Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig;
     * Standard {@link BasicPolymorphicTypeValidator} implementation that users may want
     * to use for constructing validators based on simple class hierarchy and/or name patterns
     * to allow and/or deny certain subtypes.
     * Most commonly this is used to allow known safe subtypes based on common super type
     * or Java package name.
     * For example:
     * @since 2.10
    public class BasicPolymorphicTypeValidator
        extends PolymorphicTypeValidator.Base
        implements java.io.Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        /* Helper classes: matchers
         * General matcher interface (predicate) for validating class values
         * (base type or resolved subtype)
        public abstract static class TypeMatcher { // note: public since 2.11
            public abstract boolean match(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> clazz);
         * General matcher interface (predicate) for validating unresolved
         * subclass class name.
        public abstract static class NameMatcher { // note: public since 2.11
            public abstract boolean match(MapperConfig<?> config, String clazzName);
        /* Builder class for configuring instances
         * Builder class for configuring and constructing immutable
         * {@link BasicPolymorphicTypeValidator} instances. Criteria for allowing
         * polymorphic subtypes is specified by adding rules in priority order, starting
         * with the rules to evaluate first: when a matching rule is found, its status
         * ({@link PolymorphicTypeValidator.Validity#ALLOWED} or {@link PolymorphicTypeValidator.Validity#DENIED}) is used and no further
         * rules are checked.
        public static class Builder {
             * Optional set of base types (exact match) that are NOT accepted
             * as base types for polymorphic properties. May be used to prevent "unsafe"
             * base types like {@link java.lang.Object} or {@link java.io.Serializable}.
            protected Set<Class<?>> _invalidBaseTypes;
             * Collected matchers for base types to allow.
            protected List<TypeMatcher> _baseTypeMatchers;
             * Collected name-based matchers for sub types to allow.
            protected List<NameMatcher> _subTypeNameMatchers;
             * Collected Class-based matchers for sub types to allow.
            protected List<TypeMatcher> _subTypeClassMatchers;
            protected Builder() { }
            // // Methods for checking solely by base type (before subtype even considered)
             * Method for appending matcher that will allow all subtypes in cases where
             * nominal base type is specified class, or one of its subtypes.
             * For example, call to
             *    builder.allowIfBaseType(MyBaseType.class)
             * would indicate that any polymorphic properties where declared base type
             * is {@code MyBaseType} (or subclass thereof) would allow all legal (assignment-compatible)
             * subtypes.
            public Builder allowIfBaseType(final Class<?> baseOfBase) {
                return _appendBaseMatcher(new TypeMatcher() {
                    public boolean match(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> clazz) {
                        return baseOfBase.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
             * Method for appending matcher that will allow all subtypes in cases where
             * nominal base type's class name matches given {@link Pattern}
             * For example, call to
             *    builder.allowIfBaseType(Pattern.compile("com\\.mycompany\\..*")
             * would indicate that any polymorphic properties where declared base type
             * is in package {@code com.mycompany} would allow all legal (assignment-compatible)
             * subtypes.
             * NOTE! {@link Pattern} match is applied using
             *   if (patternForBase.matcher(typeId).matches()) { }
             * that is, it must match the whole class name, not just part.
            public Builder allowIfBaseType(final Pattern patternForBase) {
                return _appendBaseMatcher(new TypeMatcher() {
                    public boolean match(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> clazz) {
                        return patternForBase.matcher(clazz.getName()).matches();
             * Method for appending matcher that will allow all subtypes in cases where
             * nominal base type's class name starts with specific prefix.
             * For example, call to
             *    builder.allowIfBaseType("com.mycompany.")
             * would indicate that any polymorphic properties where declared base type
             * is in package {@code com.mycompany} would allow all legal (assignment-compatible)
             * subtypes.
            public Builder allowIfBaseType(final String prefixForBase) {
                return _appendBaseMatcher(new TypeMatcher() {
                    public boolean match(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> clazz) {
                        return clazz.getName().startsWith(prefixForBase);
             * Method for appending custom matcher called with base type: if matcher returns
             * {@code true}, all possible subtypes will be accepted; if {@code false}, other
             * matchers are applied.
