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Source Code for SLF4J Extensions
SLF4J Extensions is a library of 3 components: Profiler, Extended logger, Event Logging, Logging added with Java agent. Here is the source code for SLF4J Extensions You can download its pre-compiled version slf4j-ext-2.0.4.jar at SLF4J Download Website .   Or download all of them as a single archive...
2013-09-05, 5124🔥, 0💬

Source Code for SLF4J Migrator
SLF4J Migrator is a tool that migrates Java source code from JCL (Jakarta Commons Logging) API to SLF4J API. Here is the source code for SLF4J Migrator You can download its pre-compiled version slf4j-ext-2.0.4.jar at SLF4J Download Website .   Or download all of them as a single archive file: File n...
2013-09-04, 8304🔥, 0💬

groovy-all-1.7.5.jar - Groovy - Part II
Groovy is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine. It builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: groovy-all-1.7.5.jar File size: 5704190 bytes Date modif...
2013-09-03, 4289🔥, 0💬

groovy-all-1.7.5.jar - Groovy - Part III
Groovy is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine. It builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: groovy-all-1.7.5.jar File size: 5704190 bytes Date modif...
2013-09-03, 3983🔥, 0💬

groovy-all-1.7.5.jar - Groovy
Groovy is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine. It builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: groovy-all-1.7.5.jar File size: 5704190 bytes Date modif...
2013-09-02, 4588🔥, 0💬

What Is XMLBeans xbean_xpath.jar 2.6.0
What Is XMLBeans xbean_xpath.jar 2.6.0? XMLBeans xbean_xpath.jar 2.6.0 is the JAR file for Apache XMLBeans XPath 2.6.0. xbean_xpath.jar 2.6.0 is distributed in Apache XMLBeans-2.6.0.zip Apache XMLBeans is Java library for accessing XML by binding it to Java types. JAR File Size and Download Location...
2013-08-12, 6798🔥, 0💬

groovy-1.7.1.jar - Groovy - Part 3
Groovy is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine. It builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: groovy.jar, groovy-1.7.1.jar File size: 4623093 bytes Da...
2013-08-12, 5966🔥, 0💬

groovy-1.7.1.jar - Groovy - Part 2
Groovy is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine. It builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: groovy.jar, groovy-1.7.1.jar File size: 4623093 bytes Da...
2013-08-12, 5847🔥, 0💬

groovy-1.7.1.jar - Groovy
Groovy is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine. It builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: groovy.jar, groovy-1.7.1.jar File size: 4623093 bytes Da...
2013-08-12, 6101🔥, 0💬

htmlunit-2.11.jar - HtmlUnit
HtmlUnit is a "GUI-Less browser for Java programs". It models HTML documents and provides an API that allows you to invoke pages, fill out forms, click links, etc... just like you do in your "normal" browser. It is typically used for testing purposes or to retrieve information from web sites. JAR Fi...
2013-08-11, 7532🔥, 0💬

htmlunit-2.11.jar - HtmlUnit - Part 2
HtmlUnit is a "GUI-Less browser for Java programs". It models HTML documents and provides an API that allows you to invoke pages, fill out forms, click links, etc... just like you do in your "normal" browser. It is typically used for testing purposes or to retrieve information from web sites. JAR Fi...
2013-08-11, 6589🔥, 0💬

htmlunit-core-js-2.11.jar - HtmlUnit
HtmlUnit is a "GUI-Less browser for Java programs". It models HTML documents and provides an API that allows you to invoke pages, fill out forms, click links, etc... just like you do in your "normal" browser. It is typically used for testing purposes or to retrieve information from web sites. JAR Fi...
2013-08-11, 4814🔥, 0💬

Tagger-2.3.1.jar - Apache UIMA Annotator Tagger
Unstructured Information Management applications (UIMA) are software systems that analyze large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. Tagger.jar - The UIMA Annotator: Tagger JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: Tagger.jar, Tagg...
2013-08-06, 3089🔥, 0💬

uima-examples-2.4.0.jar - Apache UIMA Examples
Unstructured Information Management applications (UIMA) are software systems that analyze large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. uima-examples.jar - Examples. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: uima-examples.jar, uima-ex...
2013-08-05, 3084🔥, 0💬

uima-adapter-soap-2.4.0.jar - Apache UIMA SOAP Adapter
Unstructured Information Management applications (UIMA) are software systems that analyze large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. uima-adapter-soap.jar - The SOAP Adapter. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: uima-adapter-s...
2013-08-05, 2614🔥, 0💬

jVinci-2.4.0.jar - Apache UIMA Vinci Transport Library
Unstructured Information Management applications (UIMA) are software systems that analyze large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. uima-adapter-vinci.jar - The Vinci Transport Library. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jV...
2013-08-02, 2744🔥, 0💬

uima-adapter-vinci-2.4.0.jar - Apache UIMA Vinci Adapter
Unstructured Information Management applications (UIMA) are software systems that analyze large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. uima-adapter-vinci.jar - The Vinci Adapter. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: uima-adapter...
2013-08-02, 2362🔥, 0💬

uima-cpe-2.4.0.jar - Apache UIMA Collection Processing Engine
Unstructured Information Management applications (UIMA) are software systems that analyze large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. uima-cpe.jar - The Collection Processing Engine. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: uima-cp...
2013-08-01, 2985🔥, 0💬

uima-tools-2.4.0.jar - Apache UIMA Tools
Unstructured Information Management applications (UIMA) are software systems that analyze large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. uima-tools.jar - The Tools module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: uima-tools.jar, uima-...
2013-08-01, 2756🔥, 0💬

nekohtml-1.9.18.jar - CyberNeko HTML Parser
NekoHTML is a simple HTML scanner and tag balancer that enables application programmers to parse HTML documents and access the information using standard XML interfaces. The parser can scan HTML files and "fix up" many common mistakes that human (and computer) authors make in writing HTML documents....
2013-07-31, 4004🔥, 0💬

jakarta-regexp-1.4.jar - Apache Lucene Jakarta Regexp
Lucene is a Java full-text search engine. Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications. Jakarta Regexp is a 100% Pure Java Regular Expression package that was graciously donated to the Apache Software Found...
2013-07-30, 3072🔥, 0💬

spatial4j-0.3.jar - Apache Lucene Spatial4J
Lucene is a Java full-text search engine. Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications. Spatial4j is a general purpose spatial / geospatial ASL licensed open-source Java library. It’s core capabilities are ...
2013-07-30, 2797🔥, 0💬

lucene-test-framework-4.3.1.jar - Apache Lucene Test-Framework
Lucene is a Java full-text search engine. Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications. lucene-test-framework.jar - Framework for testing Lucene-based applications. JAR File Size and Download Location: File...
2013-07-29, 2920🔥, 0💬

lucene-spatial-4.3.1.jar - Apache Lucene Geospatial
Lucene is a Java full-text search engine. Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications. lucene-spatial.jar - Geospatial search JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: lucene-spatial.jar, lucene-spat...
2013-07-27, 2746🔥, 0💬

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