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Download and Install Apache ZooKeeper Source Package
How to download and install Apache ZooKeeper Source Package? Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source server which enables highly reliable distributed coordination. The source package file contains Java source code files for Apache ZooKeeper. You can compile them with JDK to use them. The source package f...
2018-10-18, 58274🔥, 1💬

💬 2018-10-18 yang fan: . Thanks! ☺

avalon-framework-4.2.0.jar - Apache Avalon 4.2.0
Apache Avalon began in 1999 as the Java Apache Server Framework and in late 2002 separated from the Apache Jakarta Project to become its own ASF top level project. By 2004 Avalon is closed and replaced several sub projects. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: avalon-framework.jar, avalon...
2018-05-17, 26831🔥, 2💬

jetty-6.1.22.jar - Jetty
Jetty provides an HTTP server, HTTP client, and javax.servlet container. These components are open source and available for commercial use and distribution. Jetty is used in a wide variety of projects and products. Jetty can be embedded in devices, tools, frameworks, application servers, and cluster...
2019-01-05, 26734🔥, 4💬

💬 2018-07-12 阿斯蒂芬: 阿萨德法师打发斯蒂芬啊

💬 2016-04-25 Ray: very good

neethi-2.0.4.jar - Web Service Policy
Apache Neethi provides general framework for the programmers to use WS Policy. It is compliant with latest WS Policy specification which was published in March 2006. This framework is specifically written to enable the Apache Web services stack to use WS Policy as a way of expressing it's requiremen...
2016-03-29, 21037🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-03-29 wangxiaofei: ok

http.jar - Java HTTP Server
Provides a simple high-level Http server API, which can be used to build embedded HTTP servers. Both "http" and "https" are supported. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: http.jar File size: 82265 bytes Date modified: 04/19/2009 Download: Java HTTP Server (part of JAX-WS) No Manifest in ...
2009-12-01, 20615🔥, 0💬

Apache ZooKeeper 3.7.0 Server Source Code
Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source server which enables highly reliable distributed coordination. Apache ZooKeeper Server Source Code files are provided in the source packge (apache-zookeeper-3.7.0.tar.gz ).You can download it at Apache ZooKeeper Website . You can also browse Apache ZooKeeper Server...
2022-11-16, 20298🔥, 0💬

axis2-adb-1.4.1.jar - Axis2 ADB
Apache Axis2 is the core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack, built on the lessons learnt from Apache Axis. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: axis2-adb.jar, axis2-adb-1.4.1.jar File size: 777530 bytes Date modified:...
2016-04-27, 16936🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-04-27 Teja: Thanks

soapmonitor-1.4.1.jar - Axis2 SOAP Monitor
Apache Axis2 is the core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack, built on the lessons learned from Apache Axis. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: soapmonitor.jar, soapmonitor-1.4.1.jar File size: 32108 bytes Date modif...
2009-02-11, 15335🔥, 0💬

geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec-1.1.jar - Geronimo Annotation
The goal of the Geronimo project is to produce a server runtime framework that pulls together the best Open Source alternatives to create runtimes that meet the needs of developers and system administrators. Our most popular distribution is a fully certified Java EE 5 application server runtime. JAR...
2009-12-25, 15149🔥, 0💬

axis2-jws-api-1.4.1.jar - Axis2 JWS API
Apache Axis2 is the core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack, built on the lessons learned from Apache Axis. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: axis2-jws-api.jar, axis2-jws-api-1.4.1.jar File size: 14737 bytes Date m...
2009-07-03, 14836🔥, 0💬

saaj-api-1.3.jar - SAAJ API 1.3
The SOAP with Attachments API for JavaTM (SAAJ) 1.3 provides the API for creating and sending SOAP messages by means of the javax.xml.soap package. It is used for the SOAP messaging that goes on behind the scenes in JAX-RPC and JAXR implementations. Developers can also use it to write SOAP messaging...
2009-11-20, 14403🔥, 0💬

mex-1.4.1.jar - Axis2 MEX
Apache Axis2 is the core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack, built on the lessons learned from Apache Axis. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: mex.jar, mex-1.4.1.jar File size: 34750 bytes Date modified: 08/13/2008 ...
2009-07-03, 14333🔥, 0💬

axis2-kernel-1.4.1.jar - Axis2 Kernel
Apache Axis2 is the core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack, built on the lessons learnt from Apache Axis. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: axis2-kernel.jar, axis2-kernel-1.4.1.jar File size: 1292508 bytes Date mo...
2009-02-11, 13831🔥, 0💬

axis2-saaj-api-1.4.1.jar - Axis2 SAAJ API
Apache Axis2 is the core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack, built on the lessons learned from Apache Axis. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: axis2-saaj-api.jar, axis2-saaj-api-1.4.1.jar File size: 31136 bytes Date...
2009-02-11, 13057🔥, 0💬

axis2-transport-http-1.5.jar - Axis2 Transport HTTP
Apache Axis2 is the core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack, built on the lessons learnt from Apache Axis. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: axis2-transport-http.jar, axis2-transport-http-1.5.jar File size: 144687 ...
2009-07-14, 12332🔥, 0💬

JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: mimepull.jar, mimepull-1.5.0.jar File size: 38772 bytes Date modified: 04/19/2009 Download: mimepull.jar (part of JAX-WS) Manifest of the JAR: Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver Built-By: hudson Build-Jdk: 1.5.0_12 Hudson-Build-Number: 65 Hudson-Project...
2009-12-02, 11876🔥, 0💬

axis2-saaj-1.4.1.jar - Axis2 SAAJ
Apache Axis2 is the core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack, built on the lessons learned from Apache Axis. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: axis2-saaj.jar, axis2-saaj-1.4.1.jar File size: 86252 bytes Date modifie...
2009-07-03, 11452🔥, 0💬

tomcat-util.jar - Apache Tomcat Utility
Apache Tomcat is an open source software implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed under the Java Community Process. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: tomcat-util.jar File size: 219711 bytes ...
2023-06-03, 11144🔥, 3💬

💬 2016-01-13 weihua: use for dev

💬 2015-12-19 ajay: nice

axis2-java2wsdl-1.5.jar - Axis2 Java2WSDL
Apache Axis2 is the core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack, built on the lessons learnt from Apache Axis. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: axis2-java2wsdl.jar, axis2-java2wsdl-1.5.jar File size: 25974 bytes Date ...
2009-08-04, 10096🔥, 0💬

geronimo-saaj_1.3_spec-1.0.1.jar - Geronimo SAAJ
The goal of the Geronimo project is to produce a server runtime framework that pulls together the best Open Source alternatives to create runtimes that meet the needs of developers and system administrators. Our most popular distribution is a fully certified Java EE 5 application server runtime. JAR...
2009-12-28, 10058🔥, 0💬

velocity-1.7.jar - Apache Velocity Engine
Velocity is a Java-based template engine. It permits web page designers to reference methods defined in Java code. Web designers can work in parallel with Java programmers to develop web sites according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) model, meaning that web page designers can focus solely on cre...
2011-02-15, 10015🔥, 0💬

jetty-util-6.1.22.jar - Jetty Util
Jetty provides an HTTP server, HTTP client, and javax.servlet container. These components are open source and available for commercial use and distribution. Jetty is used in a wide variety of projects and products. Jetty can be embedded in devices, tools, frameworks, application servers, and cluster...
2010-04-12, 9560🔥, 0💬

axis2-spring-1.4.1.jar - Axis2 Spring
Apache Axis2 is the core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack, built on the lessons learned from Apache Axis. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: axis2-spring.jar, axis2-spring-1.4.1.jar File size: 11482 bytes Date mod...
2009-07-03, 9519🔥, 0💬

axis2-transport-local-1.5.jar - Axis2 Transport Local
Apache Axis2 is the core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack, built on the lessons learnt from Apache Axis. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: axis2-transport-local.jar, axis2-transport-local-1.5.jar File size: 10836...
2009-08-18, 9241🔥, 0💬

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