JDK 17 jdk.jshell.jmod - JShell Tool

JDK 17 jdk.jshell.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 JShell tool, which can be invoked by the "jshell" command.

JDK 17 JShell tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\jdk.jshell.jmod.

JDK 17 JShell tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 17 JShell tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\src.zip\jdk.jshell.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

✍: FYIcenter


 * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package jdk.jshell;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

 * Provides analysis utilities for source code input.
 * Optional functionality that provides for a richer interactive experience.
 * Includes completion analysis:
 * Is the input a complete snippet of code?
 * Do I need to prompt for more input?
 * Would adding a semicolon make it complete?
 * Is there more than one snippet?
 * etc.
 * Also includes completion suggestions, as might be used in tab-completion.
 * @since 9
public abstract class SourceCodeAnalysis {

     * Given an input string, find the first snippet of code (one statement,
     * definition, import, or expression) and evaluate if it is complete.
     * @param input the input source string
     * @return a CompletionInfo instance with location and completeness info
    public abstract CompletionInfo analyzeCompletion(String input);

     * Compute possible follow-ups for the given input.
     * Uses information from the current {@code JShell} state, including
     * type information, to filter the suggestions.
     * @param input the user input, so far
     * @param cursor the current position of the cursors in the given {@code input} text
     * @param anchor outgoing parameter - when an option will be completed, the text between
     *               the anchor and cursor will be deleted and replaced with the given option
     * @return list of candidate continuations of the given input.
    public abstract List<Suggestion> completionSuggestions(String input, int cursor, int[] anchor);

     * Compute documentation for the given user's input. Multiple {@code Documentation} objects may
     * be returned when multiple elements match the user's input (like for overloaded methods).
     * @param input the snippet the user wrote so far
     * @param cursor the current position of the cursors in the given {@code input} text
     * @param computeJavadoc true if the javadoc for the given input should be computed in
     *                       addition to the signature
     * @return the documentations for the given user's input, if multiple elements match the input,
     *         multiple {@code Documentation} objects are returned.
    public abstract List<Documentation> documentation(String input, int cursor, boolean computeJavadoc);

     * Infer the type of the given expression. The expression spans from the beginning of {@code code}
     * to the given {@code cursor} position. Returns null if the type of the expression cannot
     * be inferred.
     * @param code the expression for which the type should be inferred
     * @param cursor current cursor position in the given code
     * @return the inferred type, or null if it cannot be inferred
    public abstract String analyzeType(String code, int cursor);

     * List qualified names known for the simple name in the given code immediately
     * to the left of the given cursor position. The qualified names are gathered by inspecting the
     * classpath used by eval (see {@link JShell#addToClasspath(java.lang.String)}).
     * @param code the expression for which the candidate qualified names should be computed
     * @param cursor current cursor position in the given code
     * @return the known qualified names
    public abstract QualifiedNames listQualifiedNames(String code, int cursor);

     * Returns the wrapper information for the {@code Snippet}. The wrapper changes as
     * the environment changes, so calls to this method at different times may
     * yield different results.
     * @param snippet the {@code Snippet} from which to retrieve the wrapper
     * @return information on the wrapper
    public abstract SnippetWrapper wrapper(Snippet snippet);

     * Returns the wrapper information for the snippet within the
     * input source string.
     * <p>
     * Wrapper information for malformed and incomplete
     * snippets also generate wrappers. The list is in snippet encounter
     * order. The wrapper changes as the environment changes, so calls to this
     * method at different times may yield different results.
     * <p>
     * The input should be
     * exactly one complete snippet of source code, that is, one expression,
     * statement, variable declaration, method declaration, class declaration,
     * or import.
     * To break arbitrary input into individual complete snippets, use
     * {@link SourceCodeAnalysis#analyzeCompletion(String)}.
     * <p>
     * The wrapper may not match that returned by
     * {@link SourceCodeAnalysis#wrapper(Snippet) wrapper(Snippet)},
     * were the source converted to a {@code Snippet}.
     * @param input the source input from which to generate wrappers
     * @return a list of wrapper information
    public abstract List<SnippetWrapper> wrappers(String input);

