Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import java.util.TimeZone;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Base64Variant;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.SerializableString;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.SerializedString;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AccessorNamingStrategy;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.Annotated;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedClass;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.ClassIntrospector;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.NopAnnotationIntrospector;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.VisibilityChecker;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.DefaultBaseTypeLimitingValidator;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.PolymorphicTypeValidator;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.SubtypeResolver;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeIdResolver;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeResolverBuilder;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.impl.LaissezFaireSubTypeValidator;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil;
     * Interface that defines functionality accessible through both
     * serialization and deserialization configuration objects;
     * accessors to mode-independent configuration settings
     * and such.
     * In addition, shared features are defined
     * in {@link MapperFeature}.
     * Small part of implementation is included here by aggregating
     * {@link BaseSettings} instance that contains configuration
     * that is shared between different types of instances.
    public abstract class MapperConfig<T extends MapperConfig<T>>
        implements ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver,
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; // since 2.9
         * @since 2.7
        protected final static JsonInclude.Value EMPTY_INCLUDE = JsonInclude.Value.empty();
         * @since 2.7
        protected final static JsonFormat.Value EMPTY_FORMAT = JsonFormat.Value.empty();
         * Set of shared mapper features enabled.
         * NOTE: changed from {@code int} (in Jackson 2.12 and prior} to {@code long}
         * (2.13 and later)
        protected final long _mapperFeatures;
         * Immutable container object for simple configuration settings.
        protected final BaseSettings _base;
        /* Life-cycle: constructors
        protected MapperConfig(BaseSettings base, long mapperFeatures)
            _base = base;
            _mapperFeatures = mapperFeatures;
        protected MapperConfig(MapperConfig<T> src, long mapperFeatures)
            _base = src._base;
            _mapperFeatures = mapperFeatures;
        protected MapperConfig(MapperConfig<T> src, BaseSettings base)
            _base = base;
            _mapperFeatures = src._mapperFeatures;
        protected MapperConfig(MapperConfig<T> src)
            _base = src._base;
            _mapperFeatures = src._mapperFeatures;
         * Method that calculates bit set (flags) of all features that
         * are enabled by default.
        public static <F extends Enum<F> & ConfigFeature> int collectFeatureDefaults(Class<F> enumClass)
            int flags = 0;
            for (F value : enumClass.getEnumConstants()) {
                if (value.enabledByDefault()) {
                    flags |= value.getMask();
            return flags;
        /* Life-cycle: factory methods
         * Method for constructing and returning a new instance with specified
         * mapper features enabled.
        public abstract T with(MapperFeature... features);
         * Method for constructing and returning a new instance with specified
         * mapper features disabled.
        public abstract T without(MapperFeature... features);
         * @since 2.3
        public abstract T with(MapperFeature feature, boolean state);
        /* Configuration: simple features
         * Accessor for simple mapper features (which are shared for
         * serialization, deserialization)
        public final boolean isEnabled(MapperFeature f) {
            return f.enabledIn(_mapperFeatures);
         * "Bulk" access method for checking that all features specified by
         * mask are enabled.
         * @since 2.3
         * @deprecated Since 2.13 -- no replacement
        public final boolean hasMapperFeatures(int featureMask) {
            return (_mapperFeatures & featureMask) == featureMask;
         * Method for determining whether annotation processing is enabled or not
         * (default settings are typically that it is enabled; must explicitly disable).
         * @return True if annotation processing is enabled; false if not
        public final boolean isAnnotationProcessingEnabled() {
            return isEnabled(MapperFeature.USE_ANNOTATIONS);
         * Accessor for determining whether it is ok to try to force override of access
         * modifiers to be able to get or set values of non-public Methods, Fields;
         * to invoke non-public Constructors, Methods; or to instantiate non-public
         * Classes. By default this is enabled, but on some platforms it needs to be
         * prevented since if this would violate security constraints and cause failures.
         * @return True if access modifier overriding is allowed (and may be done for
         *   any Field, Method, Constructor or Class); false to prevent any attempts
         *   to override.
        public final boolean canOverrideAccessModifiers() {
            return isEnabled(MapperFeature.CAN_OVERRIDE_ACCESS_MODIFIERS);
         * Accessor for checking whether default settings for property handling
         * indicate that properties should be alphabetically ordered or not.
        public final boolean shouldSortPropertiesAlphabetically() {
            return isEnabled(MapperFeature.SORT_PROPERTIES_ALPHABETICALLY);
         * Accessor for checking whether configuration indicates that
         * "root wrapping" (use of an extra property/name pair at root level)
         * is expected or not.
        public abstract boolean useRootWrapping();
        /* Configuration: factory methods
         * Method for constructing a specialized textual object that can typically
         * be serialized faster than basic {@link java.lang.String} (depending
         * on escaping needed if any, char-to-byte encoding if needed).
