JBrowser Source Code Files

JBrowser Source Code Files are provided in the source package file.

You can download JBrowser source package as described in the previous tutorial and go to the "src" sub-folder to view Source Code files.

You can also browse JBrowser Source Code files below:

✍: FYIcenter


// LZ.InWindow

package ru.atomation.utils.sevenzip.compression.lz;

import java.io.IOException;

public class InWindow
	public byte[] _bufferBase; // pointer to buffer with data
	java.io.InputStream _stream;
	int _posLimit;  // offset (from _buffer) of first byte when new block reading must be done
	boolean _streamEndWasReached; // if (true) then _streamPos shows real end of stream
	int _pointerToLastSafePosition;
	public int _bufferOffset;
	public int _blockSize;  // Size of Allocated memory block
	public int _pos;             // offset (from _buffer) of curent byte
	int _keepSizeBefore;  // how many BYTEs must be kept in buffer before _pos
	int _keepSizeAfter;   // how many BYTEs must be kept buffer after _pos
	public int _streamPos;   // offset (from _buffer) of first not read byte from Stream
	public void MoveBlock()
		int offset = _bufferOffset + _pos - _keepSizeBefore;
		// we need one additional byte, since MovePos moves on 1 byte.
		if (offset > 0)

		int numBytes = _bufferOffset + _streamPos - offset;
		// check negative offset ????
		for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++)
			_bufferBase[i] = _bufferBase[offset + i];
		_bufferOffset -= offset;
	public void ReadBlock() throws IOException
		if (_streamEndWasReached)
		while (true)
			int size = (0 - _bufferOffset) + _blockSize - _streamPos;
			if (size == 0)
			int numReadBytes = _stream.read(_bufferBase, _bufferOffset + _streamPos, size);
			if (numReadBytes == -1)
				_posLimit = _streamPos;
				int pointerToPostion = _bufferOffset + _posLimit;
				if (pointerToPostion > _pointerToLastSafePosition)
					_posLimit = _pointerToLastSafePosition - _bufferOffset;
				_streamEndWasReached = true;
			_streamPos += numReadBytes;
			if (_streamPos >= _pos + _keepSizeAfter)
				_posLimit = _streamPos - _keepSizeAfter;
	void Free() { _bufferBase = null; }
	public void Create(int keepSizeBefore, int keepSizeAfter, int keepSizeReserv)
		_keepSizeBefore = keepSizeBefore;
		_keepSizeAfter = keepSizeAfter;
		int blockSize = keepSizeBefore + keepSizeAfter + keepSizeReserv;
		if (_bufferBase == null || _blockSize != blockSize)
			_blockSize = blockSize;
			_bufferBase = new byte[_blockSize];
		_pointerToLastSafePosition = _blockSize - keepSizeAfter;
	public void SetStream(java.io.InputStream stream) { _stream = stream; 	}
	public void ReleaseStream() { _stream = null; }

	public void Init() throws IOException
		_bufferOffset = 0;
		_pos = 0;
		_streamPos = 0;
		_streamEndWasReached = false;
	public void MovePos() throws IOException
		if (_pos > _posLimit)
			int pointerToPostion = _bufferOffset + _pos;
			if (pointerToPostion > _pointerToLastSafePosition)
	public byte GetIndexByte(int index)	{ return _bufferBase[_bufferOffset + _pos + index]; }
	// index + limit have not to exceed _keepSizeAfter;
	public int GetMatchLen(int index, int distance, int limit)
		if (_streamEndWasReached)
			if ((_pos + index) + limit > _streamPos)
				limit = _streamPos - (_pos + index);
		// Byte *pby = _buffer + (size_t)_pos + index;
		int pby = _bufferOffset + _pos + index;
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < limit && _bufferBase[pby + i] == _bufferBase[pby + i - distance]; i++);
		return i;
	public int GetNumAvailableBytes()	{ return _streamPos - _pos; }
	public void ReduceOffsets(int subValue)
		_bufferOffset += subValue;
		_posLimit -= subValue;
		_pos -= subValue;
		_streamPos -= subValue;


Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jbrowser-1.9-fyi.zip
File size: 625318 bytes
Release date: 2022-11-10


Downloading JBrowser 1.9

Download and Install JBrowser Source Package

Download and Review JBrowser

⇑⇑ FAQ for JBrowser

2017-07-17, 9321👍, 1💬