What Is jxl.jar 2.6.12

What is jxl.jar 2.6.12?

✍: fyicenter.com

jxl.jar 2.6.12 is the JAR file for Java Excel API 2.6.12, which is a Java library for reading, writing and modifying Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files.

JAR File Size and Download Location:

JAR name: jxl-2.6.12.jar
Target JDK version: 1.6
Dependency: None

File name: jxl.jar
File size: 725735 bytes
Release date: 24-Oct-2009
Download: Java Excel API Website.

Here are Java Source Code files for jxl-2.6.12.jar:


*      Copyright (C) 2002 Andrew Khan
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

package jxl.biff.formula;

import java.util.Stack;

import jxl.common.Assert;
import jxl.common.Logger;

import jxl.Cell;
import jxl.WorkbookSettings;
import jxl.biff.WorkbookMethods;

 * Parses the excel ptgs into a parse tree
class TokenFormulaParser implements Parser
   * The logger
  private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TokenFormulaParser.class);

   * The Excel ptgs
  private byte[] tokenData;

   * The cell containing the formula.  This is used in order to determine
   * relative cell values
  private Cell relativeTo;

   * The current position within the array
  private int pos;

   * The parse tree
  private ParseItem root;

   * The hash table of items that have been parsed
  private Stack tokenStack;

   * A reference to the workbook which holds the external sheet
   * information
  private ExternalSheet workbook;

   * A reference to the name table
  private WorkbookMethods nameTable;

   * The workbook settings
  private WorkbookSettings settings;

   * The parse context
  private ParseContext parseContext;

   * Constructor
  public TokenFormulaParser(byte[] data, 
                            Cell c, 
                            ExternalSheet es, 
                            WorkbookMethods nt,
                            WorkbookSettings ws,
                            ParseContext pc)
    tokenData = data;
    pos = 0;
    relativeTo = c;
    workbook = es;
    nameTable = nt;
    tokenStack = new Stack();
    settings = ws;
    parseContext = pc;
    Assert.verify(nameTable != null);

   * Parses the sublist of tokens.  In most cases this will equate to
   * the full list
   * @exception FormulaException
  public void parse() throws FormulaException

    // Finally, there should be one thing left on the stack.  Get that
    // and add it to the root node
    root = (ParseItem) tokenStack.pop();



   * Parses the sublist of tokens.  In most cases this will equate to
   * the full list
   * @param len the length of the subexpression to parse
   * @exception FormulaException
  private void parseSubExpression(int len) throws FormulaException
    int tokenVal = 0;
    Token t = null;
    // Indicates that we are parsing the incredibly complicated and
    // hacky if construct that MS saw fit to include, the gits
    Stack ifStack = new Stack();

    // The end position of the sub-expression
    int endpos = pos + len;

    while (pos < endpos)
      tokenVal = tokenData[pos];

      t = Token.getToken(tokenVal);

      if (t == Token.UNKNOWN)
        throw new FormulaException
          (FormulaException.UNRECOGNIZED_TOKEN, tokenVal);

      Assert.verify(t != Token.UNKNOWN);

      // Operands
      if (t == Token.REF)
        CellReference cr = new CellReference(relativeTo);
        pos += cr.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.REFERR)
        CellReferenceError cr = new CellReferenceError();
        pos += cr.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.ERR)
        ErrorConstant ec = new ErrorConstant();
        pos += ec.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.REFV)
        SharedFormulaCellReference cr = 
          new SharedFormulaCellReference(relativeTo);
        pos += cr.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.REF3D)
        CellReference3d cr = new CellReference3d(relativeTo, workbook);
        pos += cr.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.AREA)
        Area a = new Area();
        pos += a.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.AREAV)
        SharedFormulaArea a = new SharedFormulaArea(relativeTo);
        pos += a.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.AREA3D)
        Area3d a = new Area3d(workbook);
        pos += a.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.NAME)
        Name n = new Name();
        pos += n.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.NAMED_RANGE)
        NameRange nr = new NameRange(nameTable);
        pos += nr.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.INTEGER)
        IntegerValue i = new IntegerValue();
        pos += i.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.DOUBLE)
        DoubleValue d = new DoubleValue();
        pos += d.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.BOOL)
        BooleanValue bv = new BooleanValue();
        pos += bv.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.STRING)
        StringValue sv = new StringValue(settings);
        pos += sv.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.MISSING_ARG)
        MissingArg ma = new MissingArg();
        pos += ma.read(tokenData, pos);

      // Unary Operators
      else if (t == Token.UNARY_PLUS)
        UnaryPlus up = new UnaryPlus();
        pos += up.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.UNARY_MINUS)
        UnaryMinus um = new UnaryMinus();
        pos += um.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.PERCENT)
        Percent p = new Percent();
        pos += p.read(tokenData, pos);

