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Other Resources:
jaxme-api-0.3.jar - JaxMe API 0.3
JaxMeAPI is clean room implementation of the JAXB API. Unlike the reference implementation this one comes under a very moderate open source license, the Apache License.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: jaxme-api.jar, jaxme-api-0.3.jar File size: 30482 bytes Date modified: 05/16/2005 Download: JaxMe API 0.3
✍: FYIcenter
No Manifest in the JAR.
List of Classes in the JAR:
javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverterInterface javax/xml/bind/Element javax/xml/bind/helpers/AbstractMarshallerImpl javax/xml/bind/helpers/AbstractUnmarshallerImpl javax/xml/bind/helpers/DefaultValidationEventHandler javax/xml/bind/helpers/NotIdentifiableEventImpl javax/xml/bind/helpers/ParseConversionEventImpl javax/xml/bind/helpers/PrintConversionEventImpl javax/xml/bind/helpers/ValidationEventImpl javax/xml/bind/helpers/ValidationEventLocatorImpl javax/xml/bind/JAXBContext javax/xml/bind/JAXBException javax/xml/bind/MarshalException javax/xml/bind/Marshaller javax/xml/bind/NotIdentifiableEvent javax/xml/bind/ParseConversionEvent javax/xml/bind/PrintConversionEvent javax/xml/bind/PropertyException javax/xml/bind/TypeConstraintException javax/xml/bind/UnmarshalException javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller javax/xml/bind/UnmarshallerHandler javax/xml/bind/util/JAXBResult javax/xml/bind/util/JAXBSource javax/xml/bind/util/ValidationEventCollector javax/xml/bind/ValidationEvent javax/xml/bind/ValidationEventHandler javax/xml/bind/ValidationEventLocator javax/xml/bind/ValidationException javax/xml/bind/Validator javax/xml/namespace/NamespaceContext javax/xml/namespace/QName javax/xml/XMLConstants
2009-02-08, 7190🔥, 0💬
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