JDK 11 java.security.jgss.jmod - Security JGSS Module

JDK 11 java.security.jgss.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Security JGSS (Java Generic Security Service) module.

JDK 11 Security JGSS module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\java.security.jgss.jmod.

JDK 11 Security JGSS module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 Security JGSS module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\java.security.jgss.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package org.ietf.jgss;

 * This is a utility class used within the per-message GSSContext
 * methods to convey per-message properties.<p>
 * When used with the GSSContext interface's wrap and getMIC methods, an
 * instance of this class is used to indicate the desired
 * Quality-of-Protection (QOP) and to request if confidentiality services
 * are to be applied to caller supplied data (wrap only).  To request
 * default QOP, the value of 0 should be used for QOP.<p>
 * When used with the unwrap and verifyMIC methods of the GSSContext
 * interface, an instance of this class will be used to indicate the
 * applied QOP and confidentiality services over the supplied message.
 * In the case of verifyMIC, the confidentiality state will always be
 * <code>false</code>.  Upon return from these methods, this object will also
 * contain any supplementary status values applicable to the processed
 * token.  The supplementary status values can indicate old tokens, out
 * of sequence tokens, gap tokens or duplicate tokens.
 * @see GSSContext#wrap
 * @see GSSContext#unwrap
 * @see GSSContext#getMIC
 * @see GSSContext#verifyMIC
 * @author Mayank Upadhyay
 * @since 1.4
public class MessageProp {

    private boolean privacyState;
    private int qop;
    private boolean dupToken;
    private boolean oldToken;
    private boolean unseqToken;
    private boolean gapToken;
    private int minorStatus;
    private String minorString;

    * Constructor which sets the desired privacy state. The QOP value used
    * is 0.
    * @param privState the privacy (i.e. confidentiality) state
    public MessageProp(boolean privState) {
        this(0, privState);

     * Constructor which sets the values for the qop and privacy state.
     * @param qop the QOP value
     * @param privState the privacy (i.e. confidentiality) state
    public MessageProp(int qop, boolean privState) {
        this.qop = qop;
        this.privacyState = privState;

     * Retrieves the QOP value.
     * @return an int representing the QOP value
     * @see #setQOP
    public int getQOP() {
        return qop;

     * Retrieves the privacy state.
     * @return true if the privacy (i.e., confidentiality) state is true,
     * false otherwise.
     * @see #setPrivacy
    public boolean getPrivacy() {

        return (privacyState);

     * Sets the QOP value.
     * @param qop the int value to set the QOP to
     * @see #getQOP
    public void setQOP(int qop) {
        this.qop = qop;

     * Sets the privacy state.
     * @param privState true is the privacy (i.e., confidentiality) state
     * is true, false otherwise.
     * @see #getPrivacy
    public void setPrivacy(boolean privState) {

        this.privacyState = privState;

     * Tests if this is a duplicate of an earlier token.
     * @return true if this is a duplicate, false otherwise.
    public boolean isDuplicateToken() {
        return dupToken;

     * Tests if this token's validity period has expired, i.e., the token
     * is too old to be checked for duplication.
     * @return true if the token's validity period has expired, false
     * otherwise.
    public boolean isOldToken() {
        return oldToken;

     * Tests if a later token had already been processed.
     * @return true if a later token had already been processed, false otherwise.
    public boolean isUnseqToken() {
        return unseqToken;

     * Tests if an expected token was not received, i.e., one or more
     * predecessor tokens have not yet been successfully processed.
     * @return true if an expected per-message token was not received,
     * false otherwise.
    public boolean isGapToken() {
        return gapToken;

     * Retrieves the minor status code that the underlying mechanism might
     * have set for this per-message operation.
     * @return the int minor status
    public int getMinorStatus(){
        return minorStatus;

     * Retrieves a string explaining the minor status code.
     * @return a String corresponding to the minor status
     * code. <code>null</code> will be returned when no minor status code
     * has been set.
    public String getMinorString(){
        return minorString;

     * This method sets the state for the supplementary information flags
     * and the minor status in MessageProp.  It is not used by the
     * application but by the GSS implementation to return this information
     * to the caller of a per-message context method.
     * @param duplicate true if the token was a duplicate of an earlier
     * token, false otherwise
     * @param old true if the token's validity period has expired, false
     * otherwise
     * @param unseq true if a later token has already been processed, false
     * otherwise
     * @param gap true if one or more predecessor tokens have not yet been
     * successfully processed, false otherwise
     * @param minorStatus the int minor status code for the per-message
     * operation
     * @param  minorString the textual representation of the minorStatus value
   public void setSupplementaryStates(boolean duplicate,
                  boolean old, boolean unseq, boolean gap,
                  int minorStatus, String minorString) {
       this.dupToken = duplicate;
       this.oldToken = old;
       this.unseqToken = unseq;
       this.gapToken = gap;
       this.minorStatus = minorStatus;
       this.minorString = minorString;

     * Resets the supplementary status values to false.
    private void resetStatusValues() {
        dupToken = false;
        oldToken = false;
        unseqToken = false;
        gapToken = false;
        minorStatus = 0;
        minorString = null;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: java.security.jgss-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 216236 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


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