JDK 11 jdk.rmic.jmod - RMI Compiler Tool

JDK 11 jdk.rmic.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 RMI (Remote Method Invocation) Compiler Tool tool, which can be invoked by the "rmic" command.

JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.rmic.jmod.

JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.rmic.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

✍: FYIcenter


 * Copyright (c) 1994, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package sun.tools.java;

 * This interface defines constant that are used
 * throughout the compiler. It inherits from RuntimeConstants,
 * which is an autogenerated class that contains contstants
 * defined in the interpreter.
 * WARNING: The contents of this source file are not part of any
 * supported API.  Code that depends on them does so at its own risk:
 * they are subject to change or removal without notice.
 * @author      Arthur van Hoff

interface Constants extends RuntimeConstants {

     * Enable/disable inclusion of certain debug tracing code in the
     * compiler.  When included, the tracing code may be selectively
     * enabled at runtime, otherwise we save the space/time overhead.
     * Should normally be 'false' for a release version.
    public static final boolean tracing = true;

     * Frequently used identifiers
    Identifier idAppend = Identifier.lookup("append");
    Identifier idClassInit = Identifier.lookup("<clinit>");
    Identifier idCode = Identifier.lookup("Code");
    Identifier idInit = Identifier.lookup("<init>");
    Identifier idLength = Identifier.lookup("length");
    Identifier idNull = Identifier.lookup("");
    Identifier idStar = Identifier.lookup("*");
    Identifier idSuper = Identifier.lookup("super");
    Identifier idThis = Identifier.lookup("this");
    Identifier idClass = Identifier.lookup("class");
    Identifier idToString = Identifier.lookup("toString");
    Identifier idValueOf = Identifier.lookup("valueOf");
    Identifier idNew = Identifier.lookup("new");
    Identifier idGetClass = Identifier.lookup("getClass");
    Identifier idTYPE = Identifier.lookup("TYPE");
    Identifier idFinallyReturnValue = Identifier.lookup("<return>");

    Identifier idJavaLang = Identifier.lookup("java.lang");

    Identifier idJavaLangCloneable = Identifier.lookup("java.lang.Cloneable");

    Identifier idJavaLangError = Identifier.lookup("java.lang.Error");
    Identifier idJavaLangException = Identifier.lookup("java.lang.Exception");
    Identifier idJavaLangObject = Identifier.lookup("java.lang.Object");
    Identifier idJavaLangClass = Identifier.lookup("java.lang.Class");
    Identifier idJavaLangRuntimeException =
    Identifier idJavaLangString = Identifier.lookup("java.lang.String");
    Identifier idJavaLangStringBuffer =
    Identifier idJavaLangThrowable = Identifier.lookup("java.lang.Throwable");

    Identifier idJavaIoSerializable = Identifier.lookup("java.io.Serializable");

    Identifier idConstantValue = Identifier.lookup("ConstantValue");
    Identifier idLocalVariableTable = Identifier.lookup("LocalVariableTable");
    Identifier idLineNumberTable = Identifier.lookup("LineNumberTable");
    Identifier idCoverageTable = Identifier.lookup("CoverageTable");
// end JCOV
    Identifier idSourceFile = Identifier.lookup("SourceFile");
    Identifier idDocumentation = Identifier.lookup("Documentation");
    Identifier idDeprecated = Identifier.lookup("Deprecated");
    Identifier idSynthetic = Identifier.lookup("Synthetic");
    Identifier idExceptions = Identifier.lookup("Exceptions");
    Identifier idInnerClasses = Identifier.lookup("InnerClasses");

    /* methods we need to know about */
    Identifier idClone = Identifier.lookup("clone");

    /* This is not a real signature marker, since it is also
     * an identifier constituent character.
    char   SIGC_INNERCLASS      = '$';
    String SIG_INNERCLASS       = "$";

