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Download and Install commons-codec-1.15-bin.zip
How to download and install commons-codec-1.15.zip? commons-codec-1.15-bin.zip is the binary package of version 1.15 of the Apache Commons Codec library, which provides implementations of common encoders and decoders such as Base64, Hex, Phonetic and URLs. This binary package contains a pre-compiled...
2016-11-20, 3920🔥, 0💬

groovy-all-1.7.5.jar - Groovy - Part III
Groovy is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine. It builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: groovy-all-1.7.5.jar File size: 5704190 bytes Date modif...
2013-09-03, 3916🔥, 0💬

What Is commons-fileupload-1.3.2.jar
What Is commons-fileupload-1.3.2.jar? commons-fileupload-1.3.2.jar is the JAR file for Apache Commons FileUpload 1.3.2, which adds robust, high-performance, file upload capability to your servlets and web applications. JAR File Size and Download Location: JAR name: commons-fileupload JAR version: 1....
2016-11-17, 3912🔥, 0💬

commons-jelly-tags-interaction-1.0.jar - Apache Jelly
Jelly, Executable XML, is a tool for turning XML into executable code. So Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting and processing engine. Jelly can be used as a more flexible and powerful front end to Ant such as in the Maven project, as a testing framework such as JellyUnit, in an intergration or wo...
2012-01-24, 3909🔥, 0💬

Downloading HBase 0.96.0
Apache HBase is the Hadoop database, a distributed, scalable, big data store. Download File Size and Download Location: File name: hbase-0.96.0-hadoop1-bin.tar.g zFile size: 66,140,627 bytes Release date: 2013-10-11 Download: Apache HBase File list of hbase-0.96.0-hadoop1-bin.tar.g z:hbase-0.96.0-ha...
2014-07-11, 3908🔥, 0💬

jlogic.jar - JLog - Prolog-in-Java system
JLog, a Prolog-in-Java system, is a full-featured Prolog interpreter that can be run as an applet, an application or embedded through an API. jlogic.jar is provided as part of JLog 1.3.6. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jlogic.jar File size: 432045 bytes Date modified: 24-Nov-2007 Do...
2012-03-16, 3908🔥, 0💬

"jar -cvfm" to Create a JAR with a Manifest File
What is the "jar" command to create a JAR file with my own manifest file? To create a JAR file with a folder and your own manifest file, you can use the "jar -cvfm jarname manifestfile foldername" command. For example, the following session creates a new JAR file with all files in a sub folder and a...
2015-11-09, 3905🔥, 0💬

lwjgl_test-2.9.0.jar - Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL)
The Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL) is a solution aimed directly at professional and amateur Java programmers alike to enable commercial quality games to be written in Java. LWJGL provides developers access to high performance crossplatform libraries such as OpenGL (Open Graphics Library), Ope...
2013-12-03, 3888🔥, 0💬

Example of Excel Date Format with jxl.jar
Where can I find an example Java code that uses jxl.jar to add date cell format to a new Excel file? You can follow these suggestions and example to add date cell format to a new Excel file with jxl.jar: Dates are handled similarly to numbers, taking in a format compatible with that used by the java...
2018-02-28, 3886🔥, 0💬

JDK 5 tools.jar - JDK Tools
JDK 5 tools.jar is the JAR file for JDK 5 tools. It contains Java classes to support different JDK tool commands: sun.applet.Main - Supports the "appletviewer" command. sun.rmi.rmic.Main - Supports the "rmic" command. sun.security.tools.jarsigner.M ain- Supports the "jarsigner" command. sun.tools.ja...
2019-11-18, 3882🔥, 2💬

💬 2019-11-18 吴亚杰: thanks

💬 2019-10-16 huanglei: thank you very much

jaxb-api-2.2.7.jar - JAXB API 2.2.7
What Is jaxb-api-2.2.7.jar? Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) is a Java API that allows Java developers to map Java classes to XML representations. jaxb-api-2.2.7.jar is the API classes of the JAXB API 2.2.7 specification. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jaxb-api.jar, jaxb-api...
2014-08-01, 3881🔥, 0💬

Downloading Joda-Time 2.3
Joda-Time provides a library of classes to replace the Java JDK Date and Time classes including formatting. It is based around the ISO8601 datetime standard, but also provides full support for other calendar systems, such as Gregorian and Buddhist. Download File Size and Download Location: File name...
2013-09-16, 3872🔥, 0💬

