Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect;
    import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
    import java.lang.reflect.Field;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Version;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.HandlerInstantiator;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ext.Java7Support;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.NamedType;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeIdResolver;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeResolverBuilder;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.impl.StdTypeResolverBuilder;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.BeanPropertyWriter;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.VirtualBeanPropertyWriter;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.impl.AttributePropertyWriter;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.RawSerializer;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.MapLikeType;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.*;
     * {@link AnnotationIntrospector} implementation that handles standard
     * Jackson annotations.
    public class JacksonAnnotationIntrospector
        extends AnnotationIntrospector
        implements java.io.Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private final static Class<? extends Annotation>[] ANNOTATIONS_TO_INFER_SER = (Class<? extends Annotation>[])
                new Class<?>[] {
        private final static Class<? extends Annotation>[] ANNOTATIONS_TO_INFER_DESER = (Class<? extends Annotation>[])
                new Class<?>[] {
            JsonMerge.class // since 2.9
        // NOTE: loading of Java7 dependencies is encapsulated by handlers in Java7Support,
        //  here we do not really need any handling; but for extra-safety use try-catch
        private static final Java7Support _java7Helper;
        static {
            Java7Support x = null;
            try {
                x = Java7Support.instance();
            } catch (Throwable t) { }
            _java7Helper = x;
         * Since introspection of annotation types is a performance issue in some
         * use cases (rare, but do exist), let's try a simple cache to reduce
         * need for actual meta-annotation introspection.
         * Non-final only because it needs to be re-created after deserialization.
         * @since 2.7
        protected transient LRUMap<Class<?>,Boolean> _annotationsInside = new LRUMap<Class<?>,Boolean>(48, 48);
        /* Local configuration settings
         * See {@link #setConstructorPropertiesImpliesCreator(boolean)} for
         * explanation.
         * Defaults to true.
         * @since 2.7.4
        protected boolean _cfgConstructorPropertiesImpliesCreator = true;
        /* Life-cycle
        public JacksonAnnotationIntrospector() { }
        public Version version() {
            return com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.PackageVersion.VERSION;
        protected Object readResolve() {
            if (_annotationsInside == null) {
                _annotationsInside = new LRUMap<Class<?>,Boolean>(48, 48);
            return this;
        /* Configuration
         * Method for changing behavior of {@link java.beans.ConstructorProperties}:
         * if set to `true`, existence DOES indicate that the given constructor should
         * be considered a creator; `false` that it should NOT be considered a creator
         * without explicit use of <code>JsonCreator</code> annotation.
         * Default setting is `true`
         * @since 2.7.4
        public JacksonAnnotationIntrospector setConstructorPropertiesImpliesCreator(boolean b)
            _cfgConstructorPropertiesImpliesCreator = b;
            return this;
        /* General annotation properties
         * Annotations with meta-annotation {@link JacksonAnnotationsInside}
         * are considered bundles.
        public boolean isAnnotationBundle(Annotation ann) {
            // 22-Sep-2015, tatu: Caching here has modest effect on JavaSE, and only
            //   mostly in degenerate cases where introspection used more often than
            //   it should (like recreating ObjectMapper once per read/write).
            //   But it may be more beneficial on platforms like Android (should verify)
            Class<?> type = ann.annotationType();
            Boolean b = _annotationsInside.get(type);
            if (b == null) {
                b = type.getAnnotation(JacksonAnnotationsInside.class) != null;
                _annotationsInside.putIfAbsent(type, b);
            return b.booleanValue();
        /* General annotations
         * Since 2.6, we have supported use of {@link JsonProperty} for specifying
         * explicit serialized name
        @Deprecated // since 2.8
        public String findEnumValue(Enum<?> value)
            // 11-Jun-2015, tatu: As per [databind#677], need to allow explicit naming.
            //   Unfortunately cannot quite use standard AnnotatedClass here (due to various
            //   reasons, including odd representation JVM uses); has to do for now
            try {
                // We know that values are actually static fields with matching name so:
                Field f = value.getDeclaringClass().getField(value.name());
                if (f != null) {
                    JsonProperty prop = f.getAnnotation(JsonProperty.class);
                    if (prop != null) {
                        String n = prop.value();
                        if (n != null && !n.isEmpty()) {
                            return n;
            } catch (SecurityException e) {
                // 17-Sep-2015, tatu: Anything we could/should do here?
            } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
                // 17-Sep-2015, tatu: should not really happen. But... can we do anything?
            return value.name();
        @Override // since 2.7
        public String[] findEnumValues(Class<?> enumType, Enum<?>[] enumValues, String[] names) {
            HashMap<String,String> expl = null;
            for (Field f : enumType.getDeclaredFields()) {
                if (!f.isEnumConstant()) {
                JsonProperty prop = f.getAnnotation(JsonProperty.class);
                if (prop == null) {
                String n = prop.value();
                if (n.isEmpty()) {
                if (expl == null) {
                    expl = new HashMap<String,String>();
                expl.put(f.getName(), n);
            // and then stitch them together if and as necessary
            if (expl != null) {
                for (int i = 0, end = enumValues.length; i < end; ++i) {
                    String defName = enumValues[i].name();
                    String explValue = expl.get(defName);
                    if (explValue != null) {
                        names[i] = explValue;
            return names;
        @Override // since 2.11
        public void findEnumAliases(Class<?> enumType, Enum<?>[] enumValues, String[][] aliasList)
            // Main complication: discrepancy between Field that represent enum value,
            // Enum abstraction; joint by name but not reference
            for (Field f : enumType.getDeclaredFields()) {
                if (f.isEnumConstant()) {
                    JsonAlias aliasAnnotation = f.getAnnotation(JsonAlias.class);
                    if (aliasAnnotation != null) {
                        String[] aliases = aliasAnnotation.value();
                        if (aliases.length != 0) {
                            final String name = f.getName();
                            // Find matching enum (could create Ma
                            for (int i = 0, end = enumValues.length; i < end; ++i) {
                                if (name.equals(enumValues[i].name())) {
                                    aliasList[i] = aliases;
         * Finds the Enum value that should be considered the default value, if possible.
