Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.stream.Collectors;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSetter;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.Nulls;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.ConfigOverride;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil;
     * Helper class used for aggregating information about a single
     * potential POJO property.
    public class POJOPropertyBuilder
        extends BeanPropertyDefinition
        implements Comparable<POJOPropertyBuilder>
         * Marker value used to denote that no reference-property information found for
         * this property
         * @since 2.9
        private final static AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty NOT_REFEFERENCE_PROP =
         * Whether property is being composed for serialization
         * (true) or deserialization (false)
        protected final boolean _forSerialization;
        protected final MapperConfig<?> _config;
        protected final AnnotationIntrospector _annotationIntrospector;
         * External name of logical property; may change with
         * renaming (by new instance being constructed using
         * a new name)
        protected final PropertyName _name;
         * Original internal name, derived from accessor, of this
         * property. Will not be changed by renaming.
        protected final PropertyName _internalName;
        protected Linked<AnnotatedField> _fields;
        protected Linked<AnnotatedParameter> _ctorParameters;
        protected Linked<AnnotatedMethod> _getters;
        protected Linked<AnnotatedMethod> _setters;
        protected transient PropertyMetadata _metadata;
         * Lazily accessed information about this property iff it is a forward or
         * back reference.
         * @since 2.9
        protected transient AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty _referenceInfo;
        public POJOPropertyBuilder(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotationIntrospector ai,
                boolean forSerialization, PropertyName internalName) {
            this(config, ai, forSerialization, internalName, internalName);
        protected POJOPropertyBuilder(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotationIntrospector ai,
                boolean forSerialization, PropertyName internalName, PropertyName name)
            _config = config;
            _annotationIntrospector = ai;
            _internalName = internalName;
            _name = name;
            _forSerialization = forSerialization;
        // protected since 2.9 (was public before)
        protected POJOPropertyBuilder(POJOPropertyBuilder src, PropertyName newName)
            _config = src._config;
            _annotationIntrospector = src._annotationIntrospector;
            _internalName = src._internalName;
            _name = newName;
            _fields = src._fields;
            _ctorParameters = src._ctorParameters;
            _getters = src._getters;
            _setters = src._setters;
            _forSerialization = src._forSerialization;
        /* Mutant factory methods
        public POJOPropertyBuilder withName(PropertyName newName) {
            return new POJOPropertyBuilder(this, newName);
        public POJOPropertyBuilder withSimpleName(String newSimpleName)
            PropertyName newName = _name.withSimpleName(newSimpleName);
            return (newName == _name) ? this : new POJOPropertyBuilder(this, newName);
        /* Comparable implementation: sort alphabetically, except
        /* that properties with constructor parameters sorted
        /* before other properties
        public int compareTo(POJOPropertyBuilder other)
            // first, if one has ctor params, that should come first:
            if (_ctorParameters != null) {
                if (other._ctorParameters == null) {
                    return -1;
            } else if (other._ctorParameters != null) {
                return 1;
            /* otherwise sort by external name (including sorting of
             * ctor parameters)
            return getName().compareTo(other.getName());
        /* BeanPropertyDefinition implementation, name/type
        public String getName() {
            return (_name == null) ? null : _name.getSimpleName();
        public PropertyName getFullName() {
            return _name;
        public boolean hasName(PropertyName name) {
            return _name.equals(name);
        public String getInternalName() { return _internalName.getSimpleName(); }
        public PropertyName getWrapperName() {
            /* 13-Mar-2013, tatu: Accessing via primary member SHOULD work,
             *   due to annotation merging. However, I have seen some problems
             *   with this access (for other annotations)... so if this should
             *   occur, try commenting out full traversal code
            AnnotatedMember member = getPrimaryMember();
            return (member == null || _annotationIntrospector == null) ? null
                    : _annotationIntrospector.findWrapperName(member);
            return fromMemberAnnotations(new WithMember<PropertyName>() {
                public PropertyName withMember(AnnotatedMember member) {
                    return _annotationIntrospector.findWrapperName(member);
        public boolean isExplicitlyIncluded() {
            return _anyExplicits(_fields)
                    || _anyExplicits(_getters)
                    || _anyExplicits(_setters)
                    // 16-Jan-2016, tatu: Creator names are special, in that name should exist too;
                    //   reason for this is [databind#1317]. Let's hope this works well, may need
                    //   to tweak further if this lowers visibility
    //                || _anyExplicits(_ctorParameters)
                    || _anyExplicitNames(_ctorParameters)
        public boolean isExplicitlyNamed() {
            return _anyExplicitNames(_fields)
                    || _anyExplicitNames(_getters)
                    || _anyExplicitNames(_setters)
                    || _anyExplicitNames(_ctorParameters)
        /* Simple metadata
        public PropertyMetadata getMetadata()
            if (_metadata == null) {
                // 20-Jun-2020, tatu: Unfortunately strict checks lead to [databind#2757]
                //   so we will need to try to avoid them at this point
                final AnnotatedMember prim = getPrimaryMemberUnchecked();
                if (prim == null) {
                    _metadata = PropertyMetadata.STD_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL;
                } else {
                    final Boolean b = _annotationIntrospector.hasRequiredMarker(prim);
                    final String desc = _annotationIntrospector.findPropertyDescription(prim);
                    final Integer idx = _annotationIntrospector.findPropertyIndex(prim);
                    final String def = _annotationIntrospector.findPropertyDefaultValue(prim);
                    if (b == null && idx == null && def == null) {
                        _metadata = (desc == null) ? PropertyMetadata.STD_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL
                                : PropertyMetadata.STD_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL.withDescription(desc);
                    } else {
                        _metadata = PropertyMetadata.construct(b, desc, idx, def);
                    if (!_forSerialization) {
                        _metadata = _getSetterInfo(_metadata, prim);
            return _metadata;
         * Helper method that contains logic for accessing and merging all setter
         * information that we needed, regarding things like possible merging
         * of property value, and handling of incoming nulls.
