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What Is poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar?
What Is poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar?
poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar is one of the JAR files for Apache POI 5.2.3, which provides an API for Microsoft document files of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Visio.
poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar supports Apache POI components that read and write Microsoft's Open Office XML document format, which is used in recent versions of Microsoft Office tools like Word 2007, Excel 2007, PowerPoint 2007, etc.
poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar is distributed as part of the download file.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
JAR name: poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar Target JDK version: 9 Dependency: poi.jar xmlbeans.jar ooxml-schemas.jar commons-collections.jar junit.jar File name: poi-ooxml.jar, poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar File size: 2010497 bytes Release date: 09-09-2022 Download: Apache POI Website
Here are Java Source Code files for poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar:
⏎ org/apache/poi/ooxml/extractor/
/* ==================================================================== Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==================================================================== */ package org.apache.poi.ooxml.extractor; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DateFormatSymbols; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Optional; import org.apache.poi.extractor.POITextExtractor; import org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLDocument; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.internal.PackagePropertiesPart; import org.apache.poi.util.LocaleUtil; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.customProperties.CTProperty; /** * A {@link POITextExtractor} for returning the textual * content of the OOXML file properties, eg author * and title. */ public class POIXMLPropertiesTextExtractor implements POIXMLTextExtractor { private final POIXMLDocument doc; private final DateFormat dateFormat; private boolean doCloseFilesystem = true; /** * Creates a new POIXMLPropertiesTextExtractor for the given open document. * * @param doc the given open document */ public POIXMLPropertiesTextExtractor(POIXMLDocument doc) { this.doc = doc; DateFormatSymbols dfs = DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.ROOT); dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy", dfs); dateFormat.setTimeZone(LocaleUtil.TIMEZONE_UTC); } /** * Creates a new POIXMLPropertiesTextExtractor, for the * same file that another TextExtractor is already * working on. * * @param otherExtractor the extractor referencing the given file */ public POIXMLPropertiesTextExtractor(POIXMLTextExtractor otherExtractor) { this(otherExtractor.getDocument()); } private void appendIfPresent(StringBuilder text, String thing, boolean value) { appendIfPresent(text, thing, Boolean.toString(value)); } private void appendIfPresent(StringBuilder text, String thing, int value) { appendIfPresent(text, thing, Integer.toString(value)); } private void appendDateIfPresent(StringBuilder text, String thing, Optional<Date> value) { if (!value.isPresent()) { return; } appendIfPresent(text, thing, dateFormat.format(value.get())); } private void appendIfPresent(StringBuilder text, String thing, Optional<String> value) { if (!value.isPresent()) { return; } appendIfPresent(text, thing, value.get()); } private void appendIfPresent(StringBuilder text, String thing, String value) { if (value == null) { return; } text.append(thing); text.append(" = "); text.append(value); text.append('\n'); } /** * Returns the core document properties, eg author * * @return the core document properties */ @SuppressWarnings("resource") public String getCorePropertiesText() { POIXMLDocument document = getDocument(); if (document == null) { // event based extractor does not have a document return ""; } StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(64); PackagePropertiesPart props = document.getProperties().getCoreProperties().getUnderlyingProperties(); appendIfPresent(text, "Category", