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Jackson Data Binding Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/ser/
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.HashMap; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.SerializableString; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JacksonStdImpl; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsonFormatVisitors.JsonObjectFormatVisitor; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsonschema.SchemaAware; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeSerializer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.impl.PropertySerializerMap; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.impl.UnwrappingBeanPropertyWriter; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.BeanSerializerBase; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.Annotations; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.NameTransformer; /** * Base bean property handler class, which implements common parts of * reflection-based functionality for accessing a property value and serializing * it. * <p> * Note that current design tries to keep instances immutable (semi-functional * style); mostly because these instances are exposed to application code and * this is to reduce likelihood of data corruption and synchronization issues. */ @JacksonStdImpl // since 2.6. NOTE: sub-classes typically are not public class BeanPropertyWriter extends PropertyWriter // which extends // `ConcreteBeanPropertyBase` implements // since 2.6 { // As of 2.7 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Marker object used to indicate "do not serialize if empty" */ public final static Object MARKER_FOR_EMPTY = JsonInclude.Include.NON_EMPTY; /* /*********************************************************** /* Basic property metadata: name, type, other /*********************************************************** */ /** * Logical name of the property; will be used as the field name under which * value for the property is written. * <p> * NOTE: do NOT change name of this field; it is accessed by Afterburner * module (until 2.4; not directly from 2.5) ALSO NOTE: ... and while it * really ought to be `SerializableString`, changing that is also * binary-incompatible change. So nope. */ protected final SerializedString _name; /** * Wrapper name to use for this element, if any * * @since 2.2 */ protected final PropertyName _wrapperName; /** * Type property is declared to have, either in class definition or * associated annotations. */ protected final JavaType _declaredType; /** * Type to use for locating serializer; normally same as return type of the * accessor method, but may be overridden by annotations. */ protected final JavaType _cfgSerializationType; /** * Base type of the property, if the declared type is "non-trivial"; meaning * it is either a structured type (collection, map, array), or * parameterized. Used to retain type information about contained type, * which is mostly necessary if type meta-data is to be included. */ protected JavaType _nonTrivialBaseType; /** * Annotations from context (most often, class that declares property, or in * case of sub-class serializer, from that sub-class) * <p> * NOTE: transient just to support JDK serializability; Annotations do not * serialize. At all. */ protected final transient Annotations _contextAnnotations; /* /*********************************************************** /* Settings for accessing property value to serialize /*********************************************************** */ /** * Member (field, method) that represents property and allows access to * associated annotations. */ protected final AnnotatedMember _member; /** * Accessor method used to get property value, for method-accessible * properties. Null if and only if {@link #_field} is null. * <p> * `transient` (and non-final) only to support JDK serializability. */ protected transient Method _accessorMethod; /** * Field that contains the property value for field-accessible properties. * Null if and only if {@link #_accessorMethod} is null. * <p> * `transient` (and non-final) only to support JDK serializability. */ protected transient Field _field; /* /*********************************************************** /* Serializers needed /*********************************************************** */ /** * Serializer to use for writing out the value: null if it cannot be known * statically; non-null if it can. */ protected JsonSerializer<Object> _serializer; /** * Serializer used for writing out null values, if any: if null, null values * are to be suppressed. */ protected JsonSerializer<Object> _nullSerializer; /** * If property being serialized needs type information to be included this * is the type serializer to use. Declared type (possibly augmented with * annotations) of property is used for determining exact mechanism to use * (compared to actual runtime type used for serializing actual state). */ protected TypeSerializer _typeSerializer; /** * In case serializer is not known statically (i.e. <code>_serializer</code> * is null), we will use a lookup structure for storing dynamically resolved * mapping from type(s) to serializer(s). */ protected transient PropertySerializerMap _dynamicSerializers; /* /*********************************************************** /* Filtering /*********************************************************** */ /** * Whether null values are to be suppressed (nothing written out if value is * null) or not. Note that this is a configuration value during * construction, and actual handling relies on setting (or not) of * {@link #_nullSerializer}. */ protected final boolean _suppressNulls; /** * Value that is considered default value of the property; used for * default-value-suppression if enabled. */ protected final Object _suppressableValue; /** * Alternate set of property writers used when view-based filtering is * available for the Bean. */ protected final Class<?>[] _includeInViews; /* /********************************************************** /* Opaqueinternal data that bean serializer factory and /* bean serializers can add. /********************************************************** */ protected transient HashMap<Object, Object> _internalSettings; /* /*********************************************************** /* Construction, configuration /*********************************************************** */ /** * @since 2.9 (added `includeInViews` since 2.8) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public BeanPropertyWriter(BeanPropertyDefinition propDef, AnnotatedMember member, Annotations contextAnnotations, JavaType declaredType, JsonSerializer<?> ser, TypeSerializer typeSer, JavaType serType, boolean suppressNulls, Object suppressableValue, Class<?>[] includeInViews) { super(propDef); _member = member; _contextAnnotations = contextAnnotations; _name = new SerializedString(propDef.getName()); _wrapperName = propDef.getWrapperName(); _declaredType = declaredType; _serializer = (JsonSerializer<Object>) ser; _dynamicSerializers = (ser == null) ? PropertySerializerMap .emptyForProperties() : null; _typeSerializer = typeSer; _cfgSerializationType = serType; if (member instanceof AnnotatedField) { _accessorMethod = null; _field = (Field) member.getMember(); } else if (member instanceof AnnotatedMethod) { _accessorMethod = (Method) member.getMember(); _field = null; } else { // 01-Dec-2014, tatu: Used to be illegal, but now explicitly allowed // for virtual props _accessorMethod = null; _field = null; } _suppressNulls = suppressNulls; _suppressableValue = suppressableValue; // this will be resolved later on, unless nulls are to be suppressed _nullSerializer = null; _includeInViews = includeInViews; } @Deprecated // Since 2.9 public BeanPropertyWriter(BeanPropertyDefinition propDef, AnnotatedMember member, Annotations contextAnnotations, JavaType declaredType, JsonSerializer<?> ser, TypeSerializer typeSer, JavaType serType, boolean suppressNulls, Object suppressableValue) { this(propDef, member, contextAnnotations, declaredType, ser, typeSer, serType, suppressNulls, suppressableValue, null); } /** * Constructor that may be of use to virtual properties, when there is need * for the zero-arg ("default") constructor, and actual initialization is * done after constructor call. * * @since 2.5 */ protected BeanPropertyWriter() { super(PropertyMetadata.STD_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL); _member = null; _contextAnnotations = null; _name = null; _wrapperName = null; _includeInViews = null; _declaredType = null; _serializer = null; _dynamicSerializers = null; _typeSerializer = null; _cfgSerializationType = null; _accessorMethod = null; _field = null; _suppressNulls = false; _suppressableValue = null; _nullSerializer = null; } /** * "Copy constructor" to be used by filtering sub-classes */ protected BeanPropertyWriter(BeanPropertyWriter base) { this(base, base._name); } /** * @since 2.5 */ protected BeanPropertyWriter(BeanPropertyWriter base, PropertyName name) { super(base); /* * 02-Dec-2014, tatu: This is a big mess, alas, what with dependency to * MapperConfig to encode, and Afterburner having heartburn for * SerializableString (vs SerializedString). Hope it can be * resolved/reworked in 2.6 timeframe, if not for 2.5 */ _name = new SerializedString(name.getSimpleName()); _wrapperName = base._wrapperName; _contextAnnotations = base._contextAnnotations; _declaredType = base._declaredType; _member = base._member; _accessorMethod = base._accessorMethod; _field = base._field; _serializer = base._serializer; _nullSerializer = base._nullSerializer; // one more thing: copy internal settings, if any if (base._internalSettings != null) { _internalSettings = new HashMap<Object, Object>( base._internalSettings); } _cfgSerializationType = base._cfgSerializationType; _dynamicSerializers = base._dynamicSerializers; _suppressNulls = base._suppressNulls; _suppressableValue = base._suppressableValue; _includeInViews = base._includeInViews; _typeSerializer = base._typeSerializer; _nonTrivialBaseType = base._nonTrivialBaseType; } protected BeanPropertyWriter(BeanPropertyWriter base, SerializedString name) { super(base); _name = name; _wrapperName = base._wrapperName; _member = base._member; _contextAnnotations = base._contextAnnotations; _declaredType = base._declaredType; _accessorMethod = base._accessorMethod; _field = base._field; _serializer = base._serializer; _nullSerializer = base._nullSerializer; if (base._internalSettings != null) { _internalSettings = new HashMap<Object, Object>( base._internalSettings); } _cfgSerializationType = base._cfgSerializationType; _dynamicSerializers = base._dynamicSerializers; _suppressNulls = base._suppressNulls; _suppressableValue = base._suppressableValue; _includeInViews = base._includeInViews; _typeSerializer = base._typeSerializer; _nonTrivialBaseType = base._nonTrivialBaseType; } public BeanPropertyWriter rename(NameTransformer transformer) { String newName = transformer.transform(_name.getValue()); if (newName.equals(_name.toString())) { return this; } return _new(PropertyName.construct(newName)); } /** * Overridable factory method used by sub-classes * * @since 2.6 */ protected BeanPropertyWriter _new(PropertyName newName) { return new BeanPropertyWriter(this, newName); } /** * Method called to set, reset or clear the configured type serializer for * property. * * @since 2.6 */ public void assignTypeSerializer(TypeSerializer typeSer) { _typeSerializer = typeSer; } /** * Method called to assign value serializer for property */ public void assignSerializer(JsonSerializer<Object> ser) { // may need to disable check in future? if ((_serializer != null) && (_serializer != ser)) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Cannot override _serializer: had a %s, trying to set to %s", ClassUtil.classNameOf(_serializer), ClassUtil.classNameOf(ser))); } _serializer = ser; } /** * Method called to assign null value serializer for property */ public void assignNullSerializer(JsonSerializer<Object> nullSer) { // may need to disable check in future? if ((_nullSerializer != null) && (_nullSerializer != nullSer)) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Cannot override _nullSerializer: had a %s, trying to set to %s", ClassUtil.classNameOf(_nullSerializer), ClassUtil.classNameOf(nullSer))); } _nullSerializer = nullSer; } /** * Method called create an instance that handles details of unwrapping * contained value. */ public BeanPropertyWriter unwrappingWriter(NameTransformer unwrapper) { return new UnwrappingBeanPropertyWriter(this, unwrapper); } /** * Method called to define type to consider as "non-trivial" basetype, * needed for dynamic serialization resolution for complex (usually * container) types */ public void setNonTrivialBaseType(JavaType t) { _nonTrivialBaseType = t; } /** * Method called to ensure that the mutator has proper access rights to * be called, as per configuration. Overridden by implementations that * have mutators that require access, fields and setters. * * @since 2.8.3 */ public void fixAccess(SerializationConfig config) { _member.fixAccess(config.isEnabled(MapperFeature.OVERRIDE_PUBLIC_ACCESS_MODIFIERS)); } /* /*********************************************************** /* JDK Serializability /*********************************************************** */ /* * Ideally would not require mutable state, and instead would re-create with * final settings. However, as things are, with sub-types and all, simplest * to just change Field/Method value directly. */ Object readResolve() { if (_member instanceof AnnotatedField) { _accessorMethod = null; _field = (Field) _member.getMember(); } else if (_member instanceof AnnotatedMethod) { _accessorMethod = (Method) _member.getMember(); _field = null; } if (_serializer == null) { _dynamicSerializers = PropertySerializerMap.emptyForProperties(); } return this; } /* /************************************************************ /* BeanProperty impl /*********************************************************** */ // Note: also part of 'PropertyWriter' @Override public String getName() { return _name.getValue(); } // Note: also part of 'PropertyWriter' @Override public PropertyName