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JDK 11 java.naming.jmod - Naming Module
JDK 11 java.naming.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Naming module.
JDK 11 Naming module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\java.naming.jmod.
JDK 11 Naming module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 11 Naming module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\java.naming.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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⏎ javax/naming/spi/
/* * Copyright (c) 1999, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package javax.naming.spi; import javax.naming.Name; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.CompositeName; import javax.naming.InvalidNameException; /** * This class represents the result of resolution of a name. * It contains the object to which name was resolved, and the portion * of the name that has not been resolved. *<p> * A ResolveResult instance is not synchronized against concurrent * multithreaded access. Multiple threads trying to access and modify * a single ResolveResult instance should lock the object. * * @author Rosanna Lee * @author Scott Seligman * @since 1.3 */ public class ResolveResult implements { /** * Field containing the Object that was resolved to successfully. * It can be null only when constructed using a subclass. * Constructors should always initialize this. * @serial */ protected Object resolvedObj; /** * Field containing the remaining name yet to be resolved. * It can be null only when constructed using a subclass. * Constructors should always initialize this. * @serial */ protected Name remainingName; /** * Constructs an instance of ResolveResult with the * resolved object and remaining name both initialized to null. */ protected ResolveResult() { resolvedObj = null; remainingName = null; } /** * Constructs a new instance of ResolveResult consisting of * the resolved object and the remaining unresolved component. * * @param robj The non-null object resolved to. * @param rcomp The single remaining name component that has yet to be * resolved. Cannot be null (but can be empty). */ public ResolveResult(Object robj, String rcomp) { resolvedObj = robj; try { remainingName = new CompositeName(rcomp); // remainingName.appendComponent(rcomp); } catch (InvalidNameException e) { // ignore; shouldn't happen } } /** * Constructs a new instance of ResolveResult consisting of * the resolved Object and the remaining name. * * @param robj The non-null Object resolved to. * @param rname The non-null remaining name that has yet to be resolved. */ public ResolveResult(Object robj, Name rname) { resolvedObj = robj; setRemainingName(rname); } /** * Retrieves the remaining unresolved portion of the name. * * @return The remaining unresolved portion of the name. * Cannot be null but empty OK. * @see #appendRemainingName * @see #appendRemainingComponent * @see #setRemainingName */ public Name getRemainingName() { return this.remainingName; } /** * Retrieves the Object to which resolution was successful. * * @return The Object to which resolution was successful. Cannot be null. * @see #setResolvedObj */ public Object getResolvedObj() { return this.resolvedObj; } /** * Sets the remaining name field of this result to name. * A copy of name is made so that modifying the copy within * this ResolveResult does not affect <code>name</code> and * vice versa. * * @param name The name to set remaining name to. Cannot be null. * @see #getRemainingName * @see #appendRemainingName * @see #appendRemainingComponent */ public void setRemainingName(Name name) { if (name != null) this.remainingName = (Name)(name.clone()); else { // ??? should throw illegal argument exception this.remainingName = null; } } /** * Adds components to the end of remaining name. * * @param name The components to add. Can be null. * @see #getRemainingName * @see #setRemainingName * @see #appendRemainingComponent */ public void appendRemainingName(Name name) { // System.out.println("appendingRemainingName: " + name.toString()); // Exception e = new Exception(); // e.printStackTrace(); if (name != null) { if (this.remainingName != null) { try { this.remainingName.addAll(name); } catch (InvalidNameException e) { // ignore; shouldn't happen for composite name } } else { this.remainingName = (Name)(name.clone()); } } } /** * Adds a single component to the end of remaining name. * * @param name The component to add. Can be null. * @see #getRemainingName * @see #appendRemainingName */ public void appendRemainingComponent(String name) { if (name != null) { CompositeName rname = new CompositeName(); try { rname.add(name); } catch (InvalidNameException e) { // ignore; shouldn't happen for empty composite name } appendRemainingName(rname); } } /** * Sets the resolved Object field of this result to obj. * * @param obj The object to use for setting the resolved obj field. * Cannot be null. * @see #getResolvedObj */ public void setResolvedObj(Object obj) { this.resolvedObj = obj; // ??? should check for null? } private static final long serialVersionUID = -4552108072002407559L; }
⏎ javax/naming/spi/
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