What Is jxl.jar 2.6.12

What is jxl.jar 2.6.12?

✍: fyicenter.com

jxl.jar 2.6.12 is the JAR file for Java Excel API 2.6.12, which is a Java library for reading, writing and modifying Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files.

JAR File Size and Download Location:

JAR name: jxl-2.6.12.jar
Target JDK version: 1.6
Dependency: None

File name: jxl.jar
File size: 725735 bytes
Release date: 24-Oct-2009
Download: Java Excel API Website.

Here are Java Source Code files for jxl-2.6.12.jar:


*      Copyright (C) 2002 Andrew Khan
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

package jxl.write.biff;

import jxl.common.Logger;

import jxl.biff.BuiltInName;
import jxl.biff.IntegerHelper;
import jxl.biff.StringHelper;
import jxl.biff.Type;
import jxl.biff.WritableRecordData;

 * A name record.  Simply takes the binary data from the name
 * record read in
class NameRecord extends WritableRecordData
  // The logger
  private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(NameRecord.class);
   * The binary data for output to file
  private byte[] data;

   * The name
  private String name;

   * The built in name
  private BuiltInName builtInName;

   * The index into the name table
  private int index;
   * The 0-based index sheet reference for a record name
   *     0 is for a global reference
  private int sheetRef = 0;

   * Modified flag
  private boolean modified;

   * A nested class to hold range information
  static class NameRange
    private int columnFirst;
    private int rowFirst;
    private int columnLast;
    private int rowLast;
    private int externalSheet;

    NameRange(jxl.read.biff.NameRecord.NameRange nr)
      columnFirst = nr.getFirstColumn();
      rowFirst = nr.getFirstRow();
      columnLast = nr.getLastColumn();
      rowLast = nr.getLastRow();
      externalSheet = nr.getExternalSheet();
     * Create a new range for the name record.
    NameRange(int extSheet, 
              int theStartRow, 
              int theEndRow,
              int theStartCol, 
              int theEndCol)
      columnFirst = theStartCol;
      rowFirst = theStartRow;
      columnLast = theEndCol;
      rowLast = theEndRow;
      externalSheet = extSheet;

    int getFirstColumn() {return columnFirst;}
    int getFirstRow() {return rowFirst;}
    int getLastColumn() {return columnLast;}
    int getLastRow() {return rowLast;}
    int getExternalSheet() { return externalSheet;}
    void incrementFirstRow() { rowFirst++ ; }
    void incrementLastRow() { rowLast++ ; }
    void decrementFirstRow() { rowFirst-- ; }
    void decrementLastRow() { rowLast-- ; }
    void incrementFirstColumn() { columnFirst++ ; }
    void incrementLastColumn() { columnLast++ ; }
    void decrementFirstColumn() { columnFirst-- ; }
    void decrementLastColumn() { columnLast-- ; }

    byte[] getData()
      byte[] d = new byte[10];

      // Sheet index
      IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(externalSheet, d, 0);

      // Starting row
      IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(rowFirst, d, 2);
      // End row
      IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(rowLast, d, 4);
      // Start column
      IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(columnFirst & 0xff, d, 6);

      // End columns
      IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(columnLast & 0xff, d, 8);

      return d;

   * The ranges covered by this name
  private NameRange[] ranges;

  // Constants which refer to the parse tokens after the string
  private static final int cellReference = 0x3a;
  private static final int areaReference = 0x3b;
  private static final int subExpression = 0x29;
  private static final int union         = 0x10;

  // An empty range
  private static final NameRange EMPTY_RANGE = new NameRange(0,0,0,0,0);

   * Constructor - used when copying sheets
   * @param index the index into the name table
  public NameRecord(jxl.read.biff.NameRecord sr, int ind)

    data = sr.getData();
    name = sr.getName();
    sheetRef = sr.getSheetRef();
    index = ind;
    modified = false;

    // Copy the ranges
    jxl.read.biff.NameRecord.NameRange[] r = sr.getRanges();
    ranges = new NameRange[r.length];
    for (int i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++)
      ranges[i] = new NameRange(r[i]);