FAQ for Apache commons-net.jar
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Apache Commons Net Java library, commons-net.jar? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team Apache Commons Net Java library, commons-net.jar: Downloading and Reviewing commons-net.jar What Is c...
2016-11-20, 3857🔥, 0💬

commons-jci-javac-1.0.jar - Apache JCI (Java Compiler Interface)
JCI is a java compiler interface. It can be used to either compile java (or any other language that can be compiled to java classes like e.g. groovy or javascript) to java. It is well integrated with a FAM (FilesystemAlterationMonitor) that can be used with the JCI compiling/reloading classloader. A...
2012-01-10, 3855🔥, 0💬

Downloading Mahout 0.8
Apache Mahout is a project of the Apache Software Foundation to produce free implementations of distributed or otherwise scalable machine learning algorithms focused primarily in the areas of collaborative filtering, clustering and classification. Many of the implementations use the Apache Hadoop pl...
2016-11-25, 3850🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-05-15 kanzaki: the fpg.props has been removed but I desperately need it, could you please send it to me?

Sample Program for junit-3.8.1.jar
How to write a Sample program to use junit-3.8.1.jar? JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests for Java applications. In order to use junit-3.8.1.jar, we need to write a simple Java application, Calculator.java: // Copyright (c) 2015 FYIcenter.com public class Calculator { public int ev...
2016-03-09, 3845🔥, 0💬

commons-jelly-tags-bean-1.0.jar - Apache Jelly
Jelly, Executable XML, is a tool for turning XML into executable code. So Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting and processing engine. Jelly can be used as a more flexible and powerful front end to Ant such as in the Maven project, as a testing framework such as JellyUnit, in an intergration or wo...
2012-01-23, 3842🔥, 0💬

MozillaInterfaces-1.9.jar - JBrowser
MozillaInterfaces.jar is distributed as part of JBrowser, which is easy to use Swing component - web browser, based on Mozilla Embedded API and Mozswing branch 2.x. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: MozillaInterfaces-1.9.jar File size: 701217 bytes Date modified: 17-Jan-2010 Jan 17, 20...
2014-02-24, 3827🔥, 0💬

commons-jelly-tags-junit-1.0.jar - Apache Jelly
Jelly, Executable XML, is a tool for turning XML into executable code. So Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting and processing engine. Jelly can be used as a more flexible and powerful front end to Ant such as in the Maven project, as a testing framework such as JellyUnit, in an intergration or wo...
2012-01-19, 3820🔥, 0💬

commons-jci-groovy-1.0.jar - Apache JCI (Java Compiler Interface)
JCI is a java compiler interface. It can be used to either compile java (or any other language that can be compiled to java classes like e.g. groovy or javascript) to java. It is well integrated with a FAM (FilesystemAlterationMonitor) that can be used with the JCI compiling/reloading classloader. A...
2012-01-10, 3820🔥, 0💬

com.sun.javaws.Main - Java Web Start
How to "com.sun.javaws.Main" program from JRE javaws.jar file? "com.sun.javaws.Main" program allows you to start Java Web Start. "sun.plugin2.applet.viewer.JNL P2Viewer"program is stored in the lib\javaws.jar JAR file JRE 5, 6, 7, and 8. You can run the "sun.plugin2.applet.viewer.JNL P2Viewer"progra...
2018-11-11, 3817🔥, 0💬

Configuration Properties File for Apache Log4j 1.x
How to write a configuration properties file for Log4j 1.x? I just want to use the basic functionalities to specify the log file name and the log level. Below is a simple configuration file, log4j.properties, that support the Log4j API: # Copyright (c) FYIcenter.com log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, MyConsole...
2016-06-28, 3814🔥, 0💬

FAQ for JBrowser
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on JBrowser? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on JBrowser: Download and Review JBrowser Download and Install JBrowser Source Package JBrowser Source Code Files Downloading JBrowser 1.9 jb...
2013-11-25, 3807🔥, 0💬

commons-jelly-tags-dynabean-1.0.jar - Apache Jelly
Jelly, Executable XML, is a tool for turning XML into executable code. So Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting and processing engine. Jelly can be used as a more flexible and powerful front end to Ant such as in the Maven project, as a testing framework such as JellyUnit, in an intergration or wo...
2012-01-23, 3806🔥, 0💬

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