and(Query.eq(Query.attr("Enabled"), Query.value(true)), * Query.eq(Query.attr("Owner"), Query.value("Duke"))); * </pre> * * @since 1.5 */ public class Query extends Object { /** * A code representing the {@link Query#gt} query. This is chiefly * of interest for the serialized form of queries. */ public static final int GT = 0; /** * A code representing the {@link Query#lt} query. This is chiefly * of interest for the serialized form of queries. */ public static final int LT = 1; /** * A code representing the {@link Query#geq} query. This is chiefly * of interest for the serialized form of queries. */ public static final int GE = 2; /** * A code representing the {@link Query#leq} query. This is chiefly * of interest for the serialized form of queries. */ public static final int LE = 3; /** * A code representing the {@link Query#eq} query. This is chiefly * of interest for the serialized form of queries. */ public static final int EQ = 4; /** * A code representing the {@link Query#plus} expression. This * is chiefly of interest for the serialized form of queries. */ public static final int PLUS = 0; /** * A code representing the {@link Query#minus} expression. This * is chiefly of interest for the serialized form of queries. */ public static final int MINUS = 1; /** * A code representing the {@link Query#times} expression. This * is chiefly of interest for the serialized form of queries. */ public static final int TIMES = 2; /** * A code representing the {@link Query#div} expression. This is * chiefly of interest for the serialized form of queries. */ public static final int DIV = 3; /** * Basic constructor. */ public Query() { } /** * Returns a query expression that is the conjunction of two other query * expressions. * * @param q1 A query expression. * @param q2 Another query expression. * * @return The conjunction of the two arguments. The returned object * will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static QueryExp and(QueryExp q1, QueryExp q2) { return new AndQueryExp(q1, q2); } /** * Returns a query expression that is the disjunction of two other query * expressions. * * @param q1 A query expression. * @param q2 Another query expression. * * @return The disjunction of the two arguments. The returned object * will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static QueryExp or(QueryExp q1, QueryExp q2) { return new OrQueryExp(q1, q2); } /** * Returns a query expression that represents a "greater than" constraint on * two values. * * @param v1 A value expression. * @param v2 Another value expression. * * @return A "greater than" constraint on the arguments. The * returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a> with a {@code relOp} equal * to {@link #GT}. */ public static QueryExp gt(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2) { return new BinaryRelQueryExp(GT, v1, v2); } /** * Returns a query expression that represents a "greater than or equal * to" constraint on two values. * * @param v1 A value expression. * @param v2 Another value expression. * * @return A "greater than or equal to" constraint on the * arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an * instance of the non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a> with a {@code relOp} equal * to {@link #GE}. */ public static QueryExp geq(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2) { return new BinaryRelQueryExp(GE, v1, v2); } /** * Returns a query expression that represents a "less than or equal to" * constraint on two values. * * @param v1 A value expression. * @param v2 Another value expression. * * @return A "less than or equal to" constraint on the arguments. * The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a> with a {@code relOp} equal * to {@link #LE}. */ public static QueryExp leq(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2) { return new BinaryRelQueryExp(LE, v1, v2); } /** * Returns a query expression that represents a "less than" constraint on * two values. * * @param v1 A value expression. * @param v2 Another value expression. * * @return A "less than" constraint on the arguments. The * returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a> with a {@code relOp} equal * to {@link #LT}. */ public static QueryExp lt(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2) { return new BinaryRelQueryExp(LT, v1, v2); } /** * Returns a query expression that represents an equality constraint on * two values. * * @param v1 A value expression. * @param v2 Another value expression. * * @return A "equal to" constraint on the arguments. The * returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a> with a {@code relOp} equal * to {@link #EQ}. */ public static QueryExp eq(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2) { return new BinaryRelQueryExp(EQ, v1, v2); } /** * Returns a query expression that represents the constraint that one * value is between two other values. * * @param v1 A value expression that is "between" v2 and v3. * @param v2 Value expression that represents a boundary of the constraint. * @param v3 Value expression that represents a boundary of the constraint. * * @return The constraint that v1 lies between v2 and v3. The * returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static QueryExp between(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2, ValueExp v3) { return new BetweenQueryExp(v1, v2, v3); } /** * Returns a query expression that represents a matching constraint on * a string argument. The matching syntax is consistent with file globbing: * supports "<code>?