Jackson Core Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

Jackson Core Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

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✍: FYIcenter.com


/* Jackson JSON-processor.
 * Copyright (c) 2007- Tatu Saloranta, tatu.saloranta@iki.fi
package com.fasterxml.jackson.core;

import java.io.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser.NumberType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.CharacterEscapes;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.WritableTypeId;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.WritableTypeId.Inclusion;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.JacksonFeatureSet;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.VersionUtil;

import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonTokenId.*;

 * Base class that defines public API for writing JSON content.
 * Instances are created using factory methods of
 * a {@link JsonFactory} instance.
 * @author Tatu Saloranta
public abstract class JsonGenerator
    implements Closeable, Flushable, Versioned
     * Default set of {@link StreamWriteCapability}ies that may be used as
     * basis for format-specific readers (or as bogus instance if non-null
     * set needs to be passed).
     * @since 2.12
    protected final static JacksonFeatureSet<StreamWriteCapability> DEFAULT_WRITE_CAPABILITIES
        = JacksonFeatureSet.fromDefaults(StreamWriteCapability.values());

     * Default set of {@link StreamWriteCapability}ies for typical textual formats,
     * to use either as-is, or as a base with possible differences.
     * @since 2.12
    protected final static JacksonFeatureSet<StreamWriteCapability> DEFAULT_TEXTUAL_WRITE_CAPABILITIES

     * Default set of {@link StreamWriteCapability}ies for typical binary formats,
     * to use either as-is, or as a base with possible differences.
     * @since 2.12
    protected final static JacksonFeatureSet<StreamWriteCapability> DEFAULT_BINARY_WRITE_CAPABILITIES

     * Enumeration that defines all togglable features for generators.
    public enum Feature {
        // // Low-level I/O / content features

         * Feature that determines whether generator will automatically
         * close underlying output target that is NOT owned by the
         * generator.
         * If disabled, calling application has to separately
         * close the underlying {@link OutputStream} and {@link Writer}
         * instances used to create the generator. If enabled, generator
         * will handle closing, as long as generator itself gets closed:
         * this happens when end-of-input is encountered, or generator
         * is closed by a call to {@link JsonGenerator#close}.
         * Feature is enabled by default.

         * Feature that determines what happens when the generator is
         * closed while there are still unmatched
         * {@link JsonToken#START_ARRAY} or {@link JsonToken#START_OBJECT}
         * entries in output content. If enabled, such Array(s) and/or
         * Object(s) are automatically closed; if disabled, nothing
         * specific is done.
         * Feature is enabled by default.

         * Feature that specifies that calls to {@link #flush} will cause
         * matching <code>flush()</code> to underlying {@link OutputStream}
         * or {@link Writer}; if disabled this will not be done.
         * Main reason to disable this feature is to prevent flushing at
         * generator level, if it is not possible to prevent method being
         * called by other code (like <code>ObjectMapper</code> or third
         * party libraries).
         * Feature is enabled by default.

        // // Quoting-related features
         * Feature that determines whether JSON Object field names are
         * quoted using double-quotes, as specified by JSON specification
         * or not. Ability to disable quoting was added to support use
         * cases where they are not usually expected, which most commonly
         * occurs when used straight from Javascript.
         * Feature is enabled by default (since it is required by JSON specification).
         * @deprecated Since 2.10 use {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonWriteFeature#QUOTE_FIELD_NAMES} instead

         * Feature that determines whether "exceptional" (not real number)
         * float/double values are output as quoted strings.
         * The values checked are Double.Nan,
         * Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY and Double.NEGATIVE_INIFINTY (and 
         * associated Float values).
         * If feature is disabled, these numbers are still output using
         * associated literal values, resulting in non-conformant
         * output.
         * Feature is enabled by default.
         * @deprecated Since 2.10 use {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonWriteFeature#WRITE_NAN_AS_STRINGS} instead

        // // Character escaping features

         * Feature that specifies that all characters beyond 7-bit ASCII
         * range (i.e. code points of 128 and above) need to be output
         * using format-specific escapes (for JSON, backslash escapes),
         * if format uses escaping mechanisms (which is generally true
         * for textual formats but not for binary formats).
         * Note that this setting may not necessarily make sense for all
         * data formats (for example, binary formats typically do not use
         * any escaping mechanisms; and some textual formats do not have
         * general-purpose escaping); if so, settings is simply ignored.
         * Put another way, effects of this feature are data-format specific.
         * Feature is disabled by default.
         * @deprecated Since 2.10 use {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonWriteFeature#ESCAPE_NON_ASCII} instead

        // // Datatype coercion features

         * Feature that forces all Java numbers to be written as Strings,
         * even if the underlying data format has non-textual representation
         * (which is the case for JSON as well as all binary formats).
         * Default state is 'false', meaning that Java numbers are to
         * be serialized using basic numeric serialization (as JSON
         * numbers, integral or floating point, for example).
         * If enabled, all such numeric values are instead written out as
         * textual values (which for JSON means quoted in double-quotes).
         * One use case is to avoid problems with Javascript limitations:
         * since Javascript standard specifies that all number handling
         * should be done using 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point values,
         * result being that some 64-bit integer values can not be
         * accurately represent (as mantissa is only 51 bit wide).
         * Feature is disabled by default.
         * @deprecated Since 2.10 use {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonWriteFeature#WRITE_NUMBERS_AS_STRINGS} instead

         * Feature that determines whether {@link java.math.BigDecimal} entries are
         * serialized using {@link java.math.BigDecimal#toPlainString()} to prevent
         * values to be written using scientific notation.
         * NOTE: only affects generators that serialize {@link java.math.BigDecimal}s
         * using textual representation (textual formats but potentially some binary
         * formats).
         * Feature is disabled by default, so default output mode is used; this generally
         * depends on how {@link BigDecimal} has been created.
         * @since 2.3

        // // Schema/Validity support features

         * Feature that determines whether {@link JsonGenerator} will explicitly
         * check that no duplicate JSON Object field names are written.
         * If enabled, generator will check all names within context and report
         * duplicates by throwing a {@link JsonGenerationException}; if disabled,
         * no such checking will be done. Assumption in latter case is
         * that caller takes care of not trying to write duplicate names.
         * Note that enabling this feature will incur performance overhead
         * due to having to store and check additional information.
         * Feature is disabled by default.
         * @since 2.3
         * Feature that determines what to do if the underlying data format requires knowledge
         * of all properties to output, and if no definition is found for a property that
         * caller tries to write. If enabled, such properties will be quietly ignored;
         * if disabled, a {@link JsonProcessingException} will be thrown to indicate the
         * problem.
         * Typically most textual data formats do NOT require schema information (although
         * some do, such as CSV), whereas many binary data formats do require definitions
         * (such as Avro, protobuf), although not all (Smile, CBOR, BSON and MessagePack do not).
         * Note that support for this feature is implemented by individual data format
         * module, if (and only if) it makes sense for the format in question. For JSON,
         * for example, this feature has no effect as properties need not be pre-defined.
         * Feature is disabled by default, meaning that if the underlying data format
         * requires knowledge of all properties to output, attempts to write an unknown
         * property will result in a {@link JsonProcessingException}
         * @since 2.5

        // // Misc other

         * Alias for {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.StreamWriteFeature#USE_FAST_DOUBLE_WRITER} instead
         * @since 2.14
         * @deprecated Use {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.StreamWriteFeature#USE_FAST_DOUBLE_WRITER} instead

