Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type;
    import java.util.Objects;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
     * Specialized {@link SimpleType} for types that are referential types,
     * that is, values that can be dereferenced to another value (or null),
     * of different type.
     * Referenced type is accessible using {@link #getContentType()}.
     * @since 2.6
    public class ReferenceType extends SimpleType
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        protected final JavaType _referencedType;
         * Essential type used for type ids, for example if type id is needed for
         * referencing type with polymorphic handling. Typically initialized when
         * a {@link SimpleType} is upgraded into reference type, but NOT changed
         * if being sub-classed.
         * @since 2.8
        protected final JavaType _anchorType;
        protected ReferenceType(Class<?> cls, TypeBindings bindings,
                JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInts, JavaType refType,
                JavaType anchorType,
                Object valueHandler, Object typeHandler, boolean asStatic)
            super(cls, bindings, superClass, superInts, Objects.hashCode(refType),
                    valueHandler, typeHandler, asStatic);
            _referencedType = refType;
            _anchorType = (anchorType == null) ? this : anchorType;
         * Constructor used when upgrading into this type (via {@link #upgradeFrom},
         * the usual way for {@link ReferenceType}s to come into existence.
         * Sets up what is considered the "base" reference type
         * @since 2.7
        protected ReferenceType(TypeBase base, JavaType refType)
            _referencedType = refType;
            // we'll establish this as the anchor type
            _anchorType = this;
         * Factory method that can be used to "upgrade" a basic type into collection-like
         * one; usually done via {@link TypeModifier}
         * @param baseType Resolved non-reference type (usually {@link SimpleType}) that is being upgraded
         * @param refdType Referenced type; usually the first and only type parameter, but not necessarily
         * @since 2.7
        public static ReferenceType upgradeFrom(JavaType baseType, JavaType refdType) {
            if (refdType == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing referencedType");
            // 19-Oct-2015, tatu: Not sure if and how other types could be used as base;
            //    will cross that bridge if and when need be
            if (baseType instanceof TypeBase) {
                return new ReferenceType((TypeBase) baseType, refdType);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot upgrade from an instance of "+baseType.getClass());
         * @since 2.7
        public static ReferenceType construct(Class<?> cls, TypeBindings bindings,
                JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInts, JavaType refType)
            return new ReferenceType(cls, bindings, superClass, superInts,
                    refType, null, null, null, false);
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        public static ReferenceType construct(Class<?> cls, JavaType refType) {
            return new ReferenceType(cls, TypeBindings.emptyBindings(),
                    // !!! TODO: missing supertypes
                    null, null, null, refType, null, null, false);
        public JavaType withContentType(JavaType contentType) {
            if (_referencedType == contentType) {
                return this;
            return new ReferenceType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces,
                    contentType, _anchorType, _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic);
        public ReferenceType withTypeHandler(Object h)
            if (h == _typeHandler) {
                return this;
            return new ReferenceType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces,
                    _referencedType, _anchorType, _valueHandler, h, _asStatic);
        public ReferenceType withContentTypeHandler(Object h)
            if (h == _referencedType.<Object>getTypeHandler()) {
                return this;
            return new ReferenceType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces,
                    _referencedType.withTypeHandler(h), _anchorType,
                    _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic);
        public ReferenceType withValueHandler(Object h) {
            if (h == _valueHandler) {
                return this;
            return new ReferenceType(_class, _bindings,
                    _superClass, _superInterfaces, _referencedType, _anchorType,
                    h, _typeHandler,_asStatic);
        public ReferenceType withContentValueHandler(Object h) {
            if (h == _referencedType.<Object>getValueHandler()) {
                return this;
            JavaType refdType = _referencedType.withValueHandler(h);
            return new ReferenceType(_class, _bindings,
                    _superClass, _superInterfaces, refdType, _anchorType,
                    _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic);
        public ReferenceType withStaticTyping() {
            if (_asStatic) {
                return this;
            return new ReferenceType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces,
                    _referencedType.withStaticTyping(), _anchorType,
                     _valueHandler, _typeHandler, true);
        public JavaType refine(Class<?> rawType, TypeBindings bindings,
                JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInterfaces) {
            return new ReferenceType(rawType, _bindings,
                    superClass, superInterfaces, _referencedType, _anchorType,
                    _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic);
        protected String buildCanonicalName()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            if ((_referencedType != null) && _hasNTypeParameters(1)) {
            return sb.toString();
        /* Narrow/widen
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        protected JavaType _narrow(Class<?> subclass)
            // Should we check that there is a sub-class relationship?
            return new ReferenceType(subclass, _bindings,
                    _superClass, _superInterfaces, _referencedType, _anchorType,
                    _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic);
        /* Public API overrides
        public JavaType getContentType() {
            return _referencedType;
        public JavaType getReferencedType() {
            return _referencedType;
        public boolean hasContentType() {
            return true;
        public boolean isReferenceType() {
            return true;
        public StringBuilder getErasedSignature(StringBuilder sb) {
            return _classSignature(_class, sb, true);
        public StringBuilder getGenericSignature(StringBuilder sb)
            _classSignature(_class, sb, false);
            sb = _referencedType.getGenericSignature(sb);
            return sb;
        /* Extended API
        public JavaType getAnchorType() {
            return _anchorType;
         * Convenience accessor that allows checking whether this is the anchor type
         * itself; if not, it must be one of supertypes that is also a {@link ReferenceType}
        public boolean isAnchorType() {
            return (_anchorType == this);
        /* Standard methods
        public String toString()
            return new StringBuilder(40)
                .append("[reference type, class ")
        public boolean equals(Object o)
            if (o == this) return true;
            if (o == null) return false;
            if (o.getClass() != getClass()) return false;
            ReferenceType other = (ReferenceType) o;
            if (other._class != _class) return false;
            // Otherwise actually mostly worry about referenced type
            return _referencedType.equals(other._referencedType);



    Or download all of them as a single archive file:

    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


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