         * Only called for deserialization purposes.
        protected PropertyMetadata _getSetterInfo(PropertyMetadata metadata,
                AnnotatedMember primary)
            boolean needMerge = true;
            Nulls valueNulls = null;
            Nulls contentNulls = null;
            // Slightly confusing: first, annotations should be accessed via primary member
            // (mutator); but accessor is needed for actual merge operation. So
            AnnotatedMember acc = getAccessor();
            if (primary != null) {
                // Ok, first: does property itself have something to say?
                if (_annotationIntrospector != null) {
                    if (acc != null) {
                        Boolean b = _annotationIntrospector.findMergeInfo(primary);
                        if (b != null) {
                            needMerge = false;
                            if (b.booleanValue()) {
                                metadata = metadata.withMergeInfo(PropertyMetadata.MergeInfo.createForPropertyOverride(acc));
                    JsonSetter.Value setterInfo = _annotationIntrospector.findSetterInfo(primary);
                    if (setterInfo != null) {
                        valueNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultValueNulls();
                        contentNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultContentNulls();
                // If not, config override?
                // 25-Oct-2016, tatu: Either this, or type of accessor...
                if (needMerge || (valueNulls == null) || (contentNulls == null)) {
                    // 20-Jun-2020, tatu: Related to [databind#2757], need to find type
                    //   but keeping mind that type for setters is trickier; and that
                    //   generic typing gets tricky as well.
                    Class<?> rawType = _rawTypeOf(primary);
                    ConfigOverride co = _config.getConfigOverride(rawType);
                    JsonSetter.Value setterInfo = co.getSetterInfo();
                    if (setterInfo != null) {
                        if (valueNulls == null) {
                            valueNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultValueNulls();
                        if (contentNulls == null) {
                            contentNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultContentNulls();
                    if (needMerge && (acc != null)) {
                        Boolean b = co.getMergeable();
                        if (b != null) {
                            needMerge = false;
                            if (b.booleanValue()) {
                                metadata = metadata.withMergeInfo(PropertyMetadata.MergeInfo.createForTypeOverride(acc));
            if (needMerge || (valueNulls == null) || (contentNulls == null)) {
                JsonSetter.Value setterInfo = _config.getDefaultSetterInfo();
                if (valueNulls == null) {
                    valueNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultValueNulls();
                if (contentNulls == null) {
                    contentNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultContentNulls();
                if (needMerge) {
                    Boolean b = _config.getDefaultMergeable();
                    if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(b) && (acc != null)) {
                        metadata = metadata.withMergeInfo(PropertyMetadata.MergeInfo.createForDefaults(acc));
            if ((valueNulls != null) || (contentNulls != null)) {
                metadata = metadata.withNulls(valueNulls, contentNulls);
            return metadata;
         * Type determined from the primary member for the property being built,
         * considering precedence according to whether we are processing serialization
         * or deserialization.
        public JavaType getPrimaryType() {
            if (_forSerialization) {
                AnnotatedMember m = getGetter();
                if (m == null) {
                    m = getField();
                    if (m == null) {
                        // 09-Feb-2017, tatu: Not sure if this or `null` but...
                        return TypeFactory.unknownType();
                return m.getType();
            AnnotatedMember m = getConstructorParameter();
            if (m == null) {
                m = getSetter();
                // Important: can't try direct type access for setter; what we need is
                // type of the first parameter
                if (m != null) {
                    return ((AnnotatedMethod) m).getParameterType(0);
                m = getField();
            // for setterless properties, however, can further try getter
            if (m == null) {
                m = getGetter();
                if (m == null) {
                    return TypeFactory.unknownType();
            return m.getType();
        public Class<?> getRawPrimaryType() {
            return getPrimaryType().getRawClass();
        /* BeanPropertyDefinition implementation, accessor access
        public boolean hasGetter() { return _getters != null; }
        public boolean hasSetter() { return _setters != null; }
        public boolean hasField() { return _fields != null; }
        public boolean hasConstructorParameter() { return _ctorParameters != null; }
        public boolean couldDeserialize() {
            return (_ctorParameters != null) || (_setters != null) || (_fields != null);
        public boolean couldSerialize() {
            return (_getters != null) || (_fields != null);
        public AnnotatedMethod getGetter()
            // Easy with zero or one getters...