getFullName() { // !!! TODO: impl properly return new PropertyName(_name.getValue()); } @Override public JavaType getType() { return _declaredType; } @Override public PropertyName getWrapperName() { return _wrapperName; } // Note: also part of 'PropertyWriter' @Override public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(Class<A> acls) { return (_member == null) ? null : _member.getAnnotation(acls); } // Note: also part of 'PropertyWriter' @Override public <A extends Annotation> A getContextAnnotation(Class<A> acls) { return (_contextAnnotations == null) ? null : _contextAnnotations .get(acls); } @Override public AnnotatedMember getMember() { return _member; } // @since 2.3 -- needed so it can be overridden by unwrapping writer protected void _depositSchemaProperty(ObjectNode propertiesNode, JsonNode schemaNode) { propertiesNode.set(getName(), schemaNode); } /* /*********************************************************** /* Managing and accessing of opaque internal settings /* (used by extensions) /*********************************************************** */ /** * Method for accessing value of specified internal setting. * * @return Value of the setting, if any; null if none. */ public Object getInternalSetting(Object key) { return (_internalSettings == null) ? null : _internalSettings.get(key); } /** * Method for setting specific internal setting to given value * * @return Old value of the setting, if any (null if none) */ public Object setInternalSetting(Object key, Object value) { if (_internalSettings == null) { _internalSettings = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); } return _internalSettings.put(key, value); } /** * Method for removing entry for specified internal setting. * * @return Existing value of the setting, if any (null if none) */ public Object removeInternalSetting(Object key) { Object removed = null; if (_internalSettings != null) { removed = _internalSettings.remove(key); // to reduce memory usage, let's also drop the Map itself, if empty if (_internalSettings.size() == 0) { _internalSettings = null; } } return removed; } /* /*********************************************************** /* Accessors /*********************************************************** */ public SerializableString getSerializedName() { return _name; } public boolean hasSerializer() { return _serializer != null; } public boolean hasNullSerializer() { return _nullSerializer != null; } /** * @since 2.6 */ public TypeSerializer getTypeSerializer() { return _typeSerializer; } /** * Accessor that will return true if this bean property has to support * "unwrapping"; ability to replace POJO structural wrapping with optional * name prefix and/or suffix (or in some cases, just removal of wrapper * name). * <p> * Default implementation simply returns false. * * @since 2.3 */ public boolean isUnwrapping() { return false; } public boolean willSuppressNulls() { return _suppressNulls; } /** * Method called to check to see if this property has a name that would * conflict with a given name. * * @since 2.6 */ public boolean wouldConflictWithName(PropertyName name) { if (_wrapperName != null) { return _wrapperName.equals(name); } // Bit convoluted since our support for namespaces is spotty but: return name.hasSimpleName(_name.getValue()) && !name.hasNamespace(); } // Needed by BeanSerializer#getSchema public JsonSerializer<Object> getSerializer() { return _serializer; } public JavaType getSerializationType() { return _cfgSerializationType; } @Deprecated // since 2.9 public Class<?> getRawSerializationType() { return (_cfgSerializationType == null) ? null : _cfgSerializationType .getRawClass(); } /** * @deprecated Since 2.7, to be removed from 2.9, use {@link #getType()} instead. */ @Deprecated public Class<?> getPropertyType() { if (_accessorMethod != null) { return _accessorMethod.getReturnType(); } if (_field != null) { return _field.getType(); } return null; } /** * Get the generic property type of this property writer. * * @return The property type, or null if not found. * * @deprecated Since 2.7, to be removed from 2.9, use {@link #getType()} instead. */ @Deprecated public Type getGenericPropertyType() { if (_accessorMethod != null) { return _accessorMethod.getGenericReturnType(); } if (_field != null) { return _field.getGenericType(); } return null; } public Class<?