</code>", "<code>*</code>", "<code>[</code>", * each of which may be escaped with "<code>\</code>"; * character classes may use "<code>!</code>" for negation and * "<code>-</code>" for range. * (<code>*</code> for any character sequence, * <code>?</code> for a single arbitrary character, * <code>[...]</code> for a character sequence). * For example: <code>a*b?c</code> would match a string starting * with the character <code>a</code>, followed * by any number of characters, followed by a <code>b</code>, * any single character, and a <code>c</code>. * * @param a An attribute expression * @param s A string value expression representing a matching constraint * * @return A query expression that represents the matching * constraint on the string argument. The returned object will * be serialized as an instance of the non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static QueryExp match(AttributeValueExp a, StringValueExp s) { return new MatchQueryExp(a, s); } /** * <p>Returns a new attribute expression. See {@link AttributeValueExp} * for a detailed description of the semantics of the expression.</p> * * <p>Evaluating this expression for a given * <code>objectName</code> includes performing {@link * MBeanServer#getAttribute MBeanServer.getAttribute(objectName, * name)}.</p> * * @param name The name of the attribute. * * @return An attribute expression for the attribute named {@code name}. */ public static AttributeValueExp attr(String name) { return new AttributeValueExp(name); } /** * <p>Returns a new qualified attribute expression.</p> * * <p>Evaluating this expression for a given * <code>objectName</code> includes performing {@link * MBeanServer#getObjectInstance * MBeanServer.getObjectInstance(objectName)} and {@link * MBeanServer#getAttribute MBeanServer.getAttribute(objectName, * name)}.</p> * * @param className The name of the class possessing the attribute. * @param name The name of the attribute. * * @return An attribute expression for the attribute named name. * The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static AttributeValueExp attr(String className, String name) { return new QualifiedAttributeValueExp(className, name); } /** * <p>Returns a new class attribute expression which can be used in any * Query call that expects a ValueExp.</p> * * <p>Evaluating this expression for a given * <code>objectName</code> includes performing {@link * MBeanServer#getObjectInstance * MBeanServer.getObjectInstance(objectName)}.</p> * * @return A class attribute expression. The returned object * will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static AttributeValueExp classattr() { return new ClassAttributeValueExp(); } /** * Returns a constraint that is the negation of its argument. * * @param queryExp The constraint to negate. * * @return A negated constraint. The returned object will be * serialized as an instance of the non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static QueryExp not(QueryExp queryExp) { return new NotQueryExp(queryExp); } /** * Returns an expression constraining a value to be one of an explicit list. * * @param val A value to be constrained. * @param valueList An array of ValueExps. * * @return A QueryExp that represents the constraint. The * returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static QueryExp in(ValueExp val, ValueExp valueList[]) { return new InQueryExp(val, valueList); } /** * Returns a new string expression. * * @param val The string value. * * @return A ValueExp object containing the string argument. */ public static StringValueExp value(String val) { return new StringValueExp(val); } /** * Returns a numeric value expression that can be used in any Query call * that expects a ValueExp. * * @param val An instance of Number. * * @return A ValueExp object containing the argument. The * returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static ValueExp value(Number val) { return new NumericValueExp(val); } /** * Returns a numeric value expression that can be used in any Query call * that expects a ValueExp. * * @param val An int value. * * @return A ValueExp object containing the argument. The * returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static ValueExp value(int val) { return new NumericValueExp((long) val); } /** * Returns a numeric value expression that can be used in any Query call * that expects a ValueExp. * * @param val A long value. * * @return A ValueExp object containing the argument. The * returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static ValueExp value(long val) { return new NumericValueExp(val); } /** * Returns a numeric value expression that can be used in any Query call * that expects a ValueExp. * * @param val A float value. * * @return A ValueExp object containing the argument. The * returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static ValueExp value(float val) { return new NumericValueExp((double) val); } /** * Returns a numeric value expression that can be used in any Query call * that expects a ValueExp. * * @param val A double value. * * @return A ValueExp object containing the argument. The * returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static ValueExp value(double val) { return new NumericValueExp(val); } /** * Returns a boolean value expression that can be used in any Query call * that expects a ValueExp. * * @param val A boolean