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Apache ZooKeeper 3.7.0 Server Source Code
Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source server which enables highly
reliable distributed coordination.
Apache ZooKeeper Server Source Code files are provided in the source packge (apache-zookeeper-3.7.0.tar.gz). You can download it at Apache ZooKeeper Website.
You can also browse Apache ZooKeeper Server Source Code below:
⏎ org/apache/zookeeper/
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* This file copied from Hadoop's security branch, * with the following changes: * 1. package changed from org.apache.hadoop.util to * org.apache.zookeeper. * 2. Usage of Hadoop's Configuration class removed since * it is not available in Zookeeper: instead, system properties * are used. * 3. The deprecated getUlimitMemoryCommand() method removed since * it is not needed. */ package org.apache.zookeeper; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.zookeeper.common.Time; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ExitCode; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * A base class for running a Unix command. * * <code>Shell</code> can be used to run unix commands like <code>du</code> or * <code>df</code>. It also offers facilities to gate commands by * time-intervals. */ public abstract class Shell { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Shell.class); /** a Unix command to get the current user's name */ public static final String USER_NAME_COMMAND = "whoami"; /** a Unix command to get the current user's groups list */ public static String[] getGroupsCommand() { return new String[]{"bash", "-c", "groups"}; } /** a Unix command to get a given user's groups list */ public static String[] getGroupsForUserCommand(final String user) { //'groups username' command return is non-consistent across different unixes return new String[]{"bash", "-c", "id -Gn " + user}; } /** a Unix command to set permission */ public static final String SET_PERMISSION_COMMAND = "chmod"; /** a Unix command to set owner */ public static final String SET_OWNER_COMMAND = "chown"; public static final String SET_GROUP_COMMAND = "chgrp"; /** Return a Unix command to get permission information. */ public static String[] getGET_PERMISSION_COMMAND() { //force /bin/ls, except on windows. return new String[]{(WINDOWS ? "ls" : "/bin/ls"), "-ld"}; } /**Time after which the executing script would be timedout*/ protected long timeOutInterval = 0L; /** If or not script timed out*/ private AtomicBoolean timedOut; /** a Unix command to get ulimit of a process. */ public static final String ULIMIT_COMMAND = "ulimit"; /** * Get the Unix command for setting the maximum virtual memory available * to a given child process. This is only relevant when we are forking a * process from within the Mapper or the Reducer implementations. * Also see Hadoop Pipes and Hadoop Streaming. * * It also checks to ensure that we are running on a *nix platform else * (e.g. in Cygwin/Windows) it returns <code>null</code>. * @param memoryLimit virtual memory limit * @return a <code>String[]</code> with the ulimit command arguments or * <code>null</code> if we are running on a non *nix platform or * if the limit is unspecified. */ public static String[] getUlimitMemoryCommand(int memoryLimit) { // ulimit isn't supported on Windows if (WINDOWS) { return null; } return new String[]{ULIMIT_COMMAND, "-v", String.valueOf(memoryLimit)}; } /** Set to true on Windows platforms */ public static final boolean WINDOWS /* borrowed from Path.WINDOWS */ = System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows"); private long interval; // refresh interval in msec private long lastTime; // last time the command was performed private Map<String, String> environment; // env for the command execution private File dir; private Process process; // sub process used to execute the command private int exitCode; /**If or not script finished executing*/ private volatile AtomicBoolean completed; public Shell() { this(0L); } /** * @param interval the minimum duration to wait before re-executing the * command. */ public Shell(long interval) { this.interval = interval; this.lastTime = (interval < 0) ? 0 : -interval; } /** set the environment for the command * @param env Mapping of environment variables */ protected void setEnvironment(Map<String, String> env) { this.environment = env; } /** set the working directory * @param dir The directory where the command would be executed */ protected void setWorkingDirectory(File dir) { this.dir = dir; } /** check to see if a command needs to be executed and execute if needed */ protected void run() throws IOException { if (lastTime + interval > Time.currentElapsedTime()) { return; } exitCode = ExitCode.EXECUTION_FINISHED.getValue(); // reset for next run runCommand(); } /** Run a command */ private void runCommand() throws IOException { ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(getExecString()); Timer timeOutTimer = null; ShellTimeoutTimerTask timeoutTimerTask = null; timedOut = new AtomicBoolean(false); completed = new AtomicBoolean(false); if (environment != null) { builder.environment().putAll(this.environment); } if (dir != null) {; } process = builder.start(); if (timeOutInterval > 0) { timeOutTimer = new Timer(); timeoutTimerTask = new ShellTimeoutTimerTask(this); //One time scheduling. timeOutTimer.schedule(timeoutTimerTask, timeOutInterval); } final BufferedReader errReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream())); BufferedReader inReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); final StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(); // read error and input streams as this would free up the buffers // free the error stream buffer Thread errThread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { String line = errReader.readLine(); while ((line != null) && !isInterrupted()) { errMsg.append(line); errMsg.