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Other Resources:
ode.jar - ObjectScript 2.10.4
ObjectScript is a general purpose object-oriented programming language. It is designed to be simple to learn, easy to use, yet still powerful, combining the convenience of an interactive interpreter with many of the features of Java.
ode.jar is provided as part of ObjectScript 2.10.4.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: ode.jar File size: 418972 bytes Date modified: 16-Jul-2006 Download: ObjectScript
Manifest of the JAR:
Main-Class: ti.chimera.Main
List of Classes in the JAR:
oscript/swing/text/ODEEditorKit oscript/swing/text/ODEUtils ti/swing/ConsoleTextArea ti/swing/console/Attribute ti/swing/console/BgColorAttribute ti/swing/console/ColorInputHandler ti/swing/console/Console ti/swing/console/ConsoleBuffer ti/swing/console/ConsoleGraphics ti/swing/console/ConsoleKeyListener ti/swing/console/ConsoleTabCompleter ti/swing/console/EndRegionPoint ti/swing/console/FgColorAttribute ti/swing/console/InputAdapter ti/swing/console/InputHandler ti/swing/console/InverseAttribute ti/swing/console/LogInputHandler ti/swing/console/Region ti/swing/console/RegionPoint ti/swing/console/Row ti/swing/console/StartRegionPoint ti/swing/console/Test
2012-03-15, 3676🔥, 0💬
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