            Linked<AnnotatedMethod> curr = _getters;
            if (curr == null) {
                return null;
            Linked<AnnotatedMethod> next = curr.next;
            if (next == null) {
                return curr.value;
            // But if multiple, verify that they do not conflict...
            for (; next != null; next = next.next) {
                /* [JACKSON-255] Allow masking, i.e. do not report exception if one
                 *   is in super-class from the other
                Class<?> currClass = curr.value.getDeclaringClass();
                Class<?> nextClass = next.value.getDeclaringClass();
                if (currClass != nextClass) {
                    if (currClass.isAssignableFrom(nextClass)) { // next is more specific
                        curr = next;
                    if (nextClass.isAssignableFrom(currClass)) { // current more specific
                /* 30-May-2014, tatu: Three levels of precedence:
                 * 1. Regular getters ("getX")
                 * 2. Is-getters ("isX")
                 * 3. Implicit, possible getters ("x")
                int priNext = _getterPriority(next.value);
                int priCurr = _getterPriority(curr.value);
                if (priNext != priCurr) {
                    if (priNext < priCurr) {
                        curr = next;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conflicting getter definitions for property \""+getName()+"\": "
                        +curr.value.getFullName()+" vs "+next.value.getFullName());
            // One more thing; to avoid having to do it again...
            _getters = curr.withoutNext();
            return curr.value;
         * Variant of {@link #getGetter} that does NOT trigger pruning of
         * getter candidates.
        protected AnnotatedMethod getGetterUnchecked()
            Linked<AnnotatedMethod> curr = _getters;
            if (curr == null) {
                return null;
            return curr.value;
        public AnnotatedMethod getSetter()
            // Easy with zero or one setters...
            Linked<AnnotatedMethod> curr = _setters;
            if (curr == null) {
                return null;
            Linked<AnnotatedMethod> next = curr.next;
            if (next == null) {
                return curr.value;
            // But if multiple, verify that they do not conflict...
            for (; next != null; next = next.next) {
                AnnotatedMethod selected = _selectSetter(curr.value, next.value);
                if (selected == curr.value) {
                if (selected == next.value) {
                    curr = next;
                // 10-May-2021, tatu: unbreakable tie, for now; offline handling
                return _selectSetterFromMultiple(curr, next);
            // One more thing; to avoid having to do it again...
            _setters = curr.withoutNext();
            return curr.value;
         * Variant of {@link #getSetter} that does NOT trigger pruning of
         * setter candidates.
        protected AnnotatedMethod getSetterUnchecked()
            Linked<AnnotatedMethod> curr = _setters;
            if (curr == null) {
                return null;
            return curr.value;
         * Helper method called in cases where we have encountered two setter methods
         * that have same precedence and cannot be resolved. This does not yet necessarily
         * mean a failure since it is possible something with a higher precedence could
         * still be found; handling is just separated into separate method for convenience.
         * @param curr
         * @param next
         * @return Chosen setter method, if any
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If conflict could not be resolved
         * @since 2.13
        protected AnnotatedMethod _selectSetterFromMultiple(Linked<AnnotatedMethod> curr,
                Linked<AnnotatedMethod> next)
            // First: store reference to the initial possible conflict
            List<AnnotatedMethod> conflicts = new ArrayList<>();
            next = next.next;
            for (; next != null; next = next.next) {
                AnnotatedMethod selected = _selectSetter(curr.value, next.value);
                if (selected == curr.value) {
                    // No change, next was lower-precedence
                if (selected == next.value) {
                    // Hooray! Found a higher-priority one; clear conflict list
                    curr = next;
                // Tie means one more non-resolved, add
            // It is possible we resolved it; if so:
            if (conflicts.isEmpty()) {
                _setters = curr.withoutNext();
                return curr.value;
            // Otherwise
            String desc = conflicts.stream().map(AnnotatedMethod::getFullName)
                    .collect(Collectors.joining(" vs "));
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
                    "Conflicting setter definitions for property \"%s\": %s",
                    getName(), desc));
        // @since 2.13
        protected AnnotatedMethod _selectSetter(AnnotatedMethod currM, AnnotatedMethod nextM)
            // Allow masking, i.e. do not fail if one is in super-class from the other
            final Class<?> currClass = currM.getDeclaringClass();
            final Class<?> nextClass = nextM.getDeclaringClass();
            if (currClass != nextClass) {
                if (currClass.isAssignableFrom(nextClass)) { // next is more specific
                    return nextM;
                if (nextClass.isAssignableFrom(currClass)) { // current more specific
                    return currM;
            /* 30-May-2014, tatu: Two levels of precedence:
             * 1. Regular setters ("setX(...)")
             * 2. Implicit, possible setters ("x(...)")
