Jackson Core Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

Jackson Core Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

You can also browse Jackson Core Source Code below:

✍: FYIcenter.com


package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util;

import java.io.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.NumberInput;

 * TextBuffer is a class similar to {@link java.lang.StringBuffer}, with
 * following differences:
 *  <li>TextBuffer uses segments character arrays, to avoid having
 *     to do additional array copies when array is not big enough.
 *     This means that only reallocating that is necessary is done only once:
 *     if and when caller
 *     wants to access contents in a linear array (char[], String).
 *    </li>
*  <li>TextBuffer can also be initialized in "shared mode", in which
*     it will just act as a wrapper to a single char array managed
*     by another object (like parser that owns it)
 *    </li>
 *  <li>TextBuffer is not synchronized.
 *    </li>
 * </ul>
public final class TextBuffer
    final static char[] NO_CHARS = new char[0];

     * Let's start with sizable but not huge buffer, will grow as necessary
     * Reduced from 1000 down to 500 in 2.10.
    final static int MIN_SEGMENT_LEN = 500;

     * Let's limit maximum segment length to something sensible.
     * For 2.10, let's limit to using 64kc chunks (128 kB) -- was 256kC/512kB up to 2.9
    final static int MAX_SEGMENT_LEN = 0x10000;
    /* Configuration:

    private final BufferRecycler _allocator;

    /* Shared input buffers

     * Shared input buffer; stored here in case some input can be returned
     * as is, without being copied to collector's own buffers. Note that
     * this is read-only for this Object.
    private char[] _inputBuffer;

     * Character offset of first char in input buffer; -1 to indicate
     * that input buffer currently does not contain any useful char data
    private int _inputStart;

    private int _inputLen;

    /* Aggregation segments (when not using input buf)

     * List of segments prior to currently active segment.
    private ArrayList<char[]> _segments;

     * Flag that indicates whether _seqments is non-empty
    private boolean _hasSegments;

    // // // Currently used segment; not (yet) contained in _seqments

     * Amount of characters in segments in {@link #_segments}
    private int _segmentSize;

    private char[] _currentSegment;

     * Number of characters in currently active (last) segment
    private int _currentSize;

    /* Caching of results

     * String that will be constructed when the whole contents are
     * needed; will be temporarily stored in case asked for again.
    private String _resultString;

    private char[] _resultArray;

    /* Life-cycle

    public TextBuffer(BufferRecycler allocator) {
        _allocator = allocator;

    // @since 2.10
    protected TextBuffer(BufferRecycler allocator, char[] initialSegment) {
        _allocator = allocator;
        _currentSegment = initialSegment;
        _currentSize = initialSegment.length;
        _inputStart = -1;

     * Factory method for constructing an instance with no allocator, and
     * with initial full segment.
     * @param initialSegment Initial, full segment to use for creating buffer (buffer
     *   {@link #size()} would return length of {@code initialSegment})
     * @return TextBuffer constructed
     * @since 2.10
    public static TextBuffer fromInitial(char[] initialSegment) {
        return new TextBuffer(null, initialSegment);

     * Method called to indicate that the underlying buffers should now
     * be recycled if they haven't yet been recycled. Although caller
     * can still use this text buffer, it is not advisable to call this
     * method if that is likely, since next time a buffer is needed,
     * buffers need to reallocated.
     * Note: since Jackson 2.11, calling this method will NOT clear already
     * aggregated contents (that is, {@code _currentSegment}, to retain
     * current token text if (but only if!) already aggregated.
    public void releaseBuffers()
        // inlined `resetWithEmpty()` (except leaving `_resultString` as-is
            _inputStart = -1;
            _currentSize = 0;
            _inputLen = 0;

            _inputBuffer = null;
            // note: _resultString retained (see https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-databind/issues/2635
            // for reason)
            _resultArray = null; // should this be retained too?

            if (_hasSegments) {

        if (_allocator != null) {
            if (_currentSegment != null) {
                // And then return that array
                char[] buf = _currentSegment;
                _currentSegment = null;
                _allocator.releaseCharBuffer(BufferRecycler.CHAR_TEXT_BUFFER, buf);

