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Other Resources:
JLog-1.3.6.jar - JLog - Prolog-in-Java system
JLog, a Prolog-in-Java system, is a full-featured Prolog interpreter that can be run as an applet, an application or embedded through an API.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: JLog.jar, JLog-1.3.6.jar File size: 148739 bytes Date modified: 24-Nov-2007 Download: JLog - Prolog-in-Java system
Manifest of the JAR:
Main-Class: ubc.cs.JLog.Applet.gJLogApplication
List of Classes in the JAR:
ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/InvalidTraceItemException ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gAboutDialog ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gAnimationPanel ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gAnimationWindow ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gButtonTab ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gButtonTabMenu ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gButtonTabMenuAction ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gCardPanel ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gClosingDialog ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gConsultPanel ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gConsultWindow ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gDebugPanel ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gDebugWindow ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gFindDialog ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gGotoLineDialog ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gHelpPanel ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gHelpWindow ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gInputStreamTextField ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gJLogApplet ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gJLogAppletBase ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gJLogApplication ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gJLogApplicationBase ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gJLogBase ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gMainPanel ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gOutputStreamTextArea ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gPrologServiceTextArea ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gPrologServiceTextField ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gProverStackPanel ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gQueryPanel ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gQueryWindow ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gStackPanel ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gTracePanel ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/gWindowBase ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/iCardPanel ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/iJLogApplBaseServices ubc/cs/JLog/Applet/iMenuServiceRequester
2012-03-13, 4214🔥, 0💬
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