JDK 17 jdk.compiler.jmod - Compiler Tool

JDK 17 jdk.compiler.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 Compiler tool, which can be invoked by the "javac" command.

JDK 17 Compiler tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\jdk.compiler.jmod.

JDK 17 Compiler tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 17 Compiler source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\src.zip\jdk.compiler.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

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 * Copyright (c) 1999, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package com.sun.tools.javac.comp;

import com.sun.tools.javac.api.Formattable.LocalizedString;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Scope.WriteableScope;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Source.Feature;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.ResultInfo;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Check.CheckContext;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.DeferredAttr.AttrMode;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.DeferredAttr.DeferredAttrContext;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.DeferredAttr.DeferredType;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Resolve.MethodResolutionContext.Candidate;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Resolve.MethodResolutionDiagHelper.Template;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Resolve.ReferenceLookupResult.StaticKind;
import com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.main.Option;
import com.sun.tools.javac.resources.CompilerProperties.Errors;
import com.sun.tools.javac.resources.CompilerProperties.Fragments;
import com.sun.tools.javac.resources.CompilerProperties.Warnings;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCMemberReference.ReferenceKind;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCPolyExpression.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.DefinedBy.Api;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticFlag;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticPosition;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.Warning;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import java.util.stream.StreamSupport;

import javax.lang.model.element.ElementVisitor;

import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.BLOCK;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.STATIC;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.Kind.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.TypeTag.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Resolve.MethodResolutionPhase.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.Tag.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.util.Iterators.createCompoundIterator;

/** Helper class for name resolution, used mostly by the attribution phase.
 *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
 *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
 *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
 *  deletion without notice.</b>
public class Resolve {
    protected static final Context.Key<Resolve> resolveKey = new Context.Key<>();

    Names names;
    Log log;
    Symtab syms;
    Attr attr;
    AttrRecover attrRecover;
    DeferredAttr deferredAttr;
    Check chk;
    Infer infer;
    ClassFinder finder;
    ModuleFinder moduleFinder;
    Types types;
    JCDiagnostic.Factory diags;
    public final boolean allowFunctionalInterfaceMostSpecific;
    public final boolean allowModules;
    public final boolean allowRecords;
    public final boolean checkVarargsAccessAfterResolution;
    private final boolean compactMethodDiags;
    private final boolean allowLocalVariableTypeInference;
    private final boolean allowYieldStatement;
    final EnumSet<VerboseResolutionMode> verboseResolutionMode;
    final boolean dumpMethodReferenceSearchResults;

    WriteableScope polymorphicSignatureScope;

    protected Resolve(Context context) {
        context.put(resolveKey, this);
        syms = Symtab.instance(context);

        varNotFound = new SymbolNotFoundError(ABSENT_VAR);
        methodNotFound = new SymbolNotFoundError(ABSENT_MTH);
        typeNotFound = new SymbolNotFoundError(ABSENT_TYP);
        referenceNotFound = ReferenceLookupResult.error(methodNotFound);

        names = Names.instance(context);
        log = Log.instance(context);
        attr = Attr.instance(context);
        attrRecover = AttrRecover.instance(context);
        deferredAttr = DeferredAttr.instance(context);
        chk = Check.instance(context);
        infer = Infer.instance(context);
        finder = ClassFinder.instance(context);
        moduleFinder = ModuleFinder.instance(context);
        types = Types.instance(context);
        diags = JCDiagnostic.Factory.instance(context);
        Preview preview = Preview.instance(context);
        Source source = Source.instance(context);
        Options options = Options.instance(context);
        compactMethodDiags = options.isSet(Option.XDIAGS, "compact") ||
                options.isUnset(Option.XDIAGS) && options.isUnset("rawDiagnostics");
        verboseResolutionMode = VerboseResolutionMode.getVerboseResolutionMode(options);
        Target target = Target.instance(context);
        allowFunctionalInterfaceMostSpecific = Feature.FUNCTIONAL_INTERFACE_MOST_SPECIFIC.allowedInSource(source);
        allowLocalVariableTypeInference = Feature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_TYPE_INFERENCE.allowedInSource(source);
        allowYieldStatement = Feature.SWITCH_EXPRESSION.allowedInSource(source);
        checkVarargsAccessAfterResolution =
        polymorphicSignatureScope = WriteableScope.create(syms.noSymbol);
        allowModules = Feature.MODULES.allowedInSource(source);
        allowRecords = Feature.RECORDS.allowedInSource(source);
        dumpMethodReferenceSearchResults = options.isSet("debug.dumpMethodReferenceSearchResults");

    /** error symbols, which are returned when resolution fails
    private final SymbolNotFoundError varNotFound;
    private final SymbolNotFoundError methodNotFound;
    private final SymbolNotFoundError typeNotFound;

    /** empty reference lookup result */
    private final ReferenceLookupResult referenceNotFound;

    public static Resolve instance(Context context) {
        Resolve instance = context.get(resolveKey);
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new Resolve(context);
        return instance;

    private static Symbol bestOf(Symbol s1,
                                 Symbol s2) {
        return s1.kind.betterThan(s2.kind) ? s1 : s2;

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Verbose resolution diagnostics support">
    enum VerboseResolutionMode {

        final String opt;

        private VerboseResolutionMode(String opt) {
            this.opt = opt;

        static EnumSet<VerboseResolutionMode> getVerboseResolutionMode(Options opts) {
            String s = opts.get("debug.verboseResolution");
            EnumSet<VerboseResolutionMode> res = EnumSet.noneOf(VerboseResolutionMode.class);
            if (s == null) return res;
            if (s.contains("all")) {
                res = EnumSet.allOf(VerboseResolutionMode.class);
            Collection<String> args = Arrays.asList(s.split(","));
            for (VerboseResolutionMode mode : values()) {
                if (args.contains(mode.opt)) {
                } else if (args.contains("-" + mode.opt)) {
            return res;

    void reportVerboseResolutionDiagnostic(DiagnosticPosition dpos, Name name, Type site,
            List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes, Symbol bestSoFar) {
        boolean success = !bestSoFar.kind.isResolutionError();

        if (success && !verboseResolutionMode.contains(VerboseResolutionMode.SUCCESS)) {
        } else if (!success && !verboseResolutionMode.contains(VerboseResolutionMode.FAILURE)) {

        if (bestSoFar.name == names.init &&
                bestSoFar.owner == syms.objectType.tsym &&
                !verboseResolutionMode.contains(VerboseResolutionMode.OBJECT_INIT)) {
            return; //skip diags for Object constructor resolution
        } else if (site == syms.predefClass.type &&
                !verboseResolutionMode.contains(VerboseResolutionMode.PREDEF)) {
            return; //skip spurious diags for predef symbols (i.e. operators)
        } else if (currentResolutionContext.internalResolution &&
                !verboseResolutionMode.contains(VerboseResolutionMode.INTERNAL)) {

        int pos = 0;
        int mostSpecificPos = -1;
        ListBuffer<JCDiagnostic> subDiags = new ListBuffer<>();
        for (Candidate c : currentResolutionContext.candidates) {
            if (currentResolutionContext.step != c.step ||
                    (c.isApplicable() && !verboseResolutionMode.contains(VerboseResolutionMode.APPLICABLE)) ||
                    (!c.isApplicable() && !verboseResolutionMode.contains(VerboseResolutionMode.INAPPLICABLE))) {
            } else {
                subDiags.append(c.isApplicable() ?
                        getVerboseApplicableCandidateDiag(pos, c.sym, c.mtype) :
                        getVerboseInapplicableCandidateDiag(pos, c.sym, c.details));
                if (c.sym == bestSoFar)
                    mostSpecificPos = pos;
        String key = success ? "verbose.resolve.multi" : "verbose.resolve.multi.1";
        List<Type> argtypes2 = argtypes.map(deferredAttr.new RecoveryDeferredTypeMap(AttrMode.SPECULATIVE, bestSoFar, currentResolutionContext.step));
        JCDiagnostic main = diags.note(log.currentSource(), dpos, key, name,
                site.tsym, mostSpecificPos, currentResolutionContext.step,
        JCDiagnostic d = new JCDiagnostic.MultilineDiagnostic(main, subDiags.toList());

    JCDiagnostic getVerboseApplicableCandidateDiag(int pos, Symbol sym, Type inst) {
        JCDiagnostic subDiag = null;
        if (sym.type.hasTag(FORALL)) {
            subDiag = diags.fragment(Fragments.PartialInstSig(inst));

        String key = subDiag == null ?
                "applicable.method.found" :

        return diags.fragment(key, pos, sym, subDiag);

    JCDiagnostic getVerboseInapplicableCandidateDiag(int pos, Symbol sym, JCDiagnostic subDiag) {
        return diags.fragment(Fragments.NotApplicableMethodFound(pos, sym, subDiag));
    // </editor-fold>

/* ************************************************************************
 * Identifier resolution

    /** An environment is "static" if its static level is greater than
     *  the one of its outer environment
    protected static boolean isStatic(Env<AttrContext> env) {
        return env.outer != null && env.info.staticLevel > env.outer.info.staticLevel;

    /** An environment is an "initializer" if it is a constructor or
     *  an instance initializer.
    static boolean isInitializer(Env<AttrContext> env) {
        Symbol owner = env.info.scope.owner;
        return owner.isConstructor() ||
            owner.owner.kind == TYP &&
            (owner.kind == VAR ||
             owner.kind == MTH && (owner.flags() & BLOCK) != 0) &&
            (owner.flags() & STATIC) == 0;

    /** Is class accessible in given environment?
     *  @param env    The current environment.
     *  @param c      The class whose accessibility is checked.
    public boolean isAccessible(Env<AttrContext> env, TypeSymbol c) {
        return isAccessible(env, c, false);

    public boolean isAccessible(Env<AttrContext> env, TypeSymbol c, boolean checkInner) {

        /* Note that it is possible for the signature of the anonymous constructor
           to refer to an inaccessible type
        if (env.enclMethod != null && (env.enclMethod.mods.flags & ANONCONSTR) != 0)
            return true;

        if (env.info.visitingServiceImplementation &&
            env.toplevel.modle == c.packge().modle) {
            return true;

        boolean isAccessible = false;
        switch ((short)(c.flags() & AccessFlags)) {
            case PRIVATE:
                isAccessible =
                    env.enclClass.sym.outermostClass() ==
            case 0:
                isAccessible =
                    env.toplevel.packge == c.owner // fast special case
                    env.toplevel.packge == c.packge();
            default: // error recovery
                isAccessible = true;
            case PUBLIC:
                if (allowModules) {
                    ModuleSymbol currModule = env.toplevel.modle;
                    PackageSymbol p = c.packge();
                    isAccessible =
                        currModule == p.modle ||
                        currModule.visiblePackages.get(p.fullname) == p ||
                        p == syms.rootPackage ||
                        (p.modle == syms.unnamedModule && currModule.readModules.contains(p.modle));
                } else {
                    isAccessible = true;
            case PROTECTED:
                isAccessible =
                    env.toplevel.packge == c.owner // fast special case
                    env.toplevel.packge == c.packge()
                    isInnerSubClass(env.enclClass.sym, c.owner);
        return (checkInner == false || c.type.getEnclosingType() == Type.noType) ?
            isAccessible :
            isAccessible && isAccessible(env, c.type.getEnclosingType(), checkInner);
        /** Is given class a subclass of given base class, or an inner class
         *  of a subclass?
         *  Return null if no such class exists.
         *  @param c     The class which is the subclass or is contained in it.
         *  @param base  The base class
        private boolean isInnerSubClass(ClassSymbol c, Symbol base) {
            while (c != null && !c.isSubClass(base, types)) {
                c = c.owner.enclClass();
            return c != null;

    boolean isAccessible(Env<AttrContext> env, Type t) {
        return isAccessible(env, t, false);

    boolean isAccessible(Env<AttrContext> env, Type t, boolean checkInner) {
        if (t.hasTag(ARRAY)) {
            return isAccessible(env, types.cvarUpperBound(types.elemtype(t)));
        } else if (t.isUnion()) {
            return StreamSupport.stream(((UnionClassType) t).getAlternativeTypes().spliterator(), false)
                    .allMatch(alternative -> isAccessible(env, alternative.tsym, checkInner));
        } else {
            return isAccessible(env, t.tsym, checkInner);

    /** Is symbol accessible as a member of given type in given environment?
     *  @param env    The current environment.
     *  @param site   The type of which the tested symbol is regarded
     *                as a member.
     *  @param sym    The symbol.
    public boolean isAccessible(Env<AttrContext> env, Type site, Symbol sym) {
        return isAccessible(env, site, sym, false);
    public boolean isAccessible(Env<AttrContext> env, Type site, Symbol sym, boolean checkInner) {
        if (sym.name == names.init && sym.owner != site.tsym) return false;

        /* Note that it is possible for the signature of the anonymous constructor
           to refer to an inaccessible type
        if (env.enclMethod != null && (env.enclMethod.mods.flags & ANONCONSTR) != 0)
            return true;

        if (env.info.visitingServiceImplementation &&
            env.toplevel.modle == sym.packge().modle) {
            return true;

        switch ((short)(sym.flags() & AccessFlags)) {
        case PRIVATE:
                (env.enclClass.sym == sym.owner // fast special case
                 env.enclClass.sym.outermostClass() ==
                sym.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types);
        case 0:
                (env.toplevel.packge == sym.owner.owner // fast special case
                 env.toplevel.packge == sym.packge())
                isAccessible(env, site, checkInner)
                sym.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types)
                notOverriddenIn(site, sym);
        case PROTECTED:
                (env.toplevel.packge == sym.owner.owner // fast special case
                 env.toplevel.packge == sym.packge()
                 isProtectedAccessible(sym, env.enclClass.sym, site)
                 // OK to select instance method or field from 'super' or type name
                 // (but type names should be disallowed elsewhere!)
                 env.info.selectSuper && (sym.flags() & STATIC) == 0 && sym.kind != TYP)
                isAccessible(env, site, checkInner)
                notOverriddenIn(site, sym);
        default: // this case includes erroneous combinations as well
            return isAccessible(env, site, checkInner) && notOverriddenIn(site, sym);
    /* `sym' is accessible only if not overridden by
     * another symbol which is a member of `site'
     * (because, if it is overridden, `sym' is not strictly
     * speaking a member of `site'). A polymorphic signature method
     * cannot be overridden (e.g. MH.invokeExact(Object[])).
    private boolean notOverriddenIn(Type site, Symbol sym) {
        if (sym.kind != MTH || sym.isConstructor() || sym.isStatic())
            return true;
        else {
            Symbol s2 = ((MethodSymbol)sym).implementation(site.tsym, types, true);
            return (s2 == null || s2 == sym || sym.owner == s2.owner ||
                    !types.isSubSignature(types.memberType(site, s2), types.memberType(site, sym)));
        /** Is given protected symbol accessible if it is selected from given site
         *  and the selection takes place in given class?
         *  @param sym     The symbol with protected access
         *  @param c       The class where the access takes place
         *  @site          The type of the qualifier
        boolean isProtectedAccessible(Symbol sym, ClassSymbol c, Type site) {
            Type newSite = site.hasTag(TYPEVAR) ? site.getUpperBound() : site;
            while (c != null &&
                   !(c.isSubClass(sym.owner, types) &&
                     (c.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0 &&
                     // In JLS 2e, the subclass restriction applies
                     // only to instance fields and methods -- types are excluded
                     // regardless of whether they are declared 'static' or not.
                     ((sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0 || sym.kind == TYP || newSite.tsym.isSubClass(c, types))))
                c = c.owner.enclClass();
            return c != null;

     * Performs a recursive scan of a type looking for accessibility problems
     * from current attribution environment
    void checkAccessibleType(Env<AttrContext> env, Type t) {
        accessibilityChecker.visit(t, env);

     * Accessibility type-visitor
    Types.SimpleVisitor<Void, Env<AttrContext>> accessibilityChecker =
            new Types.SimpleVisitor<Void, Env<AttrContext>>() {

        void visit(List<Type> ts, Env<AttrContext> env) {
            for (Type t : ts) {
                visit(t, env);

        public Void visitType(Type t, Env<AttrContext> env) {
            return null;

        public Void visitArrayType(ArrayType t, Env<AttrContext> env) {
            visit(t.elemtype, env);
            return null;

        public Void visitClassType(ClassType t, Env<AttrContext> env) {
            visit(t.getTypeArguments(), env);
            if (!isAccessible(env, t, true)) {
                accessBase(new AccessError(env, null, t.tsym), env.tree.pos(), env.enclClass.sym, t, t.tsym.name, true);
            return null;

        public Void visitWildcardType(WildcardType t, Env<AttrContext> env) {
            visit(t.type, env);
            return null;

        public Void visitMethodType(MethodType t, Env<AttrContext> env) {
            visit(t.getParameterTypes(), env);
            visit(t.getReturnType(), env);
            visit(t.getThrownTypes(), env);
            return null;

    /** Try to instantiate the type of a method so that it fits
     *  given type arguments and argument types. If successful, return
     *  the method's instantiated type, else return null.
     *  The instantiation will take into account an additional leading
     *  formal parameter if the method is an instance method seen as a member
     *  of an under determined site. In this case, we treat site as an additional
     *  parameter and the parameters of the class containing the method as
     *  additional type variables that get instantiated.
     *  @param env         The current environment
     *  @param site        The type of which the method is a member.
     *  @param m           The method symbol.
     *  @param argtypes    The invocation's given value arguments.
     *  @param typeargtypes    The invocation's given type arguments.
     *  @param allowBoxing Allow boxing conversions of arguments.
     *  @param useVarargs Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs.
    Type rawInstantiate(Env<AttrContext> env,
                        Type site,
                        Symbol m,
                        ResultInfo resultInfo,
                        List<Type> argtypes,
                        List<Type> typeargtypes,
                        boolean allowBoxing,
                        boolean useVarargs,
                        Warner warn) throws Infer.InferenceException {
        Type mt = types.memberType(site, m);
        // tvars is the list of formal type variables for which type arguments
        // need to inferred.
        List<Type> tvars = List.nil();
        if (typeargtypes == null) typeargtypes = List.nil();
        if (!mt.hasTag(FORALL) && typeargtypes.nonEmpty()) {
            // This is not a polymorphic method, but typeargs are supplied
            // which is fine, see JLS
        } else if (mt.hasTag(FORALL) && typeargtypes.nonEmpty()) {
            ForAll pmt = (ForAll) mt;
            if (typeargtypes.length() != pmt.tvars.length())
                 // not enough args
                throw new InapplicableMethodException(diags.fragment(Fragments.WrongNumberTypeArgs(Integer.toString(pmt.tvars.length()))));
            // Check type arguments are within bounds
            List<Type> formals = pmt.tvars;
            List<Type> actuals = typeargtypes;
            while (formals.nonEmpty() && actuals.nonEmpty()) {
                List<Type> bounds = types.subst(types.getBounds((TypeVar)formals.head),
                                                pmt.tvars, typeargtypes);
                for (; bounds.nonEmpty(); bounds = bounds.tail) {
                    if (!types.isSubtypeUnchecked(actuals.head, bounds.head, warn)) {
                        throw new InapplicableMethodException(diags.fragment(Fragments.ExplicitParamDoNotConformToBounds(actuals.head, bounds)));
                formals = formals.tail;
                actuals = actuals.tail;
            mt = types.subst(pmt.qtype, pmt.tvars, typeargtypes);
        } else if (mt.hasTag(FORALL)) {
            ForAll pmt = (ForAll) mt;
            List<Type> tvars1 = types.newInstances(pmt.tvars);
            tvars = tvars.appendList(tvars1);
            mt = types.subst(pmt.qtype, pmt.tvars, tvars1);

        // find out whether we need to go the slow route via infer
        boolean instNeeded = tvars.tail != null; /*inlined: tvars.nonEmpty()*/
        for (List<Type> l = argtypes;
             l.tail != null/*inlined: l.nonEmpty()*/ && !instNeeded;
             l = l.tail) {
            if (l.head.hasTag(FORALL)) instNeeded = true;

        if (instNeeded) {
            return infer.instantiateMethod(env,

        DeferredAttr.DeferredAttrContext dc = currentResolutionContext.deferredAttrContext(m, infer.emptyContext, resultInfo, warn);
        currentResolutionContext.methodCheck.argumentsAcceptable(env, dc,
                                argtypes, mt.getParameterTypes(), warn);
        return mt;

