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Downloading JBoss Microcontainer 2.0.6
The JBoss Microcontainer is a refactoring of JBoss's JMX Microkernel to support direct POJO deployment and standalone use outside the JBoss application server.
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File name: File size: 7,788,153 bytes Release date: 2009-05-13 Download: JBoss Microcontainer
File list of
jboss-microcontainer-2.0.6.GA\... 156521 jboss-aop-mc-int-2.0.6.GA.jar 1327629 jboss-aop-2.1.0.CR3.jar 1289806 ant-1.7.0.jar 11734 ant-launcher-1.7.0.jar 205130 jboss-reflect-2.0.2.GA.jar 176027 jboss-mdr-2.0.1.GA.jar 94416 qdox-1.6.1.jar 361155 trove-2.1.1.jar 367444 log4j-1.2.14.jar 598573 jboss-kernel-2.0.6.GA.jar 92872 jboss-dependency-2.0.6.GA.jar 516720 jbossxb-2.0.1.GA.jar 11924 jboss-logging-spi-2.0.5.GA.jar 542261 jboss-common-core-2.2.13.GA.jar 194354 xml-apis-2.9.1.jar 1229125 xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar 45506 dtdparser121-1.2.1.jar 69409 activation-1.1.1.jar 104002 jaxb-api-2.1.9.jar 597879 javassist-3.10.0.GA.jar 21614 jboss-guice-int-2.0.6.GA.jar 556135 guice-1.0.jar 96310 jboss-spring-int-2.0.6.GA.jar # Total Size Files # 8666546 242014-02-26, 3113🔥, 0💬
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