         * Feature that specifies that hex values are encoded with capital letters.
         * Can be disabled to have a better possibility to compare between other Json
         * writer libraries, such as JSON.stringify from Javascript.
         * Feature is enabled by default.
         * @since 2.14
         * @deprecated Use {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonWriteFeature#WRITE_HEX_UPPER_CASE} instead

        private final boolean _defaultState;
        private final int _mask;
         * Method that calculates bit set (flags) of all features that
         * are enabled by default.
         * @return Bit field of the features that are enabled by default
        public static int collectDefaults()
            int flags = 0;
            for (Feature f : values()) {
                if (f.enabledByDefault()) {
                    flags |= f.getMask();
            return flags;
        private Feature(boolean defaultState) {
            _defaultState = defaultState;
            _mask = (1 << ordinal());

        public boolean enabledByDefault() { return _defaultState; }

        // @since 2.3
        public boolean enabledIn(int flags) { return (flags & _mask) != 0; }

        public int getMask() { return _mask; }

    /* Configuration

     * Object that handles pretty-printing (usually additional
     * white space to make results more human-readable) during
     * output. If null, no pretty-printing is done.
    protected PrettyPrinter _cfgPrettyPrinter;

    /* Construction, initialization
    protected JsonGenerator() { }

     * Method that can be called to set or reset the object to
     * use for writing Java objects as JsonContent
     * (using method {@link #writeObject}).
     * @param oc Codec to assign, if any; {@code null} if none
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
    public abstract JsonGenerator setCodec(ObjectCodec oc);

     * Method for accessing the object used for writing Java
     * object as JSON content
     * (using method {@link #writeObject}).
     * @return Codec assigned to this generator, if any; {@code null} if none
    public abstract ObjectCodec getCodec();

     * Accessor for finding out version of the bundle that provided this generator instance.
     * @return Version of this generator (derived from version declared for
     *   {@code jackson-core} jar that contains the class
    public abstract Version version();

    /* Public API, state, output configuration access

     * Accessor for context object that provides information about low-level
     * logical position withing output token stream.
     * @return Stream output context ({@link JsonStreamContext}) associated with this generator
    public abstract JsonStreamContext getOutputContext();

     * Method that can be used to get access to object that is used
     * as target for generated output; this is usually either
     * {@link OutputStream} or {@link Writer}, depending on what
     * generator was constructed with.
     * Note that returned value may be null in some cases; including
     * case where implementation does not want to exposed raw
     * source to caller.
     * In cases where output has been decorated, object returned here
     * is the decorated version; this allows some level of interaction
     * between users of generator and decorator object.
     * In general use of this accessor should be considered as
     * "last effort", i.e. only used if no other mechanism is applicable.
     * @return Output target this generator was configured with
    public Object getOutputTarget() {
        return null;

     * Helper method, usually equivalent to:
     *   getOutputContext().getCurrentValue();
     * Note that "current value" is NOT populated (or used) by Streaming parser or generators;
     * it is only used by higher-level data-binding functionality.
     * The reason it is included here is that it can be stored and accessed hierarchically,
     * and gets passed through data-binding.
     * @return "Current value" associated with the current context (state) of this generator
     * @since 2.13 (added as replacement for older {@link #getCurrentValue()}
    public Object currentValue() {
        // TODO: implement directly in 2.14 or later, make getCurrentValue() call this
        return getCurrentValue();

     * Helper method, usually equivalent to:
     *   getOutputContext().setCurrentValue(v);
     * @param v Current value to assign for the current context of this generator
     * @since 2.13 (added as replacement for older {@link #setCurrentValue}
    public void assignCurrentValue(Object v) {
        // TODO: implement directly in 2.14 or later, make setCurrentValue() call this

    // TODO: deprecate in 2.14 or later
     * Alias for {@link #currentValue()}, to be deprecated in later
     * Jackson 2.x versions (and removed from Jackson 3.0).
     * @return Location of the last processed input unit (byte or character)
    public Object getCurrentValue() {
        JsonStreamContext ctxt = getOutputContext();
        return (ctxt == null) ? null : ctxt.getCurrentValue();

    // TODO: deprecate in 2.14 or later
     * Alias for {@link #assignCurrentValue}, to be deprecated in later
     * Jackson 2.x versions (and removed from Jackson 3.0).
     * @param v Current value to assign for the current context of this generator
    public void setCurrentValue(Object v) {
        JsonStreamContext ctxt = getOutputContext();
        if (ctxt != null) {

    /* Public API, Feature configuration

     * Method for enabling specified generator feature:
     * check {@link Feature} for list of available features.
     * @param f Feature to enable
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
    public abstract JsonGenerator enable(Feature f);

     * Method for disabling specified feature
     * (check {@link Feature} for list of features)
     * @param f Feature to disable
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
    public abstract JsonGenerator disable(Feature f);

     * Method for enabling or disabling specified feature:
     * check {@link Feature} for list of available features.
     * @param f Feature to enable or disable
     * @param state Whether to enable ({@code true}) or disable ({@code false}) feature
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
    public final JsonGenerator configure(Feature f, boolean state) {
        if (state) enable(f); else disable(f);
        return this;

     * Method for checking whether given feature is enabled.
     * Check {@link Feature} for list of available features.
     * @param f Feature to check
     * @return True if specified feature is enabled; false if not
    public abstract boolean isEnabled(Feature f);

     * Method for checking whether given feature is enabled.
     * Check {@link Feature} for list of available features.
     * @param f Feature to check
     * @return True if specified feature is enabled; false if not
     * @since 2.10
    public boolean isEnabled(StreamWriteFeature f) {
        return isEnabled(f.mappedFeature());

     * Bulk access method for getting state of all standard (non-dataformat-specific)
     * {@link JsonGenerator.Feature}s.
     * @return Bit mask that defines current states of all standard {@link JsonGenerator.Feature}s.
     * @since 2.3
    public abstract int getFeatureMask();

     * Bulk set method for (re)setting states of all standard {@link Feature}s
     * @since 2.3
     * @param values Bitmask that defines which {@link Feature}s are enabled
     *    and which disabled
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
     * @deprecated Since 2.7, use {@link #overrideStdFeatures(int, int)} instead -- remove from 2.9
    public abstract JsonGenerator setFeatureMask(int values);

     * Bulk set method for (re)setting states of features specified by <code>mask</code>.
     * Functionally equivalent to
     *    int oldState = getFeatureMask();
     *    int newState = (oldState &amp; ~mask) | (values &amp; mask);
     *    setFeatureMask(newState);
     * but preferred as this lets caller more efficiently specify actual changes made.
     * @param values Bit mask of set/clear state for features to change
     * @param mask Bit mask of features to change
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
     * @since 2.6
    public JsonGenerator overrideStdFeatures(int values, int mask) {
        int oldState = getFeatureMask();
        int newState = (oldState & ~mask) | (values & mask);
        return setFeatureMask(newState);

     * Bulk access method for getting state of all {@link FormatFeature}s, format-specific
     * on/off configuration settings.
     * @return Bit mask that defines current states of all standard {@link FormatFeature}s.
     * @since 2.6
    public int getFormatFeatures() {
        return 0;
     * Bulk set method for (re)setting states of {@link FormatFeature}s,
     * by specifying values (set / clear) along with a mask, to determine
     * which features to change, if any.
     * Default implementation will simply throw an exception to indicate that
     * the generator implementation does not support any {@link FormatFeature}s.
     * @param values Bit mask of set/clear state for features to change
     * @param mask Bit mask of features to change
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
     * @since 2.6
    public JsonGenerator overrideFormatFeatures(int values, int mask) {
        // 08-Oct-2018, tatu: For 2.10 we actually do get `JsonWriteFeature`s, although they
        //    are (for 2.x only, not for 3.x) mapper to legacy settings. So do not freak out:
//        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No FormatFeatures defined for generator of type "+getClass().getName());
        return this;

    /* Public API, Schema configuration

     * Method to call to make this generator use specified schema.
     * Method must be called before generating any content, right after instance
     * has been created.
     * Note that not all generators support schemas; and those that do usually only
     * accept specific types of schemas: ones defined for data format this generator
     * produces.
     * If generator does not support specified schema, {@link UnsupportedOperationException}
     * is thrown.
     * @param schema Schema to use
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if generator does not support schema
    public void setSchema(FormatSchema schema) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format(
                "Generator of type %s does not support schema of type '%s'",
                getClass().getName(), schema.getSchemaType()));

     * Method for accessing Schema that this generator uses, if any; {@code null} if none.
     * Default implementation returns null.
     * @return Schema in use by this generator, if any; {@code null} if none
    public FormatSchema getSchema() { return null; }