    Type checkMethod(Env<AttrContext> env,
                     Type site,
                     Symbol m,
                     ResultInfo resultInfo,
                     List<Type> argtypes,
                     List<Type> typeargtypes,
                     Warner warn) {
        MethodResolutionContext prevContext = currentResolutionContext;
        try {
            currentResolutionContext = new MethodResolutionContext();
            currentResolutionContext.attrMode = (resultInfo.pt == Infer.anyPoly) ?
                    AttrMode.SPECULATIVE : DeferredAttr.AttrMode.CHECK;
            if (env.tree.hasTag(JCTree.Tag.REFERENCE)) {
                //method/constructor references need special check class
                //to handle inference variables in 'argtypes' (might happen
                //during an unsticking round)
                currentResolutionContext.methodCheck =
                        new MethodReferenceCheck(resultInfo.checkContext.inferenceContext());
            MethodResolutionPhase step = currentResolutionContext.step = env.info.pendingResolutionPhase;
            return rawInstantiate(env, site, m, resultInfo, argtypes, typeargtypes,
                    step.isBoxingRequired(), step.isVarargsRequired(), warn);
        finally {
            currentResolutionContext = prevContext;

    /** Same but returns null instead throwing a NoInstanceException
    Type instantiate(Env<AttrContext> env,
                     Type site,
                     Symbol m,
                     ResultInfo resultInfo,
                     List<Type> argtypes,
                     List<Type> typeargtypes,
                     boolean allowBoxing,
                     boolean useVarargs,
                     Warner warn) {
        try {
            return rawInstantiate(env, site, m, resultInfo, argtypes, typeargtypes,
                                  allowBoxing, useVarargs, warn);
        } catch (InapplicableMethodException ex) {
            return null;

     * This interface defines an entry point that should be used to perform a
     * method check. A method check usually consist in determining as to whether
     * a set of types (actuals) is compatible with another set of types (formals).
     * Since the notion of compatibility can vary depending on the circumstances,
     * this interfaces allows to easily add new pluggable method check routines.
    interface MethodCheck {
         * Main method check routine. A method check usually consist in determining
         * as to whether a set of types (actuals) is compatible with another set of
         * types (formals). If an incompatibility is found, an unchecked exception
         * is assumed to be thrown.
        void argumentsAcceptable(Env<AttrContext> env,
                                DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext,
                                List<Type> argtypes,
                                List<Type> formals,
                                Warner warn);

         * Retrieve the method check object that will be used during a
         * most specific check.
        MethodCheck mostSpecificCheck(List<Type> actuals);

     * Helper enum defining all method check diagnostics (used by resolveMethodCheck).
    enum MethodCheckDiag {
         * Actuals and formals differs in length.
        ARITY_MISMATCH("arg.length.mismatch", "infer.arg.length.mismatch"),
         * An actual is incompatible with a formal.
        ARG_MISMATCH("no.conforming.assignment.exists", "infer.no.conforming.assignment.exists"),
         * An actual is incompatible with the varargs element type.
        VARARG_MISMATCH("varargs.argument.mismatch", "infer.varargs.argument.mismatch"),
         * The varargs element type is inaccessible.
        INACCESSIBLE_VARARGS("inaccessible.varargs.type", "inaccessible.varargs.type");

        final String basicKey;
        final String inferKey;

        MethodCheckDiag(String basicKey, String inferKey) {
            this.basicKey = basicKey;
            this.inferKey = inferKey;

        String regex() {
            return String.format("([a-z]*\\.)*(%s|%s)", basicKey, inferKey);

     * Dummy method check object. All methods are deemed applicable, regardless
     * of their formal parameter types.
    MethodCheck nilMethodCheck = new MethodCheck() {
        public void argumentsAcceptable(Env<AttrContext> env, DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> formals, Warner warn) {
            //do nothing - method always applicable regardless of actuals

        public MethodCheck mostSpecificCheck(List<Type> actuals) {
            return this;

     * Base class for 'real' method checks. The class defines the logic for
     * iterating through formals and actuals and provides and entry point
     * that can be used by subclasses in order to define the actual check logic.
    abstract class AbstractMethodCheck implements MethodCheck {
        public void argumentsAcceptable(final Env<AttrContext> env,
                                    DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext,
                                    List<Type> argtypes,
                                    List<Type> formals,
                                    Warner warn) {
            //should we expand formals?
            boolean useVarargs = deferredAttrContext.phase.isVarargsRequired();
            JCTree callTree = treeForDiagnostics(env);
            List<JCExpression> trees = TreeInfo.args(callTree);

            //inference context used during this method check
            InferenceContext inferenceContext = deferredAttrContext.inferenceContext;

            Type varargsFormal = useVarargs ? formals.last() : null;

            if (varargsFormal == null &&
                    argtypes.size() != formals.size()) {
                reportMC(callTree, MethodCheckDiag.ARITY_MISMATCH, inferenceContext); // not enough args

            while (argtypes.nonEmpty() && formals.head != varargsFormal) {
                DiagnosticPosition pos = trees != null ? trees.head : null;
                checkArg(pos, false, argtypes.head, formals.head, deferredAttrContext, warn);
                argtypes = argtypes.tail;
                formals = formals.tail;
                trees = trees != null ? trees.tail : trees;

            if (formals.head != varargsFormal) {
                reportMC(callTree, MethodCheckDiag.ARITY_MISMATCH, inferenceContext); // not enough args

            if (useVarargs) {
                //note: if applicability check is triggered by most specific test,
                //the last argument of a varargs is _not_ an array type (see JLS
                final Type elt = types.elemtype(varargsFormal);
                while (argtypes.nonEmpty()) {
                    DiagnosticPosition pos = trees != null ? trees.head : null;
                    checkArg(pos, true, argtypes.head, elt, deferredAttrContext, warn);
                    argtypes = argtypes.tail;
                    trees = trees != null ? trees.tail : trees;

            // where
            private JCTree treeForDiagnostics(Env<AttrContext> env) {
                return env.info.preferredTreeForDiagnostics != null ? env.info.preferredTreeForDiagnostics : env.tree;

         * Does the actual argument conforms to the corresponding formal?
        abstract void checkArg(DiagnosticPosition pos, boolean varargs, Type actual, Type formal, DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext, Warner warn);

        protected void reportMC(DiagnosticPosition pos, MethodCheckDiag diag, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Object... args) {
            boolean inferDiag = inferenceContext != infer.emptyContext;
            if (inferDiag && (!diag.inferKey.equals(diag.basicKey))) {
                Object[] args2 = new Object[args.length + 1];
                System.arraycopy(args, 0, args2, 1, args.length);
                args2[0] = inferenceContext.inferenceVars();
                args = args2;
            String key = inferDiag ? diag.inferKey : diag.basicKey;
            throw inferDiag ?
                infer.error(diags.create(DiagnosticType.FRAGMENT, log.currentSource(), pos, key, args)) :
                methodCheckFailure.setMessage(diags.create(DiagnosticType.FRAGMENT, log.currentSource(), pos, key, args));

         * To eliminate the overhead associated with allocating an exception object in such an
         * hot execution path, we use flyweight pattern - and share the same exception instance
         * across multiple method check failures.
        class SharedInapplicableMethodException extends InapplicableMethodException {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

            SharedInapplicableMethodException() {

            SharedInapplicableMethodException setMessage(JCDiagnostic details) {
                this.diagnostic = details;
                return this;

        SharedInapplicableMethodException methodCheckFailure = new SharedInapplicableMethodException();

        public MethodCheck mostSpecificCheck(List<Type> actuals) {
            return nilMethodCheck;


     * Arity-based method check. A method is applicable if the number of actuals
     * supplied conforms to the method signature.
    MethodCheck arityMethodCheck = new AbstractMethodCheck() {
        void checkArg(DiagnosticPosition pos, boolean varargs, Type actual, Type formal, DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext, Warner warn) {
            //do nothing - actual always compatible to formals

        public String toString() {
            return "arityMethodCheck";

     * Main method applicability routine. Given a list of actual types A,
     * a list of formal types F, determines whether the types in A are
     * compatible (by method invocation conversion) with the types in F.
     * Since this routine is shared between overload resolution and method
     * type-inference, a (possibly empty) inference context is used to convert
     * formal types to the corresponding 'undet' form ahead of a compatibility
     * check so that constraints can be propagated and collected.
     * Moreover, if one or more types in A is a deferred type, this routine uses
     * DeferredAttr in order to perform deferred attribution. If one or more actual
     * deferred types are stuck, they are placed in a queue and revisited later
     * after the remainder of the arguments have been seen. If this is not sufficient
     * to 'unstuck' the argument, a cyclic inference error is called out.
     * A method check handler (see above) is used in order to report errors.
    MethodCheck resolveMethodCheck = new AbstractMethodCheck() {

        void checkArg(DiagnosticPosition pos, boolean varargs, Type actual, Type formal, DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext, Warner warn) {
            ResultInfo mresult = methodCheckResult(varargs, formal, deferredAttrContext, warn);
            mresult.check(pos, actual);

        public void argumentsAcceptable(final Env<AttrContext> env,
                                    DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext,
                                    List<Type> argtypes,
                                    List<Type> formals,
                                    Warner warn) {
            super.argumentsAcceptable(env, deferredAttrContext, argtypes, formals, warn);
            // should we check varargs element type accessibility?
            if (deferredAttrContext.phase.isVarargsRequired()) {
                if (deferredAttrContext.mode == AttrMode.CHECK || !checkVarargsAccessAfterResolution) {
                    varargsAccessible(env, types.elemtype(formals.last()), deferredAttrContext.inferenceContext);

         * Test that the runtime array element type corresponding to 't' is accessible.  't' should be the
         * varargs element type of either the method invocation type signature (after inference completes)
         * or the method declaration signature (before inference completes).
        private void varargsAccessible(final Env<AttrContext> env, final Type t, final InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
            if (inferenceContext.free(t)) {
                        solvedContext -> varargsAccessible(env, solvedContext.asInstType(t), solvedContext));
            } else {
                if (!isAccessible(env, types.erasure(t))) {
                    Symbol location = env.enclClass.sym;
                    reportMC(env.tree, MethodCheckDiag.INACCESSIBLE_VARARGS, inferenceContext, t, Kinds.kindName(location), location);

        private ResultInfo methodCheckResult(final boolean varargsCheck, Type to,
                final DeferredAttr.DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext, Warner rsWarner) {
            CheckContext checkContext = new MethodCheckContext(!deferredAttrContext.phase.isBoxingRequired(), deferredAttrContext, rsWarner) {
                MethodCheckDiag methodDiag = varargsCheck ?
                                 MethodCheckDiag.VARARG_MISMATCH : MethodCheckDiag.ARG_MISMATCH;

                public void report(DiagnosticPosition pos, JCDiagnostic details) {
                    reportMC(pos, methodDiag, deferredAttrContext.inferenceContext, details);
            return new MethodResultInfo(to, checkContext);

        public MethodCheck mostSpecificCheck(List<Type> actuals) {
            return new MostSpecificCheck(actuals);

        public String toString() {
            return "resolveMethodCheck";

     * This class handles method reference applicability checks; since during
     * these checks it's sometime possible to have inference variables on
     * the actual argument types list, the method applicability check must be
     * extended so that inference variables are 'opened' as needed.
    class MethodReferenceCheck extends AbstractMethodCheck {

        InferenceContext pendingInferenceContext;

        MethodReferenceCheck(InferenceContext pendingInferenceContext) {
            this.pendingInferenceContext = pendingInferenceContext;

        void checkArg(DiagnosticPosition pos, boolean varargs, Type actual, Type formal, DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext, Warner warn) {
            ResultInfo mresult = methodCheckResult(varargs, formal, deferredAttrContext, warn);
            mresult.check(pos, actual);

        private ResultInfo methodCheckResult(final boolean varargsCheck, Type to,
                final DeferredAttr.DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext, Warner rsWarner) {
            CheckContext checkContext = new MethodCheckContext(!deferredAttrContext.phase.isBoxingRequired(), deferredAttrContext, rsWarner) {
                MethodCheckDiag methodDiag = varargsCheck ?
                                 MethodCheckDiag.VARARG_MISMATCH : MethodCheckDiag.ARG_MISMATCH;

                public boolean compatible(Type found, Type req, Warner warn) {
                    found = pendingInferenceContext.asUndetVar(found);
                    if (found.hasTag(UNDETVAR) && req.isPrimitive()) {
                        req = types.boxedClass(req).type;
                    return super.compatible(found, req, warn);

                public void report(DiagnosticPosition pos, JCDiagnostic details) {
                    reportMC(pos, methodDiag, deferredAttrContext.inferenceContext, details);
            return new MethodResultInfo(to, checkContext);

        public MethodCheck mostSpecificCheck(List<Type> actuals) {
            return new MostSpecificCheck(actuals);

        public String toString() {
            return "MethodReferenceCheck";

     * Check context to be used during method applicability checks. A method check
     * context might contain inference variables.
    abstract class MethodCheckContext implements CheckContext {

        boolean strict;
        DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext;
        Warner rsWarner;

        public MethodCheckContext(boolean strict, DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext, Warner rsWarner) {
           this.strict = strict;
           this.deferredAttrContext = deferredAttrContext;
           this.rsWarner = rsWarner;

        public boolean compatible(Type found, Type req, Warner warn) {
            InferenceContext inferenceContext = deferredAttrContext.inferenceContext;
            return strict ?
                    types.isSubtypeUnchecked(inferenceContext.asUndetVar(found), inferenceContext.asUndetVar(req), warn) :
                    types.isConvertible(inferenceContext.asUndetVar(found), inferenceContext.asUndetVar(req), warn);

        public void report(DiagnosticPosition pos, JCDiagnostic details) {
            throw new InapplicableMethodException(details);

        public Warner checkWarner(DiagnosticPosition pos, Type found, Type req) {
            return rsWarner;

        public InferenceContext inferenceContext() {
            return deferredAttrContext.inferenceContext;

        public DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext() {
            return deferredAttrContext;

        public String toString() {
            return "MethodCheckContext";

     * ResultInfo class to be used during method applicability checks. Check
     * for deferred types goes through special path.
    class MethodResultInfo extends ResultInfo {

        public MethodResultInfo(Type pt, CheckContext checkContext) {
            attr.super(KindSelector.VAL, pt, checkContext);

        protected Type check(DiagnosticPosition pos, Type found) {
            if (found.hasTag(DEFERRED)) {
                DeferredType dt = (DeferredType)found;
                return dt.check(this);
            } else {
                Type uResult = U(found);
                Type capturedType = pos == null || pos.getTree() == null ?
                        types.capture(uResult) :
                            .cachedCapture(pos.getTree(), uResult, true);
                return super.check(pos, chk.checkNonVoid(pos, capturedType));

         * javac has a long-standing 'simplification' (see 6391995):
         * given an actual argument type, the method check is performed
         * on its upper bound. This leads to inconsistencies when an
         * argument type is checked against itself. For example, given
         * a type-variable T, it is not true that {@code U(T) <: T},
         * so we need to guard against that.
        private Type U(Type found) {
            return found == pt ?
                    found : types.cvarUpperBound(found);

        protected MethodResultInfo dup(Type newPt) {
            return new MethodResultInfo(newPt, checkContext);

        protected ResultInfo dup(CheckContext newContext) {
            return new MethodResultInfo(pt, newContext);

        protected ResultInfo dup(Type newPt, CheckContext newContext) {
            return new MethodResultInfo(newPt, newContext);

     * Most specific method applicability routine. Given a list of actual types A,
     * a list of formal types F1, and a list of formal types F2, the routine determines
     * as to whether the types in F1 can be considered more specific than those in F2 w.r.t.
     * argument types A.
    class MostSpecificCheck implements MethodCheck {

        List<Type> actuals;

        MostSpecificCheck(List<Type> actuals) {
            this.actuals = actuals;

        public void argumentsAcceptable(final Env<AttrContext> env,
                                    DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext,
                                    List<Type> formals1,
                                    List<Type> formals2,
                                    Warner warn) {
            formals2 = adjustArgs(formals2, deferredAttrContext.msym, formals1.length(), deferredAttrContext.phase.isVarargsRequired());
            while (formals2.nonEmpty()) {
                ResultInfo mresult = methodCheckResult(formals2.head, deferredAttrContext, warn, actuals.head);
                mresult.check(null, formals1.head);
                formals1 = formals1.tail;
                formals2 = formals2.tail;
                actuals = actuals.isEmpty() ? actuals : actuals.tail;

        * Create a method check context to be used during the most specific applicability check
        ResultInfo methodCheckResult(Type to, DeferredAttr.DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext,
               Warner rsWarner, Type actual) {
            return attr.new ResultInfo(KindSelector.VAL, to,
                   new MostSpecificCheckContext(deferredAttrContext, rsWarner, actual));

         * Subclass of method check context class that implements most specific
         * method conversion. If the actual type under analysis is a deferred type
         * a full blown structural analysis is carried out.
        class MostSpecificCheckContext extends MethodCheckContext {

            Type actual;

            public MostSpecificCheckContext(DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext, Warner rsWarner, Type actual) {
                super(true, deferredAttrContext, rsWarner);
                this.actual = actual;

            public boolean compatible(Type found, Type req, Warner warn) {
                if (allowFunctionalInterfaceMostSpecific &&
                        unrelatedFunctionalInterfaces(found, req) &&
                        (actual != null && actual.getTag() == DEFERRED)) {
                    DeferredType dt = (DeferredType) actual;
                    JCTree speculativeTree = dt.speculativeTree(deferredAttrContext);
                    if (speculativeTree != deferredAttr.stuckTree) {
                        return functionalInterfaceMostSpecific(found, req, speculativeTree);
                return compatibleBySubtyping(found, req);

            private boolean compatibleBySubtyping(Type found, Type req) {
                if (!strict && found.isPrimitive() != req.isPrimitive()) {
                    found = found.isPrimitive() ? types.boxedClass(found).type : types.unboxedType(found);
                return types.isSubtypeNoCapture(found, deferredAttrContext.inferenceContext.asUndetVar(req));

            /** Whether {@code t} and {@code s} are unrelated functional interface types. */
            private boolean unrelatedFunctionalInterfaces(Type t, Type s) {
                return types.isFunctionalInterface(t.tsym) &&
                       types.isFunctionalInterface(s.tsym) &&
                       unrelatedInterfaces(t, s);

            /** Whether {@code t} and {@code s} are unrelated interface types; recurs on intersections. **/
            private boolean unrelatedInterfaces(Type t, Type s) {
                if (t.isCompound()) {
                    for (Type ti : types.interfaces(t)) {
                        if (!unrelatedInterfaces(ti, s)) {
                            return false;
                    return true;
                } else if (s.isCompound()) {
                    for (Type si : types.interfaces(s)) {
                        if (!unrelatedInterfaces(t, si)) {
                            return false;
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return types.asSuper(t, s.tsym) == null && types.asSuper(s, t.tsym) == null;

            /** Parameters {@code t} and {@code s} are unrelated functional interface types. */
            private boolean functionalInterfaceMostSpecific(Type t, Type s, JCTree tree) {
                Type tDesc = types.findDescriptorType(types.capture(t));
                Type tDescNoCapture = types.findDescriptorType(t);
                Type sDesc = types.findDescriptorType(s);
                final List<Type> tTypeParams = tDesc.getTypeArguments();
                final List<Type> tTypeParamsNoCapture = tDescNoCapture.getTypeArguments();
                final List<Type> sTypeParams = sDesc.getTypeArguments();

                // compare type parameters
                if (tDesc.hasTag(FORALL) && !types.hasSameBounds((ForAll) tDesc, (ForAll) tDescNoCapture)) {
                    return false;
                // can't use Types.hasSameBounds on sDesc because bounds may have ivars
                List<Type> tIter = tTypeParams;
                List<Type> sIter = sTypeParams;
                while (tIter.nonEmpty() && sIter.nonEmpty()) {
                    Type tBound = tIter.head.getUpperBound();
                    Type sBound = types.subst(sIter.head.getUpperBound(), sTypeParams, tTypeParams);
                    if (tBound.containsAny(tTypeParams) && inferenceContext().free(sBound)) {
                        return false;
                    if (!types.isSameType(tBound, inferenceContext().asUndetVar(sBound))) {
                        return false;
                    tIter = tIter.tail;
                    sIter = sIter.tail;
                if (!tIter.isEmpty() || !sIter.isEmpty()) {
                    return false;

