What Is jakarta-log4j-1.0.4.tar.gz


What Is jakarta-log4j-1.0.4.tar.gz?

✍: FYIcenter.com


jakarta-log4j-1.0.4.tar.gz is the binary package of Log4j 1.0.4 in ZIP format. Log4j is a logging library for Java applications developed by Apache Software Foundation.

Download File Size and Download Location:

File name: jakarta-log4j-1.0.4.tar.gz
File size: 848,303 bytes
Release date: 01-Nov-2001
Download: Log4j Archive Website

File list of jakarta-log4j-1.0.4.tar.gz:

    1157 make\README
    5627 make\TUTORIAL
    2772 make\make.inc
   38207 doc\manual.html
    7982 doc\index.html
    2624 xdocs\index.xml
     109 Makefile
     331 build.xml
    7827 build.inc
     159 manifest.mf
    3416 INSTALL
    2708 LICENSE.APL
   66624 log4j-core.jar
  128006 log4j.jar
     128 org\apache\Makefile
     119 org\Makefile
     959 icons\BlueFlag.gif
      71 icons\COPYRIGHT
     955 icons\GreenFlag.gif
     959 icons\RedFlag.gif
      71 classes\icons\COPYRIGHT
     959 classes\icons\BlueFlag.gif
     955 classes\icons\GreenFlag.gif
     751 javadoc\index.html
# Total                   Size  Files
#                      4728645  1028


What Is log4j.jar 1.0.4

Download and Install jakarta-log4j-1.0.4.tar.gz

Downloading Apache Log4j 1.x JAR Packages

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2015-12-18, 2038🔥, 0💬