         * @param src Text to represent
         * @return Optimized text object constructed
         * @since 2.4
        public SerializableString compileString(String src) {
            /* 20-Jan-2014, tatu: For now we will just construct it directly, but
             *    in future should allow overriding to support non-standard extensions
             *    to be used by extensions like Afterburner.
            return new SerializedString(src);
        /* Configuration: introspectors, mix-ins
        public ClassIntrospector getClassIntrospector() {
            return _base.getClassIntrospector();
         * Method for getting {@link AnnotationIntrospector} configured
         * to introspect annotation values used for configuration.
         * Non-final since it is actually overridden by sub-classes (for now?)
        public AnnotationIntrospector getAnnotationIntrospector() {
            if (isEnabled(MapperFeature.USE_ANNOTATIONS)) {
                return _base.getAnnotationIntrospector();
            return NopAnnotationIntrospector.instance;
        public final PropertyNamingStrategy getPropertyNamingStrategy() {
            return _base.getPropertyNamingStrategy();
        // @since 2.12
        public final AccessorNamingStrategy.Provider getAccessorNaming() {
            return _base.getAccessorNaming();
        public final HandlerInstantiator getHandlerInstantiator() {
            return _base.getHandlerInstantiator();
        /* Configuration: type and subtype handling
         * Method called to locate a type info handler for types that do not have
         * one explicitly declared via annotations (or other configuration).
         * If such default handler is configured, it is returned; otherwise
         * null is returned.
        public final TypeResolverBuilder<?> getDefaultTyper(JavaType baseType) {
            return _base.getTypeResolverBuilder();
        public abstract SubtypeResolver getSubtypeResolver();
         * Simple accessor for default {@link PolymorphicTypeValidator} to use for
         * legacy Default Typing methods ({@code ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTyping()})
         * and annotation based enabling.
         * Since 2.11 will also check {@link MapperFeature#BLOCK_UNSAFE_POLYMORPHIC_BASE_TYPES}
         * to possibly override default to more restrictive implementation, see
         * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.DefaultBaseTypeLimitingValidator}).
         * @since 2.10
        public PolymorphicTypeValidator getPolymorphicTypeValidator() {
            PolymorphicTypeValidator ptv = _base.getPolymorphicTypeValidator();
            // [databind#2587]: allow stricter default settings:
            if (ptv == LaissezFaireSubTypeValidator.instance) {
                if (isEnabled(MapperFeature.BLOCK_UNSAFE_POLYMORPHIC_BASE_TYPES)) {
                    ptv = new DefaultBaseTypeLimitingValidator();
            return ptv;
        public final TypeFactory getTypeFactory() {
            return _base.getTypeFactory();
         * Helper method that will construct {@link JavaType} for given
         * raw class.
         * This is a simple short-cut for:
         *    getTypeFactory().constructType(cls);
        public final JavaType constructType(Class<?> cls) {
            return getTypeFactory().constructType(cls);
         * Helper method that will construct {@link JavaType} for given
         * type reference
         * This is a simple short-cut for:
         *    getTypeFactory().constructType(valueTypeRef);
        public final JavaType constructType(TypeReference<?> valueTypeRef) {
            return getTypeFactory().constructType(valueTypeRef.getType());
        public JavaType constructSpecializedType(JavaType baseType, Class<?> subclass) {
            // note: since 2.11 specify "strict" resolution
            return getTypeFactory().constructSpecializedType(baseType, subclass, true);
        /* Configuration: introspection support
         * Accessor for getting bean description that only contains class
         * annotations: useful if no getter/setter/creator information is needed.
        public BeanDescription introspectClassAnnotations(Class<?> cls) {
            return introspectClassAnnotations(constructType(cls));
         * Accessor for getting bean description that only contains class
         * annotations: useful if no getter/setter/creator information is needed.
        public BeanDescription introspectClassAnnotations(JavaType type) {
            return getClassIntrospector().forClassAnnotations(this, type, this);
         * Accessor for getting bean description that only contains immediate class
         * annotations: ones from the class, and its direct mix-in, if any, but
         * not from super types.
        public BeanDescription introspectDirectClassAnnotations(Class<?> cls) {
            return introspectDirectClassAnnotations(constructType(cls));
         * Accessor for getting bean description that only contains immediate class
         * annotations: ones from the class, and its direct mix-in, if any, but
         * not from super types.
        public final BeanDescription introspectDirectClassAnnotations(JavaType type) {
            return getClassIntrospector().forDirectClassAnnotations(this, type, this);
        /* Configuration: default settings with per-type overrides
         * Accessor for finding {@link ConfigOverride} to use for
         * properties of given type, if any exist; or return `null` if not.
         * Note that only directly associated override
         * is found; no type hierarchy traversal is performed.
