JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod - Scripting Nashorn Module

JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Scripting Nashorn module.

JDK 11 Scripting Nashorn module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod.

JDK 11 Scripting Nashorn module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 Scripting Nashorn module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.scripting.nashorn.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

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 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package jdk.nashorn.internal.ir;

import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.UnwarrantedOptimismException.INVALID_PROGRAM_POINT;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.Type;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.annotations.Ignore;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.annotations.Immutable;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.visitor.NodeVisitor;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenType;

 * BinaryNode nodes represent two operand operations.
public final class BinaryNode extends Expression implements Assignment<Expression>, Optimistic {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    // Placeholder for "undecided optimistic ADD type". Unfortunately, we can't decide the type of ADD during optimistic
    // type calculation as it can have local variables as its operands that will decide its ultimate type.
    private static final Type OPTIMISTIC_UNDECIDED_TYPE = Type.typeFor(new Object(){/*empty*/}.getClass());

    /** Left hand side argument. */
    private final Expression lhs;

    private final Expression rhs;

    private final int programPoint;

    private final Type type;
    private transient Type cachedType;

    private static final Set<TokenType> CAN_OVERFLOW =
        Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(new TokenType[] {

     * Constructor
     * @param token  token
     * @param lhs    left hand side
     * @param rhs    right hand side
    public BinaryNode(final long token, final Expression lhs, final Expression rhs) {
        super(token, lhs.getStart(), rhs.getFinish());
        assert !(isTokenType(TokenType.AND) || isTokenType(TokenType.OR)) || lhs instanceof JoinPredecessorExpression;
        this.lhs   = lhs;
        this.rhs   = rhs;
        this.programPoint = INVALID_PROGRAM_POINT;
        this.type = null;

    private BinaryNode(final BinaryNode binaryNode, final Expression lhs, final Expression rhs, final Type type, final int programPoint) {
        this.lhs = lhs;
        this.rhs = rhs;
        this.programPoint = programPoint;
        this.type = type;

     * Returns true if the node is a comparison operation (either equality, inequality, or relational).
     * @return true if the node is a comparison operation.
    public boolean isComparison() {
        switch (tokenType()) {
        case EQ:
        case EQ_STRICT:
        case NE:
        case NE_STRICT:
        case LE:
        case LT:
        case GE:
        case GT:
            return true;
            return false;

     * Returns true if the node is a relational operation (less than (or equals), greater than (or equals)).
     * @return true if the node is a relational operation.
    public boolean isRelational() {
        switch (tokenType()) {
        case LT:
        case GT:
        case LE:
        case GE:
            return true;
            return false;

     * Returns true if the node is a logical operation.
     * @return true if the node is a logical operation.
    public boolean isLogical() {
        return isLogical(tokenType());

     * Returns true if the token type represents a logical operation.
     * @param tokenType the token type
     * @return true if the token type represents a logical operation.
    public static boolean isLogical(final TokenType tokenType) {
        switch (tokenType) {
        case AND:
        case OR:
            return true;
            return false;

     * Return the widest possible operand type for this operation.
     * @return Type
    public Type getWidestOperandType() {
        switch (tokenType()) {
        case SHR:
        case ASSIGN_SHR:
            return Type.INT;
        case INSTANCEOF:
            return Type.OBJECT;
            if (isComparison()) {
                return Type.OBJECT;
            return getWidestOperationType();

    public Type getWidestOperationType() {
        switch (tokenType()) {
        case ADD:
        case ASSIGN_ADD: {
            // Compare this logic to decideType(Type, Type); it's similar, but it handles the optimistic type
            // calculation case while this handles the conservative case.
            final Type lhsType = lhs.getType();
            final Type rhsType = rhs.getType();
            if(lhsType == Type.BOOLEAN && rhsType == Type.BOOLEAN) {
                // Will always fit in an int, as the value range is [0, 1, 2]. If we didn't treat them specially here,
                // they'd end up being treated as generic INT operands and their sum would be conservatively considered
                // to be a LONG in the generic case below; we can do better here.
                return Type.INT;
            } else if(isString(lhsType) || isString(rhsType)) {
                // We can statically figure out that this is a string if either operand is a string. In this case, use
                // CHARSEQUENCE to prevent it from being proactively flattened.
                return Type.CHARSEQUENCE;
            final Type widestOperandType = Type.widest(undefinedToNumber(booleanToInt(lhsType)), undefinedToNumber(booleanToInt(rhsType)));
            if (widestOperandType.isNumeric()) {
                return Type.NUMBER;
            // We pretty much can't know what it will be statically. Must presume OBJECT conservatively, as we can end
            // up getting either a string or an object when adding something + object, e.g.:
            // 1 + {} == "1[object Object]", but
            // 1 + {valueOf: function() { return 2 }} == 3. Also:
            // 1 + {valueOf: function() { return "2" }} == "12".
            return Type.OBJECT;
        case SHR:
        case ASSIGN_SHR:
            return Type.NUMBER;
        case ASSIGN_SAR:
        case ASSIGN_SHL:
        case BIT_AND:
        case BIT_OR:
        case BIT_XOR:
        case ASSIGN_BIT_AND:
        case ASSIGN_BIT_OR:
        case ASSIGN_BIT_XOR:
        case SAR:
        case SHL:
            return Type.INT;
        case DIV:
        case MOD:
        case ASSIGN_DIV:
        case ASSIGN_MOD: {
            // Naively, one might think MOD has the same type as the widest of its operands, this is unfortunately not
            // true when denominator is zero, so even type(int % int) == double.
            return Type.NUMBER;
        case MUL:
        case SUB:
        case ASSIGN_MUL:
        case ASSIGN_SUB: {
            final Type lhsType = lhs.getType();
            final Type rhsType = rhs.getType();
            if(lhsType == Type.BOOLEAN && rhsType == Type.BOOLEAN) {
                return Type.INT;
            return Type.NUMBER;
        case VOID: {
            return Type.UNDEFINED;
        case ASSIGN: {
            return rhs.getType();
        case INSTANCEOF: {
            return Type.BOOLEAN;
        case COMMARIGHT: {
            return rhs.getType();
        case AND:
        case OR:{
            return Type.widestReturnType(lhs.getType(), rhs.getType());
            if (isComparison()) {
                return Type.BOOLEAN;
            return Type.OBJECT;