     * Converts the source code of a snippet into a {@link Snippet} object (or
     * list of {@code Snippet} objects in the case of some var declarations,
     * e.g.: int x, y, z;).
     * Does not install the snippets: declarations are not
     * accessible by other snippets; imports are not added.
     * Does not execute the snippets.
     * <p>
     * Queries may be done on the {@code Snippet} object. The {@link Snippet#id()}
     * will be {@code "*UNASSOCIATED*"}.
     * The returned snippets are not associated with the
     * {@link JShell} instance, so attempts to pass them to {@code JShell}
     * methods will throw an {@code IllegalArgumentException}.
     * They will not appear in queries for snippets --
     * for example, {@link JShell#snippets() }.
     * <p>
     * Restrictions on the input are as in {@link JShell#eval}.
     * <p>
     * Only preliminary compilation is performed, sufficient to build the
     * {@code Snippet}.  Snippets known to be erroneous, are returned as
     * {@link ErroneousSnippet}, other snippets may or may not be in error.
     * @param input The input String to convert
     * @return usually a singleton list of Snippet, but may be empty or multiple
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JShell} instance is closed.
    public abstract List<Snippet> sourceToSnippets(String input);

     * Returns a collection of {@code Snippet}s which might need updating if the
     * given {@code Snippet} is updated. The returned collection is designed to
     * be inclusive and may include many false positives.
     * @param snippet the {@code Snippet} whose dependents are requested
     * @return the collection of dependents
    public abstract Collection<Snippet> dependents(Snippet snippet);

     * Internal only constructor
    SourceCodeAnalysis() {}

     * The result of {@code analyzeCompletion(String input)}.
     * Describes the completeness of the first snippet in the given input.
    public interface CompletionInfo {

         * The analyzed completeness of the input.
         * @return an enum describing the completeness of the input string.
        Completeness completeness();

         * Input remaining after the complete part of the source.
         * @return the portion of the input string that remains after the
         * complete Snippet
        String remaining();

         * Source code for the first Snippet of code input. For example, first
         * statement, or first method declaration. Trailing semicolons will be
         * added, as needed.
         * @return the source of the first encountered Snippet
        String source();

     * Describes the completeness of the given input.
    public enum Completeness {
         * The input is a complete source snippet (declaration or statement) as is.

         * With this addition of a semicolon the input is a complete source snippet.
         * This will only be returned when the end of input is encountered.

         * There must be further source beyond the given input in order for it
         * to be complete.  A semicolon would not complete it.
         * This will only be returned when the end of input is encountered.

         * A statement with a trailing (non-terminated) empty statement.
         * Though technically it would be a complete statement
         * with the addition of a semicolon, it is rare
         * that that assumption is the desired behavior.
         * The input is considered incomplete.  Comments and white-space are
         * still considered empty.

         * An empty input.
         * The input is considered incomplete.  Comments and white-space are
         * still considered empty.

         * The completeness of the input could not be determined because it
         * contains errors. Error detection is not a goal of completeness
         * analysis, however errors interfered with determining its completeness.
         * The input is considered complete because evaluating is the best
         * mechanism to get error information.

        private final boolean isComplete;

        Completeness(boolean isComplete) {
            this.isComplete = isComplete;

         * Indicates whether the first snippet of source is complete.
         * For example, "{@code x=}" is not
         * complete, but "{@code x=2}" is complete, even though a subsequent line could
         * make it "{@code x=2+2}". Already erroneous code is marked complete.
         * @return {@code true} if the input is or begins a complete Snippet;
         * otherwise {@code false}
        public boolean isComplete() {
            return isComplete;

     * A candidate for continuation of the given user's input.
    public interface Suggestion {

         * The candidate continuation of the given user's input.
         * @return the continuation string
        String continuation();

         * Indicates whether input continuation matches the target type and is thus
         * more likely to be the desired continuation. A matching continuation is
         * preferred.
         * @return {@code true} if this suggested continuation matches the
         * target type; otherwise {@code false}
        boolean matchesType();

     * A documentation for a candidate for continuation of the given user's input.
    public interface Documentation {