>[] getViews() { return _includeInViews; } /* /*********************************************************** /* PropertyWriter methods (serialization) /*********************************************************** */ /** * Method called to access property that this bean stands for, from within * given bean, and to serialize it as a JSON Object field using appropriate * serializer. */ @Override public void serializeAsField(Object bean, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider prov) throws Exception { // inlined 'get()' final Object value = (_accessorMethod == null) ? _field.get(bean) : _accessorMethod.invoke(bean, (Object[]) null); // Null handling is bit different, check that first if (value == null) { // 20-Jun-2022, tatu: Defer checking of null, see [databind#3481] if((_suppressableValue != null) && prov.includeFilterSuppressNulls(_suppressableValue)) { return; } if (_nullSerializer != null) { gen.writeFieldName(_name); _nullSerializer.serialize(null, gen, prov); } return; } // then find serializer to use JsonSerializer<Object> ser = _serializer; if (ser == null) { Class<?> cls = value.getClass(); PropertySerializerMap m = _dynamicSerializers; ser = m.serializerFor(cls); if (ser == null) { ser = _findAndAddDynamic(m, cls, prov); } } // and then see if we must suppress certain values (default, empty) if (_suppressableValue != null) { if (MARKER_FOR_EMPTY == _suppressableValue) { if (ser.isEmpty(prov, value)) { return; } } else if (_suppressableValue.equals(value)) { return; } } // For non-nulls: simple check for direct cycles if (value == bean) { // four choices: exception; handled by call; pass-through or write null if (_handleSelfReference(bean, gen, prov, ser)) { return; } } gen.writeFieldName(_name); if (_typeSerializer == null) { ser.serialize(value, gen, prov); } else { ser.serializeWithType(value, gen, prov, _typeSerializer); } } /** * Method called to indicate that serialization of a field was omitted due * to filtering, in cases where backend data format does not allow basic * omission. * * @since 2.3 */ @Override public void serializeAsOmittedField(Object bean, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider prov) throws Exception { if (!gen.canOmitFields()) { gen.writeOmittedField(_name.getValue()); } } /** * Alternative to {@link #serializeAsField} that is used when a POJO is * serialized as JSON Array; the difference is that no field names are * written. * * @since 2.3 */ @Override public void serializeAsElement(Object bean, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider prov) throws Exception { // inlined 'get()' final Object value = (_accessorMethod == null) ? _field.get(bean) : _accessorMethod.invoke(bean, (Object[]) null); if (value == null) { // nulls need specialized handling if (_nullSerializer != null) { _nullSerializer.serialize(null, gen, prov); } else { // can NOT suppress entries in tabular output gen.writeNull(); } return; } // otherwise find serializer to use JsonSerializer<Object> ser = _serializer; if (ser == null) { Class<?> cls = value.getClass(); PropertySerializerMap map = _dynamicSerializers; ser = map.serializerFor(cls); if (ser == null) { ser = _findAndAddDynamic(map, cls, prov); } } // and then see if we must suppress certain values (default, empty) if (_suppressableValue != null) { if (MARKER_FOR_EMPTY == _suppressableValue) { if (ser.isEmpty(prov, value)) { // can NOT suppress entries in // tabular output serializeAsPlaceholder(bean, gen, prov); return; } } else if (_suppressableValue.equals(value)) { // can NOT suppress entries in tabular output serializeAsPlaceholder(bean, gen, prov); return; } } // For non-nulls: simple check for direct cycles if (value == bean) { if (_handleSelfReference(bean, gen, prov, ser)) { return; } } if (_typeSerializer == null) { ser.serialize(value, gen, prov); } else { ser.serializeWithType(value, gen, prov, _typeSerializer); } } /** * Method called to serialize a placeholder used in tabular output when real * value is not to be included (is filtered out), but when we need an entry * so that field indexes will not be off. Typically this should output null * or empty String, depending on datatype. * * @since 2.1 */ @Override public void serializeAsPlaceholder(Object bean, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider prov) throws Exception { if (_nullSerializer != null) { _nullSerializer.serialize(null, gen, prov); } else { gen.writeNull(); } } /* /*********************************************************** /* PropertyWriter methods (schema generation) /*********************************************************** */ // Also part of BeanProperty implementation @Override public void depositSchemaProperty(JsonObjectFormatVisitor v, SerializerProvider provider) throws JsonMappingException { if (v != null) { if (isRequired()) {; } else { v.optionalProperty(this); } } } // // // Legacy support for JsonFormatVisitable /** * Attempt to add the output of the given {@link BeanPropertyWriter} in the * given {@link ObjectNode}. Otherwise, add the default schema * {@link JsonNode} in place of the writer's output * * @param propertiesNode * Node which the given property would exist within * @param provider * Provider that can be used for accessing dynamic aspects of * serialization processing */ @Override @Deprecated public void depositSchemaProperty(ObjectNode propertiesNode, SerializerProvider provider) throws JsonMappingException { JavaType propType = getSerializationType(); // 03-Dec-2010, tatu: SchemaAware REALLY should use JavaType, but alas // it doesn't... Type hint = (propType == null) ? getType() : propType.getRawClass(); JsonNode schemaNode; // Maybe it already has annotated/statically configured serializer? JsonSerializer<Object> ser = getSerializer(); if (ser == null) { // nope ser = provider.findValueSerializer(getType(), this); } boolean isOptional = !isRequired(); if (ser instanceof SchemaAware) { schemaNode = ((SchemaAware) ser).getSchema(provider, hint, isOptional); } else { schemaNode = com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsonschema.JsonSchema .getDefaultSchemaNode(); } _depositSchemaProperty(propertiesNode, schemaNode); } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods /********************************************************** */ protected JsonSerializer<Object> _findAndAddDynamic( PropertySerializerMap map, Class<?> type, SerializerProvider provider) throws JsonMappingException { PropertySerializerMap.SerializerAndMapResult result; if (_nonTrivialBaseType != null) { JavaType t = provider.constructSpecializedType(_nonTrivialBaseType, type); result = map.findAndAddPrimarySerializer(t, provider, this); } else { result = map.findAndAddPrimarySerializer(type, provider, this); } // did we get a new map of serializers? If so, start using it if (map != { _dynamicSerializers =; } return result.serializer; } /** * Method that can be used to access value of the property this Object * describes, from given bean instance. * <p> * Note: method is final as it should not need to be overridden -- rather, * calling method(s) ({@link #serializeAsField}) should be overridden to * change the behavior */ public final Object get(Object bean) throws Exception { return (_accessorMethod == null) ? _field.get(bean) : _accessorMethod .invoke(bean, (Object[]) null); } /** * Method called to handle a direct self-reference through this property. * Method can choose to indicate an error by throwing * {@link JsonMappingException}; fully handle serialization (and return * true); or indicate that it should be serialized normally (return false). * <p> * Default implementation will throw {@link JsonMappingException} if * {@link SerializationFeature#FAIL_ON_SELF_REFERENCES} is enabled; or * return <code>false</code> if it is disabled. * * @return True if method fully handled self-referential value; false if not * (caller is to handle it) or {@link JsonMappingException} if there * is no way handle it */ protected boolean _handleSelfReference(Object bean, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider prov, JsonSerializer<?> ser) throws IOException { if (!ser.usesObjectId()) { if (prov.isEnabled(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_SELF_REFERENCES)) { // 05-Feb-2013, tatu: Usually a problem, but NOT if we are handling // object id; this may be the case for BeanSerializers at least. // 13-Feb-2014, tatu: another possible ok case: custom serializer // (something OTHER than {@link BeanSerializerBase} if (ser instanceof BeanSerializerBase) { prov.reportBadDefinition(getType(), "Direct self-reference leading to cycle"); } } else if (prov.isEnabled(SerializationFeature.WRITE_SELF_REFERENCES_AS_NULL)) { if (_nullSerializer != null) { // 23-Oct-2019, tatu: Tricky part -- caller does not specify if it's // "as property" (in JSON Object) or "as element" (JSON array, via // 'POJO-as-array'). And since Afterburner calls method can not easily // start passing info either. So check generator to see... // (note: not considering ROOT context as possibility, does not seem legal) if (!gen.getOutputContext().inArray()) { gen.writeFieldName(_name); } _nullSerializer.serialize(null, gen, prov); } return true; } } return false; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(40); sb.append("property '").append(getName()).append("' ("); if (_accessorMethod != null) { sb.append("via method ") .append(_accessorMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()) .append("#").append(_accessorMethod.getName()); } else if (_field != null) { sb.append("field \"").append(_field.getDeclaringClass().getName()) .append("#").append(_field.getName()); } else { sb.append("virtual"); } if (_serializer == null) { sb.append(", no static serializer"); } else { sb.append(", static serializer of type " + _serializer.getClass().getName()); } sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); } }
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