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Other Resources:
commons-jci-fam-1.0.jar - Apache JCI (Java Compiler Interface)
JCI is a java compiler interface. It can be used to either compile java (or any other language that can be compiled to java classes like e.g. groovy or javascript) to java. It is well integrated with a FAM (FilesystemAlterationMonitor) that can be used with the JCI compiling/reloading classloader. All the currently supported compilers (even javac before java6) feature in-memory compilation.
commons-jci-fam.jar is the FAM (FileAlterationMonitor) model.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: commons-jci-fam.jar, commons-jci-fam-1.0.jar File size: 20262 bytes Date modified: 14-Jun-2007 Download: Apache JCI
Manifest of the JAR:
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver Built-By: tcurdt Build-Jdk: 1.5.0_07 Implementation-Title: fam Implementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.apache Implementation-Version: 1.0 Specification-Title: fam Specification-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation Specification-Version: 1.0 X-Compile-Source-JDK: 1.4 X-Compile-Target-JDK: 1.4
org/apache/commons/jci/listeners/AbstractFilesystemAlterationListener org/apache/commons/jci/monitor/FilesystemAlterationListener org/apache/commons/jci/monitor/FilesystemAlterationMonitor org/apache/commons/jci/monitor/FilesystemAlterationObserver org/apache/commons/jci/monitor/FilesystemAlterationObserverImpl
2012-01-16, 4206🔥, 0💬
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