    String prefixThis           = "this$";
    String prefixVal            = "val$";
    String prefixLoc            = "loc$";
    String prefixAccess         = "access$";
    String prefixClass          = "class$";
    String prefixArray          = "array$";

     * Flags
    int F_VERBOSE               = 1 << 0;
    int F_DUMP                  = 1 << 1;
    int F_WARNINGS              = 1 << 2;

    // The meaning of -g has changed, so F_DEBUG flag is removed.
    // public static final int F_DEBUG          = 1 << 3;
    int F_DEBUG_LINES           = 1 << 12;
    int F_DEBUG_VARS            = 1 << 13;
    int F_DEBUG_SOURCE          = 1 << 18;

    // The meaning of -O has changed, so F_OPTIMIZE flag is removed.
    // public static final int F_OPTIMIZE       = 1 << 4;
    int F_OPT                   = 1 << 14;
    int F_OPT_INTERCLASS        = 1 << 15;

    int F_DEPENDENCIES          = 1 << 5;

    int F_COVERAGE              = 1 << 6;
    int F_COVDATA               = 1 << 7;
// end JCOV

    int F_DEPRECATION           = 1 << 9;
    int F_PRINT_DEPENDENCIES    = 1 << 10;
    int F_VERSION12             = 1 << 11;

    int F_ERRORSREPORTED        = 1 << 16;

    int F_STRICTDEFAULT         = 1 << 17;

     * Modifiers.
     * There has been much confusion regarding modifiers.  There
     * are a number of distinct usages:
     *    - in classfiles to annotate classes, as per JVM pg. 102.
     *    - in classfiles to annotate methods, as per JVM pg. 104.
     *    - in classfiles to annotate InnerClass attributes, as per
     *          http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.1/docs/guide/innerclasses
     *    - in the compiler to record java source level modifiers,
     *          as per JLS pg. 157 et al., plus misc. info such as whether
     *          a method is deprecated
     *    - in the JVM to record misc. info, such as whether a method has
     *          has been compiled
     * To make matters worse, the terms "access flags" and "modifiers"
     * are often used interchangably, and some information that might
     * make sense as a flag is expressed using attributes (ie. Synthetic).
     * The constants defined herein have been divided by whether they
     * make sense only within the compiler (M_* and MM_*) or whether
     * they only make sense to the JVM (ACC_* and ACCM_*).  At an earlier
     * time these were all lumped together.  Future maintenance should
     * strive to keep the distinction clear.
     * Note that modifier M_STRICTFP is not in general recoverable from
     * the ACC_STRICT bit in classfiles.
     * Note also that the modifiers M_LOCAL and M_ANONYMOUS do not appear
     * in the InnerClass attribute, as they are above the first 16 bits.

    // Modifiers meaningful to both Java source and the JVM.  These
    // have been kept the same bit in the M_* and ACC_* forms
    // to avoid destabilizing the compiler.
    int M_PUBLIC                = ACC_PUBLIC;
    int M_PRIVATE               = ACC_PRIVATE;
    int M_PROTECTED             = ACC_PROTECTED;
    int M_STATIC                = ACC_STATIC;
    int M_TRANSIENT             = ACC_TRANSIENT;
    int M_SYNCHRONIZED          = ACC_SYNCHRONIZED; // collides with ACC_SUPER
    int M_ABSTRACT              = ACC_ABSTRACT;
    int M_NATIVE                = ACC_NATIVE;
    int M_FINAL                 = ACC_FINAL;
    int M_VOLATILE              = ACC_VOLATILE;
    int M_INTERFACE             = ACC_INTERFACE;

    // Modifiers not meaningful to the JVM.  The JVM only allows 16 bits
    // for modifiers, so keeping these in the unusable bits after the first
    // 16 is a good idea.
    int M_ANONYMOUS             = 0x00010000;
    int M_LOCAL                 = 0x00020000;
    int M_DEPRECATED            = 0x00040000;
    int M_SYNTHETIC             = 0x00080000;
    int M_INLINEABLE            = 0x00100000;

    int M_STRICTFP              = 0x00200000;

    String paraDeprecated       = "@deprecated";

    // Masks for modifiers that apply to Java source code
    int MM_CLASS  = M_PUBLIC
                        | M_INTERFACE
                        | M_FINAL
                        | M_ABSTRACT
                        | M_STRICTFP;
                        | M_PRIVATE
                        | M_PROTECTED
                        | M_FINAL
                        | M_STATIC;
                        | M_TRANSIENT
                        | M_VOLATILE;
                        | M_SYNCHRONIZED
                        | M_ABSTRACT
                        | M_NATIVE
                        | M_STRICTFP;

    // Masks for modifiers that apply to class files.
    // Note that the M_SYNTHETIC modifier is never written out to a class file.
    // Synthetic members are indicated using the "Synthetic" attribute.
                        | ACC_INTERFACE
                        | ACC_FINAL
                        | ACC_ABSTRACT
                        | ACC_SUPER
                        | ACC_STRICT;
                        | ACC_PRIVATE
                        | ACC_PROTECTED
                        | ACC_FINAL
                        | ACC_STATIC;
    // The M_ANONYMOUS and M_LOCAL modifiers are not mentioned in the
    // inner classes specification and are never written to classfiles.
    // Also note that ACC_SUPER should never be set in an InnerClass
    // attribute.
                        | ACC_PRIVATE
                        | ACC_PROTECTED
                        | ACC_STATIC
                        | ACC_ABSTRACT
                        | ACC_FINAL
                        | ACC_INTERFACE
                        | ACC_STRICT;
                        | ACC_TRANSIENT
                        | ACC_VOLATILE;
                        | ACC_SYNCHRONIZED
                        | ACC_ABSTRACT
                        | ACC_NATIVE
                        | ACC_STRICT;

     * Type codes
    int TC_BOOLEAN   = 0;
    int TC_BYTE      = 1;
    int TC_CHAR      = 2;
    int TC_SHORT     = 3;
    int TC_INT       = 4;
    int TC_LONG      = 5;
    int TC_FLOAT     = 6;
    int TC_DOUBLE    = 7;
    int TC_NULL      = 8;
    int TC_ARRAY     = 9;
    int TC_CLASS     = 10;
    int TC_VOID      = 11;
    int TC_METHOD    = 12;
    int TC_ERROR     = 13;

     * Cover's types
    int CT_FIRST_KIND   = 1;
    int CT_METHOD       = 1;
    int CT_FIKT_METHOD  = 2;
    int CT_BLOCK        = 3;
    int CT_FIKT_RET     = 4;
    int CT_CASE         = 5;
    int CT_SWITH_WO_DEF = 6;
    int CT_BRANCH_TRUE  = 7;
    int CT_BRANCH_FALSE = 8;
    int CT_LAST_KIND    = 8;
// end JCOV

     * Type Masks
    int TM_NULL      = 1 << TC_NULL;
    int TM_VOID      = 1 << TC_VOID;
    int TM_BOOLEAN   = 1 << TC_BOOLEAN;
    int TM_BYTE      = 1 << TC_BYTE;
    int TM_CHAR      = 1 << TC_CHAR;
    int TM_SHORT     = 1 << TC_SHORT;
    int TM_INT       = 1 << TC_INT;
    int TM_LONG      = 1 << TC_LONG;
    int TM_FLOAT     = 1 << TC_FLOAT;
    int TM_DOUBLE    = 1 << TC_DOUBLE;
    int TM_ARRAY     = 1 << TC_ARRAY;
    int TM_CLASS     = 1 << TC_CLASS;
    int TM_METHOD    = 1 << TC_METHOD;
    int TM_ERROR     = 1 << TC_ERROR;

    int TM_INT32     = TM_BYTE | TM_SHORT | TM_CHAR | TM_INT;
    int TM_NUM32     = TM_INT32 | TM_FLOAT;
    int TM_NUM64     = TM_LONG | TM_DOUBLE;
    int TM_INTEGER   = TM_INT32 | TM_LONG;
    int TM_REAL      = TM_FLOAT | TM_DOUBLE;

     * Class status
    int CS_UNDEFINED    = 0;
    int CS_UNDECIDED    = 1;
    int CS_BINARY       = 2;
    int CS_SOURCE       = 3;
    int CS_PARSED       = 4;
    int CS_CHECKED      = 5;
    int CS_COMPILED     = 6;
    int CS_NOTFOUND     = 7;

     * Attributes
    int ATT_ALL         = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    int ATT_CODE        = 1 << 1;
    int ATT_ALLCLASSES  = 1 << 2;

     * Number of bits used in file offsets.  The line number and
     * file offset are concatenated into a long, with enough room
     * for other information to be added later if desired (such as
     * token lengths).  For the moment explicit bit manipulations
     * are used to modify the fields.  This makes sense for efficiency
     * but at some point these ought to be better encapsulated.
    long MAXFILESIZE    = (1L << WHEREOFFSETBITS) - 1;
    long MAXLINENUMBER  = (1L << (64 - WHEREOFFSETBITS)) - 1;

     * Operators
    int COMMA           = 0;
    int ASSIGN          = 1;

    int ASGMUL          = 2;
    int ASGDIV          = 3;
    int ASGREM          = 4;
    int ASGADD          = 5;
    int ASGSUB          = 6;
    int ASGLSHIFT       = 7;
    int ASGRSHIFT       = 8;
    int ASGURSHIFT      = 9;
    int ASGBITAND       = 10;
    int ASGBITOR        = 11;
    int ASGBITXOR       = 12;

    int COND            = 13;
    int OR              = 14;
    int AND             = 15;
    int BITOR           = 16;
    int BITXOR          = 17;
    int BITAND          = 18;
    int NE              = 19;
    int EQ              = 20;
    int GE              = 21;
    int GT              = 22;
    int LE              = 23;
    int LT              = 24;
    int INSTANCEOF      = 25;
    int LSHIFT          = 26;
    int RSHIFT          = 27;
    int URSHIFT         = 28;
    int ADD             = 29;
    int SUB             = 30;
    int DIV             = 31;
    int REM             = 32;
    int MUL             = 33;
    int CAST            = 34;           // (x)y
    int POS             = 35;           // +x
    int NEG             = 36;           // -x
    int NOT             = 37;
    int BITNOT          = 38;
    int PREINC          = 39;           // ++x
    int PREDEC          = 40;           // --x
    int NEWARRAY        = 41;
    int NEWINSTANCE     = 42;
    int NEWFROMNAME     = 43;
    int POSTINC         = 44;           // x++
    int POSTDEC         = 45;           // x--
    int FIELD           = 46;
    int METHOD          = 47;           // x(y)
    int ARRAYACCESS     = 48;           // x[y]
    int NEW             = 49;
    int INC             = 50;
    int DEC             = 51;

    int CONVERT         = 55;           // implicit conversion
    int EXPR            = 56;           // (x)
    int ARRAY           = 57;           // {x, y, ...}
    int GOTO            = 58;

     * Value tokens
    int IDENT           = 60;
    int BOOLEANVAL      = 61;
    int BYTEVAL         = 62;
    int CHARVAL         = 63;
    int SHORTVAL        = 64;
    int INTVAL          = 65;
    int LONGVAL         = 66;
    int FLOATVAL        = 67;
    int DOUBLEVAL       = 68;
    int STRINGVAL       = 69;

     * Type keywords
    int BYTE            = 70;
    int CHAR            = 71;
    int SHORT           = 72;
    int INT             = 73;
    int LONG            = 74;
    int FLOAT           = 75;
    int DOUBLE          = 76;
    int VOID            = 77;
    int BOOLEAN         = 78;

     * Expression keywords
    int TRUE            = 80;
    int FALSE           = 81;
    int THIS            = 82;
    int SUPER           = 83;
    int NULL            = 84;