     * Method called to clear out any content text buffer may have, and
     * initializes buffer to use non-shared data.
    public void resetWithEmpty()
        _inputStart = -1; // indicates shared buffer not used
        _currentSize = 0;
        _inputLen = 0;

        _inputBuffer = null;
        _resultString = null;
        _resultArray = null;

        // And then reset internal input buffers, if necessary:
        if (_hasSegments) {

     * Method for clearing out possibly existing content, and replacing them with
     * a single-character content (so {@link #size()} would return {@code 1})
     * @param ch Character to set as the buffer contents
     * @since 2.9
    public void resetWith(char ch)
        _inputStart = -1;
        _inputLen = 0;

        _resultString = null;
        _resultArray = null;

        if (_hasSegments) {
        } else if (_currentSegment == null) {
            _currentSegment = buf(1);
        _currentSegment[0] = ch; // lgtm [java/dereferenced-value-may-be-null]
        _currentSize = _segmentSize = 1;
     * Method called to initialize the buffer with a shared copy of data;
     * this means that buffer will just have pointers to actual data. It
     * also means that if anything is to be appended to the buffer, it
     * will first have to unshare it (make a local copy).
     * @param buf Buffer that contains shared contents
     * @param offset Offset of the first content character in {@code buf}
     * @param len Length of content in {@code buf}
    public void resetWithShared(char[] buf, int offset, int len)
        // First, let's clear intermediate values, if any:
        _resultString = null;
        _resultArray = null;

        // Then let's mark things we need about input buffer
        _inputBuffer = buf;
        _inputStart = offset;
        _inputLen = len;

        // And then reset internal input buffers, if necessary:
        if (_hasSegments) {

    public void resetWithCopy(char[] buf, int offset, int len)
        _inputBuffer = null;
        _inputStart = -1; // indicates shared buffer not used
        _inputLen = 0;

        _resultString = null;
        _resultArray = null;

        // And then reset internal input buffers, if necessary:
        if (_hasSegments) {
        } else if (_currentSegment == null) {
            _currentSegment = buf(len);
        _currentSize = _segmentSize = 0;
        append(buf, offset, len);

    // @since 2.9
    public void resetWithCopy(String text, int start, int len)
        _inputBuffer = null;
        _inputStart = -1;
        _inputLen = 0;

        _resultString = null;
        _resultArray = null;

        if (_hasSegments) {
        } else if (_currentSegment == null) {
            _currentSegment = buf(len);
        _currentSize = _segmentSize = 0;
        append(text, start, len);

    public void resetWithString(String value)
        _inputBuffer = null;
        _inputStart = -1;
        _inputLen = 0;

        _resultString = value;
        _resultArray = null;

        if (_hasSegments) {
        _currentSize = 0;

     * Method for accessing the currently active (last) content segment
     * without changing state of the buffer
     * @return Currently active (last) content segment
     * @since 2.9
    public char[] getBufferWithoutReset() {
        return _currentSegment;

    // Helper method used to find a buffer to use, ideally one
    // recycled earlier.
    private char[] buf(int needed)
        if (_allocator != null) {
            return _allocator.allocCharBuffer(BufferRecycler.CHAR_TEXT_BUFFER, needed);
        return new char[Math.max(needed, MIN_SEGMENT_LEN)];

    private void clearSegments()
        _hasSegments = false;
        /* Let's start using _last_ segment from list; for one, it's
         * the biggest one, and it's also most likely to be cached
        /* 28-Aug-2009, tatu: Actually, the current segment should
         *   be the biggest one, already
        //_currentSegment = _segments.get(_segments.size() - 1);
        _currentSize = _segmentSize = 0;

    /* Accessors for implementing public interface

     * @return Number of characters currently stored in this buffer
    public int size() {
        if (_inputStart >= 0) { // shared copy from input buf
            return _inputLen;
        if (_resultArray != null) {
            return _resultArray.length;
        if (_resultString != null) {
            return _resultString.length();
        // local segmented buffers
        return _segmentSize + _currentSize;

    public int getTextOffset() {
        /* Only shared input buffer can have non-zero offset; buffer
         * segments start at 0, and if we have to create a combo buffer,
         * that too will start from beginning of the buffer
        return (_inputStart >= 0) ? _inputStart : 0;