   * Create a new name record with the given information.
   * @param theName      Name to be created.
   * @param theIndex     Index of this name.
   * @param extSheet     External sheet index this name refers to.
   * @param theStartRow  First row this name refers to.
   * @param theEndRow    Last row this name refers to.
   * @param theStartCol  First column this name refers to.
   * @param theEndCol    Last column this name refers to.
   * @param global       TRUE if this is a global name
  NameRecord(String theName, 
             int theIndex, 
             int extSheet, 
             int theStartRow, 
             int theEndRow, 
             int theStartCol, 
             int theEndCol,
             boolean global)

    name = theName;
    index = theIndex;
    sheetRef = global ? 0 : index+1; // 0 indicates a global name, otherwise
                                     // the 1-based index of the sheet

    ranges = new NameRange[1];
    ranges[0] = new NameRange(extSheet, 
    modified = true;

   * Create a new name record with the given information.
   * @param theName      Name to be created.
   * @param theIndex     Index of this name.
   * @param extSheet     External sheet index this name refers to.
   * @param theStartRow  First row this name refers to.
   * @param theEndRow    Last row this name refers to.
   * @param theStartCol  First column this name refers to.
   * @param theEndCol    Last column this name refers to.
   * @param global       TRUE if this is a global name
  NameRecord(BuiltInName theName, 
             int theIndex, 
             int extSheet, 
             int theStartRow, 
             int theEndRow, 
             int theStartCol, 
             int theEndCol,
             boolean global)

    builtInName = theName;
    index = theIndex;
    sheetRef = global ? 0 : index + 1; // 0 indicates a global name, otherwise
                                       // the 1-based index of the sheet

    ranges = new NameRange[1];
    ranges[0] = new NameRange(extSheet, 

   * Create a new name record with the given information for 2-range entities.
   * @param theName      Name to be created.
   * @param theIndex     Index of this name.
   * @param extSheet     External sheet index this name refers to.
   * @param theStartRow  First row this name refers to.
   * @param theEndRow    Last row this name refers to.
   * @param theStartCol  First column this name refers to.
   * @param theEndCol    Last column this name refers to.
   * @param theStartRow2 First row this name refers to (2nd instance).
   * @param theEndRow2   Last row this name refers to (2nd instance).
   * @param theStartCol2 First column this name refers to (2nd instance).
   * @param theEndCol2   Last column this name refers to (2nd instance). 
   * @param global       TRUE if this is a global name
  NameRecord(BuiltInName theName, 
             int theIndex, 
             int extSheet, 
             int theStartRow, 
             int theEndRow, 
             int theStartCol, 
             int theEndCol,
             int theStartRow2,             
             int theEndRow2, 
             int theStartCol2, 
             int theEndCol2,
             boolean global)

    builtInName = theName;
    index = theIndex;
    sheetRef = global ? 0 : index + 1; // 0 indicates a global name, otherwise
                                       // the 1-based index of the sheet

    ranges = new NameRange[2];
    ranges[0] = new NameRange(extSheet, 
    ranges[1] = new NameRange(extSheet, 
   * Gets the binary data for output to file
   * @return the binary data
  public byte[] getData()
    if (data != null && !modified)
      // this is a copy
      return data;

    final int NAME_HEADER_LENGTH = 15;
    final byte AREA_RANGE_LENGTH = 11;
    final byte AREA_REFERENCE = 0x3b;

    int detailLength;
    if (ranges.length > 1)
      detailLength = (ranges.length * AREA_RANGE_LENGTH) + 4;
      detailLength = AREA_RANGE_LENGTH;

    int length = NAME_HEADER_LENGTH + detailLength;    
    length += builtInName != null ? 1 : name.length();
    data = new byte[length];

    // Options
    int options = 0;

    if (builtInName != null)
      options |= 0x20;
    IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(options, data, 0);

    // Keyboard shortcut
    data[2] = 0;

    // Length of the name in chars
    if (builtInName != null)
      data[3] = (byte) 0x1;
      data[3] = (byte) name.length();    

    // Size of the definitions
    IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(detailLength, data, 4);

    // Sheet index
    IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(sheetRef, data, 6);
    IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(sheetRef, data, 8);

    // Byte 10-13 are optional lengths [0,0,0,0]    
    // Byte 14 is length of name which is not used.    

    // The name
    if (builtInName != null)
      data[15] = (byte) builtInName.getValue();
      StringHelper.getBytes(name, data, 15);

    // The actual range definition.
    int pos = builtInName != null ? 16 : name.length() + 15;

    // If there are multiple ranges for the name, we must specify a 
    // subExpression type rather than areaReference and then put out 
    // multiple areaReference entries with an end byte.
    if (ranges.length > 1)
      data[pos++] = subExpression;
      // Length of remaining bytes excluding itself
      IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(detailLength - 3, data, pos);
      pos += 2;
      byte[] rd;
      for (int i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++)
        data[pos++] = areaReference;
        rd = ranges[i].getData();        
        System.arraycopy(rd, 0, data, pos, rd.length);
        pos += rd.length;
      data[pos] = 0x10;
      // Range format - area
      data[pos] = areaReference;

      // The range data
      byte[] rd = ranges[0].getData();
      System.arraycopy(rd, 0, data, pos+1, rd.length);

    return data;

   * Accessor for the name 
   * @return the name
  public String getName()
    return name;

   * Accessor for the index of this name in the name table
   * @return the index of this name in the name table
  public int getIndex()
    return index;
   * The 0-based index sheet reference for a record name
   *     0 is for a global reference
   * @return the sheet reference for name formula
  public int getSheetRef()
    return sheetRef;
   * Set the index sheet reference for a record name
   *     0 is for a global reference
  public void setSheetRef(int i)
    sheetRef = i;
    IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(sheetRef, data, 8);

   * Gets the array of ranges for this name
   * @return the ranges
  public NameRange[] getRanges()
    return ranges;

   * Called when a row is inserted on the 
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet index on which the column was inserted
   * @param row the column number which was inserted
  void rowInserted(int sheetIndex, int row)
    for (int i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++)
      if (sheetIndex != ranges[i].getExternalSheet())
        continue; // shame on me - this is no better than a goto

      if (row <= ranges[i].getFirstRow())
        modified = true;

      if (row <= ranges[i].getLastRow())
        modified = true;

   * Called when a row is removed on the worksheet
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet index on which the column was inserted
   * @param row the column number which was inserted
   * @reeturn TRUE if the name is to be removed entirely, FALSE otherwise
  boolean rowRemoved(int sheetIndex, int row)
    for (int i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++)
      if (sheetIndex != ranges[i].getExternalSheet())
        continue; // shame on me - this is no better than a goto

      if (row == ranges[i].getFirstRow() && row == ranges[i].getLastRow())
        // remove the range
        ranges[i] = EMPTY_RANGE;

      if (row < ranges[i].getFirstRow() && row > 0)
        modified = true;

      if (row <= ranges[i].getLastRow())
        modified = true;

    // If all ranges are empty, then remove the name
    int emptyRanges = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < ranges.length; i++)
      if (ranges[i] == EMPTY_RANGE)

    if (emptyRanges == ranges.length)
      return true;
    // otherwise just remove the empty ones
    NameRange[] newRanges = new NameRange[ranges.length - emptyRanges];
    for (int i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++)
      if (ranges[i] != EMPTY_RANGE)
        newRanges[i] = ranges[i];

    ranges = newRanges;

    return false;

   * Called when a row is removed on the worksheet
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet index on which the column was inserted
   * @param row the column number which was inserted
   * @reeturn TRUE if the name is to be removed entirely, FALSE otherwise
  boolean columnRemoved(int sheetIndex, int col)
    for (int i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++)
      if (sheetIndex != ranges[i].getExternalSheet())
        continue; // shame on me - this is no better than a goto

      if (col == ranges[i].getFirstColumn() && col == 
        // remove the range
        ranges[i] = EMPTY_RANGE;

      if (col < ranges[i].getFirstColumn() && col > 0)
        modified = true;

      if (col <= ranges[i].getLastColumn())
        modified = true;

    // If all ranges are empty, then remove the name
    int emptyRanges = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < ranges.length; i++)
      if (ranges[i] == EMPTY_RANGE)

    if (emptyRanges == ranges.length)
      return true;
    // otherwise just remove the empty ones
    NameRange[] newRanges = new NameRange[ranges.length - emptyRanges];
    for (int i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++)
      if (ranges[i] != EMPTY_RANGE)
        newRanges[i] = ranges[i];

    ranges = newRanges;

    return false;

   * Called when a row is inserted on the 
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet index on which the column was inserted
   * @param col the column number which was inserted
  void columnInserted(int sheetIndex, int col)
    for (int i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++)
      if (sheetIndex != ranges[i].getExternalSheet())
        continue; // shame on me - this is no better than a goto

      if (col <= ranges[i].getFirstColumn())
        modified = true;

      if (col <= ranges[i].getLastColumn())
        modified = true;




Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jxl-2.6.12-src.zip
File size: 824057 bytes
Release date: 2009-10-24


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