             * @param matcher Custom matcher to apply to base type
             * @return This Builder to allow call chaining
             * @since 2.11
            public Builder allowIfBaseType(final TypeMatcher matcher) {
                return _appendBaseMatcher(matcher);
             * Method for appending matcher that will mark any polymorphic properties with exact
             * specific class to be invalid.
             * For example, call to
             *    builder.denyforExactBaseType(Object.class)
             * would indicate that any polymorphic properties where declared base type
             * is {@code java.lang.Object}
             * would be deemed invalid, and attempt to deserialize values of such types
             * should result in an exception.
            public Builder denyForExactBaseType(final Class<?> baseTypeToDeny) {
                if (_invalidBaseTypes == null) {
                    _invalidBaseTypes = new HashSet<>();
                return this;
            // // Methods for considering subtype (base type was not enough)
             * Method for appending matcher that will allow specific subtype (regardless
             * of declared base type) if it is {@code subTypeBase} or its subtype.
             * For example, call to
             *    builder.allowIfSubType(MyImplType.class)
             * would indicate that any polymorphic values with type of
             * is {@code MyImplType} (or subclass thereof)
             * would be allowed.
            public Builder allowIfSubType(final Class<?> subTypeBase) {
                return _appendSubClassMatcher(new TypeMatcher() {
                    public boolean match(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> clazz) {
                        return subTypeBase.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
             * Method for appending matcher that will allow specific subtype (regardless
             * of declared base type) in cases where subclass name matches given {@link Pattern}.
             * For example, call to
             *    builder.allowIfSubType(Pattern.compile("com\\.mycompany\\.")
             * would indicate that any polymorphic values in package {@code com.mycompany}
             * would be allowed.
             * NOTE! {@link Pattern} match is applied using
             *   if (patternForSubType.matcher(typeId).matches()) { }
             * that is, it must match the whole class name, not just part.
            public Builder allowIfSubType(final Pattern patternForSubType) {
                return _appendSubNameMatcher(new NameMatcher() {
                    public boolean match(MapperConfig<?> config, String clazzName) {
                        return patternForSubType.matcher(clazzName).matches();
             * Method for appending matcher that will allow specific subtype (regardless
             * of declared base type)
             * in cases where subclass name starts with specified prefix
             * For example, call to
             *    builder.allowIfSubType("com.mycompany.")
             * would indicate that any polymorphic values in package {@code com.mycompany}
             * would be allowed.
            public Builder allowIfSubType(final String prefixForSubType) {
                return _appendSubNameMatcher(new NameMatcher() {
                    public boolean match(MapperConfig<?> config, String clazzName) {
                        return clazzName.startsWith(prefixForSubType);
             * Method for appending custom matcher called with resolved subtype: if matcher returns
             * {@code true}, type will be accepted; if {@code false}, other
             * matchers are applied.
             * @param matcher Custom matcher to apply to resolved subtype
             * @return This Builder to allow call chaining
             * @since 2.11
            public Builder allowIfSubType(final TypeMatcher matcher) {
                return _appendSubClassMatcher(matcher);
             * Method for appending matcher that will allow all subtypes that are Java arrays
             * (regardless of element type). Note that this does NOT validate element type
             * itself as long as Polymorphic Type handling is enabled for element type: this
             * is the case with all standard "Default Typing" inclusion criteria as well as for
             * annotation ({@code @JsonTypeInfo}) use case (since annotation only applies to element
             * types, not container).
             * NOTE: not used with other Java collection types ({@link java.util.List}s,
             *    {@link java.util.Collection}s), mostly since use of generic types as polymorphic
             *    values is not (well) supported.