     * Method that can be used to check whether textual contents can
     * be efficiently accessed using {@link #getTextBuffer}.
     * @return {@code True} if access via {@link #getTextBuffer()} would be efficient
     *   (that is, content already available as aggregated {@code char[]})
    public boolean hasTextAsCharacters()
        // if we have array in some form, sure
        if (_inputStart >= 0 || _resultArray != null)  return true;
        // not if we have String as value
        if (_resultString != null) return false;
        return true;

     * Accessor that may be used to get the contents of this buffer as a single
     * {@code char[]} regardless of whether they were collected in a segmented
     * fashion or not: this typically require allocation of the result buffer.
     * @return Aggregated {@code char[]} that contains all buffered content
    public char[] getTextBuffer()
        // Are we just using shared input buffer?
        if (_inputStart >= 0) return _inputBuffer;
        if (_resultArray != null)  return _resultArray;
        if (_resultString != null) {
            return (_resultArray = _resultString.toCharArray());
        // Nope; but does it fit in just one segment?
        if (!_hasSegments) {
            return (_currentSegment == null) ? NO_CHARS : _currentSegment;
        // Nope, need to have/create a non-segmented array and return it
        return contentsAsArray();

    /* Other accessors:

     * Accessor that may be used to get the contents of this buffer as a single
     * {@code String} regardless of whether they were collected in a segmented
     * fashion or not: this typically require construction of the result String.
     * @return Aggregated buffered contents as a {@link java.lang.String}
    public String contentsAsString()
        if (_resultString == null) {
            // Has array been requested? Can make a shortcut, if so:
            if (_resultArray != null) {
                _resultString = new String(_resultArray);
            } else {
                // Do we use shared array?
                if (_inputStart >= 0) {
                    if (_inputLen < 1) {
                        return (_resultString = "");
                    _resultString = new String(_inputBuffer, _inputStart, _inputLen);
                } else { // nope... need to copy
                    // But first, let's see if we have just one buffer
                    int segLen = _segmentSize;
                    int currLen = _currentSize;
                    if (segLen == 0) { // yup
                        _resultString = (currLen == 0) ? "" : new String(_currentSegment, 0, currLen);
                    } else { // no, need to combine
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(segLen + currLen);
                        // First stored segments
                        if (_segments != null) {
                            for (int i = 0, len = _segments.size(); i < len; ++i) {
                                char[] curr = _segments.get(i);
                                sb.append(curr, 0, curr.length);
                        // And finally, current segment:
                        sb.append(_currentSegment, 0, _currentSize);
                        _resultString = sb.toString();

        return _resultString;
    public char[] contentsAsArray() {
        char[] result = _resultArray;
        if (result == null) {
            _resultArray = result = resultArray();
        return result;

     * Convenience method for converting contents of the buffer
     * into a {@link BigDecimal}.
     * @return Buffered text value parsed as a {@link BigDecimal}, if possible
     * @throws NumberFormatException if contents are not a valid Java number
    public BigDecimal contentsAsDecimal() throws NumberFormatException
        // Already got a pre-cut array?
        if (_resultArray != null) {
            return NumberInput.parseBigDecimal(_resultArray);
        // Or a shared buffer?
        if ((_inputStart >= 0) && (_inputBuffer != null)) {
            return NumberInput.parseBigDecimal(_inputBuffer, _inputStart, _inputLen);
        // Or if not, just a single buffer (the usual case)
        if ((_segmentSize == 0) && (_currentSegment != null)) {
            return NumberInput.parseBigDecimal(_currentSegment, 0, _currentSize);
        // If not, let's just get it aggregated...
        return NumberInput.parseBigDecimal(contentsAsArray());

     * Convenience method for converting contents of the buffer
     * into a Double value.
     * @return Buffered text value parsed as a {@link Double}, if possible
     * @throws NumberFormatException if contents are not a valid Java number
     * @deprecated use {@link #contentsAsDouble(boolean)}
    public double contentsAsDouble() throws NumberFormatException {
        return contentsAsDouble(false);

