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JDK 11 - Management Module
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/* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A CompositeData for ThreadInfo for the local management support. * This class avoids the performance penalty paid to the * construction of a CompositeData use in the local case. */ public class ThreadInfoCompositeData extends LazyCompositeData { private final ThreadInfo threadInfo; private final CompositeData cdata; private ThreadInfoCompositeData(ThreadInfo ti) { this.threadInfo = ti; this.cdata = null; } private ThreadInfoCompositeData(CompositeData cd) { this.threadInfo = null; this.cdata = cd; } public ThreadInfo getThreadInfo() { return threadInfo; } public static ThreadInfoCompositeData getInstance(CompositeData cd) { validateCompositeData(cd); return new ThreadInfoCompositeData(cd); } public static CompositeData toCompositeData(ThreadInfo ti) { ThreadInfoCompositeData ticd = new ThreadInfoCompositeData(ti); return ticd.getCompositeData(); } protected CompositeData getCompositeData() { // Convert StackTraceElement[] to CompositeData[] StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = threadInfo.getStackTrace(); CompositeData[] stackTraceData = new CompositeData[stackTrace.length]; for (int i = 0; i < stackTrace.length; i++) { StackTraceElement ste = stackTrace[i]; stackTraceData[i] = StackTraceElementCompositeData.toCompositeData(ste); } // Convert MonitorInfo[] and LockInfo[] to CompositeData[] CompositeData lockInfoData = LockInfoCompositeData.toCompositeData(threadInfo.getLockInfo()); // Convert LockInfo[] and MonitorInfo[] to CompositeData[] LockInfo[] lockedSyncs = threadInfo.getLockedSynchronizers(); CompositeData[] lockedSyncsData = new CompositeData[lockedSyncs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lockedSyncs.length; i++) { LockInfo li = lockedSyncs[i]; lockedSyncsData[i] = LockInfoCompositeData.toCompositeData(li); } MonitorInfo[] lockedMonitors = threadInfo.getLockedMonitors(); CompositeData[] lockedMonitorsData = new CompositeData[lockedMonitors.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lockedMonitors.length; i++) { MonitorInfo mi = lockedMonitors[i]; lockedMonitorsData[i] = MonitorInfoCompositeData.toCompositeData(mi); } // CONTENTS OF THIS ARRAY MUST BE SYNCHRONIZED WITH // THREAD_INFO_ATTRIBUTES! final Object[] threadInfoItemValues = { threadInfo.getThreadId(), threadInfo.getThreadName(), threadInfo.getThreadState().name(), threadInfo.getBlockedTime(), threadInfo.getBlockedCount(), threadInfo.getWaitedTime(), threadInfo.getWaitedCount(), lockInfoData, threadInfo.getLockName(), threadInfo.getLockOwnerId(), threadInfo.getLockOwnerName(), stackTraceData, threadInfo.isSuspended(), threadInfo.isInNative(), lockedMonitorsData, lockedSyncsData, threadInfo.isDaemon(), threadInfo.getPriority(), }; try { return new CompositeDataSupport(compositeType(), THREAD_INFO_ATTRIBTUES, threadInfoItemValues); } catch (OpenDataException e) { // Should never reach here throw new AssertionError(e); } } // Attribute names private static final String THREAD_ID = "threadId"; private static final String THREAD_NAME = "threadName"; private static final String THREAD_STATE = "threadState"; private static final String BLOCKED_TIME = "blockedTime"; private static final String BLOCKED_COUNT = "blockedCount"; private static final String WAITED_TIME = "waitedTime"; private static final String WAITED_COUNT = "waitedCount"; private static final String LOCK_INFO = "lockInfo"; private static final String LOCK_NAME = "lockName"; private static final String LOCK_OWNER_ID = "lockOwnerId"; private static final String LOCK_OWNER_NAME = "lockOwnerName"; private static final String STACK_TRACE = "stackTrace"; private static final String SUSPENDED = "suspended"; private static final String IN_NATIVE = "inNative"; private static final String DAEMON = "daemon"; private static final String PRIORITY = "priority"; private static final String LOCKED_MONITORS = "lockedMonitors"; private static final String LOCKED_SYNCS = "lockedSynchronizers"; private static final String[] V5_ATTRIBUTES = { THREAD_ID, THREAD_NAME, THREAD_STATE, BLOCKED_TIME, BLOCKED_COUNT, WAITED_TIME, WAITED_COUNT, LOCK_NAME, LOCK_OWNER_ID, LOCK_OWNER_NAME, STACK_TRACE, SUSPENDED, IN_NATIVE }; private static final String[] V6_ATTRIBUTES = { LOCK_INFO, LOCKED_MONITORS, LOCKED_SYNCS, }; private static final String[] V9_ATTRIBUTES = { DAEMON, PRIORITY, }; private static final String[] THREAD_INFO_ATTRIBTUES = Stream.of(V5_ATTRIBUTES, V6_ATTRIBUTES, V9_ATTRIBUTES) .flatMap(Arrays::stream).toArray(String[]::new); public long threadId() { return getLong(cdata, THREAD_ID); } public String threadName() { // The ThreadName item cannot be null so we check that // it is present with a non-null value. String name = getString(cdata, THREAD_NAME); if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid composite data: " + "Attribute " + THREAD_NAME + " has null value"); } return name; } public Thread.State threadState() { return Thread.State.valueOf(getString(cdata, THREAD_STATE)); } public long blockedTime() { return getLong(cdata, BLOCKED_TIME); } public long blockedCount() { return getLong(cdata, BLOCKED_COUNT); } public long waitedTime() { return getLong(cdata, WAITED_TIME); } public long waitedCount() { return getLong(cdata, WAITED_COUNT); } public String lockName() { // The LockName and LockOwnerName can legitimately be null, // we don't bother to check the value return getString(cdata, LOCK_NAME); } public long lockOwnerId() { return getLong(cdata, LOCK_OWNER_ID); } public String lockOwnerName() { return getString(cdata, LOCK_OWNER_NAME); } public boolean suspended() { return getBoolean(cdata, SUSPENDED); } public boolean inNative() { return getBoolean(cdata, IN_NATIVE); } /* * if daemon attribute is not present, default to false. */ public boolean isDaemon() { return cdata.containsKey(DAEMON) ? getBoolean(cdata, DAEMON) : false; } /* * if priority attribute is not present, default to norm priority. */ public int getPriority(){ return cdata.containsKey(PRIORITY) ? getInt(cdata, PRIORITY) : Thread.NORM_PRIORITY; } public StackTraceElement[] stackTrace() { CompositeData[] stackTraceData = (CompositeData[]) cdata.get(STACK_TRACE); // The StackTrace item cannot be null, but if it is we will get // a NullPointerException when we ask for its length. StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = new StackTraceElement[stackTraceData.length]; for (int i = 0; i < stackTraceData.length; i++) { CompositeData cdi = stackTraceData[i]; stackTrace[i] = StackTraceElementCompositeData.from(cdi); } return stackTrace; } /* * lockInfo is a new attribute added in JDK 6 ThreadInfo * If cd is a 5.0 version, construct the LockInfo object * from the lockName value. */ public LockInfo lockInfo() { if (cdata.containsKey(LOCK_INFO)) { CompositeData lockInfoData = (CompositeData) cdata.get(LOCK_INFO); return LockInfo.from(lockInfoData); } else { String lockName = lockName(); LockInfo lock = null; if (lockName != null) { String result[] = lockName.split("@"); if (result.length == 2) { int identityHashCode = Integer.parseInt(result[1], 16); lock = new LockInfo(result[0], identityHashCode); } } return lock; } } /** * Returns an empty array if locked_monitors attribute is not present. */ public MonitorInfo[] lockedMonitors() { if (!cdata.containsKey(LOCKED_MONITORS)) { return new MonitorInfo[0]; } CompositeData[] lockedMonitorsData = (CompositeData[]) cdata.get(LOCKED_MONITORS); // The LockedMonitors item cannot be null, but if it is we will get // a NullPointerException when we ask for its length. MonitorInfo[] monitors = new MonitorInfo[lockedMonitorsData.