    private static boolean isString(final Type type) {
        return type == Type.STRING || type == Type.CHARSEQUENCE;

    private static Type booleanToInt(final Type type) {
        return type == Type.BOOLEAN ? Type.INT : type;

    private static Type undefinedToNumber(final Type type) {
        return type == Type.UNDEFINED ? Type.NUMBER : type;

     * Check if this node is an assignment
     * @return true if this node assigns a value
    public boolean isAssignment() {
        switch (tokenType()) {
        case ASSIGN:
        case ASSIGN_ADD:
        case ASSIGN_BIT_AND:
        case ASSIGN_BIT_OR:
        case ASSIGN_BIT_XOR:
        case ASSIGN_DIV:
        case ASSIGN_MOD:
        case ASSIGN_MUL:
        case ASSIGN_SAR:
        case ASSIGN_SHL:
        case ASSIGN_SHR:
        case ASSIGN_SUB:
           return true;
           return false;

    public boolean isSelfModifying() {
        return isAssignment() && !isTokenType(TokenType.ASSIGN);

    public Expression getAssignmentDest() {
        return isAssignment() ? lhs() : null;

    public BinaryNode setAssignmentDest(final Expression n) {
        return setLHS(n);

    public Expression getAssignmentSource() {
        return rhs();

     * Assist in IR navigation.
     * @param visitor IR navigating visitor.
    public Node accept(final NodeVisitor<? extends LexicalContext> visitor) {
        if (visitor.enterBinaryNode(this)) {
            return visitor.leaveBinaryNode(setLHS((Expression)lhs.accept(visitor)).setRHS((Expression)rhs.accept(visitor)));

        return this;

    public boolean isLocal() {
        switch (tokenType()) {
        case SAR:
        case SHL:
        case SHR:
        case BIT_AND:
        case BIT_OR:
        case BIT_XOR:
        case ADD:
        case DIV:
        case MOD:
        case MUL:
        case SUB:
            return lhs.isLocal() && lhs.getType().isJSPrimitive()
                && rhs.isLocal() && rhs.getType().isJSPrimitive();
        case ASSIGN_ADD:
        case ASSIGN_BIT_AND:
        case ASSIGN_BIT_OR:
        case ASSIGN_BIT_XOR:
        case ASSIGN_DIV:
        case ASSIGN_MOD:
        case ASSIGN_MUL:
        case ASSIGN_SAR:
        case ASSIGN_SHL:
        case ASSIGN_SHR:
        case ASSIGN_SUB:
            return lhs instanceof IdentNode && lhs.isLocal() && lhs.getType().isJSPrimitive()
                    && rhs.isLocal() && rhs.getType().isJSPrimitive();
        case ASSIGN:
            return lhs instanceof IdentNode && lhs.isLocal() && rhs.isLocal();
            return false;

    public boolean isAlwaysFalse() {
        switch (tokenType()) {
        case COMMARIGHT:
            return rhs.isAlwaysFalse();
            return false;

    public boolean isAlwaysTrue() {
        switch (tokenType()) {
        case COMMARIGHT:
            return rhs.isAlwaysTrue();
            return false;

    public void toString(final StringBuilder sb, final boolean printType) {
        final TokenType tokenType = tokenType();

        final boolean lhsParen = tokenType.needsParens(lhs().tokenType(), true);
        final boolean rhsParen = tokenType.needsParens(rhs().tokenType(), false);

        if (lhsParen) {

        lhs().toString(sb, printType);

        if (lhsParen) {

        sb.append(' ');

        switch (tokenType) {
        case COMMARIGHT:
        case INCPREFIX:
        case DECPREFIX:

        if (isOptimistic()) {

        sb.append(' ');

        if (rhsParen) {
        rhs().toString(sb, printType);
        if (rhsParen) {

     * Get the left hand side expression for this node
     * @return the left hand side expression
    public Expression lhs() {
        return lhs;