    /* Public API, other configuration

     * Method for setting a custom pretty printer, which is usually
     * used to add indentation for improved human readability.
     * By default, generator does not do pretty printing.
     * To use the default pretty printer that comes with core
     * Jackson distribution, call {@link #useDefaultPrettyPrinter}
     * instead.
     * @param pp {@code PrettyPrinter} to assign, if any; {@code null} if none
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
    public JsonGenerator setPrettyPrinter(PrettyPrinter pp) {
        _cfgPrettyPrinter = pp;
        return this;

     * Accessor for checking whether this generator has a configured
     * {@link PrettyPrinter}; returns it if so, null if none configured.
     * @return {@link PrettyPrinter} configured for this generator, if any; {@code null} if none
    public PrettyPrinter getPrettyPrinter() {
        return _cfgPrettyPrinter;
     * Convenience method for enabling pretty-printing using
     * the default pretty printer
     * ({@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.DefaultPrettyPrinter}).
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
    public abstract JsonGenerator useDefaultPrettyPrinter();

     * Method that can be called to request that generator escapes
     * all character codes above specified code point (if positive value);
     * or, to not escape any characters except for ones that must be
     * escaped for the data format (if -1).
     * To force escaping of all non-ASCII characters, for example,
     * this method would be called with value of 127.
     * Note that generators are NOT required to support setting of value
     * higher than 127, because there are other ways to affect quoting
     * (or lack thereof) of character codes between 0 and 127.
     * Not all generators support concept of escaping, either; if so,
     * calling this method will have no effect.
     * Default implementation does nothing; sub-classes need to redefine
     * it according to rules of supported data format.
     * @param charCode Either -1 to indicate that no additional escaping
     *   is to be done; or highest code point not to escape (meaning higher
     *   ones will be), if positive value.
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
    public JsonGenerator setHighestNonEscapedChar(int charCode) { return this; }

     * Accessor method for testing what is the highest unescaped character
     * configured for this generator. This may be either positive value
     * (when escaping configuration has been set and is in effect), or
     * 0 to indicate that no additional escaping is in effect.
     * Some generators may not support additional escaping: for example,
     * generators for binary formats that do not use escaping should
     * simply return 0.
     * @return Currently active limitation for highest non-escaped character,
     *   if defined; or 0 to indicate no additional escaping is performed.
    public int getHighestEscapedChar() { return 0; }

     * Method for accessing custom escapes factory uses for {@link JsonGenerator}s
     * it creates.
     * @return {@link CharacterEscapes} configured for this generator, if any; {@code null} if none
    public CharacterEscapes getCharacterEscapes() { return null; }

     * Method for defining custom escapes factory uses for {@link JsonGenerator}s
     * it creates.
     * Default implementation does nothing and simply returns this instance.
     * @param esc {@link CharacterEscapes} to configure this generator to use, if any; {@code null} if none
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
    public JsonGenerator setCharacterEscapes(CharacterEscapes esc) { return this; }

     * Method that allows overriding String used for separating root-level
     * JSON values (default is single space character)
     * Default implementation throws {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @param sep Separator to use, if any; null means that no separator is
     *   automatically added
     * @return This generator, to allow call chaining
    public JsonGenerator setRootValueSeparator(SerializableString sep) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    /* Public API, output state access

     * Method for verifying amount of content that is buffered by generator
     * but not yet flushed to the underlying target (stream, writer),
     * in units (byte, char) that the generator implementation uses for buffering;
     * or -1 if this information is not available.
     * Unit used is often the same as the unit of underlying target (that is,
     * `byte` for {@link java.io.OutputStream}, `char` for {@link java.io.Writer}),
     * but may differ if buffering is done before encoding.
     * Default JSON-backed implementations do use matching units.
     * Note: non-JSON implementations will be retrofitted for 2.6 and beyond;
     * please report if you see -1 (missing override)
     * @return Amount of content buffered in internal units, if amount known and
     *    accessible; -1 if not accessible.
     * @since 2.6
    public int getOutputBuffered() {
        return -1;

    /* Public API, capability introspection methods

     * Method that can be used to verify that given schema can be used with
     * this generator (using {@link #setSchema}).
     * @param schema Schema to check
     * @return True if this generator can use given schema; false if not
    public boolean canUseSchema(FormatSchema schema) { return false; }
     * Introspection method that may be called to see if the underlying
     * data format supports some kind of Object Ids natively (many do not;
     * for example, JSON doesn't).
     * This method <b>must</b> be called prior to calling
     * {@link #writeObjectId} or {@link #writeObjectRef}.
     * Default implementation returns false; overridden by data formats
     * that do support native Object Ids. Caller is expected to either
     * use a non-native notation (explicit property or such), or fail,
     * in case it can not use native object ids.
     * @return {@code True} if this generator is capable of writing "native" Object Ids
     *   (which is typically determined by capabilities of the underlying format),
     *   {@code false} if not
     * @since 2.3
    public boolean canWriteObjectId() { return false; }

     * Introspection method that may be called to see if the underlying
     * data format supports some kind of Type Ids natively (many do not;
     * for example, JSON doesn't).
     * This method <b>must</b> be called prior to calling
     * {@link #writeTypeId}.
     * Default implementation returns false; overridden by data formats
     * that do support native Type Ids. Caller is expected to either
     * use a non-native notation (explicit property or such), or fail,
     * in case it can not use native type ids.
     * @return {@code True} if this generator is capable of writing "native" Type Ids
     *   (which is typically determined by capabilities of the underlying format),
     *   {@code false} if not
     * @since 2.3
    public boolean canWriteTypeId() { return false; }

     * Introspection method that may be called to see if the underlying
     * data format supports "native" binary data; that is, an efficient
     * output of binary content without encoding.
     * Default implementation returns false; overridden by data formats
     * that do support native binary content.
     * @return {@code True} if this generator is capable of writing "raw" Binary
     *   Content
     *   (this is typically determined by capabilities of the underlying format);
     *   {@code false} if not
     * @since 2.3
    public boolean canWriteBinaryNatively() { return false; }
     * Introspection method to call to check whether it is ok to omit
     * writing of Object fields or not. Most formats do allow omission,
     * but certain positional formats (such as CSV) require output of
     * placeholders, even if no real values are to be emitted.
     * @return {@code True} if this generator is allowed to only write values
     *   of some Object fields and omit the rest; {@code false} if not
     * @since 2.3
    public boolean canOmitFields() { return true; }

     * Introspection method to call to check whether it is possible
     * to write numbers using {@link #writeNumber(java.lang.String)}
     * using possible custom format, or not. Typically textual formats
     * allow this (and JSON specifically does), whereas binary formats
     * do not allow this (except by writing them as Strings).
     * Usual reason for calling this method is to check whether custom
     * formatting of numbers may be applied by higher-level code (databinding)
     * or not.
     * @return {@code True} if this generator is capable of writing "formatted"
     *   numbers (and if so, need to be passed using
     *   {@link #writeNumber(String)}, that is, passed as {@code String});
     *   {@code false} if not
     * @since 2.8
    public boolean canWriteFormattedNumbers() { return false; }

     * Accessor for getting metadata on capabilities of this generator, based on
     * underlying data format being read (directly or indirectly).
     * @return Set of write capabilities for content written using this generator
     * @since 2.12
    public JacksonFeatureSet<StreamWriteCapability> getWriteCapabilities() {

    /* Public API, write methods, structural

     * Method for writing starting marker of a Array value
     * (for JSON this is character '['; plus possible white space decoration
     * if pretty-printing is enabled).
     * Array values can be written in any context where values
     * are allowed: meaning everywhere except for when
     * a field name is expected.
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeStartArray() throws IOException;

     * Method for writing start marker of an Array value, similar
     * to {@link #writeStartArray()},
     * but also specifying how many
     * elements will be written for the array before calling
     * {@link #writeEndArray()}.
     * Default implementation simply calls {@link #writeStartArray()}.
     * @param size Number of elements this array will have: actual
     *   number of values written (before matching call to
     *   {@link #writeEndArray()} MUST match; generator MAY verify
     *   this is the case (and SHOULD if format itself encodes length)
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.4
     * @deprecated Since 2.12 Use {@link #writeStartArray(Object, int)} instead
    public void writeStartArray(int size) throws IOException {

     * Method for writing start marker of an Array value, similar
     * to {@link #writeStartArray()},
     * but also specifying the "current value"
     * to assign to the new Array context being created.
     * @param forValue "Current value" to assign for the Array context being created
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.10
    public void writeStartArray(Object forValue) throws IOException {

     * Method for writing start marker of an Array value, similar
     * to {@link #writeStartArray()}, but also specifying the "current value"
     * to assign to the new Array context being created
     * as well as how many elements will be written for the array before calling
     * {@link #writeEndArray()}.
     * @param forValue "Current value" to assign for the Array context being created
     * @param size Number of elements this Array will have: actual
     *   number of values written (before matching call to
     *   {@link #writeEndArray()} MUST match; generator MAY verify
     *   this is the case (and SHOULD if format itself encodes length)
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.10
    public void writeStartArray(Object forValue, int size) throws IOException {

     * Method for writing closing marker of a JSON Array value
     * (character ']'; plus possible white space decoration
     * if pretty-printing is enabled).
     * Marker can be written if the innermost structured type
     * is Array.
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeEndArray() throws IOException;

     * Method for writing starting marker of an Object value
     * (character '{'; plus possible white space decoration
     * if pretty-printing is enabled).
     * Object values can be written in any context where values
     * are allowed: meaning everywhere except for when
     * a field name is expected.
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeStartObject() throws IOException;

     * Method for writing starting marker of an Object value
     * to represent the given Java Object value.
     * Argument is offered as metadata, but more
     * importantly it should be assigned as the "current value"
     * for the Object content that gets constructed and initialized.
     * Object values can be written in any context where values
     * are allowed: meaning everywhere except for when
     * a field name is expected.
     * @param forValue "Current value" to assign for the Object context being created
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.8
    public void writeStartObject(Object forValue) throws IOException

     * Method for writing starting marker of an Object value
     * to represent the given Java Object value.
     * Argument is offered as metadata, but more
     * importantly it should be assigned as the "current value"
     * for the Object content that gets constructed and initialized.
     * In addition, caller knows number of key/value pairs ("properties")
     * that will get written for the Object value: this is relevant for
     * some format backends (but not, as an example, for JSON).
     * Object values can be written in any context where values
     * are allowed: meaning everywhere except for when
     * a field name is expected.
     * @param forValue "Current value" to assign for the Object context being created
     * @param size Number of key/value pairs this Object will have: actual
     *   number of entries written (before matching call to
     *   {@link #writeEndObject()} MUST match; generator MAY verify
     *   this is the case (and SHOULD if format itself encodes length)
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.10
    public void writeStartObject(Object forValue, int size) throws IOException

     * Method for writing closing marker of an Object value
     * (character '}'; plus possible white space decoration
     * if pretty-printing is enabled).
     * Marker can be written if the innermost structured type
     * is Object, and the last written event was either a
     * complete value, or START-OBJECT marker (see JSON specification
     * for more details).
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeEndObject() throws IOException;

     * Method for writing a field name (JSON String surrounded by
     * double quotes: syntactically identical to a JSON String value),
     * possibly decorated by white space if pretty-printing is enabled.
     * Field names can only be written in Object context (check out
     * JSON specification for details), when field name is expected
     * (field names alternate with values).
     * @param name Field name to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeFieldName(String name) throws IOException;

     * Method similar to {@link #writeFieldName(String)}, main difference
     * being that it may perform better as some of processing (such as
     * quoting of certain characters, or encoding into external encoding
     * if supported by generator) can be done just once and reused for
     * later calls.
     * Default implementation simple uses unprocessed name container in
     * serialized String; implementations are strongly encouraged to make
     * use of more efficient methods argument object has.
     * @param name Field name to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeFieldName(SerializableString name) throws IOException;

     * Alternative to {@link #writeFieldName(String)} that may be used
     * in cases where property key is of numeric type; either where
     * underlying format supports such notion (some binary formats do,
     * unlike JSON), or for convenient conversion into String presentation.
     * Default implementation will simply convert id into <code>String</code>
     * and call {@link #writeFieldName(String)}.
     * @param id Field id to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.8
    public void writeFieldId(long id) throws IOException {

    /* Public API, write methods, scalar arrays (2.8)

     * Value write method that can be called to write a single
     * array (sequence of {@link JsonToken#START_ARRAY}, zero or
     * more {@link JsonToken#VALUE_NUMBER_INT}, {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY})
     * @param array Array that contains values to write
     * @param offset Offset of the first element to write, within array
     * @param length Number of elements in array to write, from `offset` to `offset + len - 1`
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.8
    public void writeArray(int[] array, int offset, int length) throws IOException
        if (array == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("null array");
        _verifyOffsets(array.length, offset, length);
        writeStartArray(array, length);
        for (int i = offset, end = offset+length; i < end; ++i) {

     * Value write method that can be called to write a single
     * array (sequence of {@link JsonToken#START_ARRAY}, zero or
     * more {@link JsonToken#VALUE_NUMBER_INT}, {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY})
     * @param array Array that contains values to write
     * @param offset Offset of the first element to write, within array
     * @param length Number of elements in array to write, from `offset` to `offset + len - 1`
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.8
    public void writeArray(long[] array, int offset, int length) throws IOException
        if (array == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("null array");
        _verifyOffsets(array.length, offset, length);
        writeStartArray(array, length);
        for (int i = offset, end = offset+length; i < end; ++i) {

     * Value write method that can be called to write a single
     * array (sequence of {@link JsonToken#START_ARRAY}, zero or
     * more {@link JsonToken#VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT}, {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY})
     * @param array Array that contains values to write
     * @param offset Offset of the first element to write, within array
     * @param length Number of elements in array to write, from `offset` to `offset + len - 1`
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.8
    public void writeArray(double[] array, int offset, int length) throws IOException
        if (array == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("null array");
        _verifyOffsets(array.length, offset, length);
        writeStartArray(array, length);
        for (int i = offset, end = offset+length; i < end; ++i) {

     * Value write method that can be called to write a single
     * array (sequence of {@link JsonToken#START_ARRAY}, zero or
     * more {@link JsonToken#VALUE_STRING}, {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY})
     * @param array Array that contains values to write
     * @param offset Offset of the first element to write, within array
     * @param length Number of elements in array to write, from `offset` to `offset + len - 1`
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.11
    public void writeArray(String[] array, int offset, int length) throws IOException
        if (array == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("null array");
        _verifyOffsets(array.length, offset, length);
        writeStartArray(array, length);
        for (int i = offset, end = offset+length; i < end; ++i) {

    /* Public API, write methods, text/String values

     * Method for outputting a String value. Depending on context
     * this means either array element, (object) field value or
     * a stand alone String; but in all cases, String will be
     * surrounded in double quotes, and contents will be properly
     * escaped as required by JSON specification.
     * @param text Text value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeString(String text) throws IOException;

     * Method for outputting a String value. Depending on context
     * this means either array element, (object) field value or
     * a stand alone String; but in all cases, String will be
     * surrounded in double quotes, and contents will be properly
     * escaped as required by JSON specification.
     * If {@code len} is &lt; 0, then write all contents of the reader.
     * Otherwise, write only len characters.
     * Note: actual length of content available may exceed {@code len} but
     * can not be less than it: if not enough content available, a
     * {@link JsonGenerationException} will be thrown.
     * @param reader Reader to use for reading Text value to write
     * @param len Maximum Length of Text value to read (in {@code char}s, non-negative)
     *    if known; {@code -1} to indicate "read and write it all"
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer; or if length ({@code len}) is specified but
     *    {@code reader} does not provide enough content
     * @since 2.9
    public void writeString(Reader reader, int len) throws IOException {
        // Implemented as "unsupported" for backwards compatibility

