What Is poi-5.2.3.jar?

What Is poi-5.2.3.jar?

✍: FYIcenter.com

poi-5.2.3.jar is one of the JAR files for Apache POI 5.2.3, which provides an API for Microsoft document files of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Visio.

poi-5.2.3.jar supports Apache POI components that read and write Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound document format, which is used in early versions of Microsoft Office tools like Word 97, Excel 97, PowerPoint 97, etc.

poi-5.2.3.jar is distributed as part of the poi-bin-5.2.3-20220909.zip download file.

JAR File Size and Download Location:

JAR name: poi-5.2.3.jar
Target JDK version: 9

File name: poi.jar, poi-5.2.3.jar
File size: 2964641 bytes
Release date: 09-09-2022
Download: Apache POI Website

Here are Java Source Code files for poi-5.2.3.jar:


/* ====================================================================
   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
==================================================================== */

package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import org.apache.poi.util.BitField;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitFieldFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.GenericRecordUtil;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;

 * Sheet window settings
 * @version 2.0-pre
public final class WindowTwoRecord extends StandardRecord {
    public static final short sid = 0x023E;

    // bitfields
    private static final BitField displayFormulas         = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x01);
    private static final BitField displayGridlines        = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x02);
    private static final BitField displayRowColHeadings   = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x04);
    private static final BitField freezePanes             = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x08);
    private static final BitField displayZeros            = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x10);
    /**  if false use color in field 4 if true use default foreground for headers */
    private static final BitField defaultHeader           = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x20);
    private static final BitField arabic                  = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x040);
    private static final BitField displayGuts             = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x080);
    private static final BitField freezePanesNoSplit      = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x100);
    private static final BitField selected                = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x200);
    private static final BitField active                  = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x400);
    private static final BitField savedInPageBreakPreview = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x800);
    // 4-7 reserved
    // end bitfields

    private short field_1_options;
    private short field_2_top_row;
    private short field_3_left_col;
    private int   field_4_header_color;
    private short field_5_page_break_zoom;
    private short field_6_normal_zoom;
    private int   field_7_reserved;

    public WindowTwoRecord() {}

    public WindowTwoRecord(WindowTwoRecord other) {
        field_1_options = other.field_1_options;
        field_2_top_row = other.field_2_top_row;
        field_3_left_col = other.field_3_left_col;
        field_4_header_color = other.field_4_header_color;
        field_5_page_break_zoom = other.field_5_page_break_zoom;
        field_6_normal_zoom = other.field_6_normal_zoom;
        field_7_reserved = other.field_7_reserved;

    public WindowTwoRecord(RecordInputStream in) {
      int size = in.remaining();
        field_1_options      = in.readShort();
        field_2_top_row      = in.readShort();
        field_3_left_col     = in.readShort();
        field_4_header_color = in.readInt();
        if (size > 10)
            field_5_page_break_zoom = in.readShort();
            field_6_normal_zoom     = in.readShort();
        if (size > 14)
        {   // there is a special case of this record that has only 14 bytes...undocumented!
            field_7_reserved = in.readInt();

     * set the options bitmask or just use the bit setters.
     * @param options Which options to set for this record
    public void setOptions(short options)
        field_1_options = options;

    // option bitfields

     * set whether the window should display formulas
     * @param formulas or not
    public void setDisplayFormulas(boolean formulas)
        field_1_options = displayFormulas.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, formulas);

     * set whether the window should display gridlines
     * @param gridlines or not
    public void setDisplayGridlines(boolean gridlines)
        field_1_options = displayGridlines.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, gridlines);

     * set whether the window should display row and column headings
     * @param headings or not
    public void setDisplayRowColHeadings(boolean headings)
        field_1_options = displayRowColHeadings.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, headings);

     * set whether the window should freeze panes
     * @param freezepanes  freeze panes or not
    public void setFreezePanes(boolean freezepanes)
        field_1_options = freezePanes.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, freezepanes);

     * set whether the window should display zero values
     * @param zeros or not
    public void setDisplayZeros(boolean zeros)
        field_1_options = displayZeros.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, zeros);

     * set whether the window should display a default header
     * @param header or not
    public void setDefaultHeader(boolean header)
        field_1_options = defaultHeader.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, header);

     * is this arabic?
     * @param isarabic  arabic or not
    public void setArabic(boolean isarabic)
        field_1_options = arabic.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, isarabic);

     * set whether the outline symbols are displaed
     * @param guts  symbols or not
    public void setDisplayGuts(boolean guts)
        field_1_options = displayGuts.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, guts);

     * freeze unsplit panes or not
     * @param freeze or not
    public void setFreezePanesNoSplit(boolean freeze)
        field_1_options = freezePanesNoSplit.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, freeze);

     * sheet tab is selected
     * @param sel  selected or not
    public void setSelected(boolean sel)
        field_1_options = selected.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, sel);

     * is the sheet currently displayed in the window
     * @param p  displayed or not
    public void setActive(boolean p) {
        field_1_options = active.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, p);

     * was the sheet saved in page break view
     * @param p  pagebreaksaved or not
    public void setSavedInPageBreakPreview(boolean p)
        field_1_options = savedInPageBreakPreview.setShortBoolean(field_1_options, p);

    // end of bitfields.

     * set the top row visible in the window
     * @param topRow  top row visible
    public void setTopRow(short topRow)
        field_2_top_row = topRow;

     * set the leftmost column displayed in the window
     * @param leftCol  leftmost column
    public void setLeftCol(short leftCol)
        field_3_left_col = leftCol;

     * set the palette index for the header color
     * @param color Which color to use for the header, see the specification for details
    public void setHeaderColor(int color)
        field_4_header_color = color;

     * zoom magnification in page break view
     * @param zoom The zoom-level to use for the page-break view
    public void setPageBreakZoom(short zoom)
        field_5_page_break_zoom = zoom;

     * set the zoom magnification in normal view
     * @param zoom The zoom-level to use for the normal view
    public void setNormalZoom(short zoom)
        field_6_normal_zoom = zoom;

     * set the reserved (don't do this) value
     * @param reserved reserved value usually does not need to be set
    public void setReserved(int reserved)
        field_7_reserved = reserved;

     * get the options bitmask or just use the bit setters.
     * @return options
    public short getOptions()
        return field_1_options;

    // option bitfields

     * get whether the window should display formulas
     * @return formulas or not
    public boolean getDisplayFormulas()
        return displayFormulas.isSet(field_1_options);

     * get whether the window should display gridlines
     * @return gridlines or not
    public boolean getDisplayGridlines()
        return displayGridlines.isSet(field_1_options);

     * get whether the window should display row and column headings
     * @return headings or not
    public boolean getDisplayRowColHeadings()
        return displayRowColHeadings.isSet(field_1_options);

     * get whether the window should freeze panes
     * @return freeze panes or not
    public boolean getFreezePanes()
        return freezePanes.isSet(field_1_options);

     * get whether the window should display zero values
     * @return zeros or not
    public boolean getDisplayZeros()
        return displayZeros.isSet(field_1_options);

     * get whether the window should display a default header
     * @return header or not
    public boolean getDefaultHeader()
        return defaultHeader.isSet(field_1_options);

     * is this arabic?
     * @return arabic or not
    public boolean getArabic()
        return arabic.isSet(field_1_options);

     * get whether the outline symbols are displaed
     * @return symbols or not
    public boolean getDisplayGuts()
        return displayGuts.isSet(field_1_options);

     * freeze unsplit panes or not
     * @return freeze or not
    public boolean getFreezePanesNoSplit()
        return freezePanesNoSplit.isSet(field_1_options);

     * sheet tab is selected
     * @return selected or not
    public boolean getSelected()
        return selected.isSet(field_1_options);

     * is the sheet currently displayed in the window
     * @return displayed or not
    public boolean isActive() {
        return active.isSet(field_1_options);

     * was the sheet saved in page break view
     * @return pagebreaksaved or not
    public boolean getSavedInPageBreakPreview()
        return savedInPageBreakPreview.isSet(field_1_options);

    // end of bitfields.

     * get the top row visible in the window
     * @return toprow
    public short getTopRow()
        return field_2_top_row;

     * get the leftmost column displayed in the window
     * @return leftmost
    public short getLeftCol()
        return field_3_left_col;

     * get the palette index for the header color
     * @return color
    public int getHeaderColor()
        return field_4_header_color;

     * zoom magification in page break view
     * @return zoom
    public short getPageBreakZoom()
        return field_5_page_break_zoom;

     * get the zoom magnification in normal view
     * @return zoom
    public short getNormalZoom()
        return field_6_normal_zoom;

     * get the reserved bits - why would you do this?
     * @return reserved stuff -probably garbage
    public int getReserved()
        return field_7_reserved;

    public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {

    protected int getDataSize() {
        return 18;

    public short getSid()
        return sid;

    public WindowTwoRecord copy() {
        return new WindowTwoRecord(this);

    public HSSFRecordTypes getGenericRecordType() {
        return HSSFRecordTypes.WINDOW_TWO;

    public Map<String, Supplier<?>> getGenericProperties() {
        return GenericRecordUtil.getGenericProperties(
            "options", GenericRecordUtil.getBitsAsString(this::getOptions,
                new BitField[]{displayFormulas, displayGridlines, displayRowColHeadings, freezePanes, displayZeros, defaultHeader, arabic, displayGuts, freezePanesNoSplit, selected, active, savedInPageBreakPreview},
            "topRow", this::getTopRow,
            "leftCol", this::getLeftCol,
            "headerColor", this::getHeaderColor,
            "pageBreakZoom", this::getPageBreakZoom,
            "normalZoom", this::getNormalZoom,
            "reserved", this::getReserved


Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: poi-5.2.3-src.zip
File size: 2479830 bytes
Release date: 2022-09-09


What Is poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar?

What Is poi-bin-5.2.3-20220909.zip?

Downloading and Installing Apache POI Java Library

⇑⇑ FAQ for Apache POI (Poor Obfuscation Implementation)

2017-04-04, 91763👍, 0💬