      // Binary Operators
      else if (t == Token.SUBTRACT)
        Subtract s = new Subtract();
        pos += s.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.ADD)
        Add s = new Add();
        pos += s.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.MULTIPLY)
        Multiply s = new Multiply();
        pos += s.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.DIVIDE)
        Divide s = new Divide();
        pos += s.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.CONCAT)
        Concatenate c = new Concatenate();
        pos += c.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.POWER)
        Power p = new Power();
        pos += p.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.LESS_THAN)
        LessThan lt = new LessThan();
        pos += lt.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.LESS_EQUAL)
        LessEqual lte = new LessEqual();
        pos += lte.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.GREATER_THAN)
        GreaterThan gt = new GreaterThan();
        pos += gt.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.GREATER_EQUAL)
        GreaterEqual gte = new GreaterEqual();
        pos += gte.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.NOT_EQUAL)
        NotEqual ne = new NotEqual();
        pos += ne.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.EQUAL)
        Equal e = new Equal();
        pos += e.read(tokenData, pos);
      else if (t == Token.PARENTHESIS)
        Parenthesis p = new Parenthesis();
        pos += p.read(tokenData, pos);

      // Functions
      else if (t == Token.ATTRIBUTE)
        Attribute a = new Attribute(settings);
        pos += a.read(tokenData, pos);

        if (a.isSum())
        else if (a.isIf())
          // Add it to a special stack for ifs
      else if (t == Token.FUNCTION)
        BuiltInFunction bif = new BuiltInFunction(settings);
        pos += bif.read(tokenData, pos);

      else if (t == Token.FUNCTIONVARARG)
        VariableArgFunction vaf = new VariableArgFunction(settings);
        pos += vaf.read(tokenData, pos);

        if (vaf.getFunction() != Function.ATTRIBUTE)
          // This is part of an IF function.  Get the operands, but then
          // add it to the top of the if stack

          Attribute ifattr = null;
          if (ifStack.empty())
            ifattr = new Attribute(settings);
            ifattr = (Attribute) ifStack.pop();

      // Other things
      else if (t == Token.MEM_FUNC)
        MemFunc memFunc = new MemFunc();
      else if (t == Token.MEM_AREA)
        MemArea memArea = new MemArea();

   * Handles a memory function
  private void handleMemoryFunction(SubExpression subxp) 
    throws FormulaException
    pos += subxp.read(tokenData, pos);

    // Create new tokenStack for the sub expression
    Stack oldStack = tokenStack;
    tokenStack = new Stack();


    ParseItem[] subexpr = new ParseItem[tokenStack.size()];
    int i = 0;
    while (!tokenStack.isEmpty())
      subexpr[i] = (ParseItem) tokenStack.pop();

    tokenStack = oldStack;

   * Adds the specified operator to the parse tree, taking operands off
   * the stack as appropriate
  private void addOperator(Operator o)
    // Get the operands off the stack

    // Add this operator onto the stack

   * Gets the formula as a string
  public String getFormula()
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    return sb.toString();

   * Adjusts all the relative cell references in this formula by the
   * amount specified.  Used when copying formulas
   * @param colAdjust the amount to add on to each relative cell reference
   * @param rowAdjust the amount to add on to each relative row reference
  public void adjustRelativeCellReferences(int colAdjust, int rowAdjust)
    root.adjustRelativeCellReferences(colAdjust, rowAdjust);

   * Gets the bytes for the formula. This takes into account any
   * token mapping necessary because of shared formulas
   * @return the bytes in RPN
  public byte[] getBytes()
    return root.getBytes();

   * Called when a column is inserted on the specified sheet.  Tells
   * the formula  parser to update all of its cell references beyond this
   * column
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet on which the column was inserted
   * @param col the column number which was inserted
   * @param currentSheet TRUE if this formula is on the sheet in which the
   * column was inserted, FALSE otherwise
  public void columnInserted(int sheetIndex, int col, boolean currentSheet)
    root.columnInserted(sheetIndex, col, currentSheet);
   * Called when a column is inserted on the specified sheet.  Tells
   * the formula  parser to update all of its cell references beyond this
   * column
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet on which the column was removed
   * @param col the column number which was removed
   * @param currentSheet TRUE if this formula is on the sheet in which the
   * column was inserted, FALSE otherwise
  public void columnRemoved(int sheetIndex, int col, boolean currentSheet)
    root.columnRemoved(sheetIndex, col, currentSheet);

   * Called when a column is inserted on the specified sheet.  Tells
   * the formula  parser to update all of its cell references beyond this
   * column
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet on which the column was inserted
   * @param row the column number which was inserted
   * @param currentSheet TRUE if this formula is on the sheet in which the
   * column was inserted, FALSE otherwise
  public void rowInserted(int sheetIndex, int row, boolean currentSheet)
    root.rowInserted(sheetIndex, row, currentSheet);

   * Called when a column is inserted on the specified sheet.  Tells
   * the formula  parser to update all of its cell references beyond this
   * column
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet on which the column was removed
   * @param row the column number which was removed
   * @param currentSheet TRUE if this formula is on the sheet in which the
   * column was inserted, FALSE otherwise
  public void rowRemoved(int sheetIndex, int row, boolean currentSheet)
    root.rowRemoved(sheetIndex, row, currentSheet);

   * If this formula was on an imported sheet, check that
   * cell references to another sheet are warned appropriately
   * @return TRUE if the formula is valid import, FALSE otherwise
  public boolean handleImportedCellReferences()
    return root.isValid();



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jxl-2.6.12-src.zip
File size: 824057 bytes
Release date: 2009-10-24


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What Is jexcelapi_2_6_12.zip

Download Java Excel API jxl.jar

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2017-06-09, 76587👍, 6💬