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JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod - Hotspot Agent Module
JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module.
JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod.
JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\jdk.hotspot.agent.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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⏎ sun/jvm/hotspot/code/
/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package sun.jvm.hotspot.code; import*; import java.util.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*; /** <P> A Location describes a concrete machine variable location (such as integer or floating point register or a stack-held variable). Used when generating debug-information for nmethods. </P> <P> Encoding: </P> <PRE> bits: Type: [3..0] Where: [4] Offset: [31..5] </PRE> */ public class Location { static { VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(new Observer() { public void update(Observable o, Object data) { initialize(VM.getVM().getTypeDataBase()); } }); } private static void initialize(TypeDataBase db) { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(!VM.getVM().isCore(), "Debug info not used in core build"); } OFFSET_MASK = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::OFFSET_MASK").intValue(); OFFSET_SHIFT = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::OFFSET_SHIFT").intValue(); TYPE_MASK = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::TYPE_MASK").intValue(); TYPE_SHIFT = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::TYPE_SHIFT").intValue(); WHERE_MASK = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::WHERE_MASK").intValue(); WHERE_SHIFT = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::WHERE_SHIFT").intValue(); // Location::Type constants TYPE_NORMAL = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::normal").intValue(); TYPE_OOP = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::oop").intValue(); TYPE_NARROWOOP = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::narrowoop").intValue(); TYPE_INT_IN_LONG = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::int_in_long").intValue(); TYPE_LNG = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::lng").intValue(); TYPE_FLOAT_IN_DBL = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::float_in_dbl").intValue(); TYPE_DBL = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::dbl").intValue(); TYPE_ADDR = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::addr").intValue(); TYPE_INVALID = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::invalid").intValue(); // Location::Where constants WHERE_ON_STACK = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::on_stack").intValue(); WHERE_IN_REGISTER = db.lookupIntConstant("Location::in_register").intValue(); } private int value; // type safe enum for "Where" public static class Where { public static final Where ON_STACK = new Where("on_stack"); public static final Where IN_REGISTER = new Where("in_register"); private Where(String value) { this.value = value; } public String toString() { return value; } private String value; public int getValue() { if (this == ON_STACK) { return WHERE_ON_STACK; } else if (this == IN_REGISTER) { return WHERE_IN_REGISTER; } else { throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here"); } } } // type safe enum for "Type" public static class Type { /** Ints, floats, double halves */ public static final Type NORMAL = new Type("normal"); /** Oop (please GC me!) */ public static final Type OOP = new Type("oop"); /** NarrowOop (please GC me!) */ public static final Type NARROWOOP = new Type("narrowoop"); /** Long held in one register */ public static final Type INT_IN_LONG = new Type("int_in_long"); /** Long held in one register */ public static final Type LNG = new Type("lng"); /** Float held in double register */ public static final Type FLOAT_IN_DBL = new Type("float_in_dbl"); /** Double held in one register */ public static final Type DBL = new Type("dbl"); /** JSR return address */ public static final Type ADDR = new Type("addr"); /** Invalid location */ public static final Type INVALID = new Type("invalid"); private Type(String value) { this.value = value; } private String value; public String toString() { return value; } public int getValue() { if (this == NORMAL) { return TYPE_NORMAL; } else if (this == OOP) { return TYPE_OOP; } else if (this == NARROWOOP) { return TYPE_NARROWOOP; } else if (this == INT_IN_LONG) { return TYPE_INT_IN_LONG; } else if (this == LNG) { return TYPE_LNG; } else if (this == FLOAT_IN_DBL) { return