Downloading Apache Axiom 1.2.14


The Apache Axiom library provides an XML Infoset compliant object model implementation which supports on-demand building of the object tree. It supports a novel "pull-through" model which allows one to turn off the tree building and directly access the underlying pull event stream using the StAX API. It also has built in support for XML Optimized Packaging (XOP) and MTOM, the combination of which allows XML to carry binary data efficiently and in a transparent manner. The combination of these is an easy to use API with a very high performant architecture!

Download File Size and Download Location:

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File size: 9,097,125 bytes
Release date: 02-Dec-2012
Download: Apache Axiom



File list of

     680  README.txt
     940  RELEASE-NOTE.txt
     661  NOTICE
   11358  LICENSE
  498371  docs\devguide.pdf
  394027  docs\userguide.pdf
  158538  apidocs\allclasses-frame.html
  140378  apidocs\allclasses-noframe.html
  103605  apidocs\constant-values.html
   61377  apidocs\deprecated-list.html
    9926  apidocs\help-doc.html
 1812179  apidocs\index-all.html
    1465  apidocs\index.html
   11359  lib\apache-mime4j-core-LICENSE.txt
   11359  lib\commons-logging-LICENSE.txt
   11359  lib\geronimo-activation-LICENSE.txt
   11359  lib\geronimo-javamail-LICENSE.txt
   11359  lib\geronimo-stax-api-LICENSE.txt
    1581  lib\jaxen-LICENSE.txt
    1542  lib\stax2-api-LICENSE.txt
   11359  lib\woodstox-core-asl-LICENSE.txt
  212170  lib\axiom-dom-1.2.14.jar
  421631  lib\axiom-api-1.2.14.jar
   59805  lib\axiom-c14n-1.2.14.jar
  170746  lib\axiom-impl-1.2.14.jar
   17721  lib\axiom-jaxb-1.2.14.jar
   34847  lib\axiom-compat-1.2.14.jar
   47465  lib\geronimo-activation_1.1_spec-1.1.jar
  223298  lib\geronimo-javamail_1.4_spec-1.7.1.jar
   60686  lib\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
  226161  lib\jaxen-1.1.4.jar
   28804  lib\geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar
   95536  lib\apache-mime4j-core-0.7.2.jar
  479104  lib\woodstox-core-asl-4.1.4.jar
  182112  lib\stax2-api-3.1.1.jar
  880398  axiom.jar
# Total                   Size  Files
#                     38189876  2547

2013-11-11, 2935🔥, 0💬