Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.CoercionAction;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.CoercionInputShape;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.PropertyValueBuffer;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedWithParams;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.LogicalType;
    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import java.math.BigInteger;
     * Class that defines simple API implemented by objects that create value
     * instances.  Some or all of properties of value instances may 
     * be initialized by instantiator, rest being populated by deserializer,
     * to which value instance is passed.
     * Since different kinds of JSON values (structured and scalar)
     * may be bound to Java values, in some cases instantiator
     * fully defines resulting value; this is the case when JSON value
     * is a scalar value (String, number, boolean).
     * Note that this type is not parameterized (even though it would seemingly
     * make sense), because such type information cannot be use effectively
     * during runtime: access is always using either wildcard type, or just
     * basic {@link java.lang.Object}; and so adding type parameter seems
     * like unnecessary extra work.
     * Actual implementations are strongly recommended to be based on
     * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdValueInstantiator}
     * which implements all methods, and as such will be compatible
     * across versions even if new methods were added to this interface.
    public abstract class ValueInstantiator
        /* Introspection
         * @since 2.9
        public interface Gettable {
            public ValueInstantiator getValueInstantiator();
        /* Life-cycle
         * "Contextualization" method that is called after construction but before first
         * use, to allow instantiator access to context needed to possible resolve its
         * dependencies.
         * @param ctxt Currently active deserialization context: needed to (for example)
         *    resolving {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeDeserializer}s.
         * @return This instance, if no change, or newly constructed instance
         * @throws JsonMappingException If there are issues with contextualization
         * @since 2.12
        public ValueInstantiator createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanDescription beanDesc)
                throws JsonMappingException
            return this;
        /* Metadata accessors
         * Accessor for raw (type-erased) type of instances to create.
         * NOTE: since this method has not existed since beginning of
         * Jackson 2.0 series, default implementation will just return
         * <code>Object.class</code>; implementations are expected
         * to override it with real value.
         * @since 2.8
        public Class<?> getValueClass() {
            return Object.class;
         * Method that returns description of the value type this instantiator
         * handles. Used for error messages, diagnostics.
        public String getValueTypeDesc() {
            Class<?> cls = getValueClass();
            if (cls == null) {
                return "UNKNOWN";
            return cls.getName();
         * Method that will return true if any of {@code canCreateXxx} method
         * returns true: that is, if there is any way that an instance could
         * be created.
        public boolean canInstantiate() {
            return canCreateUsingDefault()
                    || canCreateUsingDelegate() || canCreateUsingArrayDelegate()
                    || canCreateFromObjectWith() || canCreateFromString()
                    || canCreateFromInt() || canCreateFromLong()
                    || canCreateFromDouble() || canCreateFromBoolean();
         * Method that can be called to check whether a String-based creator
         * is available for this instantiator.
         * NOTE: does NOT include possible case of fallbacks, or coercion; only
         * considers explicit creator.
        public boolean canCreateFromString() { return false; }
         * Method that can be called to check whether an integer (int, Integer) based
         * creator is available to use (to call {@link #createFromInt}).
        public boolean canCreateFromInt() { return false; }
         * Method that can be called to check whether a long (long, Long) based
         * creator is available to use (to call {@link #createFromLong}).
        public boolean canCreateFromLong() { return false; }
         * Method that can be called to check whether a BigInteger based creator is available
         * to use (to call {@link #createFromBigInteger}). +
        public boolean canCreateFromBigInteger() { return false; }
         * Method that can be called to check whether a double (double / Double) based
         * creator is available to use (to call {@link #createFromDouble}).
        public boolean canCreateFromDouble() { return false; }
         * Method that can be called to check whether a BigDecimal based creator is available
         * to use (to call {@link #createFromBigDecimal}).
        public boolean canCreateFromBigDecimal() { return false; }
         * Method that can be called to check whether a double (boolean / Boolean) based
         * creator is available to use (to call {@link #createFromDouble}).