TYPE_FLOAT_IN_DBL; } else if (this == DBL) { return TYPE_DBL; } else if (this == ADDR) { return TYPE_ADDR; } else if (this == INVALID) { return TYPE_INVALID; } else { throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here"); } } } private static int OFFSET_MASK; private static int OFFSET_SHIFT; private static int TYPE_MASK; private static int TYPE_SHIFT; private static int WHERE_MASK; private static int WHERE_SHIFT; // constants in Type enum private static int TYPE_NORMAL; private static int TYPE_OOP; private static int TYPE_NARROWOOP; private static int TYPE_INT_IN_LONG; private static int TYPE_LNG; private static int TYPE_FLOAT_IN_DBL; private static int TYPE_DBL; private static int TYPE_ADDR; private static int TYPE_INVALID; // constants in Where enum private static int WHERE_ON_STACK; private static int WHERE_IN_REGISTER; /** Create a bit-packed Location */ Location(Where where, Type type, int offset) { setWhere(where); setType(type); setOffset(offset); } public Where getWhere() { int where = (value & WHERE_MASK) >> WHERE_SHIFT; if (where == WHERE_ON_STACK) { return Where.ON_STACK; } else if (where == WHERE_IN_REGISTER) { return Where.IN_REGISTER; } else { throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here"); } } public Type getType() { int type = (value & TYPE_MASK) >> TYPE_SHIFT; if (type == TYPE_NORMAL) { return Type.NORMAL; } else if (type == TYPE_OOP) { return Type.OOP; } else if (type == TYPE_NARROWOOP) { return Type.NARROWOOP; } else if (type == TYPE_INT_IN_LONG) { return Type.INT_IN_LONG; } else if (type == TYPE_LNG) { return Type.LNG; } else if (type == TYPE_FLOAT_IN_DBL) { return Type.FLOAT_IN_DBL; } else if (type == TYPE_DBL) { return Type.DBL; } else if (type == TYPE_ADDR) { return Type.ADDR; } else if (type == TYPE_INVALID) { return Type.INVALID; } else { throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here"); } } public short getOffset() { return (short) ((value & OFFSET_MASK) >> OFFSET_SHIFT); } public boolean isRegister() { return getWhere() == Where.IN_REGISTER; } public boolean isStack() { return getWhere() == Where.ON_STACK; } public boolean holdsOop() { return getType() == Type.OOP; } public boolean holdsNarrowOop() { return getType() == Type.NARROWOOP; } public boolean holdsInt() { return getType() == Type.INT_IN_LONG; } public boolean holdsLong() { return getType() == Type.LNG; } public boolean holdsFloat() { return getType() == Type.FLOAT_IN_DBL; } public boolean holdsDouble() { return getType() == Type.DBL; } public boolean holdsAddr() { return getType() == Type.ADDR; } public boolean isIllegal() { return getType() == Type.INVALID; } public int getStackOffset() { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(getWhere() == Where.ON_STACK, "wrong Where"); } return getOffset() * (int)VM.getVM().getIntSize(); } public int getRegisterNumber() { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(getWhere() == Where.IN_REGISTER, "wrong Where"); } return getOffset(); } public void print() { printOn(System.out); } public void printOn(PrintStream tty) { tty.print("Value " + value + ", "); if (isIllegal()) { tty.print("Illegal"); } else { Where w = getWhere(); if (w == Where.ON_STACK) { tty.print("stack[" + getStackOffset() + "]"); } else if (w == Where.IN_REGISTER) { tty.print("reg " + getRegisterNumber()); } Type type = getType(); if (type == Type.NORMAL) { } else if (type == Type.OOP) { tty.print(",oop"); } else if (type == Type.NARROWOOP) { tty.print(",narrowoop"); } else if (type == Type.INT_IN_LONG) { tty.print(",int"); } else if (type == Type.LNG) { tty.print(",long"); } else if (type == Type.FLOAT_IN_DBL) { tty.print(",float"); } else if (type == Type.DBL) { tty.print(",double"); } else if (type == Type.ADDR) { tty.print(",address"); } else if (type == Type.INVALID) { tty.print(",invalid"); } } } /** Serialization of debugging information */ public Location(DebugInfoReadStream stream) { value = stream.readInt(); } // FIXME: not yet implementable // void write_on(DebugInfoWriteStream* stream); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internals only below this point // private void setWhere(Where where) { value |= ((where.getValue() << WHERE_SHIFT) & WHERE_MASK); } private void setType(Type type) { value |= ((type.getValue() << TYPE_SHIFT) & TYPE_MASK); } private void setOffset(int offset) { value |= ((offset << OFFSET_SHIFT) & OFFSET_MASK); } }
⏎ sun/jvm/hotspot/code/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: File size: 1243786 bytes Release date: 2018-11-04 Download
⇒ JDK 11 jdk.httpserver.jmod - HTTP Server Module
2020-02-29, 157059👍, 0💬
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