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lockedMonitorsData.length; i++) { CompositeData cdi = lockedMonitorsData[i]; monitors[i] = MonitorInfo.from(cdi); } return monitors; } /** * Returns an empty array if locked_monitors attribute is not present. */ public LockInfo[] lockedSynchronizers() { if (!cdata.containsKey(LOCKED_SYNCS)) { return new LockInfo[0]; } CompositeData[] lockedSyncsData = (CompositeData[]) cdata.get(LOCKED_SYNCS); // The LockedSynchronizers item cannot be null, but if it is we will // get a NullPointerException when we ask for its length. LockInfo[] locks = new LockInfo[lockedSyncsData.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lockedSyncsData.length; i++) { CompositeData cdi = lockedSyncsData[i]; locks[i] = LockInfo.from(cdi); } return locks; } /** * Validate if the input CompositeData has the expected * CompositeType (i.e. contain all attributes with expected * names and types). */ public static void validateCompositeData(CompositeData cd) { if (cd == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null CompositeData"); } CompositeType type = cd.getCompositeType(); int version; if ( { version = Runtime.version().feature(); } else if ( { version = 6; } else { version = 5; } if (!isTypeMatched(ThreadInfoCompositeTypes.ofVersion(version), type)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected composite type for ThreadInfo of version " + version); } } public static CompositeType compositeType() { return ThreadInfoCompositeTypes.compositeTypes.get(0); } static class ThreadInfoCompositeTypes { static final int CURRENT = Runtime.version().feature(); static final Map<Integer, CompositeType> compositeTypes = initCompositeTypes(); /* * Returns CompositeType of the given runtime version */ static CompositeType ofVersion(int version) { return compositeTypes.get(version); } static Map<Integer, CompositeType> initCompositeTypes() { Map<Integer, CompositeType> types = new HashMap<>(); CompositeType ctype = initCompositeType(); types.put(CURRENT, ctype); types.put(5, initV5CompositeType(ctype)); types.put(6, initV6CompositeType(ctype)); return types; } static CompositeType initCompositeType() { try { return (CompositeType)MappedMXBeanType.toOpenType(ThreadInfo.class); } catch (OpenDataException e) { // Should never reach here throw new AssertionError(e); } } static CompositeType initV5CompositeType(CompositeType threadInfoCompositeType) { try { OpenType<?>[] v5Types = new OpenType<?>[V5_ATTRIBUTES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < v5Types.length; i++) { String name = V5_ATTRIBUTES[i]; v5Types[i] = name.equals(STACK_TRACE) ? new ArrayType<>(1, StackTraceElementCompositeData.v5CompositeType()) : threadInfoCompositeType.getType(name); } return new CompositeType("ThreadInfo", "JDK 5 ThreadInfo", V5_ATTRIBUTES, V5_ATTRIBUTES, v5Types); } catch (OpenDataException e) { // Should never reach here throw new AssertionError(e); } } static CompositeType initV6CompositeType(CompositeType threadInfoCompositeType) { try { String[] v6Names = Stream.of(V5_ATTRIBUTES, V6_ATTRIBUTES) .flatMap(Arrays::stream).toArray(String[]::new); OpenType<?>[] v6Types = new OpenType<?>[v6Names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < v6Names.length; i++) { String name = v6Names[i]; OpenType<?> ot = threadInfoCompositeType.getType(name); if (name.equals(STACK_TRACE)) { ot = new ArrayType<>(1, StackTraceElementCompositeData.v5CompositeType()); } else if (name.equals(LOCKED_MONITORS)) { ot = new ArrayType<>(1, MonitorInfoCompositeData.v6CompositeType()); } v6Types[i] = ot; } return new CompositeType("ThreadInfo", "JDK 6 ThreadInfo", v6Names, v6Names, v6Types); } catch (OpenDataException e) { // Should never reach here throw new AssertionError(e); } } } private static final long serialVersionUID = 2464378539119753175L; }
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