         * @since 2.8
         * @return Override object to use for the type, if defined; null if none.
        public abstract ConfigOverride findConfigOverride(Class<?> type);
         * Accessor for finding {@link ConfigOverride} to use for
         * properties of given type, if any exist; or if none, return an immutable
         * "empty" instance with no overrides.
         * Note that only directly associated override
         * is found; no type hierarchy traversal is performed.
         * @since 2.9
         * @return Override object to use for the type, never null (but may be empty)
        public abstract ConfigOverride getConfigOverride(Class<?> type);
         * Accessor for default property inclusion to use for serialization,
         * used unless overridden by per-type or per-property overrides.
         * @since 2.7
        public abstract JsonInclude.Value getDefaultPropertyInclusion();
         * Accessor for default property inclusion to use for serialization,
         * considering possible per-type override for given base type.<br>
         * NOTE: if no override found, defaults to value returned by
         * {@link #getDefaultPropertyInclusion()}.
         * @since 2.7
        public abstract JsonInclude.Value getDefaultPropertyInclusion(Class<?> baseType);
         * Accessor for default property inclusion to use for serialization,
         * considering possible per-type override for given base type; but
         * if none found, returning given <code>defaultIncl</code>
         * @param defaultIncl Inclusion setting to return if no overrides found.
         * @since 2.8.2
        public JsonInclude.Value getDefaultPropertyInclusion(Class<?> baseType,
                JsonInclude.Value defaultIncl)
            JsonInclude.Value v = getConfigOverride(baseType).getInclude();
            if (v != null) {
                return v;
            return defaultIncl;
         * Accessor for default property inclusion to use for serialization,
         * considering possible per-type override for given base type and
         * possible per-type override for given property type.<br>
         * NOTE: if no override found, defaults to value returned by
         * {@link #getDefaultPropertyInclusion()}.
         * @param baseType Type of the instance containing the targeted property.
         * @param propertyType Type of the property to look up inclusion setting for.
         * @since 2.9
        public abstract JsonInclude.Value getDefaultInclusion(Class<?> baseType,
                Class<?> propertyType);
         * Accessor for default property inclusion to use for serialization,
         * considering possible per-type override for given base type and
         * possible per-type override for given property type; but
         * if none found, returning given <code>defaultIncl</code>
         * @param baseType Type of the instance containing the targeted property.
         * @param propertyType Type of the property to look up inclusion setting for.
         * @param defaultIncl Inclusion setting to return if no overrides found.
         * @since 2.9
        public JsonInclude.Value getDefaultInclusion(Class<?> baseType,
                Class<?> propertyType, JsonInclude.Value defaultIncl)
            JsonInclude.Value baseOverride = getConfigOverride(baseType).getInclude();
            JsonInclude.Value propOverride = getConfigOverride(propertyType).getIncludeAsProperty();
            JsonInclude.Value result = JsonInclude.Value.mergeAll(defaultIncl, baseOverride, propOverride);
            return result;
         * Accessor for default format settings to use for serialization (and, to a degree
         * deserialization), considering baseline settings and per-type defaults
         * for given base type (if any).
         * @since 2.7
        public abstract JsonFormat.Value getDefaultPropertyFormat(Class<?> baseType);
         * Accessor for default property ignorals to use, if any, for given base type,
         * based on config overrides settings (see {@link #findConfigOverride(Class)}).
         * @since 2.8
        public abstract JsonIgnoreProperties.Value getDefaultPropertyIgnorals(Class<?> baseType);
         * Helper method that may be called to see if there are property ignoral
         * definitions from annotations (via {@link AnnotatedClass}) or through
         * "config overrides". If both exist, config overrides have precedence
         * over class annotations.
         * @since 2.8
        public abstract JsonIgnoreProperties.Value getDefaultPropertyIgnorals(Class<?> baseType,
                AnnotatedClass actualClass);
         * Helper method that may be called to see if there are property inclusion
         * definitions from annotations (via {@link AnnotatedClass}).
         * TODO: config override.
         * @since 2.12
        public abstract JsonIncludeProperties.Value getDefaultPropertyInclusions(Class<?> baseType,
                AnnotatedClass actualClass);
         * Accessor for object used for determining whether specific property elements
         * (method, constructors, fields) can be auto-detected based on
         * their visibility (access modifiers). Can be changed to allow
         * different minimum visibility levels for auto-detection. Note
         * that this is the global handler; individual types (classes)
         * can further override active checker used (using
         * {@link JsonAutoDetect} annotation)
        public abstract VisibilityChecker<?> getDefaultVisibilityChecker();
         * Accessor for object used for determining whether specific property elements
         * (method, constructors, fields) can be auto-detected based on
         * their visibility (access modifiers). This is based on global defaults
         * (as would be returned by {@link #getDefaultVisibilityChecker()}, but
         * then modified by possible class annotation (see {@link JsonAutoDetect})
         * and/or per-type config override (see {@link ConfigOverride#getVisibility()}).