     * Get the right hand side expression for this node
     * @return the left hand side expression
    public Expression rhs() {
        return rhs;

     * Set the left hand side expression for this node
     * @param lhs new left hand side expression
     * @return a node equivalent to this one except for the requested change.
    public BinaryNode setLHS(final Expression lhs) {
        if (this.lhs == lhs) {
            return this;
        return new BinaryNode(this, lhs, rhs, type, programPoint);

     * Set the right hand side expression for this node
     * @param rhs new right hand side expression
     * @return a node equivalent to this one except for the requested change.
    public BinaryNode setRHS(final Expression rhs) {
        if (this.rhs == rhs) {
            return this;
        return new BinaryNode(this, lhs, rhs, type, programPoint);

     * Set both the left and the right hand side expression for this node
     * @param lhs new left hand side expression
     * @param rhs new left hand side expression
     * @return a node equivalent to this one except for the requested change.
    public BinaryNode setOperands(final Expression lhs, final Expression rhs) {
        if (this.lhs == lhs && this.rhs == rhs) {
            return this;
        return new BinaryNode(this, lhs, rhs, type, programPoint);

    public int getProgramPoint() {
        return programPoint;

    public boolean canBeOptimistic() {
        return isTokenType(TokenType.ADD) || (getMostOptimisticType() != getMostPessimisticType());

    public BinaryNode setProgramPoint(final int programPoint) {
        if (this.programPoint == programPoint) {
            return this;
        return new BinaryNode(this, lhs, rhs, type, programPoint);

    public Type getMostOptimisticType() {
        final TokenType tokenType = tokenType();
        if(tokenType == TokenType.ADD || tokenType == TokenType.ASSIGN_ADD) {
        } else if (CAN_OVERFLOW.contains(tokenType)) {
            return Type.INT;
        return getMostPessimisticType();

    public Type getMostPessimisticType() {
        return getWidestOperationType();

     * Returns true if the node has the optimistic type of the node is not yet decided. Optimistic ADD nodes start out
     * as undecided until we can figure out if they're numeric or not.
     * @return true if the node has the optimistic type of the node is not yet decided.
    public boolean isOptimisticUndecidedType() {
        return type == OPTIMISTIC_UNDECIDED_TYPE;

    public Type getType() {
        if (cachedType == null) {
            cachedType = getTypeUncached();
        return cachedType;

    private Type getTypeUncached() {
        if(type == OPTIMISTIC_UNDECIDED_TYPE) {
            return decideType(lhs.getType(), rhs.getType());
        final Type widest = getWidestOperationType();
        if(type == null) {
            return widest;
        if (tokenType() == TokenType.ASSIGN_SHR || tokenType() == TokenType.SHR) {
            return type;
        return Type.narrowest(widest, Type.widest(type, Type.widest(lhs.getType(), rhs.getType())));

    private static Type decideType(final Type lhsType, final Type rhsType) {
        // Compare this to getWidestOperationType() for ADD and ASSIGN_ADD cases. There's some similar logic, but these
        // are optimistic decisions, meaning that we don't have to treat boolean addition separately (as it'll become
        // int addition in the general case anyway), and that we also don't conservatively widen sums of ints to
        // longs, or sums of longs to doubles.
        if(isString(lhsType) || isString(rhsType)) {
            return Type.CHARSEQUENCE;
        // NOTE: We don't have optimistic object-to-(int, long) conversions. Therefore, if any operand is an Object, we
        // bail out of optimism here and presume a conservative Object return value, as the object's ToPrimitive() can
        // end up returning either a number or a string, and their common supertype is Object, for better or worse.
        final Type widest = Type.widest(undefinedToNumber(booleanToInt(lhsType)), undefinedToNumber(booleanToInt(rhsType)));
        return widest.isObject() ? Type.OBJECT : widest;

     * If the node is a node representing an add operation and has {@link #isOptimisticUndecidedType() optimistic
     * undecided type}, decides its type. Should be invoked after its operands types have been finalized.
     * @return returns a new node similar to this node, but with its type set to the type decided from the type of its
     * operands.
    public BinaryNode decideType() {
        assert type == OPTIMISTIC_UNDECIDED_TYPE;
        return setType(decideType(lhs.getType(), rhs.getType()));

    public BinaryNode setType(final Type type) {
        if (this.type == type) {
            return this;
        return new BinaryNode(this, lhs, rhs, type, programPoint);



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File name: jdk.scripting.nashorn-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 1390965 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.shell.jmod - Scripting Nashorn Shell Module

JDK 11 jdk.rmic.jmod - RMI Compiler Tool

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