value. * * @return A ValueExp object containing the argument. The * returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static ValueExp value(boolean val) { return new BooleanValueExp(val); } /** * Returns a binary expression representing the sum of two numeric values, * or the concatenation of two string values. * * @param value1 The first '+' operand. * @param value2 The second '+' operand. * * @return A ValueExp representing the sum or concatenation of * the two arguments. The returned object will be serialized as * an instance of the non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a> with an {@code op} equal to * {@link #PLUS}. */ public static ValueExp plus(ValueExp value1, ValueExp value2) { return new BinaryOpValueExp(PLUS, value1, value2); } /** * Returns a binary expression representing the product of two numeric values. * * * @param value1 The first '*' operand. * @param value2 The second '*' operand. * * @return A ValueExp representing the product. The returned * object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public * class * <a href="../../"> *</a> with an {@code op} equal to * {@link #TIMES}. */ public static ValueExp times(ValueExp value1,ValueExp value2) { return new BinaryOpValueExp(TIMES, value1, value2); } /** * Returns a binary expression representing the difference between two numeric * values. * * @param value1 The first '-' operand. * @param value2 The second '-' operand. * * @return A ValueExp representing the difference between two * arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an * instance of the non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a> with an {@code op} equal to * {@link #MINUS}. */ public static ValueExp minus(ValueExp value1, ValueExp value2) { return new BinaryOpValueExp(MINUS, value1, value2); } /** * Returns a binary expression representing the quotient of two numeric * values. * * @param value1 The first '/' operand. * @param value2 The second '/' operand. * * @return A ValueExp representing the quotient of two arguments. * The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the * non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a> with an {@code op} equal to * {@link #DIV}. */ public static ValueExp div(ValueExp value1, ValueExp value2) { return new BinaryOpValueExp(DIV, value1, value2); } /** * Returns a query expression that represents a matching constraint on * a string argument. The value must start with the given literal string * value. * * @param a An attribute expression. * @param s A string value expression representing the beginning of the * string value. * * @return The constraint that a matches s. The returned object * will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class * * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static QueryExp initialSubString(AttributeValueExp a, StringValueExp s) { return new MatchQueryExp(a, new StringValueExp(escapeString(s.getValue()) + "*")); } /** * Returns a query expression that represents a matching constraint on * a string argument. The value must contain the given literal string * value. * * @param a An attribute expression. * @param s A string value expression representing the substring. * * @return The constraint that a matches s. The returned object * will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class * * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static QueryExp anySubString(AttributeValueExp a, StringValueExp s) { return new MatchQueryExp(a, new StringValueExp("*" + escapeString(s.getValue()) + "*")); } /** * Returns a query expression that represents a matching constraint on * a string argument. The value must end with the given literal string * value. * * @param a An attribute expression. * @param s A string value expression representing the end of the string * value. * * @return The constraint that a matches s. The returned object * will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class * * <a href="../../"> *</a>. */ public static QueryExp finalSubString(AttributeValueExp a, StringValueExp s) { return new MatchQueryExp(a, new StringValueExp("*" + escapeString(s.getValue()))); } /** * Returns a query expression that represents an inheritance constraint * on an MBean class. * <p>Example: to find MBeans that are instances of * {@link NotificationBroadcaster}, use * {@code Query.isInstanceOf(Query.value(NotificationBroadcaster.class.getName()))}. * </p> * <p>Evaluating this expression for a given * <code>objectName</code> includes performing {@link * MBeanServer#isInstanceOf MBeanServer.isInstanceOf(objectName, * ((StringValueExp)classNameValue.apply(objectName)).getValue()}.</p> * * @param classNameValue The {@link StringValueExp} returning the name * of the class of which selected MBeans should be instances. * @return a query expression that represents an inheritance * constraint on an MBean class. The returned object will be * serialized as an instance of the non-public class * <a href="../../"> *</a>. * @since 1.6 */ public static QueryExp isInstanceOf(StringValueExp classNameValue) { return new InstanceOfQueryExp(classNameValue); } /** * Utility method to escape strings used with * Query.{initial|any|final}SubString() methods. */ private static String escapeString(String s) { if (s == null) return null; s = s.replace("\\", "\\\\"); s = s.replace("*", "\\*"); s = s.replace("?", "\\?"); s = s.replace("[", "\\["); return s; } }
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