            // 25-Apr-2021, tatu: This is probably wrong, should not rely on
            //    hard-coded "set" prefix here.
            int priNext = _setterPriority(nextM);
            int priCurr = _setterPriority(currM);
            if (priNext != priCurr) {
                // Smaller value, higher; so, if next has higher precedence:
                if (priNext < priCurr) {
                    return nextM;
                // otherwise current one has, proceed
                return currM;
            // 11-Dec-2015, tatu: As per [databind#1033] allow pluggable conflict resolution
            return (_annotationIntrospector == null) ? null
                    : _annotationIntrospector.resolveSetterConflict(_config, currM, nextM);
        public AnnotatedField getField()
            if (_fields == null) {
                return null;
            // If multiple, verify that they do not conflict...
            AnnotatedField field = _fields.value;
            Linked<AnnotatedField> next = _fields.next;
            for (; next != null; next = next.next) {
                AnnotatedField nextField = next.value;
                Class<?> fieldClass = field.getDeclaringClass();
                Class<?> nextClass = nextField.getDeclaringClass();
                if (fieldClass != nextClass) {
                    if (fieldClass.isAssignableFrom(nextClass)) { // next is more specific
                        field = nextField;
                    if (nextClass.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass)) { // getter more specific
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple fields representing property \""+getName()+"\": "
                        +field.getFullName()+" vs "+nextField.getFullName());
            return field;
         * Variant of {@link #getField} that does NOT trigger pruning of
         * Field candidates.
        protected AnnotatedField getFieldUnchecked()
            Linked<AnnotatedField> curr = _fields;
            if (curr == null) {
                return null;
            return curr.value;
        public AnnotatedParameter getConstructorParameter()
            if (_ctorParameters == null) {
                return null;
            /* Hmmh. Checking for constructor parameters is trickier; for one,
             * we must allow creator and factory method annotations.
             * If this is the case, constructor parameter has the precedence.
             * So, for now, just try finding the first constructor parameter;
             * if none, first factory method. And don't check for dups, if we must,
             * can start checking for them later on.
            Linked<AnnotatedParameter> curr = _ctorParameters;
            do {
                if (curr.value.getOwner() instanceof AnnotatedConstructor) {
                    return curr.value;
                curr = curr.next;
            } while (curr != null);
            return _ctorParameters.value;
        public Iterator<AnnotatedParameter> getConstructorParameters() {
            if (_ctorParameters == null) {
                return ClassUtil.emptyIterator();
            return new MemberIterator<AnnotatedParameter>(_ctorParameters);
        public AnnotatedMember getPrimaryMember() {
            if (_forSerialization) {
                return getAccessor();
            AnnotatedMember m = getMutator();
            // for setterless properties, however...
            if (m == null) {
                m = getAccessor();
            return m;
        // Sometimes we need to actually by-pass failures related to conflicting
        // getters or setters (see [databind#2757] for specific example); if so,
        // this method is to be used instead of `getPrimaryMember()`
        // @since 2.11.1
        protected AnnotatedMember getPrimaryMemberUnchecked() {
            if (_forSerialization) { // Inlined `getAccessor()` logic:
                // Inlined `getGetter()`:
                if (_getters != null) {
                    return _getters.value;
                // Inlined `getField()`:
                if (_fields != null) {
                    return _fields.value;
                return null;
            // Otherwise, inlined `getMutator()` logic:
            // Inlined `getConstructorParameter()`:
            if (_ctorParameters != null) {
                return _ctorParameters.value;
            // Inlined `getSetter()`:
            if (_setters != null) {
                return _setters.value;
            // Inlined `getField()`:
            if (_fields != null) {
                return _fields.value;
            // but to support setterless-properties, also include part of
            // `getAccessor()` not yet covered, `getGetter()`:
            if (_getters != null) {
                return _getters.value;
            return null;
        protected int _getterPriority(AnnotatedMethod m)
            final String name = m.getName();
            // [databind#238]: Also, regular getters have precedence over "is-getters"
            if (name.startsWith("get") && name.length() > 3) {
                // should we check capitalization?
                return 1;
            if (name.startsWith("is") && name.length() > 2) {
                return 2;
            return 3;
        protected int _setterPriority(AnnotatedMethod m)
            final String name = m.getName();
            if (name.startsWith("set") && name.length() > 3) {
                // should we check capitalization?
                return 1;
            return 2;
        /* Implementations of refinement accessors
        public Class<?>[] findViews() {
            return fromMemberAnnotations(new WithMember<Class<?>[]>() {
                public Class<?>[] withMember(AnnotatedMember member) {
                    return _annotationIntrospector.findViews(member);
        public AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty findReferenceType() {
            // 30-Mar-2017, tatu: Access lazily but retain information since it needs
            //   to be accessed multiple times during processing.
            AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty result = _referenceInfo;
            if (result != null) {
                if (result == NOT_REFEFERENCE_PROP) {
                    return null;
                return result;
            result = fromMemberAnnotations(new WithMember<AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty>() {
                public AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty withMember(AnnotatedMember member) {
                    return _annotationIntrospector.findReferenceType(member);
            _referenceInfo = (result == null) ? NOT_REFEFERENCE_PROP : result;
            return result;
        public boolean isTypeId() {
            Boolean b = fromMemberAnnotations(new WithMember<Boolean>() {
                public Boolean withMember(AnnotatedMember member) {
                    return _annotationIntrospector.isTypeId(member);
            return (b != null) && b.booleanValue();
        public ObjectIdInfo findObjectIdInfo() {
            return fromMemberAnnotations(new WithMember<ObjectIdInfo>() {
                public ObjectIdInfo withMember(AnnotatedMember member) {
                    ObjectIdInfo info = _annotationIntrospector.findObjectIdInfo(member);
                    if (info != null) {
                        info = _annotationIntrospector.findObjectReferenceInfo(member, info);
                    return info;
        public JsonInclude.Value findInclusion() {
            AnnotatedMember a = getAccessor();
            // 16-Apr-2106, tatu: Let's include per-type default inclusion too
            // 17-Aug-2016, tatu: Do NOT include global, or per-type defaults, because
            //    not all of this information (specifically, enclosing type's settings)
            //    is available here
            JsonInclude.Value v = (_annotationIntrospector == null) ?
                    null : _annotationIntrospector.findPropertyInclusion(a);
            return (v == null) ? JsonInclude.Value.empty() : v;
        public JsonProperty.Access findAccess() {
            return fromMemberAnnotationsExcept(new WithMember<JsonProperty.Access>() {
                public JsonProperty.Access withMember(AnnotatedMember member) {
                    return _annotationIntrospector.findPropertyAccess(member);
            }, JsonProperty.Access.AUTO);
        /* Data aggregation
        public void addField(AnnotatedField a, PropertyName name, boolean explName, boolean visible, boolean ignored) {
            _fields = new Linked<AnnotatedField>(a, _fields, name, explName, visible, ignored);
        public void addCtor(AnnotatedParameter a, PropertyName name, boolean explName, boolean visible, boolean ignored) {
            _ctorParameters = new Linked<AnnotatedParameter>(a, _ctorParameters, name, explName, visible, ignored);
        public void addGetter(AnnotatedMethod a, PropertyName name, boolean explName, boolean visible, boolean ignored) {
            _getters = new Linked<AnnotatedMethod>(a, _getters, name, explName, visible, ignored);
        public void addSetter(AnnotatedMethod a, PropertyName name, boolean explName, boolean visible, boolean ignored) {
            _setters = new Linked<AnnotatedMethod>(a, _setters, name, explName, visible, ignored);
         * Method for adding all property members from specified collector into
         * this collector.
        public void addAll(POJOPropertyBuilder src)
            _fields = merge(_fields, src._fields);
            _ctorParameters = merge(_ctorParameters, src._ctorParameters);
            _getters= merge(_getters, src._getters);
            _setters = merge(_setters, src._setters);
        private static <T> Linked<T> merge(Linked<T> chain1, Linked<T> chain2)
            if (chain1 == null) {
                return chain2;
            if (chain2 == null) {
                return chain1;
            return chain1.append(chain2);
        /* Modifications
         * Method called to remove all entries that are marked as
         * ignored.
        public void removeIgnored()
            _fields = _removeIgnored(_fields);
            _getters = _removeIgnored(_getters);
            _setters = _removeIgnored(_setters);
            _ctorParameters = _removeIgnored(_ctorParameters);
        @Deprecated // since 2.12
        public JsonProperty.Access removeNonVisible(boolean inferMutators) {
            return removeNonVisible(inferMutators, null);
         * @param inferMutators Whether mutators can be "pulled in" by visible
         *    accessors or not. 
         * @since 2.12 (earlier had different signature)
        public JsonProperty.Access removeNonVisible(boolean inferMutators,
                POJOPropertiesCollector parent)
            /* 07-Jun-2015, tatu: With 2.6, we will allow optional definition
             *  of explicit access type for property; if not "AUTO", it will
             *  dictate how visibility checks are applied.
            JsonProperty.Access acc = findAccess();
            if (acc == null) {
                acc = JsonProperty.Access.AUTO;
            switch (acc) {
            case READ_ONLY:
                // [databind#2719]: Need to add ignorals, first, keeping in mind
                // we have not yet resolved explicit names, so include implicit
                // and possible explicit names
                if (parent != null) {
                    for (PropertyName pn : findExplicitNames()) {
                // Remove setters, creators for sure, but fields too if deserializing
                _setters = null;
                _ctorParameters = null;
                if (!_forSerialization) {
                    _fields = null;
            case READ_WRITE:
                // no trimming whatsoever?
            case WRITE_ONLY:
                // remove getters, definitely, but also fields if serializing
                _getters = null;
                if (_forSerialization) {
                    _fields = null;
            case AUTO: // the default case: base it on visibility
                _getters = _removeNonVisible(_getters);
                _ctorParameters = _removeNonVisible(_ctorParameters);
                if (!inferMutators || (_getters == null)) {
                    _fields = _removeNonVisible(_fields);
                    _setters = _removeNonVisible(_setters);
            return acc;
         * Mutator that will simply drop any constructor parameters property may have.