         * @since 2.9
        public abstract VisibilityChecker<?> getDefaultVisibilityChecker(Class<?> baseType,
                AnnotatedClass actualClass);
         * Accessor for the baseline setter info used as the global baseline,
         * not considering possible per-type overrides.
         * @return Global base settings; never null
         * @since 2.9
        public abstract JsonSetter.Value getDefaultSetterInfo();
         * Accessor for the baseline merge info used as the global baseline,
         * not considering possible per-type overrides.
         * @return Global base settings, if any; `null` if none.
         * @since 2.9
        public abstract Boolean getDefaultMergeable();
         * Accessor for the baseline merge info used for given type, including global
         * defaults if no type-specific overrides defined.
         * @return Type-specific settings (if any); global defaults (same as
         *    {@link #getDefaultMergeable()}) otherwise, if any defined; or `null`
         *    if neither defined
         * @since 2.9
        public abstract Boolean getDefaultMergeable(Class<?> baseType);
        /* Configuration: other
         * Method for accessing currently configured (textual) date format
         * that will be used for reading or writing date values (in case
         * of writing, only if textual output is configured; not if dates
         * are to be serialized as time stamps).
         * Note that typically {@link DateFormat} instances are <b>not thread-safe</b>
         * (at least ones provided by JDK):
         * this means that calling code should clone format instance before
         * using it.
         * This method is usually only called by framework itself, since there
         * are convenience methods available via
         * {@link DeserializationContext} and {@link SerializerProvider} that
         * take care of cloning and thread-safe reuse.
        public final DateFormat getDateFormat() { return _base.getDateFormat(); }
         * Method for accessing the default {@link java.util.Locale} to use
         * for formatting, unless overridden by local annotations.
         * Initially set to {@link Locale#getDefault()}.
        public final Locale getLocale() { return _base.getLocale(); }
         * Method for accessing the default {@link java.util.TimeZone} to use
         * for formatting, unless overridden by local annotations.
         * Initially set to {@link TimeZone#getDefault()}.
        public final TimeZone getTimeZone() { return _base.getTimeZone(); }
         * Method for checking whether a {@link java.util.TimeZone} has been explicitly
         * set for this configuring during construction of {@code ObjectMapper}
         * or if it still has the default timezone/offset (zero-offset, "zulu").
         * @return {@code true} if this configuration has explicitly specified
         *    {@link java.util.TimeZone}, or {@code false} if it uses the default
         *    time zone
         * @since 2.12
        public boolean hasExplicitTimeZone() {
            return _base.hasExplicitTimeZone();
         * Accessor for finding currently active view, if any (null if none)
        public abstract Class<?> getActiveView();
         * Method called during deserialization if Base64 encoded content
         * needs to be decoded. Default version just returns default Jackson
         * uses, which is modified-mime which does not add linefeeds (because
         * those would have to be escaped in JSON strings); but this can
         * be configured on {@link ObjectWriter}.
        public Base64Variant getBase64Variant() {
            return _base.getBase64Variant();
         * Method for accessing per-instance shared (baseline/default)
         * attribute values; these are used as the basis for per-call
         * attributes.
         * @since 2.3
        public abstract ContextAttributes getAttributes();
         * @since 2.6
        public abstract PropertyName findRootName(JavaType rootType);
         * @since 2.6
        public abstract PropertyName findRootName(Class<?> rawRootType);
        /* Methods for instantiating handlers
         * Method that can be called to obtain an instance of <code>TypeIdResolver</code> of
         * specified type.
        public TypeResolverBuilder<?> typeResolverBuilderInstance(Annotated annotated,
                Class<? extends TypeResolverBuilder<?>> builderClass)
            HandlerInstantiator hi = getHandlerInstantiator();
            if (hi != null) {
                TypeResolverBuilder<?> builder = hi.typeResolverBuilderInstance(this, annotated, builderClass);
                if (builder != null) {
                    return builder;
            return (TypeResolverBuilder<?>) ClassUtil.createInstance(builderClass, canOverrideAccessModifiers());
         * Method that can be called to obtain an instance of <code>TypeIdResolver</code> of
         * specified type.
        public TypeIdResolver typeIdResolverInstance(Annotated annotated,
                Class<? extends TypeIdResolver> resolverClass)
            HandlerInstantiator hi = getHandlerInstantiator();
            if (hi != null) {
                TypeIdResolver builder = hi.typeIdResolverInstance(this, annotated, resolverClass);
                if (builder != null) {
                    return builder;
            return (TypeIdResolver) ClassUtil.createInstance(resolverClass, canOverrideAccessModifiers());



    Or download all of them as a single archive file:

    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


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