        public boolean canCreateFromBoolean() { return false; }
         * Method that can be called to check whether a default creator (constructor,
         * or no-arg static factory method)
         * is available for this instantiator
        public boolean canCreateUsingDefault() {  return getDefaultCreator() != null; }
         * Method that can be called to check whether a delegate-based creator (single-arg
         * constructor or factory method)
         * is available for this instantiator
        public boolean canCreateUsingDelegate() { return false; }
         * Method that can be called to check whether a array-delegate-based creator
         * (single-arg constructor or factory method)
         * is available for this instantiator
         * @since 2.7
        public boolean canCreateUsingArrayDelegate() { return false; }
         * Method that can be called to check whether a property-based creator
         * (argument-taking constructor or factory method)
         * is available to instantiate values from JSON Object
        public boolean canCreateFromObjectWith() { return false; }
         * Method called to determine types of instantiation arguments
         * to use when creating instances with creator arguments
         * (when {@link #canCreateFromObjectWith()} returns  true).
         * These arguments are bound from JSON, using specified
         * property types to locate deserializers.
         * NOTE: all properties will be of type
         * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.CreatorProperty}.
        public SettableBeanProperty[] getFromObjectArguments(DeserializationConfig config) {
            return null;
         * Method that can be used to determine what is the type of delegate
         * type to use, if any; if no delegates are used, will return null.
         * If non-null type is returned, deserializer will bind JSON into
         * specified type (using standard deserializer for that type), and
         * pass that to instantiator.
        public JavaType getDelegateType(DeserializationConfig config) { return null; }
         * Method that can be used to determine what is the type of array delegate
         * type to use, if any; if no delegates are used, will return null. If
         * non-null type is returned, deserializer will bind JSON into specified
         * type (using standard deserializer for that type), and pass that to
         * instantiator.
         * @since 2.7
        public JavaType getArrayDelegateType(DeserializationConfig config) { return null; }
        /* Instantiation methods for JSON Object
         * Method called to create value instance from a JSON value when
         * no data needs to passed to creator (constructor, factory method);
         * typically this will call the default constructor of the value object.
         * It will only be used if more specific creator methods are not
         * applicable; hence "default".
         * This method is called if {@link #getFromObjectArguments} returns
         * null or empty List.
        public Object createUsingDefault(DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(), this, null,
                    "no default no-arguments constructor found");
         * Method called to create value instance from JSON Object when
         * instantiation arguments are passed; this is done, for example when passing information
         * specified with "Creator" annotations.
         * This method is called if {@link #getFromObjectArguments} returns
         * a non-empty List of arguments.
        public Object createFromObjectWith(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object[] args) throws IOException {
            // sanity check; shouldn't really get called if no Creator specified
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(), this, null,
                    "no creator with arguments specified");
         * Method that delegates to
         * {@link #createFromObjectWith(DeserializationContext, Object[])} by
         * default, but can be overridden if the application should have customized
         * behavior with respect to missing properties.
         * The default implementation of this method uses
         * {@link PropertyValueBuffer#getParameters(SettableBeanProperty[])} to read
         * and validate all properties in bulk, possibly substituting defaults for
         * missing properties or throwing exceptions for missing properties.  An
         * overridden implementation of this method could, for example, use
         * {@link PropertyValueBuffer#hasParameter(SettableBeanProperty)} and
         * {@link PropertyValueBuffer#getParameter(SettableBeanProperty)} to safely
         * read the present properties only, and to have some other behavior for the
         * missing properties.
         * @since 2.8
        public Object createFromObjectWith(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                SettableBeanProperty[] props, PropertyValueBuffer buffer)
            throws IOException
            return createFromObjectWith(ctxt, buffer.getParameters(props));
         * Method to called to create value instance from JSON Object using
         * an intermediate "delegate" value to pass to createor method
        public Object createUsingDelegate(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object delegate) throws IOException {
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(), this, null,
                    "no delegate creator specified");
         * Method to called to create value instance from JSON Array using
         * an intermediate "delegate" value to pass to createor method
        public Object createUsingArrayDelegate(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object delegate) throws IOException {
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(), this, null,
                    "no array delegate creator specified");
        /* Instantiation methods for JSON scalar types (String, Number, Boolean)
        public Object createFromString(DeserializationContext ctxt, String value) throws IOException {
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(), this, ctxt.getParser(),
                    "no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value ('%s')",
        public Object createFromInt(DeserializationContext ctxt, int value) throws IOException {
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(), this, null,
                    "no int/Int-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from Number value (%s)",
        public Object createFromLong(DeserializationContext ctxt, long value) throws IOException {
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(), this, null,
                    "no long/Long-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from Number value (%s)",
        public Object createFromBigInteger(DeserializationContext ctxt, BigInteger value) throws IOException
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(),this,null,
                    "no BigInteger-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from Number value (%s)",
        public Object createFromDouble(DeserializationContext ctxt, double value) throws IOException {
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(), this, null,
                    "no double/Double-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from Number value (%s)",
        public Object createFromBigDecimal(DeserializationContext ctxt, BigDecimal value) throws IOException
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(),this,null,
                    "no BigDecimal/double/Double-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from Number value (%s)",
        public Object createFromBoolean(DeserializationContext ctxt, boolean value) throws IOException {
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(), this, null,
                    "no boolean/Boolean-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from boolean value (%s)",
        /* Accessors for underlying creator objects (optional)
         * Method that can be called to try to access member (constructor,
         * static factory method) that is used as the "default creator"
         * (creator that is called without arguments; typically default
         * [zero-argument] constructor of the type).