         * The signature of the given element.
         * @return the signature
        String signature();

         * The javadoc of the given element.
         * @return the javadoc, or null if not found or not requested
        String javadoc();

     * List of possible qualified names.
    public static final class QualifiedNames {

        private final List<String> names;
        private final int simpleNameLength;
        private final boolean upToDate;
        private final boolean resolvable;

        QualifiedNames(List<String> names, int simpleNameLength, boolean upToDate, boolean resolvable) {
            this.names = names;
            this.simpleNameLength = simpleNameLength;
            this.upToDate = upToDate;
            this.resolvable = resolvable;

         * Known qualified names for the given simple name in the original code.
         * @return known qualified names
        public List<String> getNames() {
            return names;

         * The length of the simple name in the original code for which the
         * qualified names where gathered.
         * @return the length of the simple name; -1 if there is no name immediately left to the cursor for
         *         which the candidates could be computed
        public int getSimpleNameLength() {
            return simpleNameLength;

         * Indicates whether the result is based on up-to-date data. The
         * {@link SourceCodeAnalysis#listQualifiedNames(java.lang.String, int) listQualifiedNames}
         * method may return before the classpath is fully inspected, in which case this method will
         * return {@code false}. If the result is based on a fully inspected classpath, this method
         * will return {@code true}.
         * @return {@code true} if the result is based on up-to-date data;
         * otherwise {@code false}
        public boolean isUpToDate() {
            return upToDate;

         * Indicates whether the given simple name in the original code refers
         * to a resolvable element.
         * @return {@code true} if the given simple name in the original code
         * refers to a resolvable element; otherwise {@code false}
        public boolean isResolvable() {
            return resolvable;


     * The wrapping of a snippet of Java source into valid top-level Java
     * source. The wrapping will always either be an import or include a
     * synthetic class at the top-level. If a synthetic class is generated, it
     * will be proceeded by the package and import declarations, and may contain
     * synthetic class members.
     * <p>
     * This interface, in addition to the mapped form, provides the context and
     * position mapping information.
    public interface SnippetWrapper {

         * Returns the input that is wrapped. For
         * {@link SourceCodeAnalysis#wrappers(java.lang.String) wrappers(String)},
         * this is the source of the snippet within the input. A variable
         * declaration of {@code N} variables will map to {@code N} wrappers
         * with the source separated.
         * <p>
         * For {@link SourceCodeAnalysis#wrapper(Snippet) wrapper(Snippet)},
         * this is {@link Snippet#source() }.
         * @return the input source corresponding to the wrapper.
        String source();

         * Returns a Java class definition that wraps the
         * {@link SnippetWrapper#source()} or, if an import, the import source.
         * <p>
         * If the input is not a valid Snippet, this will not be a valid
         * class/import definition.
         * <p>
         * The source may be divided and mapped to different locations within
         * the wrapped source.
         * @return the source wrapped into top-level Java code
        String wrapped();

         * Returns the fully qualified class name of the
         * {@link SnippetWrapper#wrapped() } class.
         * For erroneous input, a best guess is returned.
         * @return the name of the synthetic wrapped class; if an import, the
         * name is not defined
        String fullClassName();

         * Returns the {@link Snippet.Kind} of the
         * {@link SnippetWrapper#source()}.
         * @return an enum representing the general kind of snippet.
        Snippet.Kind kind();

         * Maps character position within the source to character position
         * within the wrapped.
         * @param pos the position in {@link SnippetWrapper#source()}
         * @return the corresponding position in
         * {@link SnippetWrapper#wrapped() }
        int sourceToWrappedPosition(int pos);

         * Maps character position within the wrapped to character position
         * within the source.
         * @param pos the position in {@link SnippetWrapper#wrapped()}
         * @return the corresponding position in
         * {@link SnippetWrapper#source() }
        int wrappedToSourcePosition(int pos);



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.jshell-17.0.5-src.zip
File size: 302589 bytes
Release date: 2022-09-13


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JDK 17 jdk.jpackage.jmod - JPackage Tool

JDK 17 JMod/Module Files

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