                // compare parameters
                List<Type> tParams = tDesc.getParameterTypes();
                List<Type> tParamsNoCapture = tDescNoCapture.getParameterTypes();
                List<Type> sParams = sDesc.getParameterTypes();
                while (tParams.nonEmpty() && tParamsNoCapture.nonEmpty() && sParams.nonEmpty()) {
                    Type tParam = tParams.head;
                    Type tParamNoCapture = types.subst(tParamsNoCapture.head, tTypeParamsNoCapture, tTypeParams);
                    Type sParam = types.subst(sParams.head, sTypeParams, tTypeParams);
                    if (tParam.containsAny(tTypeParams) && inferenceContext().free(sParam)) {
                        return false;
                    if (!types.isSubtype(inferenceContext().asUndetVar(sParam), tParam)) {
                        return false;
                    if (!types.isSameType(tParamNoCapture, inferenceContext().asUndetVar(sParam))) {
                        return false;
                    tParams = tParams.tail;
                    tParamsNoCapture = tParamsNoCapture.tail;
                    sParams = sParams.tail;
                if (!tParams.isEmpty() || !tParamsNoCapture.isEmpty() || !sParams.isEmpty()) {
                    return false;

                // compare returns
                Type tRet = tDesc.getReturnType();
                Type sRet = types.subst(sDesc.getReturnType(), sTypeParams, tTypeParams);
                if (tRet.containsAny(tTypeParams) && inferenceContext().free(sRet)) {
                    return false;
                MostSpecificFunctionReturnChecker msc = new MostSpecificFunctionReturnChecker(tRet, sRet);
                return msc.result;

             * Tests whether one functional interface type can be considered more specific
             * than another unrelated functional interface type for the scanned expression.
            class MostSpecificFunctionReturnChecker extends DeferredAttr.PolyScanner {

                final Type tRet;
                final Type sRet;
                boolean result;

                /** Parameters {@code t} and {@code s} are unrelated functional interface types. */
                MostSpecificFunctionReturnChecker(Type tRet, Type sRet) {
                    this.tRet = tRet;
                    this.sRet = sRet;
                    result = true;

                void skip(JCTree tree) {
                    result &= false;

                public void visitConditional(JCConditional tree) {

                public void visitReference(JCMemberReference tree) {
                    if (sRet.hasTag(VOID)) {
                        result &= true;
                    } else if (tRet.hasTag(VOID)) {
                        result &= false;
                    } else if (tRet.isPrimitive() != sRet.isPrimitive()) {
                        boolean retValIsPrimitive =
                                tree.refPolyKind == PolyKind.STANDALONE &&
                        result &= (retValIsPrimitive == tRet.isPrimitive()) &&
                                  (retValIsPrimitive != sRet.isPrimitive());
                    } else {
                        result &= compatibleBySubtyping(tRet, sRet);

                public void visitParens(JCParens tree) {

                public void visitLambda(JCLambda tree) {
                    if (sRet.hasTag(VOID)) {
                        result &= true;
                    } else if (tRet.hasTag(VOID)) {
                        result &= false;
                    } else {
                        List<JCExpression> lambdaResults = lambdaResults(tree);
                        if (!lambdaResults.isEmpty() && unrelatedFunctionalInterfaces(tRet, sRet)) {
                            for (JCExpression expr : lambdaResults) {
                                result &= functionalInterfaceMostSpecific(tRet, sRet, expr);
                        } else if (!lambdaResults.isEmpty() && tRet.isPrimitive() != sRet.isPrimitive()) {
                            for (JCExpression expr : lambdaResults) {
                                boolean retValIsPrimitive = expr.isStandalone() && expr.type.isPrimitive();
                                result &= (retValIsPrimitive == tRet.isPrimitive()) &&
                                        (retValIsPrimitive != sRet.isPrimitive());
                        } else {
                            result &= compatibleBySubtyping(tRet, sRet);

                private List<JCExpression> lambdaResults(JCLambda lambda) {
                    if (lambda.getBodyKind() == JCTree.JCLambda.BodyKind.EXPRESSION) {
                        return List.of(asExpr((JCExpression) lambda.body));
                    } else {
                        final ListBuffer<JCExpression> buffer = new ListBuffer<>();
                        DeferredAttr.LambdaReturnScanner lambdaScanner =
                                new DeferredAttr.LambdaReturnScanner() {
                                    public void visitReturn(JCReturn tree) {
                                        if (tree.expr != null) {
                        return buffer.toList();

                private JCExpression asExpr(JCExpression expr) {
                    if (expr.type.hasTag(DEFERRED)) {
                        JCTree speculativeTree = ((DeferredType)expr.type).speculativeTree(deferredAttrContext);
                        if (speculativeTree != deferredAttr.stuckTree) {
                            expr = (JCExpression)speculativeTree;
                    return expr;


        public MethodCheck mostSpecificCheck(List<Type> actuals) {
            Assert.error("Cannot get here!");
            return null;

    public static class InapplicableMethodException extends RuntimeException {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

        transient JCDiagnostic diagnostic;

        InapplicableMethodException(JCDiagnostic diag) {
            this.diagnostic = diag;

        public JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic() {
            return diagnostic;

/* ***************************************************************************
 *  Symbol lookup
 *  the following naming conventions for arguments are used
 *       env      is the environment where the symbol was mentioned
 *       site     is the type of which the symbol is a member
 *       name     is the symbol's name
 *                if no arguments are given
 *       argtypes are the value arguments, if we search for a method
 *  If no symbol was found, a ResolveError detailing the problem is returned.

    /** Find field. Synthetic fields are always skipped.
     *  @param env     The current environment.
     *  @param site    The original type from where the selection takes place.
     *  @param name    The name of the field.
     *  @param c       The class to search for the field. This is always
     *                 a superclass or implemented interface of site's class.
    Symbol findField(Env<AttrContext> env,
                     Type site,
                     Name name,
                     TypeSymbol c) {
        while (c.type.hasTag(TYPEVAR))
            c = c.type.getUpperBound().tsym;
        Symbol bestSoFar = varNotFound;
        Symbol sym;
        for (Symbol s : c.members().getSymbolsByName(name)) {
            if (s.kind == VAR && (s.flags_field & SYNTHETIC) == 0) {
                return isAccessible(env, site, s)
                    ? s : new AccessError(env, site, s);
        Type st = types.supertype(c.type);
        if (st != null && (st.hasTag(CLASS) || st.hasTag(TYPEVAR))) {
            sym = findField(env, site, name, st.tsym);
            bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);
        for (List<Type> l = types.interfaces(c.type);
             bestSoFar.kind != AMBIGUOUS && l.nonEmpty();
             l = l.tail) {
            sym = findField(env, site, name, l.head.tsym);
            if (bestSoFar.exists() && sym.exists() &&
                sym.owner != bestSoFar.owner)
                bestSoFar = new AmbiguityError(bestSoFar, sym);
                bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);
        return bestSoFar;

    /** Resolve a field identifier, throw a fatal error if not found.
     *  @param pos       The position to use for error reporting.
     *  @param env       The environment current at the method invocation.
     *  @param site      The type of the qualifying expression, in which
     *                   identifier is searched.
     *  @param name      The identifier's name.
    public VarSymbol resolveInternalField(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env,
                                          Type site, Name name) {
        Symbol sym = findField(env, site, name, site.tsym);
        if (sym.kind == VAR) return (VarSymbol)sym;
        else throw new FatalError(

    /** Find unqualified variable or field with given name.
     *  Synthetic fields always skipped.
     *  @param env     The current environment.
     *  @param name    The name of the variable or field.
    Symbol findVar(Env<AttrContext> env, Name name) {
        Symbol bestSoFar = varNotFound;
        Env<AttrContext> env1 = env;
        boolean staticOnly = false;
        while (env1.outer != null) {
            Symbol sym = null;
            for (Symbol s : env1.info.scope.getSymbolsByName(name)) {
                if (s.kind == VAR && (s.flags_field & SYNTHETIC) == 0) {
                    sym = s;
                    if (staticOnly) {
                        return new StaticError(sym);
            if (isStatic(env1)) staticOnly = true;
            if (sym == null) {
                sym = findField(env1, env1.enclClass.sym.type, name, env1.enclClass.sym);
            if (sym.exists()) {
                if (staticOnly &&
                        sym.kind == VAR &&
                        sym.owner.kind == TYP &&
                        (sym.flags() & STATIC) == 0)
                    return new StaticError(sym);
                    return sym;
            } else {
                bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);

            if ((env1.enclClass.sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0) staticOnly = true;
            env1 = env1.outer;

        Symbol sym = findField(env, syms.predefClass.type, name, syms.predefClass);
        if (sym.exists())
            return sym;
        if (bestSoFar.exists())
            return bestSoFar;

        Symbol origin = null;
        for (Scope sc : new Scope[] { env.toplevel.namedImportScope, env.toplevel.starImportScope }) {
            for (Symbol currentSymbol : sc.getSymbolsByName(name)) {
                if (currentSymbol.kind != VAR)
                // invariant: sym.kind == Symbol.Kind.VAR
                if (!bestSoFar.kind.isResolutionError() &&
                    currentSymbol.owner != bestSoFar.owner)
                    return new AmbiguityError(bestSoFar, currentSymbol);
                else if (!bestSoFar.kind.betterThan(VAR)) {
                    origin = sc.getOrigin(currentSymbol).owner;
                    bestSoFar = isAccessible(env, origin.type, currentSymbol)
                        ? currentSymbol : new AccessError(env, origin.type, currentSymbol);
            if (bestSoFar.exists()) break;
        if (bestSoFar.kind == VAR && bestSoFar.owner.type != origin.type)
            return bestSoFar.clone(origin);
            return bestSoFar;

    Warner noteWarner = new Warner();

    /** Select the best method for a call site among two choices.
     *  @param env              The current environment.
     *  @param site             The original type from where the
     *                          selection takes place.
     *  @param argtypes         The invocation's value arguments,
     *  @param typeargtypes     The invocation's type arguments,
     *  @param sym              Proposed new best match.
     *  @param bestSoFar        Previously found best match.
     *  @param allowBoxing Allow boxing conversions of arguments.
     *  @param useVarargs Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs.
    Symbol selectBest(Env<AttrContext> env,
                      Type site,
                      List<Type> argtypes,
                      List<Type> typeargtypes,
                      Symbol sym,
                      Symbol bestSoFar,
                      boolean allowBoxing,
                      boolean useVarargs) {
        if (sym.kind == ERR ||
                (site.tsym != sym.owner && !sym.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types)) ||
                !notOverriddenIn(site, sym)) {
            return bestSoFar;
        } else if (useVarargs && (sym.flags() & VARARGS) == 0) {
            return bestSoFar.kind.isResolutionError() ?
                    new BadVarargsMethod((ResolveError)bestSoFar.baseSymbol()) :
        try {
            Type mt = rawInstantiate(env, site, sym, null, argtypes, typeargtypes,
                               allowBoxing, useVarargs, types.noWarnings);
            currentResolutionContext.addApplicableCandidate(sym, mt);
        } catch (InapplicableMethodException ex) {
            currentResolutionContext.addInapplicableCandidate(sym, ex.getDiagnostic());
            // Currently, an InapplicableMethodException occurs.
            // If bestSoFar.kind was ABSENT_MTH, return an InapplicableSymbolError(kind is WRONG_MTH).
            // If bestSoFar.kind was HIDDEN(AccessError)/WRONG_MTH/WRONG_MTHS, return an InapplicableSymbolsError(kind is WRONG_MTHS).
            // See JDK-8255968 for more information.
            switch (bestSoFar.kind) {
                case ABSENT_MTH:
                    return new InapplicableSymbolError(currentResolutionContext);
                case HIDDEN:
                    if (bestSoFar instanceof AccessError accessError) {
                        // Add the JCDiagnostic of previous AccessError to the currentResolutionContext
                        // and construct InapplicableSymbolsError.
                        // Intentionally fallthrough.
                                accessError.getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType.FRAGMENT, null, null, site, null, argtypes, typeargtypes));
                    } else {
                        return bestSoFar;
                case WRONG_MTH:
                    bestSoFar = new InapplicableSymbolsError(currentResolutionContext);
                    return bestSoFar;
        if (!isAccessible(env, site, sym)) {
            AccessError curAccessError = new AccessError(env, site, sym);
            JCDiagnostic curDiagnostic = curAccessError.getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType.FRAGMENT, null, null, site, null, argtypes, typeargtypes);
            // Currently, an AccessError occurs.
            // If bestSoFar.kind was ABSENT_MTH, return an AccessError(kind is HIDDEN).
            // If bestSoFar.kind was HIDDEN(AccessError), WRONG_MTH, WRONG_MTHS, return an InapplicableSymbolsError(kind is WRONG_MTHS).
            // See JDK-8255968 for more information.
            if (bestSoFar.kind == ABSENT_MTH) {
                bestSoFar = curAccessError;
            } else if (bestSoFar.kind == WRONG_MTH) {
                // Add the JCDiagnostic of current AccessError to the currentResolutionContext
                // and construct InapplicableSymbolsError.
                currentResolutionContext.addInapplicableCandidate(sym, curDiagnostic);
                bestSoFar = new InapplicableSymbolsError(currentResolutionContext);
            } else if (bestSoFar.kind == WRONG_MTHS) {
                // Add the JCDiagnostic of current AccessError to the currentResolutionContext
                currentResolutionContext.addInapplicableCandidate(sym, curDiagnostic);
            } else if (bestSoFar.kind == HIDDEN && bestSoFar instanceof AccessError accessError) {
                // Add the JCDiagnostics of previous and current AccessError to the currentResolutionContext
                // and construct InapplicableSymbolsError.
                        accessError.getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType.FRAGMENT, null, null, site, null, argtypes, typeargtypes));
                currentResolutionContext.addInapplicableCandidate(sym, curDiagnostic);
                bestSoFar = new InapplicableSymbolsError(currentResolutionContext);
            return bestSoFar;
        return (bestSoFar.kind.isResolutionError() && bestSoFar.kind != AMBIGUOUS)
            ? sym
            : mostSpecific(argtypes, sym, bestSoFar, env, site, useVarargs);

    /* Return the most specific of the two methods for a call,
     *  given that both are accessible and applicable.
     *  @param m1               A new candidate for most specific.
     *  @param m2               The previous most specific candidate.
     *  @param env              The current environment.
     *  @param site             The original type from where the selection
     *                          takes place.
     *  @param allowBoxing Allow boxing conversions of arguments.
     *  @param useVarargs Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs.
    Symbol mostSpecific(List<Type> argtypes, Symbol m1,
                        Symbol m2,
                        Env<AttrContext> env,
                        final Type site,
                        boolean useVarargs) {
        switch (m2.kind) {
        case MTH:
            if (m1 == m2) return m1;
            boolean m1SignatureMoreSpecific =
                    signatureMoreSpecific(argtypes, env, site, m1, m2, useVarargs);
            boolean m2SignatureMoreSpecific =
                    signatureMoreSpecific(argtypes, env, site, m2, m1, useVarargs);
            if (m1SignatureMoreSpecific && m2SignatureMoreSpecific) {
                Type mt1 = types.memberType(site, m1);
                Type mt2 = types.memberType(site, m2);
                if (!types.overrideEquivalent(mt1, mt2))
                    return ambiguityError(m1, m2);

                // same signature; select (a) the non-bridge method, or
                // (b) the one that overrides the other, or (c) the concrete
                // one, or (d) merge both abstract signatures
                if ((m1.flags() & BRIDGE) != (m2.flags() & BRIDGE))
                    return ((m1.flags() & BRIDGE) != 0) ? m2 : m1;

                if (m1.baseSymbol() == m2.baseSymbol()) {
                    // this is the same imported symbol which has been cloned twice.
                    // Return the first one (either will do).
                    return m1;

                // if one overrides or hides the other, use it
                TypeSymbol m1Owner = (TypeSymbol)m1.owner;
                TypeSymbol m2Owner = (TypeSymbol)m2.owner;
                // the two owners can never be the same if the target methods are compiled from source,
                // but we need to protect against cases where the methods are defined in some classfile
                // and make sure we issue an ambiguity error accordingly (by skipping the logic below).
                if (m1Owner != m2Owner) {
                    if (types.asSuper(m1Owner.type, m2Owner) != null &&
                        ((m1.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) == 0 ||
                         (m2.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) != 0) &&
                        m1.overrides(m2, m1Owner, types, false))
                        return m1;
                    if (types.asSuper(m2Owner.type, m1Owner) != null &&
                        ((m2.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) == 0 ||
                         (m1.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) != 0) &&
                        m2.overrides(m1, m2Owner, types, false))
                        return m2;
                boolean m1Abstract = (m1.flags() & ABSTRACT) != 0;
                boolean m2Abstract = (m2.flags() & ABSTRACT) != 0;
                if (m1Abstract && !m2Abstract) return m2;
                if (m2Abstract && !m1Abstract) return m1;
                // both abstract or both concrete
                return ambiguityError(m1, m2);
            if (m1SignatureMoreSpecific) return m1;
            if (m2SignatureMoreSpecific) return m2;
            return ambiguityError(m1, m2);
        case AMBIGUOUS:
            //compare m1 to ambiguous methods in m2
            AmbiguityError e = (AmbiguityError)m2.baseSymbol();
            boolean m1MoreSpecificThanAnyAmbiguous = true;
            boolean allAmbiguousMoreSpecificThanM1 = true;
            for (Symbol s : e.ambiguousSyms) {
                Symbol moreSpecific = mostSpecific(argtypes, m1, s, env, site, useVarargs);
                m1MoreSpecificThanAnyAmbiguous &= moreSpecific == m1;
                allAmbiguousMoreSpecificThanM1 &= moreSpecific == s;
            if (m1MoreSpecificThanAnyAmbiguous)
                return m1;
            //if m1 is more specific than some ambiguous methods, but other ambiguous methods are
            //more specific than m1, add it as a new ambiguous method:
            if (!allAmbiguousMoreSpecificThanM1)
            return e;
            throw new AssertionError();
    private boolean signatureMoreSpecific(List<Type> actuals, Env<AttrContext> env, Type site, Symbol m1, Symbol m2, boolean useVarargs) {
        int maxLength = Math.max(
                            Math.max(m1.type.getParameterTypes().length(), actuals.length()),
        MethodResolutionContext prevResolutionContext = currentResolutionContext;
        try {
            currentResolutionContext = new MethodResolutionContext();
            currentResolutionContext.step = prevResolutionContext.step;
            currentResolutionContext.methodCheck =
            Type mst = instantiate(env, site, m2, null,
                    adjustArgs(types.cvarLowerBounds(types.memberType(site, m1).getParameterTypes()), m1, maxLength, useVarargs), null,
                    false, useVarargs, noteWarner);
            return mst != null &&
        } finally {
            currentResolutionContext = prevResolutionContext;

    List<Type> adjustArgs(List<Type> args, Symbol msym, int length, boolean allowVarargs) {
        if ((msym.flags() & VARARGS) != 0 && allowVarargs) {
            Type varargsElem = types.elemtype(args.last());
            if (varargsElem == null) {
                Assert.error("Bad varargs = " + args.last() + " " + msym);
            List<Type> newArgs = args.reverse().tail.prepend(varargsElem).reverse();
            while (newArgs.length() < length) {
                newArgs = newArgs.append(newArgs.last());
            return newArgs;
        } else {
            return args;
    Symbol ambiguityError(Symbol m1, Symbol m2) {
        if (((m1.flags() | m2.flags()) & CLASH) != 0) {
            return (m1.flags() & CLASH) == 0 ? m1 : m2;
        } else {
            return new AmbiguityError(m1, m2);