         * @since 2.5
        public void removeConstructors() {
            _ctorParameters = null;
         * Method called to trim unnecessary entries, such as implicit
         * getter if there is an explict one available. This is important
         * for later stages, to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
        public void trimByVisibility()
            _fields = _trimByVisibility(_fields);
            _getters = _trimByVisibility(_getters);
            _setters = _trimByVisibility(_setters);
            _ctorParameters = _trimByVisibility(_ctorParameters);
        public void mergeAnnotations(boolean forSerialization)
            if (forSerialization) {
                if (_getters != null) {
                    AnnotationMap ann = _mergeAnnotations(0, _getters, _fields, _ctorParameters, _setters);
                    _getters = _applyAnnotations(_getters, ann);
                } else if (_fields != null) {
                    AnnotationMap ann = _mergeAnnotations(0, _fields, _ctorParameters, _setters);
                    _fields = _applyAnnotations(_fields, ann);
            } else { // for deserialization
                if (_ctorParameters != null) {
                    AnnotationMap ann = _mergeAnnotations(0, _ctorParameters, _setters, _fields, _getters);
                    _ctorParameters = _applyAnnotations(_ctorParameters, ann);
                } else if (_setters != null) {
                    AnnotationMap ann = _mergeAnnotations(0, _setters, _fields, _getters);
                    _setters = _applyAnnotations(_setters, ann);
                } else if (_fields != null) {
                    AnnotationMap ann = _mergeAnnotations(0, _fields, _getters);
                    _fields = _applyAnnotations(_fields, ann);
        private AnnotationMap _mergeAnnotations(int index,
                Linked<? extends AnnotatedMember>... nodes)
            AnnotationMap ann = _getAllAnnotations(nodes[index]);
            while (++index < nodes.length) {
                if (nodes[index] != null) {
                    return AnnotationMap.merge(ann, _mergeAnnotations(index, nodes));
            return ann;
         * Replacement, as per [databind#868], of simple access to annotations, which
         * does "deep merge" if an as necessary.
         * nodes[index].value.getAllAnnotations()
         * @since 2.6
        private <T extends AnnotatedMember> AnnotationMap _getAllAnnotations(Linked<T> node) {
            AnnotationMap ann = node.value.getAllAnnotations();
            if (node.next != null) {
                ann = AnnotationMap.merge(ann, _getAllAnnotations(node.next));
            return ann;
         * Helper method to handle recursive merging of annotations within accessor class,
         * to ensure no annotations are accidentally dropped within chain when non-visible
         * and secondary accessors are pruned later on.
         * See [databind#868] for more information.
         * @since 2.6
        private <T extends AnnotatedMember> Linked<T> _applyAnnotations(Linked<T> node, AnnotationMap ann) {
            T value = (T) node.value.withAnnotations(ann);
            if (node.next != null) {
                node = node.withNext(_applyAnnotations(node.next, ann));
            return node.withValue(value);
        private <T> Linked<T> _removeIgnored(Linked<T> node)
            if (node == null) {
                return node;
            return node.withoutIgnored();
        private <T> Linked<T> _removeNonVisible(Linked<T> node)
            if (node == null) {
                return node;
            return node.withoutNonVisible();
        private <T> Linked<T> _trimByVisibility(Linked<T> node)
            if (node == null) {
                return node;
            return node.trimByVisibility();
        /* Accessors for aggregate information
        private <T> boolean _anyExplicits(Linked<T> n)
            for (; n != null; n = n.next) {
                if (n.name != null && n.name.hasSimpleName()) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        private <T> boolean _anyExplicitNames(Linked<T> n)
            for (; n != null; n = n.next) {
                if (n.name != null && n.isNameExplicit) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        public boolean anyVisible() {
            return _anyVisible(_fields)
                || _anyVisible(_getters)
                || _anyVisible(_setters)
                || _anyVisible(_ctorParameters)
        private <T> boolean _anyVisible(Linked<T> n)
            for (; n != null; n = n.next) {
                if (n.isVisible) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        public boolean anyIgnorals() {
            return _anyIgnorals(_fields)
                || _anyIgnorals(_getters)
                || _anyIgnorals(_setters)
                || _anyIgnorals(_ctorParameters)
        private <T> boolean _anyIgnorals(Linked<T> n)
            for (; n != null; n = n.next) {
                if (n.isMarkedIgnored) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        // @since 2.14
        public boolean anyExplicitsWithoutIgnoral() {
            return _anyExplicitsWithoutIgnoral(_fields)
                    || _anyExplicitsWithoutIgnoral(_getters)
                    || _anyExplicitsWithoutIgnoral(_setters)
                    // as per [databind#1317], constructor names are special...
                    || _anyExplicitNamesWithoutIgnoral(_ctorParameters);
        // For accessors other than constructor parameters
        private <T> boolean _anyExplicitsWithoutIgnoral(Linked<T> n) {
            for (; n != null; n = n.next) {
                if (!n.isMarkedIgnored
                    && (n.name != null && n.name.hasSimpleName())) {
                        return true;
            return false;
        // For constructor parameters
        private <T> boolean _anyExplicitNamesWithoutIgnoral(Linked<T> n) {
            for (; n != null; n = n.next) {
                if (!n.isMarkedIgnored
                    && (n.name != null && n.isNameExplicit)) {
                        return true;
            return false;
         * Method called to find out set of explicit names for accessors
         * bound together due to implicit name.