             * @since 2.11
            public Builder allowIfSubTypeIsArray() {
                return _appendSubClassMatcher(new TypeMatcher() {
                    public boolean match(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> clazz) {
                        return clazz.isArray();
            // 18-Nov-2019, tatu: alas, [databind#2539] can not be implemented with 2.x due
            //    to (in hindsight) obvious design flaw: instead `MapperConfig`, `DatabindContext`
            //    must be available to check what deserializers are registered.
            public Builder allowSubTypesWithExplicitDeserializer() {
                return _appendSubClassMatcher(new TypeMatcher() {
                    public boolean match(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> clazz) {
                        // First things first: "peel off" array type
                        while (clazz.isArray()) {
                            clazz = clazz.getComponentType();
                        DeserializerFactory df = ((DeserializationConfig) config).getDes
                        return clazz.isArray();
            public BasicPolymorphicTypeValidator build() {
                return new BasicPolymorphicTypeValidator(_invalidBaseTypes,
                        (_baseTypeMatchers == null) ? null : _baseTypeMatchers.toArray(new TypeMatcher[0]),
                        (_subTypeNameMatchers == null) ? null : _subTypeNameMatchers.toArray(new NameMatcher[0]),
                        (_subTypeClassMatchers == null) ? null : _subTypeClassMatchers.toArray(new TypeMatcher[0])
            protected Builder _appendBaseMatcher(TypeMatcher matcher) {
                if (_baseTypeMatchers == null) {
                    _baseTypeMatchers = new ArrayList<>();
                return this;
            protected Builder _appendSubNameMatcher(NameMatcher matcher) {
                if (_subTypeNameMatchers == null) {
                    _subTypeNameMatchers = new ArrayList<>();
                return this;
            protected Builder _appendSubClassMatcher(TypeMatcher matcher) {
                if (_subTypeClassMatchers == null) {
                    _subTypeClassMatchers = new ArrayList<>();
                return this;
        /* Actual implementation
         * Set of specifically denied base types to indicate that use of specific
         * base types is not allowed: most commonly used to fully block use of
         * {@link java.lang.Object} as the base type.
        protected final Set<Class<?>> _invalidBaseTypes;
         * Set of matchers that can validate all values of polymorphic properties
         * that match specified allowed base types.
        protected final TypeMatcher[] _baseTypeMatchers;
         * Set of matchers that can validate specific values of polymorphic properties
         * that match subtype class name criteria.
        protected final NameMatcher[] _subTypeNameMatchers;
         * Set of matchers that can validate specific values of polymorphic properties
         * that match subtype class criteria.
        protected final TypeMatcher[] _subClassMatchers;
        protected BasicPolymorphicTypeValidator(Set<Class<?>> invalidBaseTypes,
                TypeMatcher[] baseTypeMatchers,
                NameMatcher[] subTypeNameMatchers, TypeMatcher[] subClassMatchers) {
            _invalidBaseTypes = invalidBaseTypes;
            _baseTypeMatchers = baseTypeMatchers;
            _subTypeNameMatchers = subTypeNameMatchers;
            _subClassMatchers = subClassMatchers;
        public static Builder builder() {
            return new Builder();
        public Validity validateBaseType(MapperConfig<?> ctxt, JavaType baseType) {
            final Class<?> rawBase = baseType.getRawClass();
            if (_invalidBaseTypes != null) {
                if (_invalidBaseTypes.contains(rawBase)) {
                    return Validity.DENIED;
            if (_baseTypeMatchers != null) {
                for (TypeMatcher m : _baseTypeMatchers) {
                    if (m.match(ctxt, rawBase)) {
                        return Validity.ALLOWED;
            return Validity.INDETERMINATE;
        public Validity validateSubClassName(MapperConfig<?> ctxt, JavaType baseType,
                String subClassName)
            throws JsonMappingException
            if (_subTypeNameMatchers != null)  {
                for (NameMatcher m : _subTypeNameMatchers) {
                    if (m.match(ctxt, subClassName)) {
                        return Validity.ALLOWED;
            // could not yet decide, so:
            return Validity.INDETERMINATE;
        public Validity validateSubType(MapperConfig<?> ctxt, JavaType baseType, JavaType subType)
                throws JsonMappingException
            if (_subClassMatchers != null)  {
                final Class<?> subClass = subType.getRawClass();
                for (TypeMatcher m : _subClassMatchers) {
                    if (m.match(ctxt, subClass)) {
                        return Validity.ALLOWED;
            // could not decide, callers gets to decide; usually will deny
            return Validity.INDETERMINATE;



    Or download all of them as a single archive file:

    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


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