    Symbol findMethodInScope(Env<AttrContext> env,
            Type site,
            Name name,
            List<Type> argtypes,
            List<Type> typeargtypes,
            Scope sc,
            Symbol bestSoFar,
            boolean allowBoxing,
            boolean useVarargs,
            boolean abstractok) {
        for (Symbol s : sc.getSymbolsByName(name, new LookupFilter(abstractok))) {
            bestSoFar = selectBest(env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, s,
                    bestSoFar, allowBoxing, useVarargs);
        return bestSoFar;
        class LookupFilter implements Predicate<Symbol> {

            boolean abstractOk;

            LookupFilter(boolean abstractOk) {
                this.abstractOk = abstractOk;

            public boolean test(Symbol s) {
                long flags = s.flags();
                return s.kind == MTH &&
                        (flags & SYNTHETIC) == 0 &&
                        (abstractOk ||
                        (flags & DEFAULT) != 0 ||
                        (flags & ABSTRACT) == 0);

    /** Find best qualified method matching given name, type and value
     *  arguments.
     *  @param env       The current environment.
     *  @param site      The original type from where the selection
     *                   takes place.
     *  @param name      The method's name.
     *  @param argtypes  The method's value arguments.
     *  @param typeargtypes The method's type arguments
     *  @param allowBoxing Allow boxing conversions of arguments.
     *  @param useVarargs Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs.
    Symbol findMethod(Env<AttrContext> env,
                      Type site,
                      Name name,
                      List<Type> argtypes,
                      List<Type> typeargtypes,
                      boolean allowBoxing,
                      boolean useVarargs) {
        Symbol bestSoFar = methodNotFound;
        bestSoFar = findMethod(env,
        return bestSoFar;
    // where
    private Symbol findMethod(Env<AttrContext> env,
                              Type site,
                              Name name,
                              List<Type> argtypes,
                              List<Type> typeargtypes,
                              Type intype,
                              Symbol bestSoFar,
                              boolean allowBoxing,
                              boolean useVarargs) {
        List<Type>[] itypes = (List<Type>[])new List[] { List.<Type>nil(), List.<Type>nil() };

        InterfaceLookupPhase iphase = InterfaceLookupPhase.ABSTRACT_OK;
        for (TypeSymbol s : superclasses(intype)) {
            bestSoFar = findMethodInScope(env, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes,
                    s.members(), bestSoFar, allowBoxing, useVarargs, true);
            if (name == names.init) return bestSoFar;
            iphase = (iphase == null) ? null : iphase.update(s, this);
            if (iphase != null) {
                for (Type itype : types.interfaces(s.type)) {
                    itypes[iphase.ordinal()] = types.union(types.closure(itype), itypes[iphase.ordinal()]);

        Symbol concrete = bestSoFar.kind.isValid() &&
                (bestSoFar.flags() & ABSTRACT) == 0 ?
                bestSoFar : methodNotFound;

        for (InterfaceLookupPhase iphase2 : InterfaceLookupPhase.values()) {
            //keep searching for abstract methods
            for (Type itype : itypes[iphase2.ordinal()]) {
                if (!itype.isInterface()) continue; //skip j.l.Object (included by Types.closure())
                if (iphase2 == InterfaceLookupPhase.DEFAULT_OK &&
                        (itype.tsym.flags() & DEFAULT) == 0) continue;
                bestSoFar = findMethodInScope(env, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes,
                        itype.tsym.members(), bestSoFar, allowBoxing, useVarargs, true);
                if (concrete != bestSoFar &&
                    concrete.kind.isValid() &&
                    bestSoFar.kind.isValid() &&
                        types.isSubSignature(concrete.type, bestSoFar.type)) {
                    //this is an hack - as javac does not do full membership checks
                    //most specific ends up comparing abstract methods that might have
                    //been implemented by some concrete method in a subclass and,
                    //because of raw override, it is possible for an abstract method
                    //to be more specific than the concrete method - so we need
                    //to explicitly call that out (see CR 6178365)
                    bestSoFar = concrete;
        return bestSoFar;

    enum InterfaceLookupPhase {
        ABSTRACT_OK() {
            InterfaceLookupPhase update(Symbol s, Resolve rs) {
                //We should not look for abstract methods if receiver is a concrete class
                //(as concrete classes are expected to implement all abstracts coming
                //from superinterfaces)
                if ((s.flags() & (ABSTRACT | INTERFACE | ENUM)) != 0) {
                    return this;
                } else {
                    return DEFAULT_OK;
        DEFAULT_OK() {
            InterfaceLookupPhase update(Symbol s, Resolve rs) {
                return this;

        abstract InterfaceLookupPhase update(Symbol s, Resolve rs);

     * Return an Iterable object to scan the superclasses of a given type.
     * It's crucial that the scan is done lazily, as we don't want to accidentally
     * access more supertypes than strictly needed (as this could trigger completion
     * errors if some of the not-needed supertypes are missing/ill-formed).
    Iterable<TypeSymbol> superclasses(final Type intype) {
        return () -> new Iterator<TypeSymbol>() {

            List<TypeSymbol> seen = List.nil();
            TypeSymbol currentSym = symbolFor(intype);
            TypeSymbol prevSym = null;

            public boolean hasNext() {
                if (currentSym == syms.noSymbol) {
                    currentSym = symbolFor(types.supertype(prevSym.type));
                return currentSym != null;

            public TypeSymbol next() {
                prevSym = currentSym;
                currentSym = syms.noSymbol;
                Assert.check(prevSym != null || prevSym != syms.noSymbol);
                return prevSym;

            public void remove() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            TypeSymbol symbolFor(Type t) {
                if (!t.hasTag(CLASS) &&
                        !t.hasTag(TYPEVAR)) {
                    return null;
                t = types.skipTypeVars(t, false);
                if (seen.contains(t.tsym)) {
                    //degenerate case in which we have a circular
                    //class hierarchy - because of ill-formed classfiles
                    return null;
                seen = seen.prepend(t.tsym);
                return t.tsym;

    /** Find unqualified method matching given name, type and value arguments.
     *  @param env       The current environment.
     *  @param name      The method's name.
     *  @param argtypes  The method's value arguments.
     *  @param typeargtypes  The method's type arguments.
     *  @param allowBoxing Allow boxing conversions of arguments.
     *  @param useVarargs Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs.
    Symbol findFun(Env<AttrContext> env, Name name,
                   List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes,
                   boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs) {
        Symbol bestSoFar = methodNotFound;
        Env<AttrContext> env1 = env;
        boolean staticOnly = false;
        while (env1.outer != null) {
            if (isStatic(env1)) staticOnly = true;
            Assert.check(env1.info.preferredTreeForDiagnostics == null);
            env1.info.preferredTreeForDiagnostics = env.tree;
            try {
                Symbol sym = findMethod(
                    env1, env1.enclClass.sym.type, name, argtypes, typeargtypes,
                    allowBoxing, useVarargs);
                if (sym.exists()) {
                    if (staticOnly &&
                        sym.kind == MTH &&
                        sym.owner.kind == TYP &&
                        (sym.flags() & STATIC) == 0) return new StaticError(sym);
                    else return sym;
                } else {
                    bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);
            } finally {
                env1.info.preferredTreeForDiagnostics = null;
            if ((env1.enclClass.sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0) staticOnly = true;
            env1 = env1.outer;

        Symbol sym = findMethod(env, syms.predefClass.type, name, argtypes,
                                typeargtypes, allowBoxing, useVarargs);
        if (sym.exists())
            return sym;

        for (Symbol currentSym : env.toplevel.namedImportScope.getSymbolsByName(name)) {
            Symbol origin = env.toplevel.namedImportScope.getOrigin(currentSym).owner;
            if (currentSym.kind == MTH) {
                if (currentSym.owner.type != origin.type)
                    currentSym = currentSym.clone(origin);
                if (!isAccessible(env, origin.type, currentSym))
                    currentSym = new AccessError(env, origin.type, currentSym);
                bestSoFar = selectBest(env, origin.type,
                                       argtypes, typeargtypes,
                                       currentSym, bestSoFar,
                                       allowBoxing, useVarargs);
        if (bestSoFar.exists())
            return bestSoFar;

        for (Symbol currentSym : env.toplevel.starImportScope.getSymbolsByName(name)) {
            Symbol origin = env.toplevel.starImportScope.getOrigin(currentSym).owner;
            if (currentSym.kind == MTH) {
                if (currentSym.owner.type != origin.type)
                    currentSym = currentSym.clone(origin);
                if (!isAccessible(env, origin.type, currentSym))
                    currentSym = new AccessError(env, origin.type, currentSym);
                bestSoFar = selectBest(env, origin.type,
                                       argtypes, typeargtypes,
                                       currentSym, bestSoFar,
                                       allowBoxing, useVarargs);
        return bestSoFar;

    /** Load toplevel or member class with given fully qualified name and
     *  verify that it is accessible.
     *  @param env       The current environment.
     *  @param name      The fully qualified name of the class to be loaded.
    Symbol loadClass(Env<AttrContext> env, Name name, RecoveryLoadClass recoveryLoadClass) {
        try {
            ClassSymbol c = finder.loadClass(env.toplevel.modle, name);
            return isAccessible(env, c) ? c : new AccessError(env, null, c);
        } catch (ClassFinder.BadClassFile err) {
            return new BadClassFileError(err);
        } catch (CompletionFailure ex) {
            Symbol candidate = recoveryLoadClass.loadClass(env, name);

            if (candidate != null) {
                return candidate;

            return typeNotFound;

    public interface RecoveryLoadClass {
        Symbol loadClass(Env<AttrContext> env, Name name);

    private final RecoveryLoadClass noRecovery = (env, name) -> null;

    private final RecoveryLoadClass doRecoveryLoadClass = new RecoveryLoadClass() {
        @Override public Symbol loadClass(Env<AttrContext> env, Name name) {
            List<Name> candidates = Convert.classCandidates(name);
            return lookupInvisibleSymbol(env, name,
                                         n -> () -> createCompoundIterator(candidates,
                                                                           c -> syms.getClassesForName(c)
                                         (ms, n) -> {
                for (Name candidate : candidates) {
                    try {
                        return finder.loadClass(ms, candidate);
                    } catch (CompletionFailure cf) {
                return null;
            }, sym -> sym.kind == Kind.TYP, typeNotFound);

    private final RecoveryLoadClass namedImportScopeRecovery = (env, name) -> {
        Scope importScope = env.toplevel.namedImportScope;
        Symbol existing = importScope.findFirst(Convert.shortName(name),
                                                sym -> sym.kind == TYP && sym.flatName() == name);

        if (existing != null) {
            return new InvisibleSymbolError(env, true, existing);
        return null;

    private final RecoveryLoadClass starImportScopeRecovery = (env, name) -> {
        Scope importScope = env.toplevel.starImportScope;
        Symbol existing = importScope.findFirst(Convert.shortName(name),
                                                sym -> sym.kind == TYP && sym.flatName() == name);

        if (existing != null) {
            try {
                existing = finder.loadClass(existing.packge().modle, name);

                return new InvisibleSymbolError(env, true, existing);
            } catch (CompletionFailure cf) {

        return null;

    Symbol lookupPackage(Env<AttrContext> env, Name name) {
        PackageSymbol pack = syms.lookupPackage(env.toplevel.modle, name);

        if (allowModules && isImportOnDemand(env, name)) {
            if (pack.members().isEmpty()) {
                return lookupInvisibleSymbol(env, name, syms::getPackagesForName, syms::enterPackage, sym -> {
                    return !sym.members().isEmpty();
                }, pack);

        return pack;

    private boolean isImportOnDemand(Env<AttrContext> env, Name name) {
        if (!env.tree.hasTag(IMPORT))
            return false;

        JCTree qualid = ((JCImport) env.tree).qualid;

        if (!qualid.hasTag(SELECT))
            return false;

        if (TreeInfo.name(qualid) != names.asterisk)
            return false;

        return TreeInfo.fullName(((JCFieldAccess) qualid).selected) == name;

    private <S extends Symbol> Symbol lookupInvisibleSymbol(Env<AttrContext> env,
                                                            Name name,
                                                            Function<Name, Iterable<S>> get,
                                                            BiFunction<ModuleSymbol, Name, S> load,
                                                            Predicate<S> validate,
                                                            Symbol defaultResult) {
        //even if a class/package cannot be found in the current module and among packages in modules
        //it depends on that are exported for any or this module, the class/package may exist internally
        //in some of these modules, or may exist in a module on which this module does not depend.
        //Provide better diagnostic in such cases by looking for the class in any module:
        Iterable<? extends S> candidates = get.apply(name);

        for (S sym : candidates) {
            if (validate.test(sym))
                return createInvisibleSymbolError(env, sym);

        Set<ModuleSymbol> recoverableModules = new HashSet<>(syms.getAllModules());


        for (ModuleSymbol ms : recoverableModules) {
            //avoid overly eager completing classes from source-based modules, as those
            //may not be completable with the current compiler settings:
            if (ms.sourceLocation == null) {
                if (ms.classLocation == null) {
                    ms = moduleFinder.findModule(ms);

                if (ms.kind != ERR) {
                    S sym = load.apply(ms, name);

                    if (sym != null && validate.test(sym)) {
                        return createInvisibleSymbolError(env, sym);

        return defaultResult;

    private Symbol createInvisibleSymbolError(Env<AttrContext> env, Symbol sym) {
        if (symbolPackageVisible(env, sym)) {
            return new AccessError(env, null, sym);
        } else {
            return new InvisibleSymbolError(env, false, sym);

    private boolean symbolPackageVisible(Env<AttrContext> env, Symbol sym) {
        ModuleSymbol envMod = env.toplevel.modle;
        PackageSymbol symPack = sym.packge();
        return envMod == symPack.modle ||

     * Find a type declared in a scope (not inherited).  Return null
     * if none is found.
     *  @param env       The current environment.
     *  @param site      The original type from where the selection takes
     *                   place.
     *  @param name      The type's name.
     *  @param c         The class to search for the member type. This is
     *                   always a superclass or implemented interface of
     *                   site's class.
    Symbol findImmediateMemberType(Env<AttrContext> env,
                                   Type site,
                                   Name name,
                                   TypeSymbol c) {
        for (Symbol sym : c.members().getSymbolsByName(name)) {
            if (sym.kind == TYP) {
                return isAccessible(env, site, sym)
                    ? sym
                    : new AccessError(env, site, sym);
        return typeNotFound;

    /** Find a member type inherited from a superclass or interface.
     *  @param env       The current environment.
     *  @param site      The original type from where the selection takes
     *                   place.
     *  @param name      The type's name.
     *  @param c         The class to search for the member type. This is
     *                   always a superclass or implemented interface of
     *                   site's class.
    Symbol findInheritedMemberType(Env<AttrContext> env,
                                   Type site,
                                   Name name,
                                   TypeSymbol c) {
        Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound;
        Symbol sym;
        Type st = types.supertype(c.type);
        if (st != null && st.hasTag(CLASS)) {
            sym = findMemberType(env, site, name, st.tsym);
            bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);
        for (List<Type> l = types.interfaces(c.type);
             bestSoFar.kind != AMBIGUOUS && l.nonEmpty();
             l = l.tail) {
            sym = findMemberType(env, site, name, l.head.tsym);
            if (!bestSoFar.kind.isResolutionError() &&
                !sym.kind.isResolutionError() &&
                sym.owner != bestSoFar.owner)
                bestSoFar = new AmbiguityError(bestSoFar, sym);
                bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);
        return bestSoFar;

    /** Find qualified member type.
     *  @param env       The current environment.
     *  @param site      The original type from where the selection takes
     *                   place.
     *  @param name      The type's name.
     *  @param c         The class to search for the member type. This is
     *                   always a superclass or implemented interface of
     *                   site's class.
    Symbol findMemberType(Env<AttrContext> env,
                          Type site,
                          Name name,
                          TypeSymbol c) {
        Symbol sym = findImmediateMemberType(env, site, name, c);

        if (sym != typeNotFound)
            return sym;

        return findInheritedMemberType(env, site, name, c);


    /** Find a global type in given scope and load corresponding class.
     *  @param env       The current environment.
     *  @param scope     The scope in which to look for the type.
     *  @param name      The type's name.
    Symbol findGlobalType(Env<AttrContext> env, Scope scope, Name name, RecoveryLoadClass recoveryLoadClass) {
        Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound;
        for (Symbol s : scope.getSymbolsByName(name)) {
            Symbol sym = loadClass(env, s.flatName(), recoveryLoadClass);
            if (bestSoFar.kind == TYP && sym.kind == TYP &&
                bestSoFar != sym)
                return new AmbiguityError(bestSoFar, sym);
                bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);
        return bestSoFar;

    Symbol findTypeVar(Env<AttrContext> env, Name name, boolean staticOnly) {
        for (Symbol sym : env.info.scope.getSymbolsByName(name)) {
            if (sym.kind == TYP) {
                if (sym.type.hasTag(TYPEVAR) &&
                        (staticOnly || (isStatic(env) && sym.owner.kind == TYP)))
                    // if staticOnly is set, it means that we have recursed through a static declaration,
                    // so type variable symbols should not be accessible. If staticOnly is unset, but
                    // we are in a static declaration (field or method), we should not allow type-variables
                    // defined in the enclosing class to "leak" into this context.
                    return new StaticError(sym);
                return sym;
        return typeNotFound;

    /** Find an unqualified type symbol.
     *  @param env       The current environment.
     *  @param name      The type's name.
    Symbol findType(Env<AttrContext> env, Name name) {
        if (name == names.empty)
            return typeNotFound; // do not allow inadvertent "lookup" of anonymous types
        Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound;
        Symbol sym;
        boolean staticOnly = false;
        for (Env<AttrContext> env1 = env; env1.outer != null; env1 = env1.outer) {
            // First, look for a type variable and the first member type
            final Symbol tyvar = findTypeVar(env1, name, staticOnly);
            if (isStatic(env1)) staticOnly = true;
            sym = findImmediateMemberType(env1, env1.enclClass.sym.type,
                                          name, env1.enclClass.sym);

            // Return the type variable if we have it, and have no
            // immediate member, OR the type variable is for a method.
            if (tyvar != typeNotFound) {
                if (env.baseClause || sym == typeNotFound ||
                    (tyvar.kind == TYP && tyvar.exists() &&
                     tyvar.owner.kind == MTH)) {
                    return tyvar;

            // If the environment is a class def, finish up,
            // otherwise, do the entire findMemberType
            if (sym == typeNotFound)
                sym = findInheritedMemberType(env1, env1.enclClass.sym.type,
                                              name, env1.enclClass.sym);

            if (staticOnly && sym.kind == TYP &&
                sym.type.hasTag(CLASS) &&
                sym.type.getEnclosingType().hasTag(CLASS) &&
                env1.enclClass.sym.type.isParameterized() &&
                return new StaticError(sym);
            else if (sym.exists()) return sym;
            else bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);

            JCClassDecl encl = env1.baseClause ? (JCClassDecl)env1.tree : env1.enclClass;
            if ((encl.sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0)
                staticOnly = true;

        if (!env.tree.hasTag(IMPORT)) {
            sym = findGlobalType(env, env.toplevel.namedImportScope, name, namedImportScopeRecovery);
            if (sym.exists()) return sym;
            else bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);

            sym = findGlobalType(env, env.toplevel.toplevelScope, name, noRecovery);
            if (sym.exists()) return sym;
            else bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);

            sym = findGlobalType(env, env.toplevel.packge.members(), name, noRecovery);
            if (sym.exists()) return sym;
            else bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);

            sym = findGlobalType(env, env.toplevel.starImportScope, name, starImportScopeRecovery);
            if (sym.exists()) return sym;
            else bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);

        return bestSoFar;

    /** Find an unqualified identifier which matches a specified kind set.
     *  @param pos       position on which report warnings, if any;
     *                   null warnings should not be reported
     *  @param env       The current environment.
     *  @param name      The identifier's name.
     *  @param kind      Indicates the possible symbol kinds
     *                   (a subset of VAL, TYP, PCK).
    Symbol findIdent(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env, Name name, KindSelector kind) {
        return checkNonExistentType(checkRestrictedType(pos, findIdentInternal(env, name, kind), name));

    Symbol findIdentInternal(Env<AttrContext> env, Name name, KindSelector kind) {
        Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound;
        Symbol sym;

        if (kind.contains(KindSelector.VAL)) {
            sym = findVar(env, name);
            if (sym.exists()) return sym;
            else bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);

        if (kind.contains(KindSelector.TYP)) {
            sym = findType(env, name);

            if (sym.exists()) return sym;
            else bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);

        if (kind.contains(KindSelector.PCK))
            return lookupPackage(env, name);
        else return bestSoFar;

    /** Find an identifier in a package which matches a specified kind set.
     *  @param pos       position on which report warnings, if any;
     *                   null warnings should not be reported
     *  @param env       The current environment.
     *  @param name      The identifier's name.
     *  @param kind      Indicates the possible symbol kinds
     *                   (a nonempty subset of TYP, PCK).
    Symbol findIdentInPackage(DiagnosticPosition pos,
                              Env<AttrContext> env, TypeSymbol pck,
                              Name name, KindSelector kind) {
        return checkNonExistentType(checkRestrictedType(pos, findIdentInPackageInternal(env, pck, name, kind), name));

    Symbol findIdentInPackageInternal(Env<AttrContext> env, TypeSymbol pck,
                              Name name, KindSelector kind) {
        Name fullname = TypeSymbol.formFullName(name, pck);
        Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound;
        if (kind.contains(KindSelector.TYP)) {
            RecoveryLoadClass recoveryLoadClass =
                    allowModules && !kind.contains(KindSelector.PCK) &&
                    !pck.exists() && !env.info.attributionMode.isSpeculative ?
                        doRecoveryLoadClass : noRecovery;
            Symbol sym = loadClass(env, fullname, recoveryLoadClass);
            if (sym.exists()) {
                // don't allow programs to use flatnames
                if (name == sym.name) return sym;
            else bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);
        if (kind.contains(KindSelector.PCK)) {
            return lookupPackage(env, fullname);
        return bestSoFar;

    /** Find an identifier among the members of a given type `site'.
     *  @param pos       position on which report warnings, if any;
     *                   null warnings should not be reported
     *  @param env       The current environment.
     *  @param site      The type containing the symbol to be found.
     *  @param name      The identifier's name.
     *  @param kind      Indicates the possible symbol kinds
     *                   (a subset of VAL, TYP).
    Symbol findIdentInType(DiagnosticPosition pos,
                           Env<AttrContext> env, Type site,
                           Name name, KindSelector kind) {
        return checkNonExistentType(checkRestrictedType(pos, findIdentInTypeInternal(env, site, name, kind), name));

    private Symbol checkNonExistentType(Symbol symbol) {
        /*  Guard against returning a type is not on the class path of the current compilation,
         *  but *was* on the class path of a separate compilation that produced a class file
         *  that is on the class path of the current compilation. Such a type will fail completion
         *  but the completion failure may have been silently swallowed (e.g. missing annotation types)
         *  with an error stub symbol lingering in the symbol tables.
        return symbol instanceof ClassSymbol c && c.type.isErroneous() && c.classfile == null ? typeNotFound : symbol;

    Symbol findIdentInTypeInternal(Env<AttrContext> env, Type site,
                           Name name, KindSelector kind) {
        Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound;
        Symbol sym;
        if (kind.contains(KindSelector.VAL)) {
            sym = findField(env, site, name, site.tsym);
            if (sym.exists()) return sym;
            else bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);

        if (kind.contains(KindSelector.TYP)) {
            sym = findMemberType(env, site, name, site.tsym);
            if (sym.exists()) return sym;
            else bestSoFar = bestOf(bestSoFar, sym);
        return bestSoFar;

    private Symbol checkRestrictedType(DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol bestSoFar, Name name) {
        if (bestSoFar.kind == TYP || bestSoFar.kind == ABSENT_TYP) {
            if (allowLocalVariableTypeInference && name.equals(names.var)) {
                bestSoFar = new BadRestrictedTypeError(names.var);
            } else if (name.equals(names.yield)) {
                if (allowYieldStatement) {
                    bestSoFar = new BadRestrictedTypeError(names.yield);
                } else if (pos != null) {
                    log.warning(pos, Warnings.IllegalRefToRestrictedType(names.yield));
        return bestSoFar;

/* ***************************************************************************
 *  Access checking
 *  The following methods convert ResolveErrors to ErrorSymbols, issuing
 *  an error message in the process

    /** If `sym' is a bad symbol: report error and return errSymbol
     *  else pass through unchanged,
     *  additional arguments duplicate what has been used in trying to find the
     *  symbol {@literal (--> flyweight pattern)}. This improves performance since we
     *  expect misses to happen frequently.
     *  @param sym       The symbol that was found, or a ResolveError.
     *  @param pos       The position to use for error reporting.
     *  @param location  The symbol the served as a context for this lookup
     *  @param site      The original type from where the selection took place.
     *  @param name      The symbol's name.
     *  @param qualified Did we get here through a qualified expression resolution?
     *  @param argtypes  The invocation's value arguments,
     *                   if we looked for a method.
     *  @param typeargtypes  The invocation's type arguments,
     *                   if we looked for a method.
     *  @param logResolveHelper helper class used to log resolve errors
    Symbol accessInternal(Symbol sym,
                  DiagnosticPosition pos,
                  Symbol location,
                  Type site,
                  Name name,
                  boolean qualified,
                  List<Type> argtypes,
                  List<Type> typeargtypes,
                  LogResolveHelper logResolveHelper) {
        if (sym.kind.isResolutionError()) {
            ResolveError errSym = (ResolveError)sym.baseSymbol();
            sym = errSym.access(name, qualified ? site.tsym : syms.noSymbol);
            argtypes = logResolveHelper.getArgumentTypes(errSym, sym, name, argtypes);
            if (logResolveHelper.resolveDiagnosticNeeded(site, argtypes, typeargtypes)) {
                logResolveError(errSym, pos, location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes);
        return sym;

     * Variant of the generalized access routine, to be used for generating method
     * resolution diagnostics
    Symbol accessMethod(Symbol sym,
                  DiagnosticPosition pos,
                  Symbol location,
                  Type site,
                  Name name,
                  boolean qualified,
                  List<Type> argtypes,
                  List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        return accessInternal(sym, pos, location, site, name, qualified, argtypes, typeargtypes, methodLogResolveHelper);

    /** Same as original accessMethod(), but without location.
    Symbol accessMethod(Symbol sym,
                  DiagnosticPosition pos,
                  Type site,
                  Name name,
                  boolean qualified,
                  List<Type> argtypes,
                  List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        return accessMethod(sym, pos, site.tsym, site, name, qualified, argtypes, typeargtypes);

     * Variant of the generalized access routine, to be used for generating variable,
     * type resolution diagnostics
    Symbol accessBase(Symbol sym,
                  DiagnosticPosition pos,
                  Symbol location,
                  Type site,
                  Name name,
                  boolean qualified) {
        return accessInternal(sym, pos, location, site, name, qualified, List.nil(), null, basicLogResolveHelper);

    /** Same as original accessBase(), but without location.
    Symbol accessBase(Symbol sym,
                  DiagnosticPosition pos,
                  Type site,
                  Name name,
                  boolean qualified) {
        return accessBase(sym, pos, site.tsym, site, name, qualified);

    interface LogResolveHelper {
        boolean resolveDiagnosticNeeded(Type site, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes);
        List<Type> getArgumentTypes(ResolveError errSym, Symbol accessedSym, Name name, List<Type> argtypes);

    LogResolveHelper basicLogResolveHelper = new LogResolveHelper() {
        public boolean resolveDiagnosticNeeded(Type site, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            return !site.isErroneous();
        public List<Type> getArgumentTypes(ResolveError errSym, Symbol accessedSym, Name name, List<Type> argtypes) {
            return argtypes;

    LogResolveHelper silentLogResolveHelper = new LogResolveHelper() {
        public boolean resolveDiagnosticNeeded(Type site, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            return false;
        public List<Type> getArgumentTypes(ResolveError errSym, Symbol accessedSym, Name name, List<Type> argtypes) {
            return argtypes;

    LogResolveHelper methodLogResolveHelper = new LogResolveHelper() {
        public boolean resolveDiagnosticNeeded(Type site, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            return !site.isErroneous() &&
                        !Type.isErroneous(argtypes) &&
                        (typeargtypes == null || !Type.isErroneous(typeargtypes));
        public List<Type> getArgumentTypes(ResolveError errSym, Symbol accessedSym, Name name, List<Type> argtypes) {
            return argtypes.map(new ResolveDeferredRecoveryMap(AttrMode.SPECULATIVE, accessedSym, currentResolutionContext.step));

    class ResolveDeferredRecoveryMap extends DeferredAttr.RecoveryDeferredTypeMap {

        public ResolveDeferredRecoveryMap(AttrMode mode, Symbol msym, MethodResolutionPhase step) {
            deferredAttr.super(mode, msym, step);

        protected Type typeOf(DeferredType dt, Type pt) {
            Type res = super.typeOf(dt, pt);
            if (!res.isErroneous()) {
                switch (TreeInfo.skipParens(dt.tree).getTag()) {
                    case LAMBDA:
                    case REFERENCE:
                        return dt;
                    case CONDEXPR:
                        return res == Type.recoveryType ?
                                dt : res;
            return res;

    /** Check that sym is not an abstract method.
    void checkNonAbstract(DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol sym) {
        if ((sym.flags() & ABSTRACT) != 0 && (sym.flags() & DEFAULT) == 0)
                      Errors.AbstractCantBeAccessedDirectly(kindName(sym),sym, sym.location()));

/* ***************************************************************************
 *  Name resolution
 *  Naming conventions are as for symbol lookup
 *  Unlike the find... methods these methods will report access errors

    /** Resolve an unqualified (non-method) identifier.
     *  @param pos       The position to use for error reporting.
     *  @param env       The environment current at the identifier use.
     *  @param name      The identifier's name.
     *  @param kind      The set of admissible symbol kinds for the identifier.
    Symbol resolveIdent(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env,
                        Name name, KindSelector kind) {
        return accessBase(
            findIdent(pos, env, name, kind),
            pos, env.enclClass.sym.type, name, false);

    /** Resolve an unqualified method identifier.
     *  @param pos       The position to use for error reporting.
     *  @param env       The environment current at the method invocation.
     *  @param name      The identifier's name.
     *  @param argtypes  The types of the invocation's value arguments.
     *  @param typeargtypes  The types of the invocation's type arguments.
    Symbol resolveMethod(DiagnosticPosition pos,
                         Env<AttrContext> env,
                         Name name,
                         List<Type> argtypes,
                         List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        return lookupMethod(env, pos, env.enclClass.sym, resolveMethodCheck,
                new BasicLookupHelper(name, env.enclClass.sym.type, argtypes, typeargtypes) {
                    Symbol doLookup(Env<AttrContext> env, MethodResolutionPhase phase) {
                        return findFun(env, name, argtypes, typeargtypes,

    /** Resolve a qualified method identifier
     *  @param pos       The position to use for error reporting.
     *  @param env       The environment current at the method invocation.
     *  @param site      The type of the qualifying expression, in which
     *                   identifier is searched.
     *  @param name      The identifier's name.
     *  @param argtypes  The types of the invocation's value arguments.
     *  @param typeargtypes  The types of the invocation's type arguments.
    Symbol resolveQualifiedMethod(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env,
                                  Type site, Name name, List<Type> argtypes,
                                  List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        return resolveQualifiedMethod(pos, env, site.tsym, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes);
    Symbol resolveQualifiedMethod(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env,
                                  Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List<Type> argtypes,
                                  List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        return resolveQualifiedMethod(new MethodResolutionContext(), pos, env, location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes);
    private Symbol resolveQualifiedMethod(MethodResolutionContext resolveContext,
                                  DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env,
                                  Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List<Type> argtypes,
                                  List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        return lookupMethod(env, pos, location, resolveContext, new BasicLookupHelper(name, site, argtypes, typeargtypes) {
            Symbol doLookup(Env<AttrContext> env, MethodResolutionPhase phase) {
                return findMethod(env, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes,
            Symbol access(Env<AttrContext> env, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Symbol sym) {
                if (sym.kind.isResolutionError()) {
                    sym = super.access(env, pos, location, sym);
                } else {
                    MethodSymbol msym = (MethodSymbol)sym;
                    if ((msym.flags() & SIGNATURE_POLYMORPHIC) != 0) {
                        env.info.pendingResolutionPhase = BASIC;
                        return findPolymorphicSignatureInstance(env, sym, argtypes);
                return sym;

    /** Find or create an implicit method of exactly the given type (after erasure).
     *  Searches in a side table, not the main scope of the site.
     *  This emulates the lookup process required by JSR 292 in JVM.
     *  @param env       Attribution environment
     *  @param spMethod  signature polymorphic method - i.e. MH.invokeExact
     *  @param argtypes  The required argument types
    Symbol findPolymorphicSignatureInstance(Env<AttrContext> env,
                                            final Symbol spMethod,
                                            List<Type> argtypes) {
        Type mtype = infer.instantiatePolymorphicSignatureInstance(env,
                (MethodSymbol)spMethod, currentResolutionContext, argtypes);
        return findPolymorphicSignatureInstance(spMethod, mtype);

    Symbol findPolymorphicSignatureInstance(final Symbol spMethod,
                                            Type mtype) {
        for (Symbol sym : polymorphicSignatureScope.getSymbolsByName(spMethod.name)) {
            // Check that there is already a method symbol for the method
            // type and owner
            if (types.isSameType(mtype, sym.type) &&
                spMethod.owner == sym.owner) {
                return sym;

        Type spReturnType = spMethod.asType().getReturnType();
        if (types.isSameType(spReturnType, syms.objectType)) {
            // Polymorphic return, pass through mtype
        } else if (!types.isSameType(spReturnType, mtype.getReturnType())) {
            // Retain the sig poly method's return type, which differs from that of mtype
            // Will result in an incompatible return type error
            mtype = new MethodType(mtype.getParameterTypes(),

        // Create the desired method
        // Retain static modifier is to support invocations to
        // MethodHandle.linkTo* methods
        long flags = ABSTRACT | HYPOTHETICAL |
                     spMethod.flags() & (Flags.AccessFlags | Flags.STATIC);
        Symbol msym = new MethodSymbol(flags, spMethod.name, mtype, spMethod.owner) {
            public Symbol baseSymbol() {
                return spMethod;
        if (!mtype.isErroneous()) { // Cache only if kosher.
        return msym;

    /** Resolve a qualified method identifier, throw a fatal error if not
     *  found.
     *  @param pos       The position to use for error reporting.
     *  @param env       The environment current at the method invocation.
     *  @param site      The type of the qualifying expression, in which
     *                   identifier is searched.
     *  @param name      The identifier's name.
     *  @param argtypes  The types of the invocation's value arguments.
     *  @param typeargtypes  The types of the invocation's type arguments.
    public MethodSymbol resolveInternalMethod(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env,
                                        Type site, Name name,
                                        List<Type> argtypes,
                                        List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        MethodResolutionContext resolveContext = new MethodResolutionContext();
        resolveContext.internalResolution = true;
        Symbol sym = resolveQualifiedMethod(resolveContext, pos, env, site.tsym,
                site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes);
        if (sym.kind == MTH) return (MethodSymbol)sym;
        else throw new FatalError(

    /** Resolve constructor.
     *  @param pos       The position to use for error reporting.
     *  @param env       The environment current at the constructor invocation.
     *  @param site      The type of class for which a constructor is searched.
     *  @param argtypes  The types of the constructor invocation's value
     *                   arguments.
     *  @param typeargtypes  The types of the constructor invocation's type
     *                   arguments.
    Symbol resolveConstructor(DiagnosticPosition pos,
                              Env<AttrContext> env,
                              Type site,
                              List<Type> argtypes,
                              List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        return resolveConstructor(new MethodResolutionContext(), pos, env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes);

    private Symbol resolveConstructor(MethodResolutionContext resolveContext,
                              final DiagnosticPosition pos,
                              Env<AttrContext> env,
                              Type site,
                              List<Type> argtypes,
                              List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        return lookupMethod(env, pos, site.tsym, resolveContext, new BasicLookupHelper(names.init, site, argtypes, typeargtypes) {
            Symbol doLookup(Env<AttrContext> env, MethodResolutionPhase phase) {
                return findConstructor(pos, env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes,

    /** Resolve a constructor, throw a fatal error if not found.
     *  @param pos       The position to use for error reporting.
     *  @param env       The environment current at the method invocation.
     *  @param site      The type to be constructed.
     *  @param argtypes  The types of the invocation's value arguments.
     *  @param typeargtypes  The types of the invocation's type arguments.
    public MethodSymbol resolveInternalConstructor(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env,
                                        Type site,
                                        List<Type> argtypes,
                                        List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        MethodResolutionContext resolveContext = new MethodResolutionContext();
        resolveContext.internalResolution = true;
        Symbol sym = resolveConstructor(resolveContext, pos, env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes);
        if (sym.kind == MTH) return (MethodSymbol)sym;
        else throw new FatalError(

    Symbol findConstructor(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env,
                              Type site, List<Type> argtypes,
                              List<Type> typeargtypes,
                              boolean allowBoxing,
                              boolean useVarargs) {
        Symbol sym = findMethod(env, site,
                                    names.init, argtypes,
                                    typeargtypes, allowBoxing,
        chk.checkDeprecated(pos, env.info.scope.owner, sym);
        chk.checkPreview(pos, env.info.scope.owner, sym);
        return sym;

    /** Resolve constructor using diamond inference.
     *  @param pos       The position to use for error reporting.
     *  @param env       The environment current at the constructor invocation.
     *  @param site      The type of class for which a constructor is searched.
     *                   The scope of this class has been touched in attribution.
     *  @param argtypes  The types of the constructor invocation's value
     *                   arguments.
     *  @param typeargtypes  The types of the constructor invocation's type
     *                   arguments.
    Symbol resolveDiamond(DiagnosticPosition pos,
                              Env<AttrContext> env,
                              Type site,
                              List<Type> argtypes,
                              List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        return lookupMethod(env, pos, site.tsym, resolveMethodCheck,
                new BasicLookupHelper(names.init, site, argtypes, typeargtypes) {
                    Symbol doLookup(Env<AttrContext> env, MethodResolutionPhase phase) {
                        return findDiamond(pos, env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes,
                    Symbol access(Env<AttrContext> env, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Symbol sym) {
                        if (sym.kind.isResolutionError()) {
                            if (sym.kind != WRONG_MTH &&
                                sym.kind != WRONG_MTHS) {
                                sym = super.access(env, pos, location, sym);
                            } else {
                                final JCDiagnostic details = sym.kind == WRONG_MTH ?
                                                ((InapplicableSymbolError)sym.baseSymbol()).errCandidate().snd :
                                sym = new DiamondError(sym, currentResolutionContext);
                                sym = accessMethod(sym, pos, site, names.init, true, argtypes, typeargtypes);
                                env.info.pendingResolutionPhase = currentResolutionContext.step;
                        return sym;

    /** Find the constructor using diamond inference and do some checks(deprecated and preview).
     *  @param pos          The position to use for error reporting.
     *  @param env          The environment current at the constructor invocation.
     *  @param site         The type of class for which a constructor is searched.
     *                      The scope of this class has been touched in attribution.
     *  @param argtypes     The types of the constructor invocation's value arguments.
     *  @param typeargtypes The types of the constructor invocation's type arguments.
     *  @param allowBoxing  Allow boxing conversions of arguments.
     *  @param useVarargs   Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs.
    private Symbol findDiamond(DiagnosticPosition pos,
                               Env<AttrContext> env,
                               Type site,
                               List<Type> argtypes,
                               List<Type> typeargtypes,
                               boolean allowBoxing,
                               boolean useVarargs) {
        Symbol sym = findDiamond(env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, allowBoxing, useVarargs);
        chk.checkDeprecated(pos, env.info.scope.owner, sym);
        chk.checkPreview(pos, env.info.scope.owner, sym);
        return sym;