     * Method for outputting a String value. Depending on context
     * this means either array element, (object) field value or
     * a stand alone String; but in all cases, String will be
     * surrounded in double quotes, and contents will be properly
     * escaped as required by JSON specification.
     * @param buffer Buffer that contains String value to write
     * @param offset Offset in {@code buffer} of the first character of String value to write
     * @param len Length of the String value (in characters) to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeString(char[] buffer, int offset, int len) throws IOException;

     * Method similar to {@link #writeString(String)}, but that takes
     * {@link SerializableString} which can make this potentially
     * more efficient to call as generator may be able to reuse
     * quoted and/or encoded representation.
     * Default implementation just calls {@link #writeString(String)};
     * sub-classes should override it with more efficient implementation
     * if possible.
     * @param text Pre-encoded String value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeString(SerializableString text) throws IOException;

     * Method similar to {@link #writeString(String)} but that takes as
     * its input a UTF-8 encoded String that is to be output as-is, without additional
     * escaping (type of which depends on data format; backslashes for JSON).
     * However, quoting that data format requires (like double-quotes for JSON) will be added
     * around the value if and as necessary.
     * Note that some backends may choose not to support this method: for
     * example, if underlying destination is a {@link java.io.Writer}
     * using this method would require UTF-8 decoding.
     * If so, implementation may instead choose to throw a
     * {@link UnsupportedOperationException} due to ineffectiveness
     * of having to decode input.
     * @param buffer Buffer that contains String value to write
     * @param offset Offset in {@code buffer} of the first byte of String value to write
     * @param len Length of the String value (in characters) to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeRawUTF8String(byte[] buffer, int offset, int len)
        throws IOException;

     * Method similar to {@link #writeString(String)} but that takes as its input
     * a UTF-8 encoded String which has <b>not</b> been escaped using whatever
     * escaping scheme data format requires (for JSON that is backslash-escaping
     * for control characters and double-quotes; for other formats something else).
     * This means that textual JSON backends need to check if value needs
     * JSON escaping, but otherwise can just be copied as is to output.
     * Also, quoting that data format requires (like double-quotes for JSON) will be added
     * around the value if and as necessary.
     * Note that some backends may choose not to support this method: for
     * example, if underlying destination is a {@link java.io.Writer}
     * using this method would require UTF-8 decoding.
     * In this case
     * generator implementation may instead choose to throw a
     * {@link UnsupportedOperationException} due to ineffectiveness
     * of having to decode input.
     * @param buffer Buffer that contains String value to write
     * @param offset Offset in {@code buffer} of the first byte of String value to write
     * @param len Length of the String value (in characters) to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeUTF8String(byte[] buffer, int offset, int len)
        throws IOException;

    /* Public API, write methods, binary/raw content

     * Method that will force generator to copy
     * input text verbatim with <b>no</b> modifications (including
     * that no escaping is done and no separators are added even
     * if context [array, object] would otherwise require such).
     * If such separators are desired, use
     * {@link #writeRawValue(String)} instead.
     * Note that not all generator implementations necessarily support
     * such by-pass methods: those that do not will throw
     * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @param text Textual contents to include as-is in output.
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeRaw(String text) throws IOException;

     * Method that will force generator to copy
     * input text verbatim with <b>no</b> modifications (including
     * that no escaping is done and no separators are added even
     * if context [array, object] would otherwise require such).
     * If such separators are desired, use
     * {@link #writeRawValue(String)} instead.
     * Note that not all generator implementations necessarily support
     * such by-pass methods: those that do not will throw
     * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @param text String that has contents to include as-is in output
     * @param offset Offset within {@code text} of the first character to output
     * @param len Length of content (from {@code text}, starting at offset {@code offset}) to output
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeRaw(String text, int offset, int len) throws IOException;

     * Method that will force generator to copy
     * input text verbatim with <b>no</b> modifications (including
     * that no escaping is done and no separators are added even
     * if context [array, object] would otherwise require such).
     * If such separators are desired, use
     * {@link #writeRawValue(String)} instead.
     * Note that not all generator implementations necessarily support
     * such by-pass methods: those that do not will throw
     * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @param text Buffer that has contents to include as-is in output
     * @param offset Offset within {@code text} of the first character to output
     * @param len Length of content (from {@code text}, starting at offset {@code offset}) to output
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeRaw(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException;

     * Method that will force generator to copy
     * input text verbatim with <b>no</b> modifications (including
     * that no escaping is done and no separators are added even
     * if context [array, object] would otherwise require such).
     * If such separators are desired, use
     * {@link #writeRawValue(String)} instead.
     * Note that not all generator implementations necessarily support
     * such by-pass methods: those that do not will throw
     * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @param c Character to included in output
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeRaw(char c) throws IOException;

     * Method that will force generator to copy
     * input text verbatim with <b>no</b> modifications (including
     * that no escaping is done and no separators are added even
     * if context [array, object] would otherwise require such).
     * If such separators are desired, use
     * {@link #writeRawValue(String)} instead.
     * Note that not all generator implementations necessarily support
     * such by-pass methods: those that do not will throw
     * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * The default implementation delegates to {@link #writeRaw(String)};
     * other backends that support raw inclusion of text are encouraged
     * to implement it in more efficient manner (especially if they
     * use UTF-8 encoding).
     * @param raw Pre-encoded textual contents to included in output
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
//    public abstract void writeRaw(SerializableString raw) throws IOException;
    public void writeRaw(SerializableString raw) throws IOException {

     * Method that will force generator to copy
     * input text verbatim without any modifications, but assuming
     * it must constitute a single legal JSON value (number, string,
     * boolean, null, Array or List). Assuming this, proper separators
     * are added if and as needed (comma or colon), and generator
     * state updated to reflect this.
     * @param text Textual contents to included in output
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeRawValue(String text) throws IOException;

    public abstract void writeRawValue(String text, int offset, int len) throws IOException;

    public abstract void writeRawValue(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException;

     * Method similar to {@link #writeRawValue(String)}, but potentially more
     * efficient as it may be able to use pre-encoded content (similar to
     * {@link #writeRaw(SerializableString)}.
     * @param raw Pre-encoded textual contents to included in output
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.5
    public void writeRawValue(SerializableString raw) throws IOException {

     * Method that will output given chunk of binary data as base64
     * encoded, as a complete String value (surrounded by double quotes).
     * This method defaults
     * Note: because JSON Strings can not contain unescaped linefeeds,
     * if linefeeds are included (as per last argument), they must be
     * escaped. This adds overhead for decoding without improving
     * readability.
     * Alternatively if linefeeds are not included,
     * resulting String value may violate the requirement of base64
     * RFC which mandates line-length of 76 characters and use of
     * linefeeds. However, all {@link JsonParser} implementations
     * are required to accept such "long line base64"; as do
     * typical production-level base64 decoders.
     * @param bv Base64 variant to use: defines details such as
     *   whether padding is used (and if so, using which character);
     *   what is the maximum line length before adding linefeed,
     *   and also the underlying alphabet to use.
     * @param data Buffer that contains binary data to write
     * @param offset Offset in {@code data} of the first byte of data to write
     * @param len Length of data to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeBinary(Base64Variant bv,
            byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException;

     * Similar to {@link #writeBinary(Base64Variant,byte[],int,int)},
     * but default to using the Jackson default Base64 variant 
     * (which is {@link Base64Variants#MIME_NO_LINEFEEDS}).
     * @param data Buffer that contains binary data to write
     * @param offset Offset in {@code data} of the first byte of data to write
     * @param len Length of data to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeBinary(byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
        writeBinary(Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant(), data, offset, len);

     * Similar to {@link #writeBinary(Base64Variant,byte[],int,int)},
     * but assumes default to using the Jackson default Base64 variant 
     * (which is {@link Base64Variants#MIME_NO_LINEFEEDS}). Also
     * assumes that whole byte array is to be output.
     * @param data Buffer that contains binary data to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeBinary(byte[] data) throws IOException {
        writeBinary(Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant(), data, 0, data.length);

     * Similar to {@link #writeBinary(Base64Variant,InputStream,int)},
     * but assumes default to using the Jackson default Base64 variant 
     * (which is {@link Base64Variants#MIME_NO_LINEFEEDS}).
     * @param data InputStream to use for reading binary data to write.
     *    Will not be closed after successful write operation
     * @param dataLength (optional) number of bytes that will be available;
     *    or -1 to be indicate it is not known. Note that implementations
     *    need not support cases where length is not known in advance; this
     *    depends on underlying data format: JSON output does NOT require length,
     *    other formats may
     * @return Number of bytes actually written
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public int writeBinary(InputStream data, int dataLength)
        throws IOException {
        return writeBinary(Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant(), data, dataLength);
     * Method similar to {@link #writeBinary(Base64Variant,byte[],int,int)},
     * but where input is provided through a stream, allowing for incremental
     * writes without holding the whole input in memory.
     * @param bv Base64 variant to use
     * @param data InputStream to use for reading binary data to write.
     *    Will not be closed after successful write operation
     * @param dataLength (optional) number of bytes that will be available;
     *    or -1 to be indicate it is not known.
     *    If a positive length is given, <code>data</code> MUST provide at least
     *    that many bytes: if not, an exception will be thrown.
     *    Note that implementations
     *    need not support cases where length is not known in advance; this
     *    depends on underlying data format: JSON output does NOT require length,
     *    other formats may.
     * @return Number of bytes read from <code>data</code> and written as binary payload
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract int writeBinary(Base64Variant bv,
            InputStream data, int dataLength) throws IOException;

    /* Public API, write methods, numeric

     * Method for outputting given value as JSON number.
     * Can be called in any context where a value is expected
     * (Array value, Object field value, root-level value).
     * Additional white space may be added around the value
     * if pretty-printing is enabled.
     * @param v Number value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.2
    public void writeNumber(short v) throws IOException { writeNumber((int) v); }

     * Method for outputting given value as JSON number.
     * Can be called in any context where a value is expected
     * (Array value, Object field value, root-level value).
     * Additional white space may be added around the value
     * if pretty-printing is enabled.
     * @param v Number value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeNumber(int v) throws IOException;

     * Method for outputting given value as JSON number.
     * Can be called in any context where a value is expected
     * (Array value, Object field value, root-level value).
     * Additional white space may be added around the value
     * if pretty-printing is enabled.
     * @param v Number value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeNumber(long v) throws IOException;

     * Method for outputting given value as JSON number.
     * Can be called in any context where a value is expected
     * (Array value, Object field value, root-level value).
     * Additional white space may be added around the value
     * if pretty-printing is enabled.
     * @param v Number value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeNumber(BigInteger v) throws IOException;

     * Method for outputting indicate JSON numeric value.
     * Can be called in any context where a value is expected
     * (Array value, Object field value, root-level value).
     * Additional white space may be added around the value
     * if pretty-printing is enabled.
     * @param v Number value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeNumber(double v) throws IOException;

     * Method for outputting indicate JSON numeric value.
     * Can be called in any context where a value is expected
     * (Array value, Object field value, root-level value).
     * Additional white space may be added around the value
     * if pretty-printing is enabled.
     * @param v Number value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeNumber(float v) throws IOException;

     * Method for outputting indicate JSON numeric value.
     * Can be called in any context where a value is expected
     * (Array value, Object field value, root-level value).
     * Additional white space may be added around the value
     * if pretty-printing is enabled.
     * @param v Number value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeNumber(BigDecimal v) throws IOException;

     * Write method that can be used for custom numeric types that can
     * not be (easily?) converted to "standard" Java number types.
     * Because numbers are not surrounded by double quotes, regular
     * {@link #writeString} method can not be used; nor
     * {@link #writeRaw} because that does not properly handle
     * value separators needed in Array or Object contexts.
     * Note: because of lack of type safety, some generator
     * implementations may not be able to implement this
     * method. For example, if a binary JSON format is used,
     * it may require type information for encoding; similarly
     * for generator-wrappers around Java objects or JSON nodes.
     * If implementation does not implement this method,
     * it needs to throw {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @param encodedValue Textual (possibly format) number representation to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException If underlying data format does not
     *   support numbers serialized textually AND if generator is not allowed
     *   to just output a String instead (Schema-based formats may require actual
     *   number, for example)
    public abstract void writeNumber(String encodedValue) throws IOException;

     * Overloaded version of {@link #writeNumber(String)} with same semantics
     * but possibly more efficient operation.
     * @param encodedValueBuffer Buffer that contains the textual number representation to write
     * @param offset Offset of the first character of value to write
     * @param len Length of the value (in characters) to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.11
    public void writeNumber(char[] encodedValueBuffer, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
        writeNumber(new String(encodedValueBuffer, offset, len));

    /* Public API, write methods, other value types
     * Method for outputting literal JSON boolean value (one of
     * Strings 'true' and 'false').
     * Can be called in any context where a value is expected
     * (Array value, Object field value, root-level value).
     * Additional white space may be added around the value
     * if pretty-printing is enabled.
     * @param state Boolean value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeBoolean(boolean state) throws IOException;

     * Method for outputting literal JSON null value.
     * Can be called in any context where a value is expected
     * (Array value, Object field value, root-level value).
     * Additional white space may be added around the value
     * if pretty-printing is enabled.
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeNull() throws IOException;

     * Method that can be called on backends that support passing opaque native
     * values that some data formats support; not used with JSON backend,
     * more common with binary formats.
     * NOTE: this is NOT the method to call for serializing regular POJOs,
     * see {@link #writeObject} instead.
     * @param object Native format-specific value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.8
    public void writeEmbeddedObject(Object object) throws IOException {
        // 01-Sep-2016, tatu: As per [core#318], handle small number of cases
        if (object == null) {
        if (object instanceof byte[]) {
            writeBinary((byte[]) object);
        throw new JsonGenerationException("No native support for writing embedded objects of type "

    /* Public API, write methods, Native Ids (type, object)

     * Method that can be called to output so-called native Object Id.
     * Note that it may only be called after ensuring this is legal
     * (with {@link #canWriteObjectId()}), as not all data formats
     * have native type id support; and some may only allow them in
     * certain positions or locations.
     * If output is not allowed by the data format in this position,
     * a {@link JsonGenerationException} will be thrown.
     * @param id Native Object Id to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @throws JsonGenerationException if Object ID output is not allowed
     *   (either at all, or specifically in this position in output)
     * @since 2.3
    public void writeObjectId(Object id) throws IOException {
        throw new JsonGenerationException("No native support for writing Object Ids", this);

     * Method that can be called to output references to native Object Ids.
     * Note that it may only be called after ensuring this is legal
     * (with {@link #canWriteObjectId()}), as not all data formats
     * have native type id support; and some may only allow them in
     * certain positions or locations.
     * If output is not allowed by the data format in this position,
     * a {@link JsonGenerationException} will be thrown.
     * @param referenced Referenced value, for which Object Id is expected to be written
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @throws JsonGenerationException if Object ID output is not allowed
     *   (either at all, or specifically in this position in output)
    public void writeObjectRef(Object referenced) throws IOException {
        throw new JsonGenerationException("No native support for writing Object Ids", this);
     * Method that can be called to output so-called native Type Id.
     * Note that it may only be called after ensuring this is legal
     * (with {@link #canWriteTypeId()}), as not all data formats
     * have native type id support; and some may only allow them in
     * certain positions or locations.
     * If output is not allowed by the data format in this position,
     * a {@link JsonGenerationException} will be thrown.
     * @param id Native Type Id to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @throws JsonGenerationException if Type ID output is not allowed
     *   (either at all, or specifically in this position in output)
     * @since 2.3
    public void writeTypeId(Object id) throws IOException {
        throw new JsonGenerationException("No native support for writing Type Ids", this);

