Download and Install Apache XMLBeans Source Package


How to download and install Apache XMLBeans Source Package?

✍: FYIcenter


The source package contains Java source code files for Apache XMLBeans. They are compressed into a single file like You can compile them with different versions of JDK.

You can download the source package file for HttpComponents Client 5.2 by clicking the download button below:

File name:
File size: 1548985 bytes
Release date: 2022-11-10

You can also follow these steps to download and install

1. Go to HttpComponents Client archive site.

2. Click to open the "source/" folder.

3. Click "" file to start download.

4. Save the downloaded file to \fyicenter\

5. Unzip the downloaded file to \fyicenter folder. You see the following files:

  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    11358  04-14-2010 08:30   LICENSE.txt
     1441  04-14-2010 08:30   NOTICE.txt
     2444  04-14-2010 08:30   README.txt
     1042  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/_setlib
     1163  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/_setlib.cmd
     1030  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/dumpxsb
      998  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/dumpxsb.cmd
     1006  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/inst2xsd
     1046  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/inst2xsd.cmd
     1054  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/scomp
     1083  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/scomp.cmd
      977  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/scopy.cmd
      997  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/sdownload
     1045  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/sdownload.cmd
     1091  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/sfactor
     1061  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/sfactor.cmd
     1057  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/svalidate
     1077  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/svalidate.cmd
     1014  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/validate
     1016  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/validate.cmd
      963  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/xpretty
      935  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/xpretty.cmd
      978  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/xsd2inst
     1018  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/xsd2inst.cmd
      988  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/xsdtree
      951  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/xsdtree.cmd
      978  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/xstc
      986  04-14-2010 08:30   bin/xstc.cmd
    52756  07-23-2012 15:38   build.xml
    26720  04-14-2010 08:30   docs/guide/tools.html
   173899  04-14-2010 08:30   external/lib/jam-0.1.0-src.jar
    11358  04-14-2010 08:30   external/lib/jam.LICENSE.txt
    23630  10-11-2005 10:20   external/lib/jsr173_1.0_api.jar
    59706  02-22-2006 15:53   external/lib/jsr173_1.0_api_bundle.jar
    11781  04-14-2010 08:30   external/lib/junit.LICENSE.txt
   117558  04-14-2010 08:30   external/lib/junit.jar
  2669036  07-20-2012 11:38   external/lib/oldxbean.jar
    11358  04-14-2010 08:30   external/lib/piccolo.LICENSE.txt
   141219  04-14-2010 08:30   external/lib/piccolo_apache_dist_20040629.jar
   143156  04-14-2010 08:30   external/lib/piccolo_apache_dist_20040629_v2.jar
   144059  04-14-2010 08:30   external/lib/piccolo_apache_dist_20040711.jar
   150718  06-29-2010 14:45   external/lib/piccolo_apache_dist_20040711_v2.jar
   110962  03-17-2008 14:14   external/lib/saxon9-dom.jar
  4743461  03-17-2008 17:19   external/lib/saxon9.jar
  1910111  03-17-2008 18:19   external/lib/
   406693  11-04-2003 21:07   external/lib/
     3670  04-14-2010 08:30   samples/Any/build.xml
     3822  04-14-2010 08:30   samples/DateTime/build.xml
     1402  04-14-2010 08:30   samples/MixedContent/README.txt
     9135  04-14-2010 08:30   samples/build.xml
     2403  04-14-2010 08:30   src/common/org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/common/
    12808  04-14-2010 08:30   src/configschema/schema/xmlconfig.xsd
      891  04-14-2010 08:30   src/configschema/schema/xmlconfig.xsdconfig
     3504  04-14-2010 08:30   src/saaj_api/org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/soap/
    27220  04-14-2010 08:30   src/store/org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/store/
    12677  04-14-2010 08:30   src/tools/org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/inst2xsd/
     5594  04-14-2010 08:30   src/typeimpl/org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/regex/
    12810  04-14-2010 08:30   src/typestore/org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/values/
    13496  04-14-2010 08:30   src/xmlcomp/org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/tool/
     6377  04-14-2010 08:30   src/xmlconfig/org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/config/
     1352  04-14-2010 08:30   src/xmlinputstream/org/apache/xmlbeans/xml/stream/
     7039  04-14-2010 08:30   src/xmlpublic/javax/xml/namespace/
     2921  04-14-2010 08:30   src/xmlschema/schema/XML.xsd
      876  04-14-2010 08:30   src/xmlschema/schema/XML.xsdconfig
       52  04-14-2010 08:30   src/xpath_xquery/QueryInterface.g
       50  04-14-2010 08:30   src/xpath_xquery/SelectPathInterface.g
    88426  04-14-2010 08:30   src/xsdschema/schema/XMLSchema.xsd
      870  04-14-2010 08:30   src/xsdschema/schema/XMLSchema.xsdconfig
     4533  04-14-2010 08:30   src/zipcompare/zipcompare/
       25  04-14-2010 08:30   xbeanenv.cmd
       27  04-14-2010 08:30
---------                     -------
 17146394                     903 files

Download and installation is done.


What Is XMLBeans xmlpublic.jar 2.6.0

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Download and Review Apache XMLBeans JAR Library

⇑⇑ FAQ for Apache XMLBeans JAR Library

2009-02-01, 16800🔥, 0💬