    /** This method scans all the constructor symbol in a given class scope -
     *  assuming that the original scope contains a constructor of the kind:
     *  {@code Foo(X x, Y y)}, where X,Y are class type-variables declared in Foo,
     *  a method check is executed against the modified constructor type:
     *  {@code <X,Y>Foo<X,Y>(X x, Y y)}. This is crucial in order to enable diamond
     *  inference. The inferred return type of the synthetic constructor IS
     *  the inferred type for the diamond operator.
    private Symbol findDiamond(Env<AttrContext> env,
                              Type site,
                              List<Type> argtypes,
                              List<Type> typeargtypes,
                              boolean allowBoxing,
                              boolean useVarargs) {
        Symbol bestSoFar = methodNotFound;
        TypeSymbol tsym = site.tsym.isInterface() ? syms.objectType.tsym : site.tsym;
        for (final Symbol sym : tsym.members().getSymbolsByName(names.init)) {
            //- System.out.println(" e " + e.sym);
            if (sym.kind == MTH &&
                (sym.flags_field & SYNTHETIC) == 0) {
                    List<Type> oldParams = sym.type.hasTag(FORALL) ?
                            ((ForAll)sym.type).tvars :
                    Type constrType = new ForAll(site.tsym.type.getTypeArguments().appendList(oldParams),
                                                 types.createMethodTypeWithReturn(sym.type.asMethodType(), site));
                    MethodSymbol newConstr = new MethodSymbol(sym.flags(), names.init, constrType, site.tsym) {
                        public Symbol baseSymbol() {
                            return sym;
                    bestSoFar = selectBest(env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes,
        return bestSoFar;

    Symbol getMemberReference(DiagnosticPosition pos,
            Env<AttrContext> env,
            JCMemberReference referenceTree,
            Type site,
            Name name) {

        site = types.capture(site);

        ReferenceLookupHelper lookupHelper = makeReferenceLookupHelper(
                referenceTree, site, name, List.nil(), null, VARARITY);

        Env<AttrContext> newEnv = env.dup(env.tree, env.info.dup());
        Symbol sym = lookupMethod(newEnv, env.tree.pos(), site.tsym,
                nilMethodCheck, lookupHelper);

        env.info.pendingResolutionPhase = newEnv.info.pendingResolutionPhase;

        return sym;

    ReferenceLookupHelper makeReferenceLookupHelper(JCMemberReference referenceTree,
                                  Type site,
                                  Name name,
                                  List<Type> argtypes,
                                  List<Type> typeargtypes,
                                  MethodResolutionPhase maxPhase) {
        if (!name.equals(names.init)) {
            //method reference
            return new MethodReferenceLookupHelper(referenceTree, name, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, maxPhase);
        } else if (site.hasTag(ARRAY)) {
            //array constructor reference
            return new ArrayConstructorReferenceLookupHelper(referenceTree, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, maxPhase);
        } else {
            //class constructor reference
            return new ConstructorReferenceLookupHelper(referenceTree, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, maxPhase);

     * Resolution of member references is typically done as a single
     * overload resolution step, where the argument types A are inferred from
     * the target functional descriptor.
     * If the member reference is a method reference with a type qualifier,
     * a two-step lookup process is performed. The first step uses the
     * expected argument list A, while the second step discards the first
     * type from A (which is treated as a receiver type).
     * There are two cases in which inference is performed: (i) if the member
     * reference is a constructor reference and the qualifier type is raw - in
     * which case diamond inference is used to infer a parameterization for the
     * type qualifier; (ii) if the member reference is an unbound reference
     * where the type qualifier is raw - in that case, during the unbound lookup
     * the receiver argument type is used to infer an instantiation for the raw
     * qualifier type.
     * When a multi-step resolution process is exploited, the process of picking
     * the resulting symbol is delegated to an helper class {@link com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Resolve.ReferenceChooser}.
     * This routine returns a pair (T,S), where S is the member reference symbol,
     * and T is the type of the class in which S is defined. This is necessary as
     * the type T might be dynamically inferred (i.e. if constructor reference
     * has a raw qualifier).
    Pair<Symbol, ReferenceLookupHelper> resolveMemberReference(Env<AttrContext> env,
                                  JCMemberReference referenceTree,
                                  Type site,
                                  Name name,
                                  List<Type> argtypes,
                                  List<Type> typeargtypes,
                                  Type descriptor,
                                  MethodCheck methodCheck,
                                  InferenceContext inferenceContext,
                                  ReferenceChooser referenceChooser) {

        //step 1 - bound lookup
        ReferenceLookupHelper boundLookupHelper = makeReferenceLookupHelper(
                referenceTree, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes, VARARITY);
        Env<AttrContext> boundEnv = env.dup(env.tree, env.info.dup());
        MethodResolutionContext boundSearchResolveContext = new MethodResolutionContext();
        boundSearchResolveContext.methodCheck = methodCheck;
        Symbol boundSym = lookupMethod(boundEnv, env.tree.pos(),
                site.tsym, boundSearchResolveContext, boundLookupHelper);
        ReferenceLookupResult boundRes = new ReferenceLookupResult(boundSym, boundSearchResolveContext);
        if (dumpMethodReferenceSearchResults) {
            dumpMethodReferenceSearchResults(referenceTree, boundSearchResolveContext, boundSym, true);

        //step 2 - unbound lookup
        Symbol unboundSym = methodNotFound;
        Env<AttrContext> unboundEnv = env.dup(env.tree, env.info.dup());
        ReferenceLookupHelper unboundLookupHelper = boundLookupHelper.unboundLookup(inferenceContext);
        ReferenceLookupResult unboundRes = referenceNotFound;
        if (unboundLookupHelper != null) {
            MethodResolutionContext unboundSearchResolveContext =
                    new MethodResolutionContext();
            unboundSearchResolveContext.methodCheck = methodCheck;
            unboundSym = lookupMethod(unboundEnv, env.tree.pos(),
                    site.tsym, unboundSearchResolveContext, unboundLookupHelper);
            unboundRes = new ReferenceLookupResult(unboundSym, unboundSearchResolveContext);
            if (dumpMethodReferenceSearchResults) {
                dumpMethodReferenceSearchResults(referenceTree, unboundSearchResolveContext, unboundSym, false);

        //merge results
        Pair<Symbol, ReferenceLookupHelper> res;
        ReferenceLookupResult bestRes = referenceChooser.result(boundRes, unboundRes);
        res = new Pair<>(bestRes.sym,
                bestRes == unboundRes ? unboundLookupHelper : boundLookupHelper);
        env.info.pendingResolutionPhase = bestRes == unboundRes ?
                unboundEnv.info.pendingResolutionPhase :

        if (!res.fst.kind.isResolutionError()) {
            //handle sigpoly method references
            MethodSymbol msym = (MethodSymbol)res.fst;
            if ((msym.flags() & SIGNATURE_POLYMORPHIC) != 0) {
                env.info.pendingResolutionPhase = BASIC;
                res = new Pair<>(findPolymorphicSignatureInstance(msym, descriptor), res.snd);

        return res;

    private void dumpMethodReferenceSearchResults(JCMemberReference referenceTree,
                                                  MethodResolutionContext resolutionContext,
                                                  Symbol bestSoFar,
                                                  boolean bound) {
        ListBuffer<JCDiagnostic> subDiags = new ListBuffer<>();
        int pos = 0;
        int mostSpecificPos = -1;
        for (Candidate c : resolutionContext.candidates) {
            if (resolutionContext.step != c.step || !c.isApplicable()) {
            } else {
                JCDiagnostic subDiag = null;
                if (c.sym.type.hasTag(FORALL)) {
                    subDiag = diags.fragment(Fragments.PartialInstSig(c.mtype));

                String key = subDiag == null ?
                        "applicable.method.found.2" :
                subDiags.append(diags.fragment(key, pos,
                        c.sym.isStatic() ? Fragments.Static : Fragments.NonStatic, c.sym, subDiag));
                if (c.sym == bestSoFar)
                    mostSpecificPos = pos;
        JCDiagnostic main = diags.note(
                bound ? Fragments.Bound : Fragments.Unbound,
                referenceTree.toString(), mostSpecificPos);
        JCDiagnostic d = new JCDiagnostic.MultilineDiagnostic(main, subDiags.toList());

     * This class is used to represent a method reference lookup result. It keeps track of two
     * things: (i) the symbol found during a method reference lookup and (ii) the static kind
     * of the lookup (see {@link com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Resolve.ReferenceLookupResult.StaticKind}).
    static class ReferenceLookupResult {

         * Static kind associated with a method reference lookup. Erroneous lookups end up with
         * the UNDEFINED kind; successful lookups will end up with either STATIC, NON_STATIC,
         * depending on whether all applicable candidates are static or non-static methods,
         * respectively. If a successful lookup has both static and non-static applicable methods,
         * its kind is set to BOTH.
        enum StaticKind {

             * Retrieve the static kind associated with a given (method) symbol.
            static StaticKind from(Symbol s) {
                return s.isStatic() ?
                        STATIC : NON_STATIC;

             * Merge two static kinds together.
            static StaticKind reduce(StaticKind sk1, StaticKind sk2) {
                if (sk1 == UNDEFINED) {
                    return sk2;
                } else if (sk2 == UNDEFINED) {
                    return sk1;
                } else {
                    return sk1 == sk2 ? sk1 : BOTH;

        /** The static kind. */
        StaticKind staticKind;

        /** The lookup result. */
        Symbol sym;

        ReferenceLookupResult(Symbol sym, MethodResolutionContext resolutionContext) {
            this(sym, staticKind(sym, resolutionContext));

        private ReferenceLookupResult(Symbol sym, StaticKind staticKind) {
            this.staticKind = staticKind;
            this.sym = sym;

        private static StaticKind staticKind(Symbol sym, MethodResolutionContext resolutionContext) {
            switch (sym.kind) {
                case MTH:
                case AMBIGUOUS:
                    return resolutionContext.candidates.stream()
                            .filter(c -> c.isApplicable() && c.step == resolutionContext.step)
                            .map(c -> StaticKind.from(c.sym))
                    return StaticKind.UNDEFINED;

         * Does this result corresponds to a successful lookup (i.e. one where a method has been found?)
        boolean isSuccess() {
            return staticKind != StaticKind.UNDEFINED;

         * Does this result have given static kind?
        boolean hasKind(StaticKind sk) {
            return this.staticKind == sk;

         * Error recovery helper: can this lookup result be ignored (for the purpose of returning
         * some 'better' result) ?
        boolean canIgnore() {
            switch (sym.kind) {
                case ABSENT_MTH:
                    return true;
                case WRONG_MTH:
                    InapplicableSymbolError errSym =
                    return new Template(MethodCheckDiag.ARITY_MISMATCH.regex())
                case WRONG_MTHS:
                    InapplicableSymbolsError errSyms =
                    return errSyms.filterCandidates(errSyms.mapCandidates()).isEmpty();
                    return false;

        static ReferenceLookupResult error(Symbol sym) {
            return new ReferenceLookupResult(sym, StaticKind.UNDEFINED);

     * This abstract class embodies the logic that converts one (bound lookup) or two (unbound lookup)
     * {@code ReferenceLookupResult} objects into a (@code Symbol), which is then regarded as the
     * result of method reference resolution.
    abstract class ReferenceChooser {
         * Generate a result from a pair of lookup result objects. This method delegates to the
         * appropriate result generation routine.
        ReferenceLookupResult result(ReferenceLookupResult boundRes, ReferenceLookupResult unboundRes) {
            return unboundRes != referenceNotFound ?
                    unboundResult(boundRes, unboundRes) :

         * Generate a symbol from a given bound lookup result.
        abstract ReferenceLookupResult boundResult(ReferenceLookupResult boundRes);

         * Generate a symbol from a pair of bound/unbound lookup results.
        abstract ReferenceLookupResult unboundResult(ReferenceLookupResult boundRes, ReferenceLookupResult unboundRes);

     * This chooser implements the selection strategy used during a full lookup; this logic
     * is described in JLS SE 8 (15.3.2).
    ReferenceChooser basicReferenceChooser = new ReferenceChooser() {

        ReferenceLookupResult boundResult(ReferenceLookupResult boundRes) {
            return !boundRes.isSuccess() || boundRes.hasKind(StaticKind.NON_STATIC) ?
                    boundRes : //the search produces a non-static method
                    ReferenceLookupResult.error(new BadMethodReferenceError(boundRes.sym, false));

        ReferenceLookupResult unboundResult(ReferenceLookupResult boundRes, ReferenceLookupResult unboundRes) {
            if (boundRes.isSuccess() && boundRes.sym.isStatic() &&
                    (!unboundRes.isSuccess() || unboundRes.hasKind(StaticKind.STATIC))) {
                //the first search produces a static method and no non-static method is applicable
                //during the second search
                return boundRes;
            } else if (unboundRes.isSuccess() && !unboundRes.sym.isStatic() &&
                    (!boundRes.isSuccess() || boundRes.hasKind(StaticKind.NON_STATIC))) {
                //the second search produces a non-static method and no static method is applicable
                //during the first search
                return unboundRes;
            } else if (boundRes.isSuccess() && unboundRes.isSuccess()) {
                //both searches produce some result; ambiguity (error recovery)
                return ReferenceLookupResult.error(ambiguityError(boundRes.sym, unboundRes.sym));
            } else if (boundRes.isSuccess() || unboundRes.isSuccess()) {
                //Both searches failed to produce a result with correct staticness (i.e. first search
                //produces an non-static method). Alternatively, a given search produced a result
                //with the right staticness, but the other search has applicable methods with wrong
                //staticness (error recovery)
                return ReferenceLookupResult.error(new BadMethodReferenceError(boundRes.isSuccess() ?
                        boundRes.sym : unboundRes.sym, true));
            } else {
                //both searches fail to produce a result - pick 'better' error using heuristics (error recovery)
                return (boundRes.canIgnore() && !unboundRes.canIgnore()) ?
                        unboundRes : boundRes;

     * This chooser implements the selection strategy used during an arity-based lookup; this logic
     * is described in JLS SE 8 (
    ReferenceChooser structuralReferenceChooser = new ReferenceChooser() {

        ReferenceLookupResult boundResult(ReferenceLookupResult boundRes) {
            return (!boundRes.isSuccess() || !boundRes.hasKind(StaticKind.STATIC)) ?
                    boundRes : //the search has at least one applicable non-static method
                    ReferenceLookupResult.error(new BadMethodReferenceError(boundRes.sym, false));

        ReferenceLookupResult unboundResult(ReferenceLookupResult boundRes, ReferenceLookupResult unboundRes) {
            if (boundRes.isSuccess() && !boundRes.hasKind(StaticKind.NON_STATIC)) {
                //the first search has at least one applicable static method
                return boundRes;
            } else if (unboundRes.isSuccess() && !unboundRes.hasKind(StaticKind.STATIC)) {
                //the second search has at least one applicable non-static method
                return unboundRes;
            } else if (boundRes.isSuccess() || unboundRes.isSuccess()) {
                //either the first search produces a non-static method, or second search produces
                //a non-static method (error recovery)
                return ReferenceLookupResult.error(new BadMethodReferenceError(boundRes.isSuccess() ?
                        boundRes.sym : unboundRes.sym, true));
            } else {
                //both searches fail to produce a result - pick 'better' error using heuristics (error recovery)
                return (boundRes.canIgnore() && !unboundRes.canIgnore()) ?
                        unboundRes : boundRes;

     * Helper for defining custom method-like lookup logic; a lookup helper
     * provides hooks for (i) the actual lookup logic and (ii) accessing the
     * lookup result (this step might result in compiler diagnostics to be generated)
    abstract class LookupHelper {

        /** name of the symbol to lookup */
        Name name;

        /** location in which the lookup takes place */
        Type site;

        /** actual types used during the lookup */
        List<Type> argtypes;

        /** type arguments used during the lookup */
        List<Type> typeargtypes;

        /** Max overload resolution phase handled by this helper */
        MethodResolutionPhase maxPhase;

        LookupHelper(Name name, Type site, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes, MethodResolutionPhase maxPhase) {
            this.name = name;
            this.site = site;
            this.argtypes = argtypes;
            this.typeargtypes = typeargtypes;
            this.maxPhase = maxPhase;

         * Should lookup stop at given phase with given result
        final boolean shouldStop(Symbol sym, MethodResolutionPhase phase) {
            return phase.ordinal() > maxPhase.ordinal() ||
                 !sym.kind.isResolutionError() || sym.kind == AMBIGUOUS || sym.kind == STATICERR;

         * Search for a symbol under a given overload resolution phase - this method
         * is usually called several times, once per each overload resolution phase
        abstract Symbol lookup(Env<AttrContext> env, MethodResolutionPhase phase);

         * Dump overload resolution info
        void debug(DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol sym) {
            //do nothing

         * Validate the result of the lookup
        abstract Symbol access(Env<AttrContext> env, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Symbol sym);

    abstract class BasicLookupHelper extends LookupHelper {

        BasicLookupHelper(Name name, Type site, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            this(name, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, MethodResolutionPhase.VARARITY);

        BasicLookupHelper(Name name, Type site, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes, MethodResolutionPhase maxPhase) {
            super(name, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, maxPhase);

        final Symbol lookup(Env<AttrContext> env, MethodResolutionPhase phase) {
            Symbol sym = doLookup(env, phase);
            if (sym.kind == AMBIGUOUS) {
                AmbiguityError a_err = (AmbiguityError)sym.baseSymbol();
                sym = a_err.mergeAbstracts(site);
            return sym;

        abstract Symbol doLookup(Env<AttrContext> env, MethodResolutionPhase phase);

        Symbol access(Env<AttrContext> env, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Symbol sym) {
            if (sym.kind.isResolutionError()) {
                //if nothing is found return the 'first' error
                sym = accessMethod(sym, pos, location, site, name, true, argtypes, typeargtypes);
            return sym;

        void debug(DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol sym) {
            reportVerboseResolutionDiagnostic(pos, name, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, sym);

     * Helper class for member reference lookup. A reference lookup helper
     * defines the basic logic for member reference lookup; a method gives
     * access to an 'unbound' helper used to perform an unbound member
     * reference lookup.
    abstract class ReferenceLookupHelper extends LookupHelper {

        /** The member reference tree */
        JCMemberReference referenceTree;

        ReferenceLookupHelper(JCMemberReference referenceTree, Name name, Type site,
                List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes, MethodResolutionPhase maxPhase) {
            super(name, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, maxPhase);
            this.referenceTree = referenceTree;

         * Returns an unbound version of this lookup helper. By default, this
         * method returns an dummy lookup helper.
        ReferenceLookupHelper unboundLookup(InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
            return null;

         * Get the kind of the member reference
        abstract JCMemberReference.ReferenceKind referenceKind(Symbol sym);

        Symbol access(Env<AttrContext> env, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Symbol sym) {
            if (sym.kind == AMBIGUOUS) {
                AmbiguityError a_err = (AmbiguityError)sym.baseSymbol();
                sym = a_err.mergeAbstracts(site);
            //skip error reporting
            return sym;

     * Helper class for method reference lookup. The lookup logic is based
     * upon Resolve.findMethod; in certain cases, this helper class has a
     * corresponding unbound helper class (see UnboundMethodReferenceLookupHelper).
     * In such cases, non-static lookup results are thrown away.
    class MethodReferenceLookupHelper extends ReferenceLookupHelper {

        /** The original method reference lookup site. */
        Type originalSite;

        MethodReferenceLookupHelper(JCMemberReference referenceTree, Name name, Type site,
                List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes, MethodResolutionPhase maxPhase) {
            super(referenceTree, name, types.skipTypeVars(site, true), argtypes, typeargtypes, maxPhase);
            this.originalSite = site;

        final Symbol lookup(Env<AttrContext> env, MethodResolutionPhase phase) {
            return findMethod(env, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes,
                    phase.isBoxingRequired(), phase.isVarargsRequired());

        ReferenceLookupHelper unboundLookup(InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
            if (TreeInfo.isStaticSelector(referenceTree.expr, names)) {
                if (argtypes.nonEmpty() &&
                        (argtypes.head.hasTag(NONE) ||
                        types.isSubtypeUnchecked(inferenceContext.asUndetVar(argtypes.head), originalSite))) {
                    return new UnboundMethodReferenceLookupHelper(referenceTree, name,
                            originalSite, argtypes, typeargtypes, maxPhase);
                } else {
                    return new ReferenceLookupHelper(referenceTree, name, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, maxPhase) {
                        ReferenceLookupHelper unboundLookup(InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
                            return this;

                        Symbol lookup(Env<AttrContext> env, MethodResolutionPhase phase) {
                            return methodNotFound;