     * Replacement method for {@link #writeTypeId(Object)} which is called
     * regardless of whether format has native type ids. If it does have native
     * type ids, those are to be used (if configuration allows this), if not,
     * structural type id inclusion is to be used. For JSON, for example, no
     * native type ids exist and structural inclusion is always used.
     * NOTE: databind may choose to skip calling this method for some special cases
     * (and instead included type id via regular write methods and/or {@link #writeTypeId}
     * -- this is discouraged, but not illegal, and may be necessary as a work-around
     * in some cases.
     * @param typeIdDef Full Type Id definition
     * @return {@link WritableTypeId} for caller to retain and pass to matching
     *   {@link #writeTypeSuffix} call
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @throws JsonGenerationException if Type ID output is not allowed
     *   (either at all, or specifically in this position in output)
     * @since 2.9
    public WritableTypeId writeTypePrefix(WritableTypeId typeIdDef) throws IOException
        Object id = typeIdDef.id;

        final JsonToken valueShape = typeIdDef.valueShape;
        if (canWriteTypeId()) {
            typeIdDef.wrapperWritten = false;
            // just rely on native type output method (sub-classes likely to override)
        } else {
            // No native type id; write wrappers
            // Normally we only support String type ids (non-String reserved for native type ids)
            String idStr = (id instanceof String) ? (String) id : String.valueOf(id);
            typeIdDef.wrapperWritten = true;

            Inclusion incl = typeIdDef.include;
            // first: can not output "as property" if value not Object; if so, must do "as array"
            if ((valueShape != JsonToken.START_OBJECT)
                    && incl.requiresObjectContext()) {
                typeIdDef.include = incl = WritableTypeId.Inclusion.WRAPPER_ARRAY;
            switch (incl) {
            case PARENT_PROPERTY:
                // nothing to do here, as it has to be written in suffix...
            case PAYLOAD_PROPERTY:
                // only output as native type id; otherwise caller must handle using some
                // other mechanism, so...
            case METADATA_PROPERTY:
                // must have Object context by now, so simply write as field name
                // Note, too, that it's bit tricky, since we must print START_OBJECT that is part
                // of value first -- and then NOT output it later on: hence return "early"
                writeStringField(typeIdDef.asProperty, idStr);
                return typeIdDef;

            case WRAPPER_OBJECT:
                // NOTE: this is wrapper, not directly related to value to output, so don't pass
            case WRAPPER_ARRAY:
            default: // should never occur but translate as "as-array"
                writeStartArray(); // wrapper, not actual array object to write
        // and finally possible start marker for value itself:
        if (valueShape == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
        } else if (valueShape == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
            // should we now set the current object?
        return typeIdDef;

     * Method to call along with {@link #writeTypePrefix}, but after actual value
     * that has type id has been completely written. This allows post-processing
     * for some cases (for example if the actual Type Id is written at the END of
     * the value, not before or at the beginning).
     * @param typeIdDef Value returned by the earlier matching call to {@link #writeTypePrefix(WritableTypeId)}
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @throws JsonGenerationException if Type ID output is not allowed
     *   (either at all, or specifically in this position in output)
     * @return Argument {@code typeIdDef}, possibly modified
     * @since 2.9
    public WritableTypeId writeTypeSuffix(WritableTypeId typeIdDef) throws IOException
        final JsonToken valueShape = typeIdDef.valueShape;
        // First: does value need closing?
        if (valueShape == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
        } else if (valueShape == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {

        if (typeIdDef.wrapperWritten) {
            switch (typeIdDef.include) {
            case WRAPPER_ARRAY:
            case PARENT_PROPERTY:
                // unusually, need to output AFTER value. And no real wrapper...
                    Object id = typeIdDef.id;
                    String idStr = (id instanceof String) ? (String) id : String.valueOf(id);
                    writeStringField(typeIdDef.asProperty, idStr);
            case METADATA_PROPERTY:
            case PAYLOAD_PROPERTY:
                // no actual wrapper; included within Object itself
            case WRAPPER_OBJECT:
            default: // should never occur but...
        return typeIdDef;

    /* Public API, write methods, serializing Java objects

     * Method for writing given Java object (POJO) as JSON.
     * Exactly how the object gets written depends on object
     * in question (and on codec, its configuration); for
     * typical POJOs it will result in JSON Object, but for others JSON
     * Array, or String or numeric value (and for nulls, JSON
     * null literal).
     * <b>NOTE</b>: generator must have its {@code ObjectCodec}
     * set to non-null value; for generators created by a mapping
     * factory this is the case, for others not.
     * @param pojo Java value (usually POJO) to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.13 (to eventually replace {@link #writeObject(Object)}
    public void writePOJO(Object pojo) throws IOException {

    // TODO: deprecate in 2.14 or later
     * Older alias for {@link #writePOJO(Object)}
     * @param pojo Java value (usually POJO) to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeObject(Object pojo) throws IOException;

     * Method for writing given JSON tree (expressed as a tree
     * where given JsonNode is the root) using this generator.
     * This will generally just call
     * {@link #writeObject} with given node, but is added
     * for convenience and to make code more explicit in cases
     * where it deals specifically with trees.
     * @param rootNode {@link TreeNode} to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void writeTree(TreeNode rootNode) throws IOException;

    /* Public API, convenience field write methods

    // 04-Oct-2019, tatu: Reminder: these could be defined final to
    //    remember NOT to override in delegating sub-classes -- but
    //    not final in 2.x to reduce compatibility issues

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that contains specified data in base64-encoded form.
     * Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeBinary(value);
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param data Binary data for the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeBinaryField(String fieldName, byte[] data) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that has a boolean value. Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeBoolean(value);
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param value Boolean value of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeBooleanField(String fieldName, boolean value) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that has JSON literal value null. Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeNull();
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeNullField(String fieldName) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that has a String value. Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeString(value);
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param value String value of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeStringField(String fieldName, String value) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that has the specified numeric value. Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeNumber(value);
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param value Numeric value of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.11
    public void writeNumberField(String fieldName, short value) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that has the specified numeric value. Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeNumber(value);
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param value Numeric value of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeNumberField(String fieldName, int value) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that has the specified numeric value. Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeNumber(value);
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param value Numeric value of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeNumberField(String fieldName, long value) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that has the specified numeric value. Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeNumber(value);
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param value Numeric value of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.11
    public void writeNumberField(String fieldName, BigInteger value) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that has the specified numeric value. Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeNumber(value);
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param value Numeric value of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeNumberField(String fieldName, float value) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that has the specified numeric value. Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeNumber(value);
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param value Numeric value of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeNumberField(String fieldName, double value) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that has the specified numeric value.
     * Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeNumber(value);
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param value Numeric value of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeNumberField(String fieldName, BigDecimal value) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * (that will contain a JSON Array value), and the START_ARRAY marker.
     * Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeStartArray();
     * Note: caller still has to take care to close the array
     * (by calling {#link #writeEndArray}) after writing all values
     * of the value Array.
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeArrayFieldStart(String fieldName) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * (that will contain an Object value), and the START_OBJECT marker.
     * Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeStartObject();
     * Note: caller still has to take care to close the Object
     * (by calling {#link #writeEndObject}) after writing all
     * entries of the value Object.
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeObjectFieldStart(String fieldName) throws IOException {

     * Convenience method for outputting a field entry ("member")
     * that has contents of specific Java object as its value.
     * Equivalent to:
     *  writeFieldName(fieldName);
     *  writeObject(pojo);
     * NOTE: actual serialization of POJO value requires assigned {@code ObjectCodec}
     * and will delegate to that (usually {@code ObjectMapper} of databind layer)
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param pojo POJO value of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writePOJOField(String fieldName, Object pojo) throws IOException {
        writeObjectField(fieldName, pojo);

    // TODO: deprecate in 2.14 or later
     * Older alias for {@link #writePOJOField}
     * @param fieldName Name of the field to write
     * @param pojo POJO value of the field to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void writeObjectField(String fieldName, Object pojo) throws IOException {

