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Other Resources:
asm-xml-2.2.3.jar - ASM 2.2.3 XML Classes
ASM is an all purpose Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework. It can be used to modify existing classes or dynamically generate classes, directly in binary form. Provided common transformations and analysis algorithms allow to easily assemble custom complex transformations and code analysis tools.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: asm-xml.jar, asm-xml-2.2.3.jar File size: 48843 bytes Date modified: 07/06/2006 Download: ASM 3.2
✍: FYIcenter
Manifest of the JAR:
Implementation-Title: ASM XML classes Implementation-Version: 2.2.3 Implementation-Vendor: Eugene Kuleshov Main-class: org.objectweb.asm.xml.Processor
List of Classes in the JAR:
org/objectweb/asm/xml/ASMContentHandler org/objectweb/asm/xml/Processor org/objectweb/asm/xml/SAXAdapter org/objectweb/asm/xml/SAXAnnotationAdapter org/objectweb/asm/xml/SAXClassAdapter org/objectweb/asm/xml/SAXCodeAdapter org/objectweb/asm/xml/SAXFieldAdapter
2009-07-03, 6862🔥, 0💬
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