                        ReferenceKind referenceKind(Symbol sym) {
                            return null;
            } else {
                return super.unboundLookup(inferenceContext);

        ReferenceKind referenceKind(Symbol sym) {
            if (sym.isStatic()) {
                return ReferenceKind.STATIC;
            } else {
                Name selName = TreeInfo.name(referenceTree.getQualifierExpression());
                return selName != null && selName == names._super ?
                        ReferenceKind.SUPER :

     * Helper class for unbound method reference lookup. Essentially the same
     * as the basic method reference lookup helper; main difference is that static
     * lookup results are thrown away. If qualifier type is raw, an attempt to
     * infer a parameterized type is made using the first actual argument (that
     * would otherwise be ignored during the lookup).
    class UnboundMethodReferenceLookupHelper extends MethodReferenceLookupHelper {

        UnboundMethodReferenceLookupHelper(JCMemberReference referenceTree, Name name, Type site,
                List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes, MethodResolutionPhase maxPhase) {
            super(referenceTree, name, site, argtypes.tail, typeargtypes, maxPhase);
            if (site.isRaw() && !argtypes.head.hasTag(NONE)) {
                Type asSuperSite = types.asSuper(argtypes.head, site.tsym);
                this.site = types.skipTypeVars(asSuperSite, true);

        ReferenceLookupHelper unboundLookup(InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
            return this;

        ReferenceKind referenceKind(Symbol sym) {
            return ReferenceKind.UNBOUND;

     * Helper class for array constructor lookup; an array constructor lookup
     * is simulated by looking up a method that returns the array type specified
     * as qualifier, and that accepts a single int parameter (size of the array).
    class ArrayConstructorReferenceLookupHelper extends ReferenceLookupHelper {

        ArrayConstructorReferenceLookupHelper(JCMemberReference referenceTree, Type site, List<Type> argtypes,
                List<Type> typeargtypes, MethodResolutionPhase maxPhase) {
            super(referenceTree, names.init, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, maxPhase);

        protected Symbol lookup(Env<AttrContext> env, MethodResolutionPhase phase) {
            WriteableScope sc = WriteableScope.create(syms.arrayClass);
            MethodSymbol arrayConstr = new MethodSymbol(PUBLIC, name, null, site.tsym);
            arrayConstr.type = new MethodType(List.of(syms.intType), site, List.nil(), syms.methodClass);
            return findMethodInScope(env, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes, sc, methodNotFound, phase.isBoxingRequired(), phase.isVarargsRequired(), false);

        ReferenceKind referenceKind(Symbol sym) {
            return ReferenceKind.ARRAY_CTOR;

     * Helper class for constructor reference lookup. The lookup logic is based
     * upon either Resolve.findMethod or Resolve.findDiamond - depending on
     * whether the constructor reference needs diamond inference (this is the case
     * if the qualifier type is raw). A special erroneous symbol is returned
     * if the lookup returns the constructor of an inner class and there's no
     * enclosing instance in scope.
    class ConstructorReferenceLookupHelper extends ReferenceLookupHelper {

        boolean needsInference;

        ConstructorReferenceLookupHelper(JCMemberReference referenceTree, Type site, List<Type> argtypes,
                List<Type> typeargtypes, MethodResolutionPhase maxPhase) {
            super(referenceTree, names.init, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, maxPhase);
            if (site.isRaw()) {
                this.site = new ClassType(site.getEnclosingType(), site.tsym.type.getTypeArguments(), site.tsym, site.getMetadata());
                needsInference = true;

        protected Symbol lookup(Env<AttrContext> env, MethodResolutionPhase phase) {
            Symbol sym = needsInference ?
                findDiamond(env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, phase.isBoxingRequired(), phase.isVarargsRequired()) :
                findMethod(env, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes,
                        phase.isBoxingRequired(), phase.isVarargsRequired());
            return enclosingInstanceMissing(env, site) ? new BadConstructorReferenceError(sym) : sym;

        ReferenceKind referenceKind(Symbol sym) {
            return site.getEnclosingType().hasTag(NONE) ?
                    ReferenceKind.TOPLEVEL : ReferenceKind.IMPLICIT_INNER;

     * Main overload resolution routine. On each overload resolution step, a
     * lookup helper class is used to perform the method/constructor lookup;
     * at the end of the lookup, the helper is used to validate the results
     * (this last step might trigger overload resolution diagnostics).
    Symbol lookupMethod(Env<AttrContext> env, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, MethodCheck methodCheck, LookupHelper lookupHelper) {
        MethodResolutionContext resolveContext = new MethodResolutionContext();
        resolveContext.methodCheck = methodCheck;
        return lookupMethod(env, pos, location, resolveContext, lookupHelper);

    Symbol lookupMethod(Env<AttrContext> env, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location,
            MethodResolutionContext resolveContext, LookupHelper lookupHelper) {
        MethodResolutionContext prevResolutionContext = currentResolutionContext;
        try {
            Symbol bestSoFar = methodNotFound;
            currentResolutionContext = resolveContext;
            for (MethodResolutionPhase phase : methodResolutionSteps) {
                if (lookupHelper.shouldStop(bestSoFar, phase))
                MethodResolutionPhase prevPhase = currentResolutionContext.step;
                Symbol prevBest = bestSoFar;
                currentResolutionContext.step = phase;
                Symbol sym = lookupHelper.lookup(env, phase);
                lookupHelper.debug(pos, sym);
                bestSoFar = phase.mergeResults(bestSoFar, sym);
                env.info.pendingResolutionPhase = (prevBest == bestSoFar) ? prevPhase : phase;
            return lookupHelper.access(env, pos, location, bestSoFar);
        } finally {
            currentResolutionContext = prevResolutionContext;

     * Resolve `c.name' where name == this or name == super.
     * @param pos           The position to use for error reporting.
     * @param env           The environment current at the expression.
     * @param c             The qualifier.
     * @param name          The identifier's name.
    Symbol resolveSelf(DiagnosticPosition pos,
                       Env<AttrContext> env,
                       TypeSymbol c,
                       Name name) {
        Env<AttrContext> env1 = env;
        boolean staticOnly = false;
        while (env1.outer != null) {
            if (isStatic(env1)) staticOnly = true;
            if (env1.enclClass.sym == c) {
                Symbol sym = env1.info.scope.findFirst(name);
                if (sym != null) {
                    if (staticOnly) sym = new StaticError(sym);
                    return accessBase(sym, pos, env.enclClass.sym.type,
                                  name, true);
            if ((env1.enclClass.sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0) staticOnly = true;
            env1 = env1.outer;
        if (c.isInterface() &&
            name == names._super && !isStatic(env) &&
            types.isDirectSuperInterface(c, env.enclClass.sym)) {
            //this might be a default super call if one of the superinterfaces is 'c'
            for (Type t : pruneInterfaces(env.enclClass.type)) {
                if (t.tsym == c) {
                    env.info.defaultSuperCallSite = t;
                    return new VarSymbol(0, names._super,
                            types.asSuper(env.enclClass.type, c), env.enclClass.sym);
            //find a direct super type that is a subtype of 'c'
            for (Type i : types.directSupertypes(env.enclClass.type)) {
                if (i.tsym.isSubClass(c, types) && i.tsym != c) {
                                                             Fragments.RedundantSupertype(c, i)));
                    return syms.errSymbol;
        log.error(pos, Errors.NotEnclClass(c));
        return syms.errSymbol;
    private List<Type> pruneInterfaces(Type t) {
        ListBuffer<Type> result = new ListBuffer<>();
        for (Type t1 : types.interfaces(t)) {
            boolean shouldAdd = true;
            for (Type t2 : types.directSupertypes(t)) {
                if (t1 != t2 && !t2.hasTag(ERROR) && types.isSubtypeNoCapture(t2, t1)) {
                    shouldAdd = false;
            if (shouldAdd) {
        return result.toList();

     * Resolve `c.this' for an enclosing class c that contains the
     * named member.
     * @param pos           The position to use for error reporting.
     * @param env           The environment current at the expression.
     * @param member        The member that must be contained in the result.
    Symbol resolveSelfContaining(DiagnosticPosition pos,
                                 Env<AttrContext> env,
                                 Symbol member,
                                 boolean isSuperCall) {
        Symbol sym = resolveSelfContainingInternal(env, member, isSuperCall);
        if (sym == null) {
            log.error(pos, Errors.EnclClassRequired(member));
            return syms.errSymbol;
        } else {
            return accessBase(sym, pos, env.enclClass.sym.type, sym.name, true);

    boolean enclosingInstanceMissing(Env<AttrContext> env, Type type) {
        if (type.hasTag(CLASS) && type.getEnclosingType().hasTag(CLASS)) {
            Symbol encl = resolveSelfContainingInternal(env, type.tsym, false);
            return encl == null || encl.kind.isResolutionError();
        return false;

    private Symbol resolveSelfContainingInternal(Env<AttrContext> env,
                                 Symbol member,
                                 boolean isSuperCall) {
        Name name = names._this;
        Env<AttrContext> env1 = isSuperCall ? env.outer : env;
        boolean staticOnly = false;
        if (env1 != null) {
            while (env1 != null && env1.outer != null) {
                if (isStatic(env1)) staticOnly = true;
                if (env1.enclClass.sym.isSubClass(member.owner.enclClass(), types)) {
                    Symbol sym = env1.info.scope.findFirst(name);
                    if (sym != null) {
                        if (staticOnly) sym = new StaticError(sym);
                        return sym;
                if ((env1.enclClass.sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0)
                    staticOnly = true;
                env1 = env1.outer;
        return null;

     * Resolve an appropriate implicit this instance for t's container.
     * JLS and 15.9.2
    Type resolveImplicitThis(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env, Type t) {
        return resolveImplicitThis(pos, env, t, false);

    Type resolveImplicitThis(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env, Type t, boolean isSuperCall) {
        Type thisType = (t.tsym.owner.kind.matches(KindSelector.VAL_MTH)
                         ? resolveSelf(pos, env, t.getEnclosingType().tsym, names._this)
                         : resolveSelfContaining(pos, env, t.tsym, isSuperCall)).type;
        if (env.info.isSelfCall && thisType.tsym == env.enclClass.sym) {
            log.error(pos, Errors.CantRefBeforeCtorCalled("this"));
        return thisType;

/* ***************************************************************************
 *  ResolveError classes, indicating error situations when accessing symbols

    //used by TransTypes when checking target type of synthetic cast
    public void logAccessErrorInternal(Env<AttrContext> env, JCTree tree, Type type) {
        AccessError error = new AccessError(env, env.enclClass.type, type.tsym);
        logResolveError(error, tree.pos(), env.enclClass.sym, env.enclClass.type, null, null, null);
    private void logResolveError(ResolveError error,
            DiagnosticPosition pos,
            Symbol location,
            Type site,
            Name name,
            List<Type> argtypes,
            List<Type> typeargtypes) {
        JCDiagnostic d = error.getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType.ERROR,
                pos, location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes);
        if (d != null) {

    private final LocalizedString noArgs = new LocalizedString("compiler.misc.no.args");

    public Object methodArguments(List<Type> argtypes) {
        if (argtypes == null || argtypes.isEmpty()) {
            return noArgs;
        } else {
            ListBuffer<Object> diagArgs = new ListBuffer<>();
            for (Type t : argtypes) {
                if (t.hasTag(DEFERRED)) {
                } else {
            return diagArgs;

     * Root class for resolution errors. Subclass of ResolveError
     * represent a different kinds of resolution error - as such they must
     * specify how they map into concrete compiler diagnostics.
    abstract class ResolveError extends Symbol {

        /** The name of the kind of error, for debugging only. */
        final String debugName;

        ResolveError(Kind kind, String debugName) {
            super(kind, 0, null, null, null);
            this.debugName = debugName;

        @Override @DefinedBy(Api.LANGUAGE_MODEL)
        public <R, P> R accept(ElementVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
            throw new AssertionError();

        public String toString() {
            return debugName;

        public boolean exists() {
            return false;

        public boolean isStatic() {
            return false;

         * Create an external representation for this erroneous symbol to be
         * used during attribution - by default this returns the symbol of a
         * brand new error type which stores the original type found
         * during resolution.
         * @param name     the name used during resolution
         * @param location the location from which the symbol is accessed
        protected Symbol access(Name name, TypeSymbol location) {
            return types.createErrorType(name, location, syms.errSymbol.type).tsym;

         * Create a diagnostic representing this resolution error.
         * @param dkind     The kind of the diagnostic to be created (e.g error).
         * @param pos       The position to be used for error reporting.
         * @param site      The original type from where the selection took place.
         * @param name      The name of the symbol to be resolved.
         * @param argtypes  The invocation's value arguments,
         *                  if we looked for a method.
         * @param typeargtypes  The invocation's type arguments,
         *                      if we looked for a method.
        abstract JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind,
                DiagnosticPosition pos,
                Symbol location,
                Type site,
                Name name,
                List<Type> argtypes,
                List<Type> typeargtypes);

     * This class is the root class of all resolution errors caused by
     * an invalid symbol being found during resolution.
    abstract class InvalidSymbolError extends ResolveError {

        /** The invalid symbol found during resolution */
        Symbol sym;

        InvalidSymbolError(Kind kind, Symbol sym, String debugName) {
            super(kind, debugName);
            this.sym = sym;

        public boolean exists() {
            return true;

        public String toString() {
             return super.toString() + " wrongSym=" + sym;

        public Symbol access(Name name, TypeSymbol location) {
            if (!sym.kind.isResolutionError() && sym.kind.matches(KindSelector.TYP))
                return types.createErrorType(name, location, sym.type).tsym;
                return sym;

    class BadRestrictedTypeError extends ResolveError {
        private final Name typeName;
        BadRestrictedTypeError(Name typeName) {
            super(Kind.BAD_RESTRICTED_TYPE, "bad var use");
            this.typeName = typeName;

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, "illegal.ref.to.restricted.type", typeName);

     * InvalidSymbolError error class indicating that a symbol matching a
     * given name does not exists in a given site.
    class SymbolNotFoundError extends ResolveError {

        SymbolNotFoundError(Kind kind) {
            this(kind, "symbol not found error");

        SymbolNotFoundError(Kind kind, String debugName) {
            super(kind, debugName);

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind,
                DiagnosticPosition pos,
                Symbol location,
                Type site,
                Name name,
                List<Type> argtypes,
                List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            argtypes = argtypes == null ? List.nil() : argtypes;
            typeargtypes = typeargtypes == null ? List.nil() : typeargtypes;
            if (name == names.error)
                return null;

            boolean hasLocation = false;
            if (location == null) {
                location = site.tsym;
            if (!location.name.isEmpty()) {
                if (location.kind == PCK && !site.tsym.exists() && location.name != names.java) {
                    return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos,
                        "doesnt.exist", location);
                hasLocation = !location.name.equals(names._this) &&
            boolean isConstructor = name == names.init;
            KindName kindname = isConstructor ? KindName.CONSTRUCTOR : kind.absentKind();
            Name idname = isConstructor ? site.tsym.name : name;
            String errKey = getErrorKey(kindname, typeargtypes.nonEmpty(), hasLocation);
            if (hasLocation) {
                return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos,
                        errKey, kindname, idname, //symbol kindname, name
                        typeargtypes, args(argtypes), //type parameters and arguments (if any)
                        getLocationDiag(location, site)); //location kindname, type
            else {
                return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos,
                        errKey, kindname, idname, //symbol kindname, name
                        typeargtypes, args(argtypes)); //type parameters and arguments (if any)
        private Object args(List<Type> args) {
            return args.isEmpty() ? args : methodArguments(args);

        private String getErrorKey(KindName kindname, boolean hasTypeArgs, boolean hasLocation) {
            String key = "cant.resolve";
            String suffix = hasLocation ? ".location" : "";
            switch (kindname) {
                case METHOD:
                case CONSTRUCTOR: {
                    suffix += ".args";
                    suffix += hasTypeArgs ? ".params" : "";
            return key + suffix;
        private JCDiagnostic getLocationDiag(Symbol location, Type site) {
            if (location.kind == VAR) {
                return diags.fragment(Fragments.Location1(kindName(location),
            } else {
                return diags.fragment(Fragments.Location(typeKindName(site),

     * InvalidSymbolError error class indicating that a given symbol
     * (either a method, a constructor or an operand) is not applicable
     * given an actual arguments/type argument list.
    class InapplicableSymbolError extends ResolveError {

        protected MethodResolutionContext resolveContext;

        InapplicableSymbolError(MethodResolutionContext context) {
            this(WRONG_MTH, "inapplicable symbol error", context);

        protected InapplicableSymbolError(Kind kind, String debugName, MethodResolutionContext context) {
            super(kind, debugName);
            this.resolveContext = context;

        public String toString() {
            return super.toString();

        public boolean exists() {
            return true;

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind,
                DiagnosticPosition pos,
                Symbol location,
                Type site,
                Name name,
                List<Type> argtypes,
                List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            if (name == names.error)
                return null;

            Pair<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> c = errCandidate();
            if (compactMethodDiags) {
                JCDiagnostic simpleDiag =
                    MethodResolutionDiagHelper.rewrite(diags, pos, log.currentSource(), dkind, c.snd);
                if (simpleDiag != null) {
                    return simpleDiag;
            Symbol ws = c.fst.asMemberOf(site, types);
            return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos,
                      ws.name == names.init ? ws.owner.name : ws.name,

        public Symbol access(Name name, TypeSymbol location) {
            Pair<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> cand = errCandidate();
            TypeSymbol errSymbol = types.createErrorType(name, location, cand != null ? cand.fst.type : syms.errSymbol.type).tsym;
            if (cand != null) {
                attrRecover.wrongMethodSymbolCandidate(errSymbol, cand.fst, cand.snd);
            return errSymbol;

        protected Pair<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> errCandidate() {
            Candidate bestSoFar = null;
            for (Candidate c : resolveContext.candidates) {
                if (c.isApplicable()) continue;
                bestSoFar = c;
            return new Pair<>(bestSoFar.sym, bestSoFar.details);

     * ResolveError error class indicating that a symbol (either methods, constructors or operand)
     * is not applicable given an actual arguments/type argument list.
    class InapplicableSymbolsError extends InapplicableSymbolError {

        InapplicableSymbolsError(MethodResolutionContext context) {
            super(WRONG_MTHS, "inapplicable symbols", context);

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind,
                DiagnosticPosition pos,
                Symbol location,
                Type site,
                Name name,
                List<Type> argtypes,
                List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            Map<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> candidatesMap = mapCandidates();
            Map<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> filteredCandidates = compactMethodDiags ?
                    filterCandidates(candidatesMap) :
            if (filteredCandidates.isEmpty()) {
                filteredCandidates = candidatesMap;
            boolean truncatedDiag = candidatesMap.size() != filteredCandidates.size();
            if (filteredCandidates.size() > 1) {
                JCDiagnostic err = diags.create(dkind,
                        truncatedDiag ?
                            EnumSet.of(DiagnosticFlag.COMPRESSED) :
                        name == names.init ? KindName.CONSTRUCTOR : kind.absentKind(),
                        name == names.init ? site.tsym.name : name,
                return new JCDiagnostic.MultilineDiagnostic(err, candidateDetails(filteredCandidates, site));
            } else if (filteredCandidates.size() == 1) {
                Map.Entry<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> _e =
                final Pair<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> p = new Pair<>(_e.getKey(), _e.getValue());
                JCDiagnostic d = new InapplicableSymbolError(resolveContext) {
                    protected Pair<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> errCandidate() {
                        return p;
                }.getDiagnostic(dkind, pos,
                    location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes);
                if (truncatedDiag) {
                return d;
            } else {
                return new SymbolNotFoundError(ABSENT_MTH).getDiagnostic(dkind, pos,
                    location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes);
            private Map<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> mapCandidates() {
                MostSpecificMap candidates = new MostSpecificMap();
                for (Candidate c : resolveContext.candidates) {
                    if (c.isApplicable()) continue;
                return candidates;

            private class MostSpecificMap extends LinkedHashMap<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> {
                private void put(Candidate c) {
                    ListBuffer<Symbol> overridden = new ListBuffer<>();
                    for (Symbol s : keySet()) {
                        if (s == c.sym) {
                        if (c.sym.overrides(s, (TypeSymbol)s.owner, types, false)) {
                        } else if (s.overrides(c.sym, (TypeSymbol)c.sym.owner, types, false)) {
                    for (Symbol s : overridden) {
                    put(c.sym, c.details);