    // // // But this method does need to be delegate so...
     * Method called to indicate that a property in this position was
     * skipped. It is usually only called for generators that return
     * <code>false</code> from {@link #canOmitFields()}.
     * Default implementation does nothing.
     * @param fieldName Name of the field omitted
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
     * @since 2.3
    public void writeOmittedField(String fieldName) throws IOException { }

    /* Public API, copy-through methods

     * Method for copying contents of the current event that
     * the given parser instance points to.
     * Note that the method <b>will not</b> copy any other events,
     * such as events contained within JSON Array or Object structures.
     * Calling this method will not advance the given
     * parser, although it may cause parser to internally process
     * more data (if it lazy loads contents of value events, for example)
     * @param p Parser that points to event (token) to copy
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void copyCurrentEvent(JsonParser p) throws IOException
        JsonToken t = p.currentToken();
        final int token = (t == null) ? ID_NOT_AVAILABLE : t.id();
        switch (token) {
        case ID_NOT_AVAILABLE:
            _reportError("No current event to copy");
            break; // never gets here
        case ID_START_OBJECT:
        case ID_END_OBJECT:
        case ID_START_ARRAY:
        case ID_END_ARRAY:
        case ID_FIELD_NAME:
        case ID_STRING:
            if (p.hasTextCharacters()) {
                writeString(p.getTextCharacters(), p.getTextOffset(), p.getTextLength());
            } else {
        case ID_NUMBER_INT:
            NumberType n = p.getNumberType();
            if (n == NumberType.INT) {
            } else if (n == NumberType.BIG_INTEGER) {
            } else {
        case ID_NUMBER_FLOAT:
            NumberType n = p.getNumberType();
            if (n == NumberType.BIG_DECIMAL) {
            } else if (n == NumberType.FLOAT) {
            } else {
        case ID_TRUE:
        case ID_FALSE:
        case ID_NULL:
        case ID_EMBEDDED_OBJECT:
            throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error: unknown current token, "+t);

     * Method for copying contents of the current event
     * <b>and following events that it encloses</b>
     * the given parser instance points to.
     * So what constitutes enclosing? Here is the list of
     * events that have associated enclosed events that will
     * get copied:
     * <li>{@link JsonToken#START_OBJECT}:
     *   all events up to and including matching (closing)
     *   {@link JsonToken#END_OBJECT} will be copied
     *  </li>
     * <li>{@link JsonToken#START_ARRAY}
     *   all events up to and including matching (closing)
     *   {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY} will be copied
     *  </li>
     * <li>{@link JsonToken#FIELD_NAME} the logical value (which
     *   can consist of a single scalar value; or a sequence of related
     *   events for structured types (JSON Arrays, Objects)) will
     *   be copied along with the name itself. So essentially the
     *   whole <b>field entry</b> (name and value) will be copied.
     *  </li>
     * After calling this method, parser will point to the
     * <b>last event</b> that was copied. This will either be
     * the event parser already pointed to (if there were no
     * enclosed events), or the last enclosed event copied.
     * @param p Parser that points to the value to copy
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public void copyCurrentStructure(JsonParser p) throws IOException
        JsonToken t = p.currentToken();
        // Let's handle field-name separately first
        int id = (t == null) ? ID_NOT_AVAILABLE : t.id();
        if (id == ID_FIELD_NAME) {
            t = p.nextToken();
            id = (t == null) ? ID_NOT_AVAILABLE : t.id();
            // fall-through to copy the associated value
        switch (id) {
        case ID_START_OBJECT:
        case ID_START_ARRAY:


    // @since 2.10
    protected void _copyCurrentContents(JsonParser p) throws IOException
        int depth = 1;
        JsonToken t;

        // Mostly copied from `copyCurrentEvent()`, but with added nesting counts
        while ((t = p.nextToken()) != null) {
            switch (t.id()) {
            case ID_FIELD_NAME:

            case ID_START_ARRAY:

            case ID_START_OBJECT:

            case ID_END_ARRAY:
                if (--depth == 0) {
            case ID_END_OBJECT:
                if (--depth == 0) {

            case ID_STRING:
                if (p.hasTextCharacters()) {
                    writeString(p.getTextCharacters(), p.getTextOffset(), p.getTextLength());
                } else {
            case ID_NUMBER_INT:
                NumberType n = p.getNumberType();
                if (n == NumberType.INT) {
                } else if (n == NumberType.BIG_INTEGER) {
                } else {
            case ID_NUMBER_FLOAT:
                NumberType n = p.getNumberType();
                if (n == NumberType.BIG_DECIMAL) {
                } else if (n == NumberType.FLOAT) {
                } else {
            case ID_TRUE:
            case ID_FALSE:
            case ID_NULL:
            case ID_EMBEDDED_OBJECT:
                throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error: unknown current token, "+t);

    /* Public API, buffer handling

     * Method called to flush any buffered content to the underlying
     * target (output stream, writer), and to flush the target itself
     * as well.
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    public abstract void flush() throws IOException;

     * Method that can be called to determine whether this generator
     * is closed or not. If it is closed, no more output can be done.
     * @return {@code True} if this generator instance has been closed
    public abstract boolean isClosed();

    /* Closeable implementation

     * Method called to close this generator, so that no more content
     * can be written.
     * Whether the underlying target (stream, writer) gets closed depends
     * on whether this generator either manages the target (i.e. is the
     * only one with access to the target -- case if caller passes a
     * reference to the resource such as File, but not stream); or
     * has feature {@link Feature#AUTO_CLOSE_TARGET} enabled.
     * If either of above is true, the target is also closed. Otherwise
     * (not managing, feature not enabled), target is not closed.
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem
    public abstract void close() throws IOException;

    /* Helper methods for sub-classes

     * Helper method used for constructing and throwing
     * {@link JsonGenerationException} with given base message.
     * Note that sub-classes may override this method to add more detail
     * or use a {@link JsonGenerationException} sub-class.
     * @param msg Exception message to use
     * @throws JsonGenerationException constructed
    protected void _reportError(String msg) throws JsonGenerationException {
        throw new JsonGenerationException(msg, this);

    protected final void _throwInternal() { VersionUtil.throwInternal(); }

    protected void _reportUnsupportedOperation() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation not supported by generator of type "+getClass().getName());

    // @since 2.8
    protected final void _verifyOffsets(int arrayLength, int offset, int length)
        if ((offset < 0) || (offset + length) > arrayLength) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
                    "invalid argument(s) (offset=%d, length=%d) for input array of %d element",
                    offset, length, arrayLength));

     * Helper method to try to call appropriate write method for given
     * untyped Object. At this point, no structural conversions should be done,
     * only simple basic types are to be coerced as necessary.
     * @param value Value to write
     * @throws IOException if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding
     *    issue at format layer
    protected void _writeSimpleObject(Object value) throws IOException
        // 31-Dec-2009, tatu: Actually, we could just handle some basic
        //    types even without codec. This can improve interoperability,
        //    and specifically help with TokenBuffer.
        if (value == null) {
        if (value instanceof String) {
            writeString((String) value);
        if (value instanceof Number) {
            Number n = (Number) value;
            if (n instanceof Integer) {
            } else if (n instanceof Long) {
            } else if (n instanceof Double) {
            } else if (n instanceof Float) {
            } else if (n instanceof Short) {
            } else if (n instanceof Byte) {
            } else if (n instanceof BigInteger) {
                writeNumber((BigInteger) n);
            } else if (n instanceof BigDecimal) {
                writeNumber((BigDecimal) n);

            // then Atomic types
            } else if (n instanceof AtomicInteger) {
                writeNumber(((AtomicInteger) n).get());
            } else if (n instanceof AtomicLong) {
                writeNumber(((AtomicLong) n).get());
        } else if (value instanceof byte[]) {
            writeBinary((byte[]) value);
        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            writeBoolean((Boolean) value);
        } else if (value instanceof AtomicBoolean) {
            writeBoolean(((AtomicBoolean) value).get());
        throw new IllegalStateException("No ObjectCodec defined for the generator, can only serialize simple wrapper types (type passed "



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