         * @since 2.4
        public Set<PropertyName> findExplicitNames()
            Set<PropertyName> renamed = null;
            renamed = _findExplicitNames(_fields, renamed);
            renamed = _findExplicitNames(_getters, renamed);
            renamed = _findExplicitNames(_setters, renamed);
            renamed = _findExplicitNames(_ctorParameters, renamed);
            if (renamed == null) {
                return Collections.emptySet();
            return renamed;
         * Method called when a previous call to {@link #findExplicitNames} found
         * multiple distinct explicit names, and the property this builder represents
         * basically needs to be broken apart and replaced by a set of more than
         * one properties.
         * @since 2.4
        public Collection<POJOPropertyBuilder> explode(Collection<PropertyName> newNames)
            HashMap<PropertyName,POJOPropertyBuilder> props = new HashMap<PropertyName,POJOPropertyBuilder>();
            _explode(newNames, props, _fields);
            _explode(newNames, props, _getters);
            _explode(newNames, props, _setters);
            _explode(newNames, props, _ctorParameters);
            return props.values();
        private void _explode(Collection<PropertyName> newNames,
                Map<PropertyName,POJOPropertyBuilder> props,
                Linked<?> accessors)
            final Linked<?> firstAcc = accessors; // clumsy, part 1
            for (Linked<?> node = accessors; node != null; node = node.next) {
                PropertyName name = node.name;
                if (!node.isNameExplicit || name == null) { // no explicit name -- problem!
                    // [databind#541] ... but only as long as it's visible
                    if (!node.isVisible) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Conflicting/ambiguous property name definitions (implicit name "
                            +ClassUtil.name(_name)+"): found multiple explicit names: "
                            +newNames+", but also implicit accessor: "+node);
                POJOPropertyBuilder prop = props.get(name);
                if (prop == null) {
                    prop = new POJOPropertyBuilder(_config, _annotationIntrospector, _forSerialization,
                            _internalName, name);
                    props.put(name, prop);
                // ultra-clumsy, part 2 -- lambdas would be nice here
                if (firstAcc == _fields) {
                    Linked<AnnotatedField> n2 = (Linked<AnnotatedField>) node;
                    prop._fields = n2.withNext(prop._fields);
                } else if (firstAcc == _getters) {
                    Linked<AnnotatedMethod> n2 = (Linked<AnnotatedMethod>) node;
                    prop._getters = n2.withNext(prop._getters);
                } else if (firstAcc == _setters) {
                    Linked<AnnotatedMethod> n2 = (Linked<AnnotatedMethod>) node;
                    prop._setters = n2.withNext(prop._setters);
                } else if (firstAcc == _ctorParameters) {
                    Linked<AnnotatedParameter> n2 = (Linked<AnnotatedParameter>) node;
                    prop._ctorParameters = n2.withNext(prop._ctorParameters);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error: mismatched accessors, property: "+this);
        private Set<PropertyName> _findExplicitNames(Linked<? extends AnnotatedMember> node,
                Set<PropertyName> renamed)
            for (; node != null; node = node.next) {
                /* 30-Mar-2014, tatu: Second check should not be needed, but seems like
                 *   removing it can cause nasty exceptions with certain version
                 *   combinations (2.4 databind, an older module).
                 *   So leaving it in for now until this is resolved
                 *   (or version beyond 2.4)
                if (!node.isNameExplicit || node.name == null) {
                if (renamed == null) {
                    renamed = new HashSet<PropertyName>();
            return renamed;
        // For trouble-shooting
        public String toString()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("[Property '").append(_name)
              .append("'; ctors: ").append(_ctorParameters)
              .append(", field(s): ").append(_fields)
              .append(", getter(s): ").append(_getters)
              .append(", setter(s): ").append(_setters)
            return sb.toString();
        /* Helper methods
         * Helper method used for finding annotation values, from accessors
         * relevant to current usage (deserialization, serialization)
        protected <T> T fromMemberAnnotations(WithMember<T> func)
            T result = null;
            if (_annotationIntrospector != null) {
                if (_forSerialization) {
                    if (_getters != null) {
                        result = func.withMember(_getters.value);
                } else {
                    if (_ctorParameters != null) {
                        result = func.withMember(_ctorParameters.value);
                    if (result == null && _setters != null) {
                        result = func.withMember(_setters.value);
                if (result == null && _fields != null) {
                    result = func.withMember(_fields.value);
            return result;
        protected <T> T fromMemberAnnotationsExcept(WithMember<T> func, T defaultValue)
            if (_annotationIntrospector == null) {
                return null;
            // NOTE: here we must ask ALL accessors, but the order varies between
            // serialization, deserialization
            if (_forSerialization) {
                if (_getters != null) {
                    T result = func.withMember(_getters.value);
                    if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) {
                        return result;
                if (_fields != null) {
                    T result = func.withMember(_fields.value);
                    if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) {
                        return result;
                if (_ctorParameters != null) {
                    T result = func.withMember(_ctorParameters.value);
                    if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) {
                        return result;
                if (_setters != null) {
                    T result = func.withMember(_setters.value);
                    if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) {
                        return result;
                return null;
            if (_ctorParameters != null) {
                T result = func.withMember(_ctorParameters.value);
                if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) {
                    return result;
            if (_setters != null) {
                T result = func.withMember(_setters.value);
                if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) {
                    return result;
            if (_fields != null) {
                T result = func.withMember(_fields.value);
                if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) {
                    return result;
            if (_getters != null) {
                T result = func.withMember(_getters.value);
                if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) {
                    return result;
            return null;
        // Helper method needed to work around oddity in type access for
        // `AnnotatedMethod`.
        // @since 2.11.1
        protected Class<?> _rawTypeOf(AnnotatedMember m) {
            // AnnotatedMethod always returns return type, but for setters we
            // actually need argument type
            if (m instanceof AnnotatedMethod) {
                AnnotatedMethod meh = (AnnotatedMethod) m;
                if (meh.getParameterCount() > 0) {
                    // note: get raw type FROM full type since only that resolves
                    // generic types
                    return meh.getParameterType(0).getRawClass();
            // same as above, must get fully resolved type to handled generic typing
            // of fields etc.
            return m.getType().getRawClass();
        /* Helper classes
        private interface WithMember<T> {
            public T withMember(AnnotatedMember member);
         * @since 2.5
        protected static class MemberIterator<T extends AnnotatedMember>
            implements Iterator<T>
            private Linked<T> next;
            public MemberIterator(Linked<T> first) {
                next = first;
            public boolean hasNext() {
                return (next != null);
            public T next() {
                if (next == null) throw new NoSuchElementException();
                T result = next.value;
                next = next.next;
                return result;
            public void remove() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
         * Node used for creating simple linked lists to efficiently store small sets
         * of things.
        protected final static class Linked<T>
            public final T value;
            public final Linked<T> next;
            public final PropertyName name;
            public final boolean isNameExplicit;
            public final boolean isVisible;
            public final boolean isMarkedIgnored;
            public Linked(T v, Linked<T> n,
                    PropertyName name, boolean explName, boolean visible, boolean ignored)
                value = v;
                next = n;
                // ensure that we'll never have missing names
                this.name = (name == null || name.isEmpty()) ? null : name;
                if (explName) {
                    if (this.name == null) { // sanity check to catch internal problems
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot pass true for 'explName' if name is null/empty");
                    // 03-Apr-2014, tatu: But how about name-space only override?
                    //   Probably should not be explicit? Or, need to merge somehow?
                    if (!name.hasSimpleName()) {
                        explName = false;
                isNameExplicit = explName;
                isVisible = visible;
                isMarkedIgnored = ignored;
            public Linked<T> withoutNext() {
                if (next == null) {
                    return this;
                return new Linked<T>(value, null, name, isNameExplicit, isVisible, isMarkedIgnored);
            public Linked<T> withValue(T newValue) {
                if (newValue == value) {
                    return this;
                return new Linked<T>(newValue, next, name, isNameExplicit, isVisible, isMarkedIgnored);
            public Linked<T> withNext(Linked<T> newNext) {
                if (newNext == next) {
                    return this;
                return new Linked<T>(value, newNext, name, isNameExplicit, isVisible, isMarkedIgnored);
            public Linked<T> withoutIgnored() {
                if (isMarkedIgnored) {
                    return (next == null) ? null : next.withoutIgnored();
                if (next != null) {
                    Linked<T> newNext = next.withoutIgnored();
                    if (newNext != next) {
                        return withNext(newNext);
                return this;
            public Linked<T> withoutNonVisible() {
                Linked<T> newNext = (next == null) ? null : next.withoutNonVisible();
                return isVisible ? withNext(newNext) : newNext;
             * Method called to append given node(s) at the end of this
             * node chain.
            protected Linked<T> append(Linked<T> appendable) {
                if (next == null) {
                    return withNext(appendable);
                return withNext(next.append(appendable));
            public Linked<T> trimByVisibility() {
                if (next == null) {
                    return this;
                Linked<T> newNext = next.trimByVisibility();
                if (name != null) { // this already has highest; how about next one?
                    if (newNext.name == null) { // next one not, drop it
                        return withNext(null);
                    //  both have it, keep
                    return withNext(newNext);
                if (newNext.name != null) { // next one has higher, return it...
                    return newNext;
                // neither has explicit name; how about visibility?
                if (isVisible == newNext.isVisible) { // same; keep both in current order
                    return withNext(newNext);
                return isVisible ? withNext(null) : newNext;
            public String toString() {
                String msg = String.format("%s[visible=%b,ignore=%b,explicitName=%b]",
                        value.toString(), isVisible, isMarkedIgnored, isNameExplicit);
                if (next != null) {
                    msg = msg + ", "+next.toString();
                return msg;



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