         * <p>
         * This implementation relies on {@link JsonEnumDefaultValue} annotation to determine the default value if present.
         * @param enumCls The Enum class to scan for the default value.
         * @return null if none found or it's not possible to determine one.
         * @since 2.8
        public Enum<?> findDefaultEnumValue(Class<Enum<?>> enumCls) {
            return ClassUtil.findFirstAnnotatedEnumValue(enumCls, JsonEnumDefaultValue.class);
        /* General class annotations
        public PropertyName findRootName(AnnotatedClass ac)
            JsonRootName ann = _findAnnotation(ac, JsonRootName.class);
            if (ann == null) {
                return null;
            String ns = ann.namespace();
            if (ns != null && ns.isEmpty()) {
                ns = null;
            return PropertyName.construct(ann.value(), ns);
        public Boolean isIgnorableType(AnnotatedClass ac) {
            JsonIgnoreType ignore = _findAnnotation(ac, JsonIgnoreType.class);
            return (ignore == null) ? null : ignore.value();
        @Override // since 2.12
        public JsonIgnoreProperties.Value findPropertyIgnoralByName(MapperConfig<?> config, Annotated a)
            JsonIgnoreProperties v = _findAnnotation(a, JsonIgnoreProperties.class);
            if (v == null) {
                return JsonIgnoreProperties.Value.empty();
            return JsonIgnoreProperties.Value.from(v);
        // Keep around until 3.x
        @Deprecated // since 2.12
        public JsonIgnoreProperties.Value findPropertyIgnorals(Annotated ac) {
            return findPropertyIgnoralByName(null, ac);
        public JsonIncludeProperties.Value findPropertyInclusionByName(MapperConfig<?> config, Annotated a)
            JsonIncludeProperties v = _findAnnotation(a, JsonIncludeProperties.class);
            if (v == null) {
                return JsonIncludeProperties.Value.all();
            return JsonIncludeProperties.Value.from(v);
        public Object findFilterId(Annotated a) {
            JsonFilter ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonFilter.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                String id = ann.value();
                // Empty String is same as not having annotation, to allow overrides
                if (!id.isEmpty()) {
                    return id;
            return null;
        public Object findNamingStrategy(AnnotatedClass ac)
            JsonNaming ann = _findAnnotation(ac, JsonNaming.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : ann.value();
        public String findClassDescription(AnnotatedClass ac) {
            JsonClassDescription ann = _findAnnotation(ac, JsonClassDescription.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : ann.value();
        /* Property auto-detection
        public VisibilityChecker<?> findAutoDetectVisibility(AnnotatedClass ac,
            VisibilityChecker<?> checker)
            JsonAutoDetect ann = _findAnnotation(ac, JsonAutoDetect.class);
            return (ann == null) ? checker : checker.with(ann);
        /* General member (field, method/constructor) annotations
        public String findImplicitPropertyName(AnnotatedMember m) {
            PropertyName n = _findConstructorName(m);
            return (n == null) ? null : n.getSimpleName();
        public List<PropertyName> findPropertyAliases(Annotated m) {
            JsonAlias ann = _findAnnotation(m, JsonAlias.class);
            if (ann == null) {
                return null;
            String[] strs = ann.value();
            final int len = strs.length;
            if (len == 0) {
                return Collections.emptyList();
            List<PropertyName> result = new ArrayList<>(len);
            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            return result;
        public boolean hasIgnoreMarker(AnnotatedMember m) {
            return _isIgnorable(m);
        public Boolean hasRequiredMarker(AnnotatedMember m)
            JsonProperty ann = _findAnnotation(m, JsonProperty.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                return ann.required();
            return null;
        public JsonProperty.Access findPropertyAccess(Annotated m) {
            JsonProperty ann = _findAnnotation(m, JsonProperty.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                return ann.access();
            return null;
        public String findPropertyDescription(Annotated ann) {
            JsonPropertyDescription desc = _findAnnotation(ann, JsonPropertyDescription.class);
            return (desc == null) ? null : desc.value();
        public Integer findPropertyIndex(Annotated ann) {
            JsonProperty prop = _findAnnotation(ann, JsonProperty.class);
            if (prop != null) {
              int ix = prop.index();
              if (ix != JsonProperty.INDEX_UNKNOWN) {
                   return Integer.valueOf(ix);
            return null;
        public String findPropertyDefaultValue(Annotated ann) {
            JsonProperty prop = _findAnnotation(ann, JsonProperty.class);
            if (prop == null) {
                return null;
            String str = prop.defaultValue();
            // Since annotations do not allow nulls, need to assume empty means "none"
            return str.isEmpty() ? null : str;
        public JsonFormat.Value findFormat(Annotated ann) {
            JsonFormat f = _findAnnotation(ann, JsonFormat.class);
            // NOTE: could also just call `JsonFormat.Value.from()` with `null`
            // too, but that returns "empty" instance
            return (f == null)  ? null : JsonFormat.Value.from(f);
        public ReferenceProperty findReferenceType(AnnotatedMember member)
            JsonManagedReference ref1 = _findAnnotation(member, JsonManagedReference.class);
            if (ref1 != null) {
                return AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty.managed(ref1.value());
            JsonBackReference ref2 = _findAnnotation(member, JsonBackReference.class);
            if (ref2 != null) {
                return AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty.back(ref2.value());
            return null;
        public NameTransformer findUnwrappingNameTransformer(AnnotatedMember member)
            JsonUnwrapped ann = _findAnnotation(member, JsonUnwrapped.class);
            // if not enabled, just means annotation is not enabled; not necessarily
            // that unwrapping should not be done (relevant when using chained introspectors)
            if (ann == null || !ann.enabled()) {
                return null;
            String prefix = ann.prefix();
            String suffix = ann.suffix();
            return NameTransformer.simpleTransformer(prefix, suffix);
        @Override // since 2.9
        public JacksonInject.Value findInjectableValue(AnnotatedMember m) {
            JacksonInject ann = _findAnnotation(m, JacksonInject.class);
            if (ann == null) {
                return null;
            // Empty String means that we should use name of declared value class.
