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Jackson Dataformat XML Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson also allows you to parse or generate XML messages with the Jackson Dataformat XML Extension.
Jackson Dataformat XML Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-dataformat-xml-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Dataformat XML Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/dataformat/xml/deser/
package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.deser; import; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlNameProcessor; import org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamLocation2; import org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2; import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.Stax2ReaderAdapter; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonLocation; import; /** * Simple helper class used on top of STAX {@link XMLStreamReader} to further * abstract out all irrelevant details, and to expose equivalent of flat token * stream with no "fluff" tokens (comments, processing instructions, mixed * content) all of which is just to simplify * actual higher-level conversion to JSON tokens. *<p> * Beyond initial idea there are also couple of other detours like ability * to "replay" some tokens, add virtual wrappers (ironically to support "unwrapped" * array values), and to unroll "Objects" into String values in some cases. */ public class XmlTokenStream { // // // main token states: public final static int XML_START_ELEMENT = 1; public final static int XML_END_ELEMENT = 2; public final static int XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 3; public final static int XML_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 4; public final static int XML_TEXT = 5; // New in 2.12: needed to "re-process" previously encountered START_ELEMENT, // with possible leading text // public final static int XML_DELAYED_START_ELEMENT = 6; // 2.12 also exposes "root scalars" as-is, instead of wrapping as Objects; this // needs some more state management too public final static int XML_ROOT_TEXT = 7; public final static int XML_END = 8; // // // token replay states private final static int REPLAY_START_DUP = 1; private final static int REPLAY_END = 2; private final static int REPLAY_START_DELAYED = 3; // Some helpful XML Constants private final static String XSI_NAMESPACE = XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI; /* /********************************************************************** /* Configuration /********************************************************************** */ protected final XMLStreamReader2 _xmlReader; // @since 2.13 (was untyped before) protected final ContentReference _sourceReference; /** * Bit flag composed of bits that indicate which * {@link FromXmlParser.Feature}s * are enabled. */ protected int _formatFeatures; protected boolean _cfgProcessXsiNil; protected XmlNameProcessor _nameProcessor; /* /********************************************************************** /* Parsing state /********************************************************************** */ protected int _currentState; protected int _attributeCount; /** * Marker used to indicate presence of `xsi:nil="true"' in current START_ELEMENT. * * @since 2.10 */ protected boolean _xsiNilFound; /** * Flag set true if current event is {@code XML_TEXT} and there is START_ELEMENT * * @since 2.12 */ protected boolean _startElementAfterText; /** * Index of the next attribute of the current START_ELEMENT * to return (as field name and value pair), if any; -1 * when no attributes to return */ protected int _nextAttributeIndex; protected String _localName; protected String _namespaceURI; /** * Current text value for TEXT_VALUE returned */ protected String _textValue; /** * Marker flag set if caller wants to "push back" current token so * that next call to {@link #next()} should simply be given what was * already read. * * @since 2.12 */ protected boolean _repeatCurrentToken; /** * Reusable internal value object * * @since 2.14 */ protected XmlNameProcessor.XmlName _nameToDecode = new XmlNameProcessor.XmlName(); /* /********************************************************************** /* State for handling virtual wrapping /********************************************************************** */ /** * Flag used to indicate that given element should be "replayed". */ protected int _repeatElement; /** * Wrapping state, if any active (null if none) */ protected ElementWrapper _currentWrapper; /** * In cases where we need to 'inject' a virtual END_ELEMENT, we may also * need to restore START_ELEMENT afterwards; if so, this is where names * are held. */ protected String _nextLocalName; protected String _nextNamespaceURI; /* /********************************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************************** */ public XmlTokenStream(XMLStreamReader xmlReader, ContentReference sourceRef, int formatFeatures, XmlNameProcessor nameProcessor) { _sourceReference = sourceRef; _formatFeatures = formatFeatures; _cfgProcessXsiNil = FromXmlParser.Feature.PROCESS_XSI_NIL.enabledIn(_formatFeatures); _xmlReader = Stax2ReaderAdapter.wrapIfNecessary(xmlReader); _nameProcessor = nameProcessor; } /** * Second part of initialization, to be called immediately after construction * * @since 2.12 */ public int initialize() throws XMLStreamException { // Let's ensure we point to START_ELEMENT... if (_xmlReader.getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid XMLStreamReader passed: should be pointing to START_ELEMENT (" +XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT+"), instead got "+_xmlReader.getEventType()); } _checkXsiAttributes(); // sets _attributeCount, _nextAttributeIndex _decodeElementName(_xmlReader.getNamespaceURI(), _xmlReader.getLocalName()); // 02-Jul-2020, tatu: Two choices: if child elements OR attributes, expose // as Object value; otherwise expose as Text // 06-Sep-2022, tatu: Actually expose as Object in almost every situation // as of 2.14: otherwise we have lots of issues with empty POJOs, // Lists, Maps if (_xmlReader.isEmptyElement() && FromXmlParser.Feature.EMPTY_ELEMENT_AS_NULL.enabledIn(_formatFeatures) && !_xsiNilFound && _attributeCount < 1) { // 06-Sep-2022, tatu: In fact the only special case of null conversion // of the root empty element _textValue = null; _startElementAfterText = false; return (_currentState = XML_ROOT_TEXT); } return (_currentState = XML_START_ELEMENT); // 06-Sep-2022, tatu: This code was used in 2.12, 2.13, may be // removed after 2.14 if/when no longer needed // copied from START_ELEMENT section of _next(): /* final String text = _collectUntilTag(); if (text == null) { // 30-Nov-2020, tatu: [dataformat-xml#435], this is tricky // situation since we got coerced `null`... but at least for // now will have to report as "root String" (... with null contents) _textValue = null; _startElementAfterText = false; return (_currentState = XML_ROOT_TEXT); } final boolean startElementNext = _xmlReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT; // If we have no/all-whitespace text followed by START_ELEMENT, ignore text if (startElementNext) { if (_allWs(text)) { _textValue = null; return (_currentState = XML_DELAYED_START_ELEMENT); } _textValue = text; return (_currentState = XML_DELAYED_START_ELEMENT); } _startElementAfterText = false; _textValue = text; return (_currentState = XML_ROOT_TEXT); */ } public XMLStreamReader2 getXmlReader() { return _xmlReader; } /** * @since 2.9 */ protected void setFormatFeatures(int f) { _formatFeatures = f; _cfgProcessXsiNil = FromXmlParser.Feature.PROCESS_XSI_NIL.enabledIn(f); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Public API /********************************************************************** */ // DEBUGGING /* public int next() throws XMLStreamException { int n = next0(); switch (n) { case XML_START_ELEMENT: System.out.printf(" XML_START_ELEMENT '%s' %s\n", _localName, _loc()); break; case XML_DELAYED_START_ELEMENT: System.out.printf(" XML_DELAYED_START_ELEMENT '%s' %s\n", _localName, _loc()); break; case XML_END_ELEMENT: // 24-May-2020, tatu: no name available for end element so do not print System.out.printf(" XML_END_ELEMENT %s\n", _loc()); break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: System.out.printf(" XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME '%s' %s\n", _localName, _loc()); break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: System.out.printf(" XML_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE '%s' %s\n", _textValue, _loc()); break; case XML_TEXT: System.out.printf(" XML_TEXT '%s' %s\n", _textValue, _loc()); break; case XML_END: System.out.printf(" XML_END %s\n", _loc()); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } return n; } private String _loc() { JsonLocation loc = getCurrentLocation(); return String.format("[line: %d, column: %d]", loc.getLineNr(), loc.getColumnNr()); } */ // public int next0() throws XMLStreamException public int next() throws XMLStreamException { if (_repeatCurrentToken) { _repeatCurrentToken = false; return _currentState; } if (_repeatElement != 0) { return (_currentState = _handleRepeatElement()); } return _next(); } public void skipEndElement() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int type = next(); if (type != XML_END_ELEMENT) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Internal error: Expected END_ELEMENT, got event of type %s", _stateDesc(type))); } } public int getCurrentToken() { return _currentState; } public String getText() { return _textValue; } /** * Accessor for local name of current named event (that is, * {@code XML_START_ELEMENT} or {@code XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME}). *<p> * NOTE: name NOT accessible on {@code XML_END_ELEMENT} */ public String getLocalName() { return _localName; } public String getNamespaceURI() { return _namespaceURI; } public boolean hasXsiNil() { return _xsiNilFound; } /*// not used as of 2.10 public boolean hasAttributes() { return (_currentState == XML_START_ELEMENT) && (_attributeCount > 0); } */ public void closeCompletely() throws XMLStreamException { _xmlReader.closeCompletely(); } public void close() throws XMLStreamException { _xmlReader.close(); } public JsonLocation getCurrentLocation() { return _extractLocation(_xmlReader.getLocationInfo().getCurrentLocation()); } public JsonLocation getTokenLocation() { return _extractLocation(_xmlReader.getLocationInfo().getStartLocation()); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Internal API: more esoteric methods /********************************************************************** */ /** * Method used to add virtual wrapping, which just duplicates START_ELEMENT * stream points to, and its matching closing element. */ protected void repeatStartElement() { //System.out.println(" XmlTokenStream.repeatStartElement() for <"+_localName+">, _currentWrapper was: "+_currentWrapper); // sanity check: can only be used when just returned START_ELEMENT: if (_currentState != XML_START_ELEMENT) { // 14-May-2020, tatu: Looks like we DO end up here with empty Lists; if so, // should NOT actually wrap. if (_currentState == XML_END_ELEMENT) { return; } throw new IllegalStateException("Current state not XML_START_ELEMENT but "+_currentStateDesc()); } // Important: add wrapper, to keep track... if (_currentWrapper == null) { _currentWrapper = ElementWrapper.matchingWrapper(null, _localName, _namespaceURI); } else { _currentWrapper = ElementWrapper.matchingWrapper(_currentWrapper.getParent(), _localName, _namespaceURI); } //System.out.println(" repeatStartElement for "+_localName+", _currentWrapper now: "+_currentWrapper); _repeatElement = REPLAY_START_DUP; } /** * Method that can be called to ask stream to literally just return current token * with the next call to {@link #next()}, without more work. * * @since 2.12 */ protected void pushbackCurrentToken() { _repeatCurrentToken = true; } /** * Method called to skip any attributes current START_ELEMENT may have, * so that they are not returned as token. * * @since 2.1 */ protected void skipAttributes() { //System.out.println(" XmlTokenStream.skipAttributes(), state: "+_currentStateDesc()); switch (_currentState) { case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: _attributeCount = 0; _currentState = XML_START_ELEMENT; break; case XML_START_ELEMENT: // 06-Jan-2012, tatu: As per [#47] it looks like we should NOT do anything // in this particular case, because it occurs when original element had // no attributes and we now point to the first child element. // _attributeCount = 0; break; case XML_TEXT: break; // nothing to do... is it even legal? /* case XML_DELAYED_START_ELEMENT: // 03-Jul-2020, tatu: and here nothing to do either... ? break; */ default: throw new IllegalStateException( "Current state not XML_START_ELEMENT or XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME but "+_currentStateDesc()); } } /* /********************************************************************** /* Internal methods, parsing /********************************************************************** */ private final int _next() throws XMLStreamException { //System.out.println(" XmlTokenStream._next(), state: "+_currentStateDesc()); switch (_currentState) { case XML_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: ++_nextAttributeIndex; // fall through case XML_START_ELEMENT: // attributes to return? // 06-Sep-2019, tatu: `xsi:nil` to induce "real" null value? if (_xsiNilFound) { _xsiNilFound = false; // 08-Jul-2021, tatu: as per [dataformat-xml#467] just skip anything // element might have, no need to ensure it was empty _xmlReader.skipElement(); return _handleEndElement(); } if (_nextAttributeIndex < _attributeCount) { //System.out.println(" XmlTokenStream._next(): Got attr(s)!"); _decodeAttributeName(_xmlReader.getAttributeNamespace(_nextAttributeIndex), _xmlReader.getAttributeLocalName(_nextAttributeIndex)); _textValue = _xmlReader.getAttributeValue(_nextAttributeIndex); return (_currentState = XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); } // otherwise need to find START/END_ELEMENT or text String text = _collectUntilTag(); //System.out.println(" XmlTokenStream._next(): _collectUntilTag -> '"+text+"'"); final boolean startElementNext = _xmlReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT; //System.out.println(" XmlTokenStream._next(): startElementNext? "+startElementNext); // If we have no/all-whitespace text followed by START_ELEMENT, ignore text if (startElementNext) { if (_allWs(text)) { _startElementAfterText = false; return _initStartElement(); } _startElementAfterText = true; _textValue = text; return (_currentState = XML_TEXT); } // For END_ELEMENT we will return text, if any if (text != null) { _startElementAfterText = false; _textValue = text; return (_currentState = XML_TEXT); } _startElementAfterText = false; return _handleEndElement(); /* case XML_DELAYED_START_ELEMENT: // since 2.12, to support scalar Root Value // Two cases: either "simple" with not text if (_textValue == null) { return _initStartElement(); } // or one where there is first text (to translate into "":<text> key/value entry) // then followed by start element _startElementAfterText = true; return (_currentState = XML_TEXT); */ case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: // if we just returned name, will need to just send value next return (_currentState = XML_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); case XML_TEXT: // mixed text with other elements if (_startElementAfterText) { _startElementAfterText = false; return _initStartElement(); } // text followed by END_ELEMENT return _handleEndElement(); case XML_ROOT_TEXT: close(); return (_currentState = XML_END); case XML_END: return XML_END; // throw new IllegalStateException("No more XML tokens available (end of input)"); } // Ok: must be END_ELEMENT; see what tag we get (or end) switch (_skipAndCollectTextUntilTag()) { case XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT: close(); return (_currentState = XML_END); case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT: // 24-May-2020, tatu: Need to see if we have "mixed content" to offer if (!_allWs(_textValue)) { // _textValue already set return (_currentState = XML_TEXT); } return _handleEndElement(); } // 24-May-2020, tatu: Need to see if we have "mixed content" to offer if (!_allWs(_textValue)) { // _textValue already set _startElementAfterText = true; return (_currentState = XML_TEXT); } // START_ELEMENT... return _initStartElement(); } /** * @return Collected text, if any, EXCEPT that if {@code FromXmlParser.Feature.EMPTY_ELEMENT_AS_NULL} * AND empty element, returns {@code null} */ private final String _collectUntilTag() throws XMLStreamException { // 21-Jun-2017, tatu: Whether exposed as `null` or "" is now configurable... if (_xmlReader.isEmptyElement()) {; if (FromXmlParser.Feature.EMPTY_ELEMENT_AS_NULL.enabledIn(_formatFeatures)) { return null; } return ""; } CharSequence chars = null; while (true) { switch ( { case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT: return (chars == null) ? "" : chars.toString(); case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT: case XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT: return (chars == null) ? "" : chars.toString(); // note: SPACE is ignorable (and seldom seen), not to be included case XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS: case XMLStreamConstants.CDATA: // 17-Jul-2017, tatu: as per [dataformat-xml#236], need to try to... { String str = _getText(_xmlReader); if (chars == null) { chars = str; } else { if (chars instanceof String) { chars = new StringBuilder(chars); } ((StringBuilder)chars).append(str); } } break; default: // any other type (proc instr, comment etc) is just ignored } } } // Called to skip tokens until start/end tag (or end-of-document) found, but // also collecting cdata until then, if any found, for possible "mixed content" // to report // // @since 2.12 private final int _skipAndCollectTextUntilTag() throws XMLStreamException { CharSequence chars = null; while (_xmlReader.hasNext()) { int type; switch (type = { case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT: case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT: case XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT: _textValue = (chars == null) ? "" : chars.toString(); return type; // note: SPACE is ignorable (and seldom seen), not to be included case XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS: case XMLStreamConstants.CDATA: { String str = _getText(_xmlReader); if (chars == null) { chars = str; } else { if (chars instanceof String) { chars = new StringBuilder(chars); } ((StringBuilder)chars).append(str); } } break; default: // any other type (proc instr, comment etc) is just ignored } } throw new IllegalStateException("Expected to find a tag, instead reached end of input"); } private final String _getText(XMLStreamReader2 r) throws XMLStreamException { try { return r.getText(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof XMLStreamException) { throw (XMLStreamException) cause; } throw e; } } /* /********************************************************************** /* Internal methods, other /********************************************************************** */ private final int _initStartElement() throws XMLStreamException { final String ns = _xmlReader.getNamespaceURI(); final String localName = _xmlReader.getLocalName(); _checkXsiAttributes(); // Support for virtual wrapping: in wrapping, may either create a new // wrapper scope (if in sub-tree, or matches wrapper element itself), // or implicitly close existing scope. if (_currentWrapper != null) { if (_currentWrapper.matchesWrapper(localName, ns)) { _currentWrapper = _currentWrapper.intermediateWrapper(); //System.out.println(" _initStartElement(): START_ELEMENT ("+localName+") DOES match ["+_currentWrapper+"]: leave/add intermediate"); } else { // implicit end is more interesting: //System.out.println(" _initStartElement(): START_ELEMENT ("+localName+") not matching '"+_localName+"'; add extra XML-END-ELEMENT!"); _localName = _currentWrapper.getWrapperLocalName(); _namespaceURI = _currentWrapper.getWrapperNamespace(); _currentWrapper = _currentWrapper.getParent(); // Important! We also need to restore the START_ELEMENT, so: _nextLocalName = localName; _nextNamespaceURI = ns; _repeatElement = REPLAY_START_DELAYED; return (_currentState = XML_END_ELEMENT); } } _decodeElementName(ns, localName); return (_currentState = XML_START_ELEMENT); } /** * @since 2.10 */ private final void _checkXsiAttributes() { int count = _xmlReader.getAttributeCount(); _attributeCount = count; // [dataformat-xml#354]: xsi:nul handling; at first only if first attribute if (count >= 1) { // [dataformat-xml#468]: may disable xsi:nil processing if (_cfgProcessXsiNil && "nil".equals(_xmlReader.getAttributeLocalName(0))) { if (XSI_NAMESPACE.equals(_xmlReader.getAttributeNamespace(0))) { // need to skip, regardless of value _nextAttributeIndex = 1; // but only mark as nil marker if enabled _xsiNilFound = "true".equals(_xmlReader.getAttributeValue(0)); return; } } } _nextAttributeIndex = 0; _xsiNilFound = false; } /** * @since 2.14 */ protected void _decodeElementName(String namespaceURI, String localName) { _nameToDecode.namespace = namespaceURI; _nameToDecode.localPart = localName; _nameProcessor.decodeName(_nameToDecode); _namespaceURI = _nameToDecode.namespace; _localName = _nameToDecode.localPart; } /** * @since 2.14 */ protected void _decodeAttributeName(String namespaceURI, String