Jackson Core Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

Jackson Core Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

You can also browse Jackson Core Source Code below:

✍: FYIcenter.com


package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.filter;

import java.io.IOException;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;

 * Alternative variant of {@link JsonStreamContext}, used when filtering
 * content being read or written (based on {@link TokenFilter}).
 * @since 2.6
public class TokenFilterContext extends JsonStreamContext
     * Parent context for this context; null for root context.
    protected final TokenFilterContext _parent;

    /* Simple instance reuse slots; speed up things
    /* a bit (10-15%) for docs with lots of small
    /* arrays/objects

    protected TokenFilterContext _child;

    /* Location/state information
     * Name of the field of which value is to be parsed; only
     * used for OBJECT contexts
    protected String _currentName;

     * Filter to use for items in this state (for properties of Objects,
     * elements of Arrays, and root-level values of root context)
    protected TokenFilter _filter;

     * Flag that indicates that start token has been read/written,
     * so that matching close token needs to be read/written as well
     * when context is getting closed.
    protected boolean _startHandled;

     * Flag that indicates that the current name of this context
     * still needs to be read/written, if path from root down to
     * included leaf is to be exposed.
    protected boolean _needToHandleName;
    /* Life-cycle

    protected TokenFilterContext(int type, TokenFilterContext parent,
            TokenFilter filter, boolean startHandled)
        _type = type;
        _parent = parent;
        _filter = filter;
        _index = -1;
        _startHandled = startHandled;
        _needToHandleName = false;

    protected TokenFilterContext reset(int type,
            TokenFilter filter, boolean startWritten)
        _type = type;
        _filter = filter;
        _index = -1;
        _currentName = null;
        _startHandled = startWritten;
        _needToHandleName = false;
        return this;

    /* Factory methods

    public static TokenFilterContext createRootContext(TokenFilter filter) {
        // true -> since we have no start/end marker, consider start handled
        return new TokenFilterContext(TYPE_ROOT, null, filter, true);

    public TokenFilterContext createChildArrayContext(TokenFilter filter, boolean writeStart) {
        TokenFilterContext ctxt = _child;
        if (ctxt == null) {
            _child = ctxt = new TokenFilterContext(TYPE_ARRAY, this, filter, writeStart);
            return ctxt;
        return ctxt.reset(TYPE_ARRAY, filter, writeStart);

    public TokenFilterContext createChildObjectContext(TokenFilter filter, boolean writeStart) {
        TokenFilterContext ctxt = _child;
        if (ctxt == null) {
            _child = ctxt = new TokenFilterContext(TYPE_OBJECT, this, filter, writeStart);
            return ctxt;
        return ctxt.reset(TYPE_OBJECT, filter, writeStart);

    /* State changes
    public TokenFilter setFieldName(String name) throws JsonProcessingException {
        _currentName = name;
        _needToHandleName = true;
        return _filter;

     * Method called to check whether value is to be included at current output
     * position, either as Object property, Array element, or root value.
     * @param filter Currently active filter
     * @return Filter to use for value
    public TokenFilter checkValue(TokenFilter filter) {
        // First, checks for Object properties have been made earlier:
        if (_type == TYPE_OBJECT) {
            return filter;
        // We increase it first because at the beginning of array, value is -1
        int ix = ++_index;
        if (_type == TYPE_ARRAY) {
            return filter.includeElement(ix);
        return filter.includeRootValue(ix);

     * Method called to ensure that field name, if present, has been written;
     * may result (but does not always) in a call using given generator
     * @param gen Generator to use to write the property name, if necessary
     * @throws IOException If there is a problem writing property name (typically
     *   thrown by {@code JsonGenerator})
    public void ensureFieldNameWritten(JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException
        if (_needToHandleName) {
            _needToHandleName = false;

     * Method called to ensure that parent path from root is written up to
     * and including this node.
     * @param gen Generator to use to write the path, if necessary
     * @throws IOException If there is a problem writing property name (typically
     *   thrown by {@code JsonGenerator})
    public void writePath(JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException
        if ((_filter == null) || (_filter == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)) {
        if (_parent != null) {
        if (_startHandled) {
            // even if Object started, need to start leaf-level name
            if (_needToHandleName) {
        } else {
            _startHandled = true;
            if (_type == TYPE_OBJECT) {
                gen.writeFieldName(_currentName); // we know name must be written
            } else if (_type == TYPE_ARRAY) {

    private void _writePath(JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException
        if ((_filter == null) || (_filter == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)) {
        if (_parent != null) {
        if (_startHandled) {
            // even if Object started, need to start leaf-level name
            if (_needToHandleName) {
                _needToHandleName = false; // at parent must explicitly clear
        } else {
            _startHandled = true;
            if (_type == TYPE_OBJECT) {
                if (_needToHandleName) {
                    _needToHandleName = false; // at parent must explicitly clear
            } else if (_type == TYPE_ARRAY) {

    public TokenFilterContext closeArray(JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException
        if (_startHandled) {
        } else {
            if ((_filter != null) && (_filter != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)) {
                if (_filter.includeEmptyArray(hasCurrentIndex())) {
                    if (_parent != null) {
        if ((_filter != null) && (_filter != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)) {
        return _parent;

    public TokenFilterContext closeObject(JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException
        if (_startHandled) {
        } else {
            if ((_filter != null) && (_filter != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)) {
                if (_filter.includeEmptyObject(hasCurrentName())) {
                    if (_parent != null) {
        if ((_filter != null) && (_filter != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)) {
        return _parent;
    public void skipParentChecks() {
        _filter = null;
        for (TokenFilterContext ctxt = _parent; ctxt != null; ctxt = ctxt._parent) {
            _parent._filter = null;

    /* Accessors, mutators

    public Object getCurrentValue() { return null; }

    public void setCurrentValue(Object v) { }

    @Override public final TokenFilterContext getParent() { return _parent; }
    @Override public final String getCurrentName() { return _currentName; }
    // @since 2.9
    @Override public boolean hasCurrentName() { return _currentName != null; }

    public TokenFilter getFilter() { return _filter; }
    public boolean isStartHandled() { return _startHandled; }

    public JsonToken nextTokenToRead() {
        if (!_startHandled) {
            _startHandled = true;
            if (_type == TYPE_OBJECT) {
                return JsonToken.START_OBJECT;
            // Note: root should never be unhandled
            return JsonToken.START_ARRAY;
        // But otherwise at most might have FIELD_NAME
        if (_needToHandleName && (_type == TYPE_OBJECT)) {
            _needToHandleName = false;
            return JsonToken.FIELD_NAME;
        return null;

    public TokenFilterContext findChildOf(TokenFilterContext parent) {
        if (_parent == parent) {
            return this;
        TokenFilterContext curr = _parent;
        while (curr != null) {
            TokenFilterContext p = curr._parent;
            if (p == parent) {
                return curr;
            curr = p;
        // should never occur but...
        return null;
    // // // Internally used abstract methods

    protected void appendDesc(StringBuilder sb) {
        if (_parent != null) {
        if (_type == TYPE_OBJECT) {
            if (_currentName != null) {
                // !!! TODO: Name chars should be escaped?
            } else {
        } else if (_type == TYPE_ARRAY) {
        } else {
            // nah, ROOT:

    // // // Overridden standard methods

    // Overridden to provide developer writeable "JsonPath" representation
    // of the context.
    @Override public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64);
        return sb.toString();



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar
File size: 497693 bytes
Release date: 2022-11-05


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