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Other Resources:
transactions-jdbc-3.7.0.jar - Atomikos Transactions JTA/XA
atomikos-jdbc-3.7.0.jar is the JDBC package of Atomikos TransactionsEssentials - Open Source JTA/XA, which is the limited open source edition of Atomikos transaction management system offering basic support for JDBC/XA pools, JMS/XA pools and JTA/XA to enable functional testing of transaction processes outside of the application server.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: transactions-jdbc.jar, transactions-jdbc-3.7.0.jar File size: 38161 bytes Date modified: 10-Sep-2012 Download: Atomikos Transactions JTA/XA
Manifest of the JAR:
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver Built-By: pascalleclercq Build-Jdk: 1.5.0_24
List of Classes in the JAR:
com/atomikos/jdbc/AbstractConnectionProxy com/atomikos/jdbc/AbstractDataSourceBean com/atomikos/jdbc/AtomikosConnectionProxy com/atomikos/jdbc/AtomikosDataSourceBean com/atomikos/jdbc/AtomikosSQLException com/atomikos/jdbc/AtomikosXAConnectionFactory com/atomikos/jdbc/AtomikosXAPooledConnection com/atomikos/jdbc/HeuristicDataSource com/atomikos/jdbc/JdbcConnectionProxyHelper com/atomikos/jdbc/nonxa/AtomikosNonXAConnectionFactory com/atomikos/jdbc/nonxa/AtomikosNonXADataSourceBean com/atomikos/jdbc/nonxa/AtomikosNonXAParticipant com/atomikos/jdbc/nonxa/AtomikosNonXAPooledConnection com/atomikos/jdbc/nonxa/AtomikosThreadLocalConnection com/atomikos/jdbc/nonxa/DriverManagerDataSource com/atomikos/jdbc/nonxa/JtaAwareNonXaConnection
2013-07-01, 3243🔥, 0💬
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