localName) { _nameToDecode.namespace = namespaceURI; _nameToDecode.localPart = localName; _nameProcessor.decodeName(_nameToDecode); _namespaceURI = _nameToDecode.namespace; _localName = _nameToDecode.localPart; } /** * Method called to handle details of repeating "virtual" * start/end elements, needed for handling 'unwrapped' lists. */ protected int _handleRepeatElement() throws XMLStreamException { //System.out.println(" XMLTokenStream._handleRepeatElement()"); int type = _repeatElement; _repeatElement = 0; if (type == REPLAY_START_DUP) { //System.out.println(" XMLTokenStream._handleRepeatElement() for START_ELEMENT: "+_localName+" ("+_xmlReader.getLocalName()+")"); // important: add the virtual element second time, but not with name to match _currentWrapper = _currentWrapper.intermediateWrapper(); // lgtm [java/dereferenced-value-may-be-null] return XML_START_ELEMENT; } if (type == REPLAY_END) { //System.out.println(" XMLTokenStream._handleRepeatElement() for END_ELEMENT: "+_localName+" ("+_xmlReader.getLocalName()+")"); _decodeElementName(_xmlReader.getNamespaceURI(), _xmlReader.getLocalName()); if (_currentWrapper != null) { _currentWrapper = _currentWrapper.getParent(); } return XML_END_ELEMENT; } if (type == REPLAY_START_DELAYED) { if (_currentWrapper != null) { _currentWrapper = _currentWrapper.intermediateWrapper(); } _decodeElementName(_nextNamespaceURI, _nextLocalName); _nextLocalName = null; _nextNamespaceURI = null; //System.out.println(" XMLTokenStream._handleRepeatElement() for START_DELAYED: "+_localName+" ("+_xmlReader.getLocalName()+")"); return XML_START_ELEMENT; } throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized type to repeat: "+type); } private final int _handleEndElement() { //System.out.println(" XMLTokenStream._handleEndElement()"); if (_currentWrapper != null) { ElementWrapper w = _currentWrapper; // important: if we close the scope, must duplicate END_ELEMENT as well if (w.isMatching()) { _repeatElement = REPLAY_END; // 11-Sep-2022, tatu: I _think_ these are already properly decoded _localName = w.getWrapperLocalName(); _namespaceURI = w.getWrapperNamespace(); _currentWrapper = _currentWrapper.getParent(); //System.out.println(" XMLTokenStream._handleEndElement(): IMPLICIT requestRepeat of END_ELEMENT '"+_localName); } else { _currentWrapper = _currentWrapper.getParent(); // 23-May-2020, tatu: Let's clear _localName since it's value is unlikely // to be correct and we may or may not be able to get real one (for // END_ELEMENT could) -- FromXmlParser does NOT use this info _localName = ""; _namespaceURI = ""; } } else { // Not (necessarily) known, as per above, so: _localName = ""; _namespaceURI = ""; } return (_currentState = XML_END_ELEMENT); } private JsonLocation _extractLocation(XMLStreamLocation2 location) { if (location == null) { // just for impls that might pass null... return new JsonLocation(_sourceReference, -1, -1, -1); } return new JsonLocation(_sourceReference, location.getCharacterOffset(), location.getLineNumber(), location.getColumnNumber()); } protected static boolean _allWs(String str) { final int len = (str == null) ? 0 : str.length(); if (len > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (str.charAt(i) > ' ') { return false; } } } return true; } protected String _currentStateDesc() { return _stateDesc(_currentState); } protected String _stateDesc(int state) { switch (state) { case XML_START_ELEMENT: return "XML_START_ELEMENT"; case XML_END_ELEMENT: return "XML_END_ELEMENT"; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: return "XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME"; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: return "XML_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE"; case XML_TEXT: return "XML_TEXT"; // case XML_DELAYED_START_ELEMENT: // return "XML_START_ELEMENT_DELAYED"; case XML_ROOT_TEXT: return "XML_ROOT_TEXT"; case XML_END: return "XML_END"; } return "N/A ("+_currentState+")"; } // for DEBUGGING /* @Override public String toString() { return String.format("(Token stream: state=%s attr=%s nextAttr=%s" +" name=%s text=%s repeat?=%s wrapper=[%s] repeatElement=%s nextName=%s)", _currentState, _attributeCount, _nextAttributeIndex, _localName, _textValue, _repeatElement, _currentWrapper, _repeatElement, _nextLocalName); } */ }
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