SLF4J API Source Code

SLF4J API is a simple API that allows to plug in any desired logging library at deployment time.

Here is the source code for SLF4J API 2.0.4. You can download its pre-compiled version slf4j-api-2.0.4.jar at SLF4J Download Website.



package org.slf4j.helpers;

import org.slf4j.Marker;

import java.lang.annotation.*;

 * <p>Used to annotate methods in the {@link org.slf4j.spi.LoggingEventBuilder} interface
 * which return an instance of LoggingEventBuilder (usually as <code>this</code>). Such
 * methods should be followed by one of the terminating <code>log()</code> methods returning
 * <code>void</code>.</p>
 * <p></p>
 * <p>IntelliJ IDEA supports a check for annotations named as <code>CheckReturnValue</code>
 * regardless of the containing package. For more information on this feature in IntelliJ IDEA,
 * select File &#8594; Setting &#8594; Editor &#8594; Inspections and then Java &#8594; Probable Bugs &#8594;
 * Result of method call ignored. </p>
 * <p></p>
 * <p>As for Eclipse, this feature has been requested in
 * <a href="">bug 572496</a></p>
 * @author Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml;
 * @since 2.0.0-beta1
@Target( { ElementType.METHOD })
public @interface CheckReturnValue {



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: slf4j-api-2.0.4-sources.jar
File size: 70304 bytes
Release date: 2022-11-17


Source Code for SLF4J Simple Logging

Downloading SLF4J Components

Downloading and Reviewing SLF4J Packages

⇑⇑ SLF4J - Simple Logging Facade for Java

2020-02-13, 26782👍, 2💬