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Snappy-Java Source Code
Snappy-Java is a Java port of the "snappy", a fast C++ compresser/decompresser developed by Google.
Snappy-Java Source Code files are provided in the source packge (snappy-java- You can download it at Snappy Maven Website.
You can also browse Snappy-Java Source Code below:
⏎ org/xerial/snappy/
/* * Created: Apr 12, 2013 */ package org.xerial.snappy; import; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.invoke.MethodType; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; /** * Constants and utilities for implementing x-snappy-framed. * * @author Brett Okken * @since 1.1.0 */ final class SnappyFramed { public static final int COMPRESSED_DATA_FLAG = 0x00; public static final int UNCOMPRESSED_DATA_FLAG = 0x01; public static final int STREAM_IDENTIFIER_FLAG = 0xff; private static final int MASK_DELTA = 0xa282ead8; private static final Supplier<Checksum> CHECKSUM_SUPPLIER; static { Supplier<Checksum> supplier = null; try { final Class crc32cClazz = Class.forName(""); final MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.publicLookup(); final MethodHandle conHandle = lookup.findConstructor(crc32cClazz, MethodType.methodType(void.class)) .asType(MethodType.methodType(Checksum.class)); supplier = () -> { try { return (Checksum) conHandle.invokeExact(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }; } catch(Throwable t) { Logger.getLogger(SnappyFramed.class.getName()) .log(Level.FINE, " not loaded, using PureJavaCrc32C", t); supplier = null; } CHECKSUM_SUPPLIER = supplier != null ? supplier : PureJavaCrc32C::new; } /** * The header consists of the stream identifier flag, 3 bytes indicating a * length of 6, and "sNaPpY" in ASCII. */ public static final byte[] HEADER_BYTES = new byte[] { (byte) STREAM_IDENTIFIER_FLAG, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x73, 0x4e, 0x61, 0x50, 0x70, 0x59}; public static Checksum getCRC32C() { return CHECKSUM_SUPPLIER.get(); } public static int maskedCrc32c(Checksum crc32c, byte[] data, int offset, int length) { crc32c.reset(); crc32c.update(data, offset, length); return mask((int) crc32c.getValue()); } /** * Checksums are not stored directly, but masked, as checksumming data and * then its own checksum can be problematic. The masking is the same as used * in Apache Hadoop: Rotate the checksum by 15 bits, then add the constant * 0xa282ead8 (using wraparound as normal for unsigned integers). This is * equivalent to the following C code: * <p/> * <pre> * uint32_t mask_checksum(uint32_t x) { * return ((x >> 15) | (x << 17)) + 0xa282ead8; * } * </pre> */ public static int mask(int crc) { // Rotate right by 15 bits and add a constant. return ((crc >>> 15) | (crc << 17)) + MASK_DELTA; } static final int readBytes(ReadableByteChannel source, ByteBuffer dest) throws IOException { // tells how many bytes to read. final int expectedLength = dest.remaining(); int totalRead = 0; // how many bytes were read. int lastRead =; totalRead = lastRead; // if we did not read as many bytes as we had hoped, try reading again. if (lastRead < expectedLength) { // as long the buffer is not full (remaining() == 0) and we have not reached EOF (lastRead == -1) keep reading. while (dest.remaining() != 0 && lastRead != -1) { lastRead =; // if we got EOF, do not add to total read. if (lastRead != -1) { totalRead += lastRead; } } } if (totalRead > 0) { dest.limit(dest.position()); } else { dest.position(dest.limit()); } return totalRead; } static int skip(final ReadableByteChannel source, final int skip, final ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { if (skip <= 0) { return 0; } int toSkip = skip; int skipped = 0; while (toSkip > 0 && skipped != -1) { buffer.clear(); if (toSkip < buffer.capacity()) { buffer.limit(toSkip); } skipped =; if (skipped > 0) { toSkip -= skipped; } } buffer.clear(); return skip - toSkip; } }
⏎ org/xerial/snappy/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: snappy-java- File size: 1962098 bytes Release date: 2021-01-25 Download
⇒ Download and Install Snappy-Java Binary Package
2021-07-13, 18958👍, 0💬
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