     * Convenience method for converting contents of the buffer
     * into a Double value.
     * @param useFastParser whether to use {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.doubleparser}
     * @return Buffered text value parsed as a {@link Double}, if possible
     * @throws NumberFormatException if contents are not a valid Java number
     * @since 2.14
    public double contentsAsDouble(final boolean useFastParser) throws NumberFormatException {
        return NumberInput.parseDouble(contentsAsString(), useFastParser);

     * Convenience method for converting contents of the buffer
     * into a Float value.
     * @return Buffered text value parsed as a {@link Float}, if possible
     * @throws NumberFormatException if contents are not a valid Java number
     * @since 2.14
     * @deprecated use {@link #contentsAsFloat(boolean)}
    public float contentsAsFloat() throws NumberFormatException {
        return contentsAsFloat(false);

     * Convenience method for converting contents of the buffer
     * into a Float value.
     * @param useFastParser whether to use {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.doubleparser}
     * @return Buffered text value parsed as a {@link Float}, if possible
     * @throws NumberFormatException if contents are not a valid Java number
     * @since 2.14
    public float contentsAsFloat(final boolean useFastParser) throws NumberFormatException {
        return NumberInput.parseFloat(contentsAsString(), useFastParser);

     * Specialized convenience method that will decode a 32-bit int,
     * of at most 9 digits (and possible leading minus sign).
     * NOTE: method DOES NOT verify that the contents actually are a valid
     * Java {@code int} value (either regarding format, or value range): caller
     * MUST validate that.
     * @param neg Whether contents start with a minus sign
     * @return Buffered text value parsed as an {@code int} using
     *   {@link NumberInput#parseInt(String)} method (which does NOT validate input)
     * @since 2.9
    public int contentsAsInt(boolean neg) {
        if ((_inputStart >= 0) && (_inputBuffer != null)) {
            if (neg) {
                return -NumberInput.parseInt(_inputBuffer, _inputStart+1, _inputLen-1);
            return NumberInput.parseInt(_inputBuffer, _inputStart, _inputLen);
        if (neg) {
            return -NumberInput.parseInt(_currentSegment, 1, _currentSize-1);
        return NumberInput.parseInt(_currentSegment, 0, _currentSize);

     * Specialized convenience method that will decode a 64-bit int,
     * of at most 18 digits (and possible leading minus sign).
     * NOTE: method DOES NOT verify that the contents actually are a valid
     * Java {@code long} value (either regarding format, or value range): caller
     * MUST validate that.
     * @param neg Whether contents start with a minus sign
     * @return Buffered text value parsed as an {@code long} using
     *   {@link NumberInput#parseLong(String)} method (which does NOT validate input)
     * @since 2.9
    public long contentsAsLong(boolean neg) {
        if ((_inputStart >= 0) && (_inputBuffer != null)) {
            if (neg) {
                return -NumberInput.parseLong(_inputBuffer, _inputStart+1, _inputLen-1);
            return NumberInput.parseLong(_inputBuffer, _inputStart, _inputLen);
        if (neg) {
            return -NumberInput.parseLong(_currentSegment, 1, _currentSize-1);
        return NumberInput.parseLong(_currentSegment, 0, _currentSize);

     * Accessor that will write buffered contents using given {@link Writer}.
     * @param w Writer to use for writing out buffered content
     * @return Number of characters written (same as {@link #size()})
     * @throws IOException If write using {@link Writer} parameter fails
     * @since 2.8
    public int contentsToWriter(Writer w) throws IOException
        if (_resultArray != null) {
            return _resultArray.length;
        if (_resultString != null) { // Can take a shortcut...
            return _resultString.length();
        // Do we use shared array?
        if (_inputStart >= 0) {
            final int len = _inputLen;
            if (len > 0) {
                w.write(_inputBuffer, _inputStart, len);
            return len;
        // nope, not shared
        int total = 0;
        if (_segments != null) {
            for (int i = 0, end = _segments.size(); i < end; ++i) {
                char[] curr = _segments.get(i);
                int currLen = curr.length;
                w.write(curr, 0, currLen);
                total += currLen;
        int len = _currentSize;
        if (len > 0) {
            w.write(_currentSegment, 0, len);
            total += len;
        return total;

    /* Public mutators:

     * Method called to make sure that buffer is not using shared input
     * buffer; if it is, it will copy such contents to private buffer.
    public void ensureNotShared() {
        if (_inputStart >= 0) {

    public void append(char c) {
        // Using shared buffer so far?
        if (_inputStart >= 0) {
        _resultString = null;
        _resultArray = null;
        // Room in current segment?
        char[] curr = _currentSegment;
        if (_currentSize >= curr.length) {
            curr = _currentSegment;
        curr[_currentSize++] = c;

    public void append(char[] c, int start, int len)
        // Can't append to shared buf (sanity check)
        if (_inputStart >= 0) {
        _resultString = null;
        _resultArray = null;

        // Room in current segment?
        char[] curr = _currentSegment;
        int max = curr.length - _currentSize;
        if (max >= len) {
            System.arraycopy(c, start, curr, _currentSize, len);
            _currentSize += len;
        // No room for all, need to copy part(s):
        if (max > 0) {
            System.arraycopy(c, start, curr, _currentSize, max);
            start += max;
            len -= max;
        // And then allocate new segment; we are guaranteed to now
        // have enough room in segment.
        do {
            int amount = Math.min(_currentSegment.length, len);
            System.arraycopy(c, start, _currentSegment, 0, amount);
            _currentSize += amount;
            start += amount;
            len -= amount;
        } while (len > 0);

    public void append(String str, int offset, int len)
        // Can't append to shared buf (sanity check)
        if (_inputStart >= 0) {
        _resultString = null;
        _resultArray = null;

        // Room in current segment?
        char[] curr = _currentSegment;
        int max = curr.length - _currentSize;
        if (max >= len) {
            str.getChars(offset, offset+len, curr, _currentSize);
            _currentSize += len;
        // No room for all, need to copy part(s):
        if (max > 0) {
            str.getChars(offset, offset+max, curr, _currentSize);
            len -= max;
            offset += max;
        // And then allocate new segment; we are guaranteed to now
        // have enough room in segment.
        do {
            int amount = Math.min(_currentSegment.length, len);
            str.getChars(offset, offset+amount, _currentSegment, 0);
            _currentSize += amount;
            offset += amount;
            len -= amount;
        } while (len > 0);

    /* Raw access, for high-performance use:

    public char[] getCurrentSegment()
        /* Since the intention of the caller is to directly add stuff into
         * buffers, we should NOT have anything in shared buffer... ie. may
         * need to unshare contents.
        if (_inputStart >= 0) {
        } else {
            char[] curr = _currentSegment;
            if (curr == null) {
                _currentSegment = buf(0);
            } else if (_currentSize >= curr.length) {
                // Plus, we better have room for at least one more char
        return _currentSegment;

    public char[] emptyAndGetCurrentSegment()
        // inlined 'resetWithEmpty()'
        _inputStart = -1; // indicates shared buffer not used
        _currentSize = 0;
        _inputLen = 0;

        _inputBuffer = null;
        _resultString = null;
        _resultArray = null;

        // And then reset internal input buffers, if necessary:
        if (_hasSegments) {
        char[] curr = _currentSegment;
        if (curr == null) {
            _currentSegment = curr = buf(0);
        return curr;

    public int getCurrentSegmentSize() { return _currentSize; }
    public void setCurrentLength(int len) { _currentSize = len; }

     * Convenience method that finishes the current active content segment
     * (by specifying how many characters within consists of valid content)
     * and aggregates and returns resulting contents (similar to a call
     * to {@link #contentsAsString()}).
     * @param len Length of content (in characters) of the current active segment
     * @return String that contains all buffered content
     * @since 2.6
    public String setCurrentAndReturn(int len) {
        _currentSize = len;
        // We can simplify handling here compared to full `contentsAsString()`:
        if (_segmentSize > 0) { // longer text; call main method
            return contentsAsString();
        // more common case: single segment
        int currLen = _currentSize;
        String str = (currLen == 0) ? "" : new String(_currentSegment, 0, currLen);
        _resultString = str;
        return str;
    public char[] finishCurrentSegment() {
        if (_segments == null) {
            _segments = new ArrayList<char[]>();
        _hasSegments = true;
        int oldLen = _currentSegment.length;
        _segmentSize += oldLen;
        _currentSize = 0;