            Map<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> filterCandidates(Map<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> candidatesMap) {
                Map<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> candidates = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                for (Map.Entry<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> _entry : candidatesMap.entrySet()) {
                    JCDiagnostic d = _entry.getValue();
                    if (!new Template(MethodCheckDiag.ARITY_MISMATCH.regex()).matches(d)) {
                        candidates.put(_entry.getKey(), d);
                return candidates;

            private List<JCDiagnostic> candidateDetails(Map<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> candidatesMap, Type site) {
                List<JCDiagnostic> details = List.nil();
                for (Map.Entry<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> _entry : candidatesMap.entrySet()) {
                    Symbol sym = _entry.getKey();
                    JCDiagnostic detailDiag =
                                                                        sym.location(site, types),
                                                                        sym.asMemberOf(site, types),
                    details = details.prepend(detailDiag);
                //typically members are visited in reverse order (see Scope)
                //so we need to reverse the candidate list so that candidates
                //conform to source order
                return details;

        protected Pair<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> errCandidate() {
            Map<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> candidatesMap = mapCandidates();
            Map<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> filteredCandidates = filterCandidates(candidatesMap);
            if (filteredCandidates.size() == 1) {
                return Pair.of(filteredCandidates.keySet().iterator().next(),
            return null;

     * DiamondError error class indicating that a constructor symbol is not applicable
     * given an actual arguments/type argument list using diamond inference.
    class DiamondError extends InapplicableSymbolError {

        Symbol sym;

        public DiamondError(Symbol sym, MethodResolutionContext context) {
            super(sym.kind, "diamondError", context);
            this.sym = sym;

        JCDiagnostic getDetails() {
            return (sym.kind == WRONG_MTH) ?
                    ((InapplicableSymbolError)sym.baseSymbol()).errCandidate().snd :

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos,
                Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            JCDiagnostic details = getDetails();
            if (details != null && compactMethodDiags) {
                JCDiagnostic simpleDiag =
                        MethodResolutionDiagHelper.rewrite(diags, pos, log.currentSource(), dkind, details);
                if (simpleDiag != null) {
                    return simpleDiag;
            String key = details == null ?
                "cant.apply.diamond" :
            return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, key,
                    Fragments.Diamond(site.tsym), details);

     * An InvalidSymbolError error class indicating that a symbol is not
     * accessible from a given site
    class AccessError extends InvalidSymbolError {

        private Env<AttrContext> env;
        private Type site;

        AccessError(Env<AttrContext> env, Type site, Symbol sym) {
            super(HIDDEN, sym, "access error");
            this.env = env;
            this.site = site;

        public boolean exists() {
            return false;

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind,
                DiagnosticPosition pos,
                Symbol location,
                Type site,
                Name name,
                List<Type> argtypes,
                List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            if (sym.name == names.init && sym.owner != site.tsym) {
                return new SymbolNotFoundError(ABSENT_MTH).getDiagnostic(dkind,
                        pos, location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes);
            else if ((sym.flags() & PUBLIC) != 0
                || (env != null && this.site != null
                    && !isAccessible(env, this.site))) {
                if (sym.owner.kind == PCK) {
                    return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(),
                            pos, "not.def.access.package.cant.access",
                        sym, sym.location(), inaccessiblePackageReason(env, sym.packge()));
                } else if (   sym.packge() != syms.rootPackage
                           && !symbolPackageVisible(env, sym)) {
                    return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(),
                            pos, "not.def.access.class.intf.cant.access.reason",
                            sym, sym.location(), sym.location().packge(),
                            inaccessiblePackageReason(env, sym.packge()));
                } else {
                    return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(),
                            pos, "not.def.access.class.intf.cant.access",
                        sym, sym.location());
            else if ((sym.flags() & (PRIVATE | PROTECTED)) != 0) {
                return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(),
                        pos, "report.access", sym,
                        asFlagSet(sym.flags() & (PRIVATE | PROTECTED)),
            else {
                return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(),
                        pos, "not.def.public.cant.access", sym, sym.location());

        private String toString(Type type) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            if (type != null) {
                if (type.tsym != null)
            return sb.toString();

    class InvisibleSymbolError extends InvalidSymbolError {

        private final Env<AttrContext> env;
        private final boolean suppressError;

        InvisibleSymbolError(Env<AttrContext> env, boolean suppressError, Symbol sym) {
            super(HIDDEN, sym, "invisible class error");
            this.env = env;
            this.suppressError = suppressError;
            this.name = sym.name;

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind,
                DiagnosticPosition pos,
                Symbol location,
                Type site,
                Name name,
                List<Type> argtypes,
                List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            if (suppressError)
                return null;

            if (sym.kind == PCK) {
                JCDiagnostic details = inaccessiblePackageReason(env, sym.packge());
                return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(),
                        pos, "package.not.visible", sym, details);

            JCDiagnostic details = inaccessiblePackageReason(env, sym.packge());

            if (pos.getTree() != null) {
                Symbol o = sym;
                JCTree tree = pos.getTree();

                while (o.kind != PCK && tree.hasTag(SELECT)) {
                    o = o.owner;
                    tree = ((JCFieldAccess) tree).selected;

                if (o.kind == PCK) {
                    pos = tree.pos();

                    return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(),
                            pos, "package.not.visible", o, details);

            return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(),
                    pos, "not.def.access.package.cant.access", sym, sym.packge(), details);

    JCDiagnostic inaccessiblePackageReason(Env<AttrContext> env, PackageSymbol sym) {
        //no dependency:
        if (!env.toplevel.modle.readModules.contains(sym.modle)) {
            //does not read:
            if (sym.modle != syms.unnamedModule) {
                if (env.toplevel.modle != syms.unnamedModule) {
                    return diags.fragment(Fragments.NotDefAccessDoesNotRead(env.toplevel.modle,
                } else {
                    return diags.fragment(Fragments.NotDefAccessDoesNotReadFromUnnamed(sym,
            } else {
                return diags.fragment(Fragments.NotDefAccessDoesNotReadUnnamed(sym,
        } else {
            if (sym.packge().modle.exports.stream().anyMatch(e -> e.packge == sym)) {
                //not exported to this module:
                if (env.toplevel.modle != syms.unnamedModule) {
                    return diags.fragment(Fragments.NotDefAccessNotExportedToModule(sym,
                } else {
                    return diags.fragment(Fragments.NotDefAccessNotExportedToModuleFromUnnamed(sym,
            } else {
                //not exported:
                if (env.toplevel.modle != syms.unnamedModule) {
                    return diags.fragment(Fragments.NotDefAccessNotExported(sym,
                } else {
                    return diags.fragment(Fragments.NotDefAccessNotExportedFromUnnamed(sym,

     * InvalidSymbolError error class indicating that an instance member
     * has erroneously been accessed from a static context.
    class StaticError extends InvalidSymbolError {

        StaticError(Symbol sym) {
            super(STATICERR, sym, "static error");

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind,
                DiagnosticPosition pos,
                Symbol location,
                Type site,
                Name name,
                List<Type> argtypes,
                List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            Symbol errSym = ((sym.kind == TYP && sym.type.hasTag(CLASS))
                ? types.erasure(sym.type).tsym
                : sym);
            return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos,
                    "non-static.cant.be.ref", kindName(sym), errSym);

     * InvalidSymbolError error class indicating that a pair of symbols
     * (either methods, constructors or operands) are ambiguous
     * given an actual arguments/type argument list.
    class AmbiguityError extends ResolveError {

        /** The other maximally specific symbol */
        List<Symbol> ambiguousSyms = List.nil();

        public boolean exists() {
            return true;

        AmbiguityError(Symbol sym1, Symbol sym2) {
            super(AMBIGUOUS, "ambiguity error");
            ambiguousSyms = flatten(sym2).appendList(flatten(sym1));

        private List<Symbol> flatten(Symbol sym) {
            if (sym.kind == AMBIGUOUS) {
                return ((AmbiguityError)sym.baseSymbol()).ambiguousSyms;
            } else {
                return List.of(sym);

        AmbiguityError addAmbiguousSymbol(Symbol s) {
            ambiguousSyms = ambiguousSyms.prepend(s);
            return this;

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind,
                DiagnosticPosition pos,
                Symbol location,
                Type site,
                Name name,
                List<Type> argtypes,
                List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            List<Symbol> diagSyms = ambiguousSyms.reverse();
            Symbol s1 = diagSyms.head;
            Symbol s2 = diagSyms.tail.head;
            Name sname = s1.name;
            if (sname == names.init) sname = s1.owner.name;
            return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(),
                    pos, "ref.ambiguous", sname,
                    s1.location(site, types),
                    s2.location(site, types));

         * If multiple applicable methods are found during overload and none of them
         * is more specific than the others, attempt to merge their signatures.
        Symbol mergeAbstracts(Type site) {
            List<Symbol> ambiguousInOrder = ambiguousSyms.reverse();
            return types.mergeAbstracts(ambiguousInOrder, site, true).orElse(this);

        protected Symbol access(Name name, TypeSymbol location) {
            Symbol firstAmbiguity = ambiguousSyms.last();
            return firstAmbiguity.kind == TYP ?
                    types.createErrorType(name, location, firstAmbiguity.type).tsym :

    class BadVarargsMethod extends ResolveError {

        ResolveError delegatedError;

        BadVarargsMethod(ResolveError delegatedError) {
            super(delegatedError.kind, "badVarargs");
            this.delegatedError = delegatedError;

        public Symbol baseSymbol() {
            return delegatedError.baseSymbol();

        protected Symbol access(Name name, TypeSymbol location) {
            return delegatedError.access(name, location);

        public boolean exists() {
            return true;

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            return delegatedError.getDiagnostic(dkind, pos, location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes);

     * BadMethodReferenceError error class indicating that a method reference symbol has been found,
     * but with the wrong staticness.
    class BadMethodReferenceError extends StaticError {

        boolean unboundLookup;

        public BadMethodReferenceError(Symbol sym, boolean unboundLookup) {
            this.unboundLookup = unboundLookup;

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            final String key;
            if (!unboundLookup) {
                key = "bad.static.method.in.bound.lookup";
            } else if (sym.isStatic()) {
                key = "bad.static.method.in.unbound.lookup";
            } else {
                key = "bad.instance.method.in.unbound.lookup";
            return sym.kind.isResolutionError() ?
                    ((ResolveError)sym).getDiagnostic(dkind, pos, location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes) :
                    diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, key, Kinds.kindName(sym), sym);

     * BadConstructorReferenceError error class indicating that a constructor reference symbol has been found,
     * but pointing to a class for which an enclosing instance is not available.
    class BadConstructorReferenceError extends InvalidSymbolError {

        public BadConstructorReferenceError(Symbol sym) {
            super(MISSING_ENCL, sym, "BadConstructorReferenceError");

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes) {
           return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos,
                "cant.access.inner.cls.constr", site.tsym.name, argtypes, site.getEnclosingType());

    class BadClassFileError extends InvalidSymbolError {

        private final CompletionFailure ex;

        public BadClassFileError(CompletionFailure ex) {
            super(HIDDEN, ex.sym, "BadClassFileError");
            this.name = sym.name;
            this.ex = ex;

        JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List<Type> argtypes, List<Type> typeargtypes) {
            JCDiagnostic d = diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos,
                "cant.access", ex.sym, ex.getDetailValue());

            return d;


     * Helper class for method resolution diagnostic simplification.
     * Certain resolution diagnostic are rewritten as simpler diagnostic
     * where the enclosing resolution diagnostic (i.e. 'inapplicable method')
     * is stripped away, as it doesn't carry additional info. The logic
     * for matching a given diagnostic is given in terms of a template
     * hierarchy: a diagnostic template can be specified programmatically,
     * so that only certain diagnostics are matched. Each templete is then
     * associated with a rewriter object that carries out the task of rewtiting
     * the diagnostic to a simpler one.
    static class MethodResolutionDiagHelper {

         * A diagnostic rewriter transforms a method resolution diagnostic
         * into a simpler one
        interface DiagnosticRewriter {
            JCDiagnostic rewriteDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.Factory diags,
                    DiagnosticPosition preferredPos, DiagnosticSource preferredSource,
                    DiagnosticType preferredKind, JCDiagnostic d);

         * A diagnostic template is made up of two ingredients: (i) a regular
         * expression for matching a diagnostic key and (ii) a list of sub-templates
         * for matching diagnostic arguments.
        static class Template {

            /** regex used to match diag key */
            String regex;

            /** templates used to match diagnostic args */
            Template[] subTemplates;

            Template(String key, Template... subTemplates) {
                this.regex = key;
                this.subTemplates = subTemplates;

             * Returns true if the regex matches the diagnostic key and if
             * all diagnostic arguments are matches by corresponding sub-templates.
            boolean matches(Object o) {
                JCDiagnostic d = (JCDiagnostic)o;
                Object[] args = d.getArgs();
                if (!d.getCode().matches(regex) ||
                        subTemplates.length != d.getArgs().length) {
                    return false;
                for (int i = 0; i < args.length ; i++) {
                    if (!subTemplates[i].matches(args[i])) {
                        return false;
                return true;

         * Common rewriter for all argument mismatch simplifications.
        static class ArgMismatchRewriter implements DiagnosticRewriter {

            /** the index of the subdiagnostic to be used as primary. */
            int causeIndex;

            public ArgMismatchRewriter(int causeIndex) {
                this.causeIndex = causeIndex;

            public JCDiagnostic rewriteDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.Factory diags,
                    DiagnosticPosition preferredPos, DiagnosticSource preferredSource,
                    DiagnosticType preferredKind, JCDiagnostic d) {
                JCDiagnostic cause = (JCDiagnostic)d.getArgs()[causeIndex];
                DiagnosticPosition pos = d.getDiagnosticPosition();
                if (pos == null) {
                    pos = preferredPos;
                return diags.create(preferredKind, preferredSource, pos,
                        "prob.found.req", cause);

        /** a dummy template that match any diagnostic argument */
        static final Template skip = new Template("") {
            boolean matches(Object d) {
                return true;

        /** template for matching inference-free arguments mismatch failures */
        static final Template argMismatchTemplate = new Template(MethodCheckDiag.ARG_MISMATCH.regex(), skip);

        /** template for matching inference related arguments mismatch failures */
        static final Template inferArgMismatchTemplate = new Template(MethodCheckDiag.ARG_MISMATCH.regex(), skip, skip) {
            boolean matches(Object o) {
                if (!super.matches(o)) {
                    return false;
                JCDiagnostic d = (JCDiagnostic)o;
                List<Type> tvars = (List<Type>)d.getArgs()[0];
                return !containsAny(d, tvars);

            BiPredicate<Object, List<Type>> containsPredicate = (o, ts) -> {
                if (o instanceof Type type) {
                    return type.containsAny(ts);
                } else if (o instanceof JCDiagnostic diagnostic) {
                    return containsAny(diagnostic, ts);
                } else {
                    return false;

            boolean containsAny(JCDiagnostic d, List<Type> ts) {
                return Stream.of(d.getArgs())
                        .anyMatch(o -> containsPredicate.test(o, ts));

        /** rewriter map used for method resolution simplification */
        static final Map<Template, DiagnosticRewriter> rewriters = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        static {
            rewriters.put(argMismatchTemplate, new ArgMismatchRewriter(0));
            rewriters.put(inferArgMismatchTemplate, new ArgMismatchRewriter(1));

         * Main entry point for diagnostic rewriting - given a diagnostic, see if any templates matches it,
         * and rewrite it accordingly.
        static JCDiagnostic rewrite(JCDiagnostic.Factory diags, DiagnosticPosition pos, DiagnosticSource source,
                                    DiagnosticType dkind, JCDiagnostic d) {
            for (Map.Entry<Template, DiagnosticRewriter> _entry : rewriters.entrySet()) {
                if (_entry.getKey().matches(d)) {
                    JCDiagnostic simpleDiag =
                            _entry.getValue().rewriteDiagnostic(diags, pos, source, dkind, d);
                    return simpleDiag;
            return null;

    enum MethodResolutionPhase {
        BASIC(false, false),
        BOX(true, false),
        VARARITY(true, true) {
            public Symbol mergeResults(Symbol bestSoFar, Symbol sym) {
                //Check invariants (see {@code LookupHelper.shouldStop})
                Assert.check(bestSoFar.kind.isResolutionError() && bestSoFar.kind != AMBIGUOUS);
                if (!sym.kind.isResolutionError()) {
                    //varargs resolution successful
                    return sym;
                } else {
                    //pick best error
                    switch (bestSoFar.kind) {
                        case WRONG_MTH:
                        case WRONG_MTHS:
                            //Override previous errors if they were caused by argument mismatch.
                            //This generally means preferring current symbols - but we need to pay
                            //attention to the fact that the varargs lookup returns 'less' candidates
                            //than the previous rounds, and adjust that accordingly.
                            switch (sym.kind) {
                                case WRONG_MTH:
                                    //if the previous round matched more than one method, return that
                                    //result instead
                                    return bestSoFar.kind == WRONG_MTHS ?
                                            bestSoFar : sym;
                                case ABSENT_MTH:
                                    //do not override erroneous symbol if the arity lookup did not
                                    //match any method
                                    return bestSoFar;
                                case WRONG_MTHS:
                                    //safe to override
                                    return sym;
                            //otherwise, return first error
                            return bestSoFar;

        final boolean isBoxingRequired;
        final boolean isVarargsRequired;

        MethodResolutionPhase(boolean isBoxingRequired, boolean isVarargsRequired) {
           this.isBoxingRequired = isBoxingRequired;
           this.isVarargsRequired = isVarargsRequired;

        public boolean isBoxingRequired() {
            return isBoxingRequired;

        public boolean isVarargsRequired() {
            return isVarargsRequired;

        public Symbol mergeResults(Symbol prev, Symbol sym) {
            return sym;

    final List<MethodResolutionPhase> methodResolutionSteps = List.of(BASIC, BOX, VARARITY);

     * A resolution context is used to keep track of intermediate results of
     * overload resolution, such as list of method that are not applicable
     * (used to generate more precise diagnostics) and so on. Resolution contexts
     * can be nested - this means that when each overload resolution routine should
     * work within the resolution context it created.
    class MethodResolutionContext {

        private List<Candidate> candidates = List.nil();

        MethodResolutionPhase step = null;

        MethodCheck methodCheck = resolveMethodCheck;

        private boolean internalResolution = false;
        private DeferredAttr.AttrMode attrMode = DeferredAttr.AttrMode.SPECULATIVE;

        void addInapplicableCandidate(Symbol sym, JCDiagnostic details) {
            Candidate c = new Candidate(currentResolutionContext.step, sym, details, null);
            candidates = candidates.append(c);

        void addApplicableCandidate(Symbol sym, Type mtype) {
            Candidate c = new Candidate(currentResolutionContext.step, sym, null, mtype);
            candidates = candidates.append(c);

        DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext(Symbol sym, InferenceContext inferenceContext, ResultInfo pendingResult, Warner warn) {
            DeferredAttrContext parent = (pendingResult == null)
                ? deferredAttr.emptyDeferredAttrContext
                : pendingResult.checkContext.deferredAttrContext();
            return deferredAttr.new DeferredAttrContext(attrMode, sym, step,
                    inferenceContext, parent, warn);

         * This class represents an overload resolution candidate. There are two
         * kinds of candidates: applicable methods and inapplicable methods;
         * applicable methods have a pointer to the instantiated method type,
         * while inapplicable candidates contain further details about the
         * reason why the method has been considered inapplicable.
        class Candidate {

            final MethodResolutionPhase step;
            final Symbol sym;
            final JCDiagnostic details;
            final Type mtype;

            private Candidate(MethodResolutionPhase step, Symbol sym, JCDiagnostic details, Type mtype) {
                this.step = step;
                this.sym = sym;
                this.details = details;
                this.mtype = mtype;

            boolean isApplicable() {
                return mtype != null;

        DeferredAttr.AttrMode attrMode() {
            return attrMode;

        boolean internal() {
            return internalResolution;

    MethodResolutionContext currentResolutionContext = null;



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