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"fop" Command in
What Is the "fop" command in Can I use it to generate PDF files?
✍: FYIcenter
"fop" command is the command line tool that allows you to run FOP 0.93 as a standalone application. It reads a XSL-FO file and generates a PDF file by default.
"fop" command requires that the environment variable JAVA_HOME be set to a path pointing to the appropriate Java installation on your system. See the session below on how to use the "fop" command:
\fyicenter>cd \local\fop-0.93 \local\fop-0.93>fop "\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45\bin\java" USAGE Fop [options] [-fo|-xml] infile [-xsl file] [-awt|-pdf|-mif|-rtf|-tiff |-png|-pcl|-ps|-txt|-at [mime]|-print] <outfile> [OPTIONS] -d debug mode -x dump configuration settings -q quiet mode -c cfg.xml use additional configuration file cfg.xml -l lang the language to use for user information -r relaxed/less strict validation (where available) -dpi xxx target resolution in dots per inch (dpi) where xxx is a number -s for area tree XML, down to block areas only -v to show FOP version being used -o [password] PDF file will be encrypted with option owner password -u [password] PDF file will be encrypted with option user password -noprint PDF file will be encrypted without printing permission -nocopy PDF file will be encrypted without copy content permission -noedit PDF file will be encrypted without edit content permission -noannotations PDF file will be encrypted without edit annotation permission -pdfprofile prof PDF file will be generated with the specified profile (Examples for prof: PDF/A-1b or PDF/X-3:2003) [INPUT] infile xsl:fo input file (the same as the next) -fo infile xsl:fo input file -xml infile xml input file, must be used together with -xsl -atin infile area tree input file -xsl stylesheet xslt stylesheet -param name value <value> to use for parameter <name> in xslt stylesheet (repeat '-param name value' for each parameter) [OUTPUT] outfile input will be rendered as PDF into outfile -pdf outfile input will be rendered as PDF (outfile req'd) -pdfa1b outfile input will be rendered as PDF/A-1b compliant PDF (outfile req'd, same as "-pdf outfile -pdfprofile PDF/A-1b") -awt input will be displayed on screen -mif outfile input will be rendered as MIF (FrameMaker) (outfile req'd) -rtf outfile input will be rendered as RTF (outfile req'd) -tiff outfile input will be rendered as TIFF (outfile req'd) -png outfile input will be rendered as PNG (outfile req'd) -pcl outfile input will be rendered as PCL (outfile req'd) -ps outfile input will be rendered as PostScript (outfile req'd) -txt outfile input will be rendered as plain text (outfile req'd) -svg outfile input will be rendered as an SVG slides file (outfile req'd) -at [mime] out representation of area tree as XML (outfile req'd) specify optional mime output to allow AT to be converted to final format later -print input file will be rendered and sent to the printer see options with "-print help" -out mime outfile input will be rendered using the given MIME type (outfile req'd) Example: "-out application/pdf D:\out.pdf" (Tip: "-out list" prints the list of supported MIME types) -foout outfile input will only be XSL transformed. The intermediate XSL-FO file is saved and no rendering is performed. (Only available if you use -xml and -xsl parameters) [Examples] Fop foo.pdf Fop -fo -pdf foo.pdf (does the same as the previous line) Fop -xml foo.xml -xsl foo.xsl -pdf foo.pdf Fop -xml foo.xml -xsl foo.xsl -foout Fop -mif foo.mif Fop -rtf foo.rtf Fop -print or Fop -print Fop -awt ... org.apache.fop.cli.Main startFOP SEVERE: Exception org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException: No input file specified at org.apache.fop.cli.CommandLineOptions.checkSettings ( at org.apache.fop.cli.CommandLineOptions.parse( at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.startFOP( at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.main(
⇒ Download and Install
2015-11-19, 9236🔥, 0💬
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