            JacksonInject.Value v = JacksonInject.Value.from(ann);
            if (!v.hasId()) {
                Object id;
                // slight complication; for setters, type 
                if (!(m instanceof AnnotatedMethod)) {
                    id = m.getRawType().getName();
                } else {
                    AnnotatedMethod am = (AnnotatedMethod) m;
                    if (am.getParameterCount() == 0) { // getter
                        id = m.getRawType().getName();
                    } else { // setter
                        id = am.getRawParameterType(0).getName();
                v = v.withId(id);
            return v;
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public Object findInjectableValueId(AnnotatedMember m) {
            JacksonInject.Value v = findInjectableValue(m);
            return (v == null) ? null : v.getId();
        public Class<?>[] findViews(Annotated a)
            JsonView ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonView.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : ann.value();
         * Specific implementation that will use following tie-breaker on
         * given setter parameter types:
         * <li>If either one is primitive type then either return {@code null}
         *   (both primitives) or one that is primitive (when only primitive)
         *  </li>
         * <li>If only one is of type {@code String}, return that setter
         *  </li>
         * <li>Otherwise return {@code null}
         *  </li>
         * </ol>
         * Returning {@code null} will indicate that resolution could not be done.
        @Override // since 2.7
        public AnnotatedMethod resolveSetterConflict(MapperConfig<?> config,
                AnnotatedMethod setter1, AnnotatedMethod setter2)
            Class<?> cls1 = setter1.getRawParameterType(0);
            Class<?> cls2 = setter2.getRawParameterType(0);
            // First: prefer primitives over non-primitives
            // 11-Dec-2015, tatu: TODO, perhaps consider wrappers for primitives too?
            if (cls1.isPrimitive()) {
                if (!cls2.isPrimitive()) {
                    return setter1;
                // 10-May-2021, tatu: if both primitives cannot decide
                return null;
            } else if (cls2.isPrimitive()) {
                return setter2;
            if (cls1 == String.class) {
                if (cls2 != String.class) {
                    return setter1;
            } else if (cls2 == String.class) {
                return setter2;
            return null;
        @Override // since 2.11
        public PropertyName findRenameByField(MapperConfig<?> config,
                AnnotatedField f, PropertyName implName) {
            // Nothing to report, only used by modules. But define just as documentation
            return null;
        /* Annotations for Polymorphic Type handling
        public TypeResolverBuilder<?> findTypeResolver(MapperConfig<?> config,
                AnnotatedClass ac, JavaType baseType)
            return _findTypeResolver(config, ac, baseType);
        public TypeResolverBuilder<?> findPropertyTypeResolver(MapperConfig<?> config,
                AnnotatedMember am, JavaType baseType)
            // As per definition of @JsonTypeInfo, should only apply to contents of container
            // (collection, map) types, not container types themselves:
            // 17-Apr-2016, tatu: For 2.7.4 make sure ReferenceType also included
            if (baseType.isContainerType() || baseType.isReferenceType()) {
                return null;
            // No per-member type overrides (yet)
            return _findTypeResolver(config, am, baseType);
        public TypeResolverBuilder<?> findPropertyContentTypeResolver(MapperConfig<?> config,
                AnnotatedMember am, JavaType containerType)
            // First: let's ensure property is a container type: caller should have
            // verified but just to be sure
            if (containerType.getContentType() == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must call method with a container or reference type (got "+containerType+")");
            return _findTypeResolver(config, am, containerType);
        public List<NamedType> findSubtypes(Annotated a)
            JsonSubTypes t = _findAnnotation(a, JsonSubTypes.class);
            if (t == null) return null;
            JsonSubTypes.Type[] types = t.value();
            // 02-Aug-2022, tatu: As per [databind#3500], may need to check uniqueness
            //     of names
            if (t.failOnRepeatedNames()) {
                return findSubtypesCheckRepeatedNames(a.getName(), types);
            } else {
                ArrayList<NamedType> result = new ArrayList<NamedType>(types.length);
                for (JsonSubTypes.Type type : types) {
                    result.add(new NamedType(type.value(), type.name()));
                    // [databind#2761]: alternative set of names to use
                    for (String name : type.names()) {
                        result.add(new NamedType(type.value(), name));
                return result;
        // @since 2.14
        private List<NamedType> findSubtypesCheckRepeatedNames(String annotatedTypeName, JsonSubTypes.Type[] types)
            ArrayList<NamedType> result = new ArrayList<NamedType>(types.length);
            Set<String> seenNames = new HashSet<>();
            for (JsonSubTypes.Type type : types) {
                final String typeName = type.name();
                if (!typeName.isEmpty() && seenNames.contains(typeName)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Annotated type [" + annotatedTypeName + "] got repeated subtype name [" + typeName + "]");
                } else {
                result.add(new NamedType(type.value(), typeName));
                // [databind#2761]: alternative set of names to use
                for (String altName : type.names()) {
                    if (!altName.isEmpty() && seenNames.contains(altName)) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Annotated type [" + annotatedTypeName + "] got repeated subtype name [" + altName + "]");
                    } else {
                    result.add(new NamedType(type.value(), altName));
            return result;
        public String findTypeName(AnnotatedClass ac)
            JsonTypeName tn = _findAnnotation(ac, JsonTypeName.class);
            return (tn == null) ? null : tn.value();
        public Boolean isTypeId(AnnotatedMember member) {
            return _hasAnnotation(member, JsonTypeId.class);
        /* Annotations for Object Id handling
        public ObjectIdInfo findObjectIdInfo(Annotated ann) {
            JsonIdentityInfo info = _findAnnotation(ann, JsonIdentityInfo.class);
            if (info == null || info.generator() == ObjectIdGenerators.None.class) {
                return null;
            // In future may need to allow passing namespace?