        // Let's grow segments by 50%
        int newLen = oldLen + (oldLen >> 1);
        if (newLen < MIN_SEGMENT_LEN) {
            newLen = MIN_SEGMENT_LEN;
        } else if (newLen > MAX_SEGMENT_LEN) {
            newLen = MAX_SEGMENT_LEN;
        char[] curr = carr(newLen);
        _currentSegment = curr;
        return curr;

     * Method called to expand size of the current segment, to
     * accommodate for more contiguous content. Usually only
     * used when parsing tokens like names if even then.
     * Method will both expand the segment and return it
     * @return Expanded current segment
    public char[] expandCurrentSegment()
        final char[] curr = _currentSegment;
        // Let's grow by 50% by default
        final int len = curr.length;
        int newLen = len + (len >> 1);
        // but above intended maximum, slow to increase by 25%
        if (newLen > MAX_SEGMENT_LEN) {
            newLen = len + (len >> 2);
        return (_currentSegment = Arrays.copyOf(curr, newLen));

     * Method called to expand size of the current segment, to
     * accommodate for more contiguous content. Usually only
     * used when parsing tokens like names if even then.
     * @param minSize Required minimum strength of the current segment
     * @return Expanded current segment
     * @since 2.4
    public char[] expandCurrentSegment(int minSize) {
        char[] curr = _currentSegment;
        if (curr.length >= minSize) return curr;
        _currentSegment = curr = Arrays.copyOf(curr, minSize);
        return curr;

    /* Standard methods:

     * Note: calling this method may not be as efficient as calling
     * {@link #contentsAsString}, since it's not guaranteed that resulting
     * String is cached.
    @Override public String toString() { return contentsAsString(); }

    /* Internal methods:

     * Method called if/when we need to append content when we have been
     * initialized to use shared buffer.
    private void unshare(int needExtra)
        int sharedLen = _inputLen;
        _inputLen = 0;
        char[] inputBuf = _inputBuffer;
        _inputBuffer = null;
        int start = _inputStart;
        _inputStart = -1;

        // Is buffer big enough, or do we need to reallocate?
        int needed = sharedLen+needExtra;
        if (_currentSegment == null || needed > _currentSegment.length) {
            _currentSegment = buf(needed);
        if (sharedLen > 0) {
            System.arraycopy(inputBuf, start, _currentSegment, 0, sharedLen);
        _segmentSize = 0;
        _currentSize = sharedLen;

    // Method called when current segment is full, to allocate new segment.
    private void expand(int minNewSegmentSize)
        // First, let's move current segment to segment list:
        if (_segments == null) {
            _segments = new ArrayList<char[]>();
        char[] curr = _currentSegment;
        _hasSegments = true;
        _segmentSize += curr.length;
        _currentSize = 0;
        int oldLen = curr.length;
        // Let's grow segments by 50% minimum
        int newLen = oldLen + (oldLen >> 1);
        if (newLen < MIN_SEGMENT_LEN) {
            newLen = MIN_SEGMENT_LEN;
        } else if (newLen > MAX_SEGMENT_LEN) {
            newLen = MAX_SEGMENT_LEN;
        _currentSegment = carr(newLen);

    private char[] resultArray()
        if (_resultString != null) { // Can take a shortcut...
            return _resultString.toCharArray();
        // Do we use shared array?
        if (_inputStart >= 0) {
            final int len = _inputLen;
            if (len < 1) {
                return NO_CHARS;
            final int start = _inputStart;
            if (start == 0) {
                return Arrays.copyOf(_inputBuffer, len);
            return Arrays.copyOfRange(_inputBuffer, start, start+len);
        // nope, not shared
        int size = size();
        if (size < 1) {
            return NO_CHARS;
        int offset = 0;
        final char[] result = carr(size);
        if (_segments != null) {
            for (int i = 0, len = _segments.size(); i < len; ++i) {
                char[] curr = _segments.get(i);
                int currLen = curr.length;
                System.arraycopy(curr, 0, result, offset, currLen);
                offset += currLen;
        System.arraycopy(_currentSegment, 0, result, offset, _currentSize);
        return result;

    private char[] carr(int len) { return new char[len]; }



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File name: jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar
File size: 497693 bytes
Release date: 2022-11-05


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