     * Statement keywords
    int IF              = 90;
    int ELSE            = 91;
    int FOR             = 92;
    int WHILE           = 93;
    int DO              = 94;
    int SWITCH          = 95;
    int CASE            = 96;
    int DEFAULT         = 97;
    int BREAK           = 98;
    int CONTINUE        = 99;
    int RETURN          = 100;
    int TRY             = 101;
    int CATCH           = 102;
    int FINALLY         = 103;
    int THROW           = 104;
    int STAT            = 105;
    int EXPRESSION      = 106;
    int DECLARATION     = 107;
    int VARDECLARATION  = 108;

     * Declaration keywords
    int IMPORT          = 110;
    int CLASS           = 111;
    int EXTENDS         = 112;
    int IMPLEMENTS      = 113;
    int INTERFACE       = 114;
    int PACKAGE         = 115;

     * Modifier keywords
    int PRIVATE         = 120;
    int PUBLIC          = 121;
    int PROTECTED       = 122;
    int CONST           = 123;
    int STATIC          = 124;
    int TRANSIENT       = 125;
    int SYNCHRONIZED    = 126;
    int NATIVE          = 127;
    int FINAL           = 128;
    int VOLATILE        = 129;
    int ABSTRACT        = 130;
    int STRICTFP        = 131;

     * Punctuation
    int SEMICOLON       = 135;
    int COLON           = 136;
    int QUESTIONMARK    = 137;
    int LBRACE          = 138;
    int RBRACE          = 139;
    int LPAREN          = 140;
    int RPAREN          = 141;
    int LSQBRACKET      = 142;
    int RSQBRACKET      = 143;
    int THROWS          = 144;

     * Special tokens
    int ERROR           = 145;          // an error
    int COMMENT         = 146;          // not used anymore.
    int TYPE            = 147;
    int LENGTH          = 148;
    int INLINERETURN    = 149;
    int INLINEMETHOD    = 150;
    int INLINENEWINSTANCE       = 151;

     * Operator precedence
    int opPrecedence[] = {
        10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11,
        11, 11, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
        18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 21,
        21, 22, 22, 22, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
        24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26

     * Operator names
    String opNames[] = {
        ",",    "=",    "*=",   "/=",   "%=",
        "+=",   "-=",   "<<=",  ">>=",  ">>>=",
        "&=",   "|=",   "^=",   "?:",   "||",
        "&&",   "|",    "^",    "&",    "!=",
        "==",   ">=",   ">",    "<=",   "<",
        "instanceof", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "+",
        "-",    "/",    "%",    "*",    "cast",
        "+",    "-",    "!",    "~",    "++",
        "--",   "new",  "new",  "new",  "++",
        "--",   "field","method","[]",  "new",
        "++",   "--",   null,   null,   null,

        "convert", "expr", "array", "goto", null,

        "Identifier", "boolean", "byte", "char", "short",
        "int", "long", "float", "double", "string",

        "byte", "char", "short", "int", "long",
        "float", "double", "void", "boolean", null,

        "true", "false", "this", "super", "null",
        null,   null,   null,   null,   null,

        "if",   "else", "for",  "while","do",
        "switch", "case", "default", "break", "continue",
        "return", "try", "catch", "finally", "throw",
        "stat", "expression", "declaration", "declaration", null,

        "import", "class", "extends", "implements", "interface",
        "package", null, null,  null,   null,

        "private", "public", "protected", "const", "static",
        "transient", "synchronized", "native", "final", "volatile",
        "abstract", "strictfp", null, null, null,

        ";",    ":",    "?",    "{",    "}",
        "(",    ")",    "[",    "]",    "throws",
        "error", "comment", "type", "length", "inline-return",
        "inline-method", "inline-new"



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.rmic-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 418901 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod - Scripting Nashorn Module

JDK 11 jdk.pack.jmod - Pack Module

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