JUnit 4.13.2 Source Code Files

JUnit Source Code Files are provided in the source package file, junit-4.13.2-sources.jar.

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package org.junit.runner.manipulation;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.junit.runner.OrderWith;

 * Reorders tests. An {@code Ordering} can reverse the order of tests, sort the
 * order or even shuffle the order.
 * <p>In general you will not need to use a <code>Ordering</code> directly.
 * Instead, use {@link org.junit.runner.Request#orderWith(Ordering)}.
 * @since 4.13
public abstract class Ordering {
    private static final String CONSTRUCTOR_ERROR_FORMAT
            = "Ordering class %s should have a public constructor with signature "
                    + "%s(Ordering.Context context)";

     * Creates an {@link Ordering} that shuffles the items using the given
     * {@link Random} instance.
    public static Ordering shuffledBy(final Random random) {
        return new Ordering() {
            boolean validateOrderingIsCorrect() {
                return false;

            protected List<Description> orderItems(Collection<Description> descriptions) {
                List<Description> shuffled = new ArrayList<Description>(descriptions);
                Collections.shuffle(shuffled, random);
                return shuffled;

     * Creates an {@link Ordering} from the given factory class. The class must have a public no-arg
     * constructor.
     * @param factoryClass class to use to create the ordering
     * @param annotatedTestClass test class that is annotated with {@link OrderWith}.
     * @throws InvalidOrderingException if the instance could not be created
    public static Ordering definedBy(
            Class<? extends Ordering.Factory> factoryClass, Description annotatedTestClass)
            throws InvalidOrderingException {
        if (factoryClass == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("factoryClass cannot be null");
        if (annotatedTestClass == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("annotatedTestClass cannot be null");

        Ordering.Factory factory;
        try {
            Constructor<? extends Ordering.Factory> constructor = factoryClass.getConstructor();
            factory = constructor.newInstance();
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw new InvalidOrderingException(String.format(
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new InvalidOrderingException(
                    "Could not create ordering for " + annotatedTestClass, e);
        return definedBy(factory, annotatedTestClass);

     * Creates an {@link Ordering} from the given factory.
     * @param factory factory to use to create the ordering
     * @param annotatedTestClass test class that is annotated with {@link OrderWith}.
     * @throws InvalidOrderingException if the instance could not be created
    public static Ordering definedBy(
            Ordering.Factory factory, Description annotatedTestClass)
            throws InvalidOrderingException {
        if (factory == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("factory cannot be null");
        if (annotatedTestClass == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("annotatedTestClass cannot be null");

        return factory.create(new Ordering.Context(annotatedTestClass));

    private static String getClassName(Class<?> clazz) {
        String name = clazz.getCanonicalName();
        if (name == null) {
            return clazz.getName();
        return name;

     * Order the tests in <code>target</code> using this ordering.
     * @throws InvalidOrderingException if ordering does something invalid (like remove or add
     * children)
    public void apply(Object target) throws InvalidOrderingException {
         * Note that some subclasses of Ordering override apply(). The Sorter
         * subclass of Ordering overrides apply() to apply the sort (this is
         * done because sorting is more efficient than ordering).
        if (target instanceof Orderable) {
            Orderable orderable = (Orderable) target;
            orderable.order(new Orderer(this));

     * Returns {@code true} if this ordering could produce invalid results (i.e.
     * if it could add or remove values).
    boolean validateOrderingIsCorrect() {
        return true;

     * Implemented by sub-classes to order the descriptions.
     * @return descriptions in order
    protected abstract List<Description> orderItems(Collection<Description> descriptions);

    /** Context about the ordering being applied. */
    public static class Context {
        private final Description description;

         * Gets the description for the top-level target being ordered.
        public Description getTarget() {
            return description;

        private Context(Description description) {
            this.description = description;

     * Factory for creating {@link Ordering} instances.
     * <p>For a factory to be used with {@code @OrderWith} it needs to have a public no-arg
     * constructor.
    public interface Factory {
         * Creates an Ordering instance using the given context. Implementations
         * of this method that do not need to use the context can return the
         * same instance every time.
        Ordering create(Context context);



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: junit-4.13.2-sources.jar
File size: 234540 bytes
Release date: 2021-02-13


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