            PropertyName name = PropertyName.construct(info.property());
            return new ObjectIdInfo(name, info.scope(), info.generator(), info.resolver());
        public ObjectIdInfo findObjectReferenceInfo(Annotated ann, ObjectIdInfo objectIdInfo) {
            JsonIdentityReference ref = _findAnnotation(ann, JsonIdentityReference.class);
            if (ref == null) {
                return objectIdInfo;
            if (objectIdInfo == null) {
                objectIdInfo = ObjectIdInfo.empty();
            return objectIdInfo.withAlwaysAsId(ref.alwaysAsId());
        /* Serialization: general annotations
        public Object findSerializer(Annotated a)
            JsonSerialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonSerialize.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                Class<? extends JsonSerializer> serClass = ann.using();
                if (serClass != JsonSerializer.None.class) {
                    return serClass;
            /* 18-Oct-2010, tatu: [JACKSON-351] @JsonRawValue handled just here, for now;
             *  if we need to get raw indicator from other sources need to add
             *  separate accessor within {@link AnnotationIntrospector} interface.
            JsonRawValue annRaw =  _findAnnotation(a, JsonRawValue.class);
            if ((annRaw != null) && annRaw.value()) {
                // let's construct instance with nominal type:
                Class<?> cls = a.getRawType();
                return new RawSerializer<Object>(cls);
            return null;
        public Object findKeySerializer(Annotated a)
            JsonSerialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonSerialize.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                Class<? extends JsonSerializer> serClass = ann.keyUsing();
                if (serClass != JsonSerializer.None.class) {
                    return serClass;
            return null;
        public Object findContentSerializer(Annotated a)
            JsonSerialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonSerialize.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                Class<? extends JsonSerializer> serClass = ann.contentUsing();
                if (serClass != JsonSerializer.None.class) {
                    return serClass;
            return null;
        public Object findNullSerializer(Annotated a)
            JsonSerialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonSerialize.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                Class<? extends JsonSerializer> serClass = ann.nullsUsing();
                if (serClass != JsonSerializer.None.class) {
                    return serClass;
            return null;
        public JsonInclude.Value findPropertyInclusion(Annotated a)
            JsonInclude inc = _findAnnotation(a, JsonInclude.class);
            JsonInclude.Value value = (inc == null) ? JsonInclude.Value.empty() : JsonInclude.Value.from(inc);
            // only consider deprecated variant if we didn't have non-deprecated one:
            if (value.getValueInclusion() == JsonInclude.Include.USE_DEFAULTS) {
                value = _refinePropertyInclusion(a, value);
            return value;
        private JsonInclude.Value _refinePropertyInclusion(Annotated a, JsonInclude.Value value) {
            JsonSerialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonSerialize.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                switch (ann.include()) {
                case ALWAYS:
                    return value.withValueInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.ALWAYS);
                case NON_NULL:
                    return value.withValueInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL);
                case NON_DEFAULT:
                    return value.withValueInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_DEFAULT);
                case NON_EMPTY:
                    return value.withValueInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_EMPTY);
                case DEFAULT_INCLUSION:
            return value;
        public JsonSerialize.Typing findSerializationTyping(Annotated a)
            JsonSerialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonSerialize.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : ann.typing();
        public Object findSerializationConverter(Annotated a) {
            JsonSerialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonSerialize.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : _classIfExplicit(ann.converter(), Converter.None.class);
        public Object findSerializationContentConverter(AnnotatedMember a) {
            JsonSerialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonSerialize.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : _classIfExplicit(ann.contentConverter(), Converter.None.class);
        /* Serialization: type refinements
        public JavaType refineSerializationType(final MapperConfig<?> config,
                final Annotated a, final JavaType baseType)
            throws JsonMappingException
            JavaType type = baseType;
            final TypeFactory tf = config.getTypeFactory();
            final JsonSerialize jsonSer = _findAnnotation(a, JsonSerialize.class);
            // Ok: start by refining the main type itself; common to all types
            final Class<?> serClass = (jsonSer == null) ? null : _classIfExplicit(jsonSer.as());
            if (serClass != null) {
                if (type.hasRawClass(serClass)) {
                    // 30-Nov-2015, tatu: As per [databind#1023], need to allow forcing of
                    //    static typing this way
                    type = type.withStaticTyping();
                } else {
                    Class<?> currRaw = type.getRawClass();
                    try {
                        // 11-Oct-2015, tatu: For deser, we call `TypeFactory.constructSpecializedType()`,
                        //   may be needed here too in future?