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); line = errReader.readLine(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Error reading the error stream", ioe); } } }; try { errThread.start(); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { } try { parseExecResult(inReader); // parse the output // clear the input stream buffer String line = inReader.readLine(); while (line != null) { line = inReader.readLine(); } // wait for the process to finish and check the exit code exitCode = process.waitFor(); try { // make sure that the error thread exits errThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { LOG.warn("Interrupted while reading the error stream", ie); } completed.set(true); //the timeout thread handling //taken care in finally block if (exitCode != ExitCode.EXECUTION_FINISHED.getValue()) { throw new ExitCodeException(exitCode, errMsg.toString()); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new IOException(ie.toString()); } finally { if ((timeOutTimer != null) && !timedOut.get()) { timeOutTimer.cancel(); } // close the input stream try { inReader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Error while closing the input stream", ioe); } if (!completed.get()) { errThread.interrupt(); } try { errReader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Error while closing the error stream", ioe); } process.destroy(); lastTime = Time.currentElapsedTime(); } } /** return an array containing the command name and its parameters */ protected abstract String[] getExecString(); /** Parse the execution result */ protected abstract void parseExecResult(BufferedReader lines) throws IOException; /** get the current sub-process executing the given command * @return process executing the command */ public Process getProcess() { return process; } /** get the exit code * @return the exit code of the process */ public int getExitCode() { return exitCode; } /** * This is an IOException with exit code added. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class ExitCodeException extends IOException { int exitCode; public ExitCodeException(int exitCode, String message) { super(message); this.exitCode = exitCode; } public int getExitCode() { return exitCode; } } /** * A simple shell command executor. * * <code>ShellCommandExecutor</code>should be used in cases where the output * of the command needs no explicit parsing and where the command, working * directory and the environment remains unchanged. The output of the command * is stored as-is and is expected to be small. */ public static class ShellCommandExecutor extends Shell { private String[] command; private StringBuffer output; public ShellCommandExecutor(String[] execString) { this(execString, null); } public ShellCommandExecutor(String[] execString, File dir) { this(execString, dir, null); } public ShellCommandExecutor(String[] execString, File dir, Map<String, String> env) { this(execString, dir, env, 0L); } /** * Create a new instance of the ShellCommandExecutor to execute a command. * * @param execString The command to execute with arguments * @param dir If not-null, specifies the directory which should be set * as the current working directory for the command. * If null, the current working directory is not modified. * @param env If not-null, environment of the command will include the * key-value pairs specified in the map. If null, the current * environment is not modified. * @param timeout Specifies the time in milliseconds, after which the * command will be killed and the status marked as timedout. * If 0, the command will not be timed out. */ public ShellCommandExecutor(String[] execString, File dir, Map<String, String> env, long timeout) { command = execString.clone(); if (dir != null) { setWorkingDirectory(dir); } if (env != null) { setEnvironment(env); } timeOutInterval = timeout; } /** Execute the shell command. */ public void execute() throws IOException {; } protected String[] getExecString() { return command; } protected void parseExecResult(BufferedReader lines) throws IOException { output = new StringBuffer(); char[] buf = new char[512]; int nRead; while ((nRead =, 0, buf.length)) > 0) { output.append(buf, 0, nRead); } } /** Get the output of the shell command.*/ public String getOutput() { return (output == null) ? "" : output.toString(); } /** * Returns the commands of this instance. * Arguments with spaces in are presented with quotes round; other * arguments are presented raw * * @return a string representation of the object. */ public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String[] args = getExecString(); for (String s : args) { if (s.indexOf(' ') >= 0) { builder.append('"').append(s).append('"'); } else { builder.append(s); } builder.append(' '); } return builder.toString(); } } /** * To check if the passed script to shell command executor timed out or * not. * * @return if the script timed out. */ public boolean isTimedOut() { return timedOut.get(); } /** * Set if the command has timed out. * */ private void setTimedOut() { this.timedOut.set(true); } /** * Static method to execute a shell command. * Covers most of the simple cases without requiring the user to implement * the <code>Shell</code> interface. * @param cmd shell command to execute. * @return the output of the executed command. */ public static String execCommand(String... cmd) throws IOException { return execCommand(null, cmd, 0L); } /** * Static method to execute a shell command. * Covers most of the simple cases without requiring the user to implement * the <code>Shell</code> interface. * @param env the map of environment key=value * @param cmd shell command to execute. * @param timeout time in milliseconds after which script should be marked timeout * @return the output of the executed command.o */ public static String execCommand(Map<String, String> env, String[] cmd, long timeout) throws IOException { ShellCommandExecutor exec = new ShellCommandExecutor(cmd, null, env, timeout); exec.execute(); return exec.getOutput(); } /** * Static method to execute a shell command. * Covers most of the simple cases without requiring the user to implement * the <code>Shell</code> interface. * @param env the map of environment key=value * @param cmd shell command to execute. * @return the output of the executed command. */ public static String execCommand(Map<String, String> env, String... cmd) throws IOException { return execCommand(env, cmd, 0L); } /** * Timer which is used to timeout scripts spawned off by shell. */ private static class ShellTimeoutTimerTask extends TimerTask { private Shell shell; public ShellTimeoutTimerTask(Shell shell) { = shell; } @Override public void run() { Process p = shell.getProcess(); try { p.exitValue(); } catch (Exception e) { //Process has not terminated. //So check if it has completed //if not just destroy it. if (p != null && !shell.completed.get()) { shell.setTimedOut(); p.destroy(); } } } } }
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