What Is jxl.jar 2.6.12

What is jxl.jar 2.6.12?

✍: fyicenter.com

jxl.jar 2.6.12 is the JAR file for Java Excel API 2.6.12, which is a Java library for reading, writing and modifying Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files.

JAR File Size and Download Location:

JAR name: jxl-2.6.12.jar
Target JDK version: 1.6
Dependency: None

File name: jxl.jar
File size: 725735 bytes
Release date: 24-Oct-2009
Download: Java Excel API Website.

Here are Java Source Code files for jxl-2.6.12.jar:


*      Copyright (C) 2001 Andrew Khan
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

package jxl.write.biff;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;

import jxl.common.Logger;

import jxl.CellType;
import jxl.DateCell;
import jxl.biff.DoubleHelper;
import jxl.biff.Type;
import jxl.format.CellFormat;
import jxl.write.DateFormats;
import jxl.write.WritableCellFormat;

 * A date stored in the database
public abstract class DateRecord extends CellValue
   * The logger
  private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DateRecord.class);

   * The excel value of the date
  private double value;
   * The java representation of the date
  private Date date;

   * Indicates whether this is a full date, or just a time only
  private boolean time;

  // The number of days between 01 Jan 1900 and 01 Jan 1970 - this gives
  // the UTC offset
  private final static int utcOffsetDays = 25569;

  // The number of milliseconds in  a day
  private final static long msInADay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

   * This is package protected so that the worksheet might detect
   * whether or not to override it with the column cell format
  static final WritableCellFormat defaultDateFormat = 
    new WritableCellFormat(DateFormats.DEFAULT);

  // The number of days between 1 Jan 1900 and 1 March 1900. Excel thinks
  // the day before this was 29th Feb 1900, but it was 28th Feb 19000.
  // I guess the programmers thought nobody would notice that they
  // couldn't be bothered to program this dating anomaly properly
  private final static int nonLeapDay = 61;

   * Class definition for a dummy variable
  protected static final class GMTDate
    public GMTDate(){}

   * Constructor invoked by the user API
   * @param c the column
   * @param r the row
   * @param d the date
  protected DateRecord(int c, int r, Date d)
    this(c, r, d, defaultDateFormat, false);

   * Constructor invoked by the user API
   * @param c the column
   * @param r the row
   * @param d the date
   * @param a adjust timezone
  protected DateRecord(int c, int r, Date d, GMTDate a)
    this(c, r, d, defaultDateFormat, false);

   * Constructor invoked from the user API
   * @param c the column
   * @param r the row
   * @param st the format for the date
   * @param d the date
  protected DateRecord(int c, int r, Date d, CellFormat st)
    super(Type.NUMBER, c, r,st);
    date = d;

   * Constructor invoked from the user API
   * @param c the column
   * @param r the row
   * @param st the format for the date
   * @param d the date
   * @param a adjust for the timezone
  protected DateRecord(int c, int r, Date d, CellFormat st, GMTDate a)
    super(Type.NUMBER, c, r, st);
    date = d;

   * Constructor invoked from the API
   * @param c the column
   * @param r the row
   * @param st the date format
   * @param tim time indicator
   * @param d the date
  protected DateRecord(int c, int r, Date d, CellFormat st, boolean tim)
    super(Type.NUMBER, c, r, st);
    date = d;
    time = tim;

   * Constructor invoked when copying a readable spreadsheet
   * @param dc the date to copy
  protected DateRecord(DateCell dc)
    super(Type.NUMBER, dc);
    date = dc.getDate();
    time = dc.isTime();

   * Copy constructor
   * @param c the column
   * @param r the row
   * @param dr the record to copy
  protected DateRecord(int c, int r, DateRecord dr)
    super(Type.NUMBER, c, r, dr);
    value = dr.value;
    time = dr.time;
    date = dr.date;

   * Calculates the 1900 based numerical value based upon the utc value held
   * in the date object
   * @param adjust TRUE if we want to incorporate timezone information
   * into the raw UTC date eg. when copying from a spreadsheet
  private void calculateValue(boolean adjust)
    // Offsets for current time zone
    long zoneOffset = 0;
    long dstOffset = 0;

    // Get the timezone and dst offsets if we want to take these into
    // account
    if (adjust)
      // Get the current calender, replete with timezone information
      Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

      zoneOffset = cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET);
      dstOffset = cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET);

    long utcValue = date.getTime() + zoneOffset + dstOffset;

    // Convert this to the number of days, plus fractions of a day since
    // 01 Jan 1970
    double utcDays = (double) utcValue / (double) msInADay;

    // Add in the offset to get the number of days since 01 Jan 1900
    value = utcDays + utcOffsetDays;

    // Work round a bug in excel.  Excel seems to think there is a date 
    // called the 29th Feb, 1900 - but this was not a leap year.  
    // Therefore for values less than 61, we must subtract 1.  Only do
    // this for full dates, not times
    if (!time && value < nonLeapDay)
      value -= 1;

    // If this refers to a time, then get rid of the integer part
    if (time)
      value = value - (int) value;

   * Returns the content type of this cell
   * @return the content type for this cell
  public CellType getType()
    return CellType.DATE;

   * Gets the binary data for writing
   * @return the binary data
  public byte[] getData()
    byte[] celldata = super.getData();
    byte[] data = new byte[celldata.length + 8];
    System.arraycopy(celldata, 0, data, 0, celldata.length);
    DoubleHelper.getIEEEBytes(value, data, celldata.length);

    return data;

   * Quick and dirty function to return the contents of this cell as a string.
   * For more complex manipulation of the contents, it is necessary to cast
   * this interface to correct subinterface
   * @return the contents of this cell as a string
  public String getContents()
    return date.toString();

   * Sets the date in this cell
   * @param d the date
  protected void setDate(Date d)
    date = d;

   * Sets the date in this cell, taking the timezone into account
   * @param d the date
   * @param a adjust for timezone
  protected void setDate(Date d, GMTDate a)
    date = d;

   * Gets the date contained in this cell
   * @return the cell contents
  public Date getDate()
    return date;

   * Indicates whether the date value contained in this cell refers to a date,
   * or merely a time.  When writing a cell, all dates are fully defined,
   * even if they refer to a time
   * @return FALSE if this is full date, TRUE if a time
  public boolean isTime()
    return time;

   * Gets the DateFormat used to format the cell.  This will normally be
   * the format specified in the excel spreadsheet, but in the event of any
   * difficulty parsing this, it will revert to the default date/time format.
   * @return the DateFormat object used to format the date in the original 
   *     excel cell
  public DateFormat getDateFormat()
    return null;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jxl-2.6.12-src.zip
File size: 824057 bytes
Release date: 2009-10-24


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What Is jexcelapi_2_6_12.zip

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2017-06-09, 76482👍, 6💬