         * Note that implementations not required to return actual object
         * they use (or, they may use some other instantiation) method.
         * That is, even if {@link #canCreateUsingDefault()} returns true,
         * this method may return null .
        public AnnotatedWithParams getDefaultCreator() { return null; }
         * Method that can be called to try to access member (constructor,
         * static factory method) that is used as the "delegate creator".
         * Note that implementations not required to return actual object
         * they use (or, they may use some other instantiation) method.
         * That is, even if {@link #canCreateUsingDelegate()} returns true,
         * this method may return null .
        public AnnotatedWithParams getDelegateCreator() { return null; }
         * Method that can be called to try to access member (constructor,
         * static factory method) that is used as the "array delegate creator".
         * Note that implementations not required to return actual object
         * they use (or, they may use some other instantiation) method.
         * That is, even if {@link #canCreateUsingArrayDelegate()} returns true,
         * this method may return null .
        public AnnotatedWithParams getArrayDelegateCreator() { return null; }
         * Method that can be called to try to access member (constructor,
         * static factory method) that is used as the "non-default creator"
         * (constructor or factory method that takes one or more arguments).
         * Note that implementations not required to return actual object
         * they use (or, they may use some other instantiation) method.
         * That is, even if {@link #canCreateFromObjectWith()} returns true,
         * this method may return null .
        public AnnotatedWithParams getWithArgsCreator() { return null; }
        /* Helper methods
         * @since 2.4 (demoted from <code>StdValueInstantiator</code>)
         * @deprecated Since 2.12 should not handle coercions here
        @Deprecated // since 2.12
        protected Object _createFromStringFallbacks(DeserializationContext ctxt, String value)
                throws IOException
            // also, empty Strings might be accepted as null Object...
            if (value.isEmpty()) {
                if (ctxt.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL_OBJECT)) {
                    return null;
            /* 28-Sep-2011, tatu: Ok this is not clean at all; but since there are legacy
             *   systems that expect conversions in some cases, let's just add a minimal
             *   patch (note: same could conceivably be used for numbers too).
            if (canCreateFromBoolean()) {
                // 29-May-2020, tatu: With 2.12 can and should use CoercionConfig so:
                if (ctxt.findCoercionAction(LogicalType.Boolean, Boolean.class,
                        CoercionInputShape.String) == CoercionAction.TryConvert) {
                    String str = value.trim();
                    if ("true".equals(str)) {
                        return createFromBoolean(ctxt, true);
                    if ("false".equals(str)) {
                        return createFromBoolean(ctxt, false);
            return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getValueClass(), this, ctxt.getParser(),
                    "no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value ('%s')",
        /* Standard Base implementation (since 2.8)
         * Partial {@link ValueInstantiator} implementation that is strongly recommended
         * to be used instead of directly extending {@link ValueInstantiator} itself.
        public static class Base extends ValueInstantiator
            implements java.io.Serializable // just because used as base for "standard" variants
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
            protected final Class<?> _valueType;
            public Base(Class<?> type) {
                _valueType = type;
            public Base(JavaType type) {
                _valueType = type.getRawClass();
            public String getValueTypeDesc() {
                return _valueType.getName();
            public Class<?> getValueClass() {
                return _valueType;
         * Delegating {@link ValueInstantiator} implementation meant as a base type
         * that by default delegates methods to specified fallback instantiator.
         * @since 2.12
        public static class Delegating extends ValueInstantiator
            implements java.io.Serializable
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
            protected final ValueInstantiator _delegate;
            protected Delegating(ValueInstantiator delegate) {
                _delegate = delegate;
            public ValueInstantiator createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt,  BeanDescription beanDesc)
                    throws JsonMappingException
                ValueInstantiator d = _delegate.createContextual(ctxt, beanDesc);
                return (d == _delegate) ? this : new Delegating(d);
            protected ValueInstantiator delegate() { return _delegate; }
            public Class<?> getValueClass() { return delegate().getValueClass(); }
            public String getValueTypeDesc() { return delegate().getValueTypeDesc(); }
            public boolean canInstantiate() { return delegate().canInstantiate(); }
            public boolean canCreateFromString() { return delegate().canCreateFromString(); }
            public boolean canCreateFromInt() { return delegate().canCreateFromInt(); }
            public boolean canCreateFromLong() { return delegate().canCreateFromLong(); }
            public boolean canCreateFromDouble() { return delegate().canCreateFromDouble(); }
            public boolean canCreateFromBoolean() { return delegate().canCreateFromBoolean(); }
            public boolean canCreateUsingDefault() { return delegate().canCreateUsingDefault(); }
            public boolean canCreateUsingDelegate() { return delegate().canCreateUsingDelegate(); }
            public boolean canCreateUsingArrayDelegate() { return delegate().canCreateUsingArrayDelegate(); }
            public boolean canCreateFromObjectWith() { return delegate().canCreateFromObjectWith(); }
            public SettableBeanProperty[] getFromObjectArguments(DeserializationConfig config) {
                return delegate().getFromObjectArguments(config);
            public JavaType getDelegateType(DeserializationConfig config) {
                return delegate().getDelegateType(config);
            public JavaType getArrayDelegateType(DeserializationConfig config) {
                return delegate().getArrayDelegateType(config);
            /* Creation methods
            public Object createUsingDefault(DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
                return delegate().createUsingDefault(ctxt);
            public Object createFromObjectWith(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object[] args) throws IOException {
                return delegate().createFromObjectWith(ctxt, args);
            public Object createFromObjectWith(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                    SettableBeanProperty[] props, PropertyValueBuffer buffer)
                throws IOException {
                return delegate().createFromObjectWith(ctxt, props, buffer);
            public Object createUsingDelegate(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object delegate) throws IOException {
                return delegate().createUsingDelegate(ctxt, delegate);
            public Object createUsingArrayDelegate(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object delegate) throws IOException {
                return delegate().createUsingArrayDelegate(ctxt, delegate);
            public Object createFromString(DeserializationContext ctxt, String value) throws IOException {
                return delegate().createFromString(ctxt, value);
            public Object createFromInt(DeserializationContext ctxt, int value) throws IOException {
                return delegate().createFromInt(ctxt, value);
            public Object createFromLong(DeserializationContext ctxt, long value) throws IOException {
                return delegate().createFromLong(ctxt, value);
            public Object createFromBigInteger(DeserializationContext ctxt, BigInteger value) throws IOException {
                return delegate().createFromBigInteger(ctxt, value);
            public Object createFromDouble(DeserializationContext ctxt, double value) throws IOException {
                return delegate().createFromDouble(ctxt, value);
            public Object createFromBigDecimal(DeserializationContext ctxt, BigDecimal value) throws IOException {
                return delegate().createFromBigDecimal(ctxt, value);
            public Object createFromBoolean(DeserializationContext ctxt, boolean value) throws IOException {
                return delegate().createFromBoolean(ctxt, value);
            /* Accessors for underlying creator objects (optional)
            public AnnotatedWithParams getDefaultCreator() { return delegate().getDefaultCreator(); }
            public AnnotatedWithParams getDelegateCreator() { return delegate().getDelegateCreator(); }
            public AnnotatedWithParams getArrayDelegateCreator() { return delegate().getArrayDelegateCreator(); }
            public AnnotatedWithParams getWithArgsCreator() { return delegate().getWithArgsCreator(); }



    Or download all of them as a single archive file:

    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


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