                        if (serClass.isAssignableFrom(currRaw)) { // common case
                            type = tf.constructGeneralizedType(type, serClass);
                        } else if (currRaw.isAssignableFrom(serClass)) { // specialization, ok as well
                            type = tf.constructSpecializedType(type, serClass);
                        } else if (_primitiveAndWrapper(currRaw, serClass)) {
                            // 27-Apr-2017, tatu: [databind#1592] ignore primitive<->wrapper refinements
                            type = type.withStaticTyping();
                        } else {
                            throw _databindException(
                                    String.format("Cannot refine serialization type %s into %s; types not related",
                                            type, serClass.getName()));
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                        throw _databindException(iae,
                                String.format("Failed to widen type %s with annotation (value %s), from '%s': %s",
                                        type, serClass.getName(), a.getName(), iae.getMessage()));
            // Then further processing for container types
            // First, key type (for Maps, Map-like types):
            if (type.isMapLikeType()) {
                JavaType keyType = type.getKeyType();
                final Class<?> keyClass = (jsonSer == null) ? null : _classIfExplicit(jsonSer.keyAs());
                if (keyClass != null) {
                    if (keyType.hasRawClass(keyClass)) {
                        keyType = keyType.withStaticTyping();
                    } else {
                        Class<?> currRaw = keyType.getRawClass();
                        try {
                            // 19-May-2016, tatu: As per [databind#1231], [databind#1178] may need to actually
                            //   specialize (narrow) type sometimes, even if more commonly opposite
                            //   is needed.
                            if (keyClass.isAssignableFrom(currRaw)) { // common case
                                keyType = tf.constructGeneralizedType(keyType, keyClass);
                            } else if (currRaw.isAssignableFrom(keyClass)) { // specialization, ok as well
                                keyType = tf.constructSpecializedType(keyType, keyClass);
                            } else if (_primitiveAndWrapper(currRaw, keyClass)) {
                                // 27-Apr-2017, tatu: [databind#1592] ignore primitive<->wrapper refinements
                                keyType = keyType.withStaticTyping();
                            } else {
                                throw _databindException(
                                        String.format("Cannot refine serialization key type %s into %s; types not related",
                                                keyType, keyClass.getName()));
                        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                            throw _databindException(iae,
                                    String.format("Failed to widen key type of %s with concrete-type annotation (value %s), from '%s': %s",
                                            type, keyClass.getName(), a.getName(), iae.getMessage()));
                    type = ((MapLikeType) type).withKeyType(keyType);
            JavaType contentType = type.getContentType();
            if (contentType != null) { // collection[like], map[like], array, reference
                // And then value types for all containers:
               final Class<?> contentClass = (jsonSer == null) ? null : _classIfExplicit(jsonSer.contentAs());
               if (contentClass != null) {
                   if (contentType.hasRawClass(contentClass)) {
                       contentType = contentType.withStaticTyping();
                   } else {
                       // 03-Apr-2016, tatu: As per [databind#1178], may need to actually
                       //   specialize (narrow) type sometimes, even if more commonly opposite
                       //   is needed.
                       Class<?> currRaw = contentType.getRawClass();
                       try {
                           if (contentClass.isAssignableFrom(currRaw)) { // common case
                               contentType = tf.constructGeneralizedType(contentType, contentClass);
                           } else if (currRaw.isAssignableFrom(contentClass)) { // specialization, ok as well
                               contentType = tf.constructSpecializedType(contentType, contentClass);
                           } else if (_primitiveAndWrapper(currRaw, contentClass)) {
                               // 27-Apr-2017, tatu: [databind#1592] ignore primitive<->wrapper refinements
                               contentType = contentType.withStaticTyping();
                           } else {
                               throw _databindException(
                                       String.format("Cannot refine serialization content type %s into %s; types not related",
                                               contentType, contentClass.getName()));
                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // shouldn't really happen
                           throw _databindException(iae,
                                   String.format("Internal error: failed to refine value type of %s with concrete-type annotation (value %s), from '%s': %s",
                                           type, contentClass.getName(), a.getName(), iae.getMessage()));
                   type = type.withContentType(contentType);
            return type;
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        public Class<?> findSerializationType(Annotated am) {
            return null;
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        public Class<?> findSerializationKeyType(Annotated am, JavaType baseType) {
            return null;
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        public Class<?> findSerializationContentType(Annotated am, JavaType baseType) {
            return null;
        /* Serialization: class annotations
        public String[] findSerializationPropertyOrder(AnnotatedClass ac) {
            JsonPropertyOrder order = _findAnnotation(ac, JsonPropertyOrder.class);
            return (order == null) ? null : order.value();
        public Boolean findSerializationSortAlphabetically(Annotated ann) {
            return _findSortAlpha(ann);
        private final Boolean _findSortAlpha(Annotated ann) {
            JsonPropertyOrder order = _findAnnotation(ann, JsonPropertyOrder.class);
            // 23-Jun-2015, tatu: as per [databind#840], let's only consider
            //  `true` to have any significance.
            if ((order != null) && order.alphabetic()) {
                return Boolean.TRUE;
            return null;
        public void findAndAddVirtualProperties(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedClass ac,
                List<BeanPropertyWriter> properties) {
            JsonAppend ann = _findAnnotation(ac, JsonAppend.class);
            if (ann == null) {
            final boolean prepend = ann.prepend();
            JavaType propType = null;
            // First: any attribute-backed properties?
            JsonAppend.Attr[] attrs = ann.attrs();
            for (int i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; ++i) {
                if (propType == null) {
                    propType = config.constructType(Object.class);
                BeanPropertyWriter bpw = _constructVirtualProperty(attrs[i],
                        config, ac, propType);
                if (prepend) {
                    properties.add(i, bpw);
                } else {
            // Then: general-purpose virtual properties?
            JsonAppend.Prop[] props = ann.props();
            for (int i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; ++i) {
                BeanPropertyWriter bpw = _constructVirtualProperty(props[i],
                        config, ac);
                if (prepend) {
                    properties.add(i, bpw);
                } else {
        protected BeanPropertyWriter _constructVirtualProperty(JsonAppend.Attr attr,
                MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedClass ac, JavaType type)
            PropertyMetadata metadata = attr.required() ?
                        PropertyMetadata.STD_REQUIRED : PropertyMetadata.STD_OPTIONAL;
            // could add Index, Description in future, if those matter
            String attrName = attr.value();
            // allow explicit renaming; if none, default to attribute name
            PropertyName propName = _propertyName(attr.propName(), attr.propNamespace());
            if (!propName.hasSimpleName()) {
                propName = PropertyName.construct(attrName);
            // now, then, we need a placeholder for member (no real Field/Method):
            AnnotatedMember member = new VirtualAnnotatedMember(ac, ac.getRawType(),
                    attrName, type);
            // and with that and property definition
            SimpleBeanPropertyDefinition propDef = SimpleBeanPropertyDefinition.construct(config,
                    member, propName, metadata, attr.include());
            // can construct the property writer
            return AttributePropertyWriter.construct(attrName, propDef,
                    ac.getAnnotations(), type);
        protected BeanPropertyWriter _constructVirtualProperty(JsonAppend.Prop prop,
                MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedClass ac)
            PropertyMetadata metadata = prop.required() ?
                        PropertyMetadata.STD_REQUIRED : PropertyMetadata.STD_OPTIONAL;
            PropertyName propName = _propertyName(prop.name(), prop.namespace());
            JavaType type = config.constructType(prop.type());
            // now, then, we need a placeholder for member (no real Field/Method):
            AnnotatedMember member = new VirtualAnnotatedMember(ac, ac.getRawType(),
                    propName.getSimpleName(), type);
            // and with that and property definition
            SimpleBeanPropertyDefinition propDef = SimpleBeanPropertyDefinition.construct(config,
                    member, propName, metadata, prop.include());
            Class<?> implClass = prop.value();
            HandlerInstantiator hi = config.getHandlerInstantiator();
            VirtualBeanPropertyWriter bpw = (hi == null) ? null
                    : hi.virtualPropertyWriterInstance(config, implClass);
            if (bpw == null) {
                bpw = (VirtualBeanPropertyWriter) ClassUtil.createInstance(implClass,
            // one more thing: give it necessary contextual information
            return bpw.withConfig(config, ac, propDef, type);
        /* Serialization: property annotations
        public PropertyName findNameForSerialization(Annotated a)
            boolean useDefault = false;
            JsonGetter jg = _findAnnotation(a, JsonGetter.class);
            if (jg != null) {
                String s = jg.value();
                // 04-May-2018, tatu: Should allow for "nameless" `@JsonGetter` too
                if (!s.isEmpty()) {
                    return PropertyName.construct(s);
                useDefault = true;
            JsonProperty pann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonProperty.class);
            if (pann != null) {
                // 14-Nov-2020, tatu: "namespace" added in 2.12
                String ns = pann.namespace();
                if (ns != null && ns.isEmpty()) {
                    ns = null;
                return PropertyName.construct(pann.value(), ns);
            if (useDefault || _hasOneOf(a, ANNOTATIONS_TO_INFER_SER)) {
                return PropertyName.USE_DEFAULT;
            return null;
        @Override // since 2.12
        public Boolean hasAsKey(MapperConfig<?> config, Annotated a) {
            JsonKey ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonKey.class);
            if (ann == null) {
                return null;
            return ann.value();
        @Override // since 2.9
        public Boolean hasAsValue(Annotated a) {
            JsonValue ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonValue.class);
            if (ann == null) {
                return null;
            return ann.value();
        @Override // since 2.9
        public Boolean hasAnyGetter(Annotated a) {
            JsonAnyGetter ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonAnyGetter.class);
            if (ann == null) {
                return null;
            return ann.enabled();
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public boolean hasAnyGetterAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am) {
            // No dedicated disabling; regular @JsonIgnore used if needs to be ignored (handled separately)
            return _hasAnnotation(am, JsonAnyGetter.class);
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public boolean hasAsValueAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am) {
            JsonValue ann = _findAnnotation(am, JsonValue.class);
            // value of 'false' means disabled...
            return (ann != null) && ann.value();
        /* Deserialization: general annotations
        public Object findDeserializer(Annotated a)
            JsonDeserialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonDeserialize.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                Class<? extends JsonDeserializer> deserClass = ann.using();
                if (deserClass != JsonDeserializer.None.class) {
                    return deserClass;
            return null;
        public Object findKeyDeserializer(Annotated a)
            JsonDeserialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonDeserialize.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                Class<? extends KeyDeserializer> deserClass = ann.keyUsing();
                if (deserClass != KeyDeserializer.None.class) {
                    return deserClass;
            return null;
        public Object findContentDeserializer(Annotated a)
            JsonDeserialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonDeserialize.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                Class<? extends JsonDeserializer> deserClass = ann.contentUsing();
                if (deserClass != JsonDeserializer.None.class) {
                    return deserClass;
            return null;
        public Object findDeserializationConverter(Annotated a)
            JsonDeserialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonDeserialize.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : _classIfExplicit(ann.converter(), Converter.None.class);
        public Object findDeserializationContentConverter(AnnotatedMember a)
            JsonDeserialize ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonDeserialize.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : _classIfExplicit(ann.contentConverter(), Converter.None.class);
        /* Deserialization: type modifications
        public JavaType refineDeserializationType(final MapperConfig<?> config,
                final Annotated a, final JavaType baseType) throws JsonMappingException
            JavaType type = baseType;
            final TypeFactory tf = config.getTypeFactory();
            final JsonDeserialize jsonDeser = _findAnnotation(a, JsonDeserialize.class);
            // Ok: start by refining the main type itself; common to all types
            final Class<?> valueClass = (jsonDeser == null) ? null : _classIfExplicit(jsonDeser.as());
            if ((valueClass != null) && !type.hasRawClass(valueClass)
                    && !_primitiveAndWrapper(type, valueClass)) {
                try {
                    type = tf.constructSpecializedType(type, valueClass);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                    throw _databindException(iae,
                            String.format("Failed to narrow type %s with annotation (value %s), from '%s': %s",
                                    type, valueClass.getName(), a.getName(), iae.getMessage()));
            // Then further processing for container types
            // First, key type (for Maps, Map-like types):
            if (type.isMapLikeType()) {
                JavaType keyType = type.getKeyType();
                final Class<?> keyClass = (jsonDeser == null) ? null : _classIfExplicit(jsonDeser.keyAs());
                if ((keyClass != null)
                        && !_primitiveAndWrapper(keyType, keyClass)) {
                    try {
                        keyType = tf.constructSpecializedType(keyType, keyClass);
                        type = ((MapLikeType) type).withKeyType(keyType);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                        throw _databindException(iae,
                                String.format("Failed to narrow key type of %s with concrete-type annotation (value %s), from '%s': %s",
                                        type, keyClass.getName(), a.getName(), iae.getMessage()));
            JavaType contentType = type.getContentType();
            if (contentType != null) { // collection[like], map[like], array, reference
                // And then value types for all containers:
                final Class<?> contentClass = (jsonDeser == null) ? null : _classIfExplicit(jsonDeser.contentAs());
                if ((contentClass != null)
                        && !_primitiveAndWrapper(contentType, contentClass)) {
                    try {
                        contentType = tf.constructSpecializedType(contentType, contentClass);
                        type = type.withContentType(contentType);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                        throw _databindException(iae,
                                String.format("Failed to narrow value type of %s with concrete-type annotation (value %s), from '%s': %s",
                                        type, contentClass.getName(), a.getName(), iae.getMessage()));
            return type;
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        public Class<?> findDeserializationContentType(Annotated am, JavaType baseContentType) {
            return null;
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        public Class<?> findDeserializationType(Annotated am, JavaType baseType) {
            return null;
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        public Class<?> findDeserializationKeyType(Annotated am, JavaType baseKeyType) {
            return null;
        /* Deserialization: Class annotations
        public Object findValueInstantiator(AnnotatedClass ac)
            JsonValueInstantiator ann = _findAnnotation(ac, JsonValueInstantiator.class);
            // no 'null' marker yet, so:
            return (ann == null) ? null : ann.value();
        public Class<?> findPOJOBuilder(AnnotatedClass ac)
            JsonDeserialize ann = _findAnnotation(ac, JsonDeserialize.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : _classIfExplicit(ann.builder());
        public JsonPOJOBuilder.Value findPOJOBuilderConfig(AnnotatedClass ac)
            JsonPOJOBuilder ann = _findAnnotation(ac, JsonPOJOBuilder.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : new JsonPOJOBuilder.Value(ann);
        /* Deserialization: property annotations
        public PropertyName findNameForDeserialization(Annotated a)
            // @JsonSetter has precedence over @JsonProperty, being more specific
            boolean useDefault = false;
            JsonSetter js = _findAnnotation(a, JsonSetter.class);
            if (js != null) {
                String s = js.value();
                // 04-May-2018, tatu: Need to allow for "nameless" `@JsonSetter` too
                if (s.isEmpty()) {
                    useDefault = true;
                } else {
                    return PropertyName.construct(s);
            JsonProperty pann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonProperty.class);
            if (pann != null) {
                // 14-Nov-2020, tatu: "namespace" added in 2.12
                String ns = pann.namespace();
                if (ns != null && ns.isEmpty()) {
                    ns = null;
                return PropertyName.construct(pann.value(), ns);
            if (useDefault || _hasOneOf(a, ANNOTATIONS_TO_INFER_DESER)) {
                return PropertyName.USE_DEFAULT;
            return null;
        public Boolean hasAnySetter(Annotated a) {
            JsonAnySetter ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonAnySetter.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : ann.enabled();
        public JsonSetter.Value findSetterInfo(Annotated a) {
            return JsonSetter.Value.from(_findAnnotation(a, JsonSetter.class));
        @Override // since 2.9
        public Boolean findMergeInfo(Annotated a) {
            JsonMerge ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonMerge.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : ann.value().asBoolean();
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public boolean hasAnySetterAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am) {
            return _hasAnnotation(am, JsonAnySetter.class);
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public boolean hasCreatorAnnotation(Annotated a)
            /* No dedicated disabling; regular @JsonIgnore used if needs to be
             * ignored (and if so, is handled prior to this method getting called)
             JsonCreator ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonCreator.class);
             if (ann != null) {
                 return (ann.mode() != JsonCreator.Mode.DISABLED);
             // 19-Apr-2016, tatu: As per [databind#1197], [databind#1122] (and some related),
             //    may or may not consider it a creator
             if (_cfgConstructorPropertiesImpliesCreator ) {
                 if (a instanceof AnnotatedConstructor) {
                     if (_java7Helper != null) {
                         Boolean b = _java7Helper.hasCreatorAnnotation(a);
                         if (b != null) {
                             return b.booleanValue();
             return false;
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public JsonCreator.Mode findCreatorBinding(Annotated a) {
            JsonCreator ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonCreator.class);
            return (ann == null) ? null : ann.mode();
        public JsonCreator.Mode findCreatorAnnotation(MapperConfig<?> config, Annotated a) {
            JsonCreator ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonCreator.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                return ann.mode();
            if (_cfgConstructorPropertiesImpliesCreator
                    && config.isEnabled(MapperFeature.INFER_CREATOR_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES)
                ) {
                if (a instanceof AnnotatedConstructor) {
                    if (_java7Helper != null) {
                        Boolean b = _java7Helper.hasCreatorAnnotation(a);
                        if ((b != null) && b.booleanValue()) {
                            // 13-Sep-2016, tatu: Judgment call, but I don't think JDK ever implies
                            //    use of delegate; assumes as-properties implicitly
                            return JsonCreator.Mode.PROPERTIES;
            return null;
        /* Helper methods
        protected boolean _isIgnorable(Annotated a)
            JsonIgnore ann = _findAnnotation(a, JsonIgnore.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                return ann.value();
            if (_java7Helper != null) {
                Boolean b = _java7Helper.findTransient(a);
                if (b != null) {
                    return b.booleanValue();
            return false;
        protected Class<?> _classIfExplicit(Class<?> cls) {
            if (cls == null || ClassUtil.isBogusClass(cls)) {
                return null;
            return cls;
        protected Class<?> _classIfExplicit(Class<?> cls, Class<?> implicit) {
            cls = _classIfExplicit(cls);
            return (cls == null || cls == implicit) ? null : cls;
        protected PropertyName _propertyName(String localName, String namespace) {
            if (localName.isEmpty()) {
                return PropertyName.USE_DEFAULT;
            if (namespace == null || namespace.isEmpty()) {
                return PropertyName.construct(localName);
            return PropertyName.construct(localName, namespace);
        protected PropertyName _findConstructorName(Annotated a)
            if (a instanceof AnnotatedParameter) {
                AnnotatedParameter p = (AnnotatedParameter) a;
                AnnotatedWithParams ctor = p.getOwner();
                if (ctor != null) {
                    if (_java7Helper != null) {
                        PropertyName name = _java7Helper.findConstructorName(p);
                        if (name != null) {
                            return name;
            return null;
         * Helper method called to construct and initialize instance of {@link TypeResolverBuilder}
         * if given annotated element indicates one is needed.
        protected TypeResolverBuilder<?> _findTypeResolver(MapperConfig<?> config,
                Annotated ann, JavaType baseType)
            // First: maybe we have explicit type resolver?
            TypeResolverBuilder<?> b;
            JsonTypeInfo info = _findAnnotation(ann, JsonTypeInfo.class);
            JsonTypeResolver resAnn = _findAnnotation(ann, JsonTypeResolver.class);
            if (resAnn != null) {
                if (info == null) {
                    return null;
                // let's not try to force access override (would need to pass
                // settings through if we did, since that's not doable on some platforms)
                b = config.typeResolverBuilderInstance(ann, resAnn.value());
            } else { // if not, use standard one, if indicated by annotations
                if (info == null) {
                    return null;
                // bit special; must return 'marker' to block use of default typing:
                if (info.use() == JsonTypeInfo.Id.NONE) {
                    return _constructNoTypeResolverBuilder();
                b = _constructStdTypeResolverBuilder();
            // Does it define a custom type id resolver?
            JsonTypeIdResolver idResInfo = _findAnnotation(ann, JsonTypeIdResolver.class);
            TypeIdResolver idRes = (idResInfo == null) ? null
                    : config.typeIdResolverInstance(ann, idResInfo.value());
            if (idRes != null) {
            b = b.init(info.use(), idRes);
            // 13-Aug-2011, tatu: One complication; external id only works for properties;
            //    so if declared for a Class, we will need to map it to "PROPERTY"
            //    instead of "EXTERNAL_PROPERTY"
            JsonTypeInfo.As inclusion = info.include();
            if (inclusion == JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY && (ann instanceof AnnotatedClass)) {
                inclusion = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY;
            b = b.inclusion(inclusion);
            b = b.typeProperty(info.property());
            Class<?> defaultImpl = info.defaultImpl();
            // 08-Dec-2014, tatu: To deprecate `JsonTypeInfo.None` we need to use other placeholder(s);
            //   and since `java.util.Void` has other purpose (to indicate "deser as null"), we'll instead
            //   use `JsonTypeInfo.class` itself. But any annotation type will actually do, as they have no
            //   valid use (cannot instantiate as default)
            if (defaultImpl != JsonTypeInfo.None.class && !defaultImpl.isAnnotation()) {
                b = b.defaultImpl(defaultImpl);
            b = b.typeIdVisibility(info.visible());
            return b;
         * Helper method for constructing standard {@link TypeResolverBuilder}
         * implementation.
        protected StdTypeResolverBuilder _constructStdTypeResolverBuilder() {
            return new StdTypeResolverBuilder();
         * Helper method for dealing with "no type info" marker; can't be null
         * (as it'd be replaced by default typing)
        protected StdTypeResolverBuilder _constructNoTypeResolverBuilder() {
            return StdTypeResolverBuilder.noTypeInfoBuilder();
        private boolean _primitiveAndWrapper(Class<?> baseType, Class<?> refinement)
            if (baseType.isPrimitive()) {
                return baseType == ClassUtil.primitiveType(refinement);
            if (refinement.isPrimitive()) {
                return refinement == ClassUtil.primitiveType(baseType);
            return false;
        private boolean _primitiveAndWrapper(JavaType baseType, Class<?> refinement)
            if (baseType.isPrimitive()) {
                return baseType.hasRawClass(ClassUtil.primitiveType(refinement));
            if (refinement.isPrimitive()) {
                return refinement == ClassUtil.primitiveType(baseType.getRawClass());
            return false;
        // @since 2.12
        private JsonMappingException _databindException(String msg) {
            return new JsonMappingException(null, msg);
        // @since 2.12
        private JsonMappingException _databindException(Throwable t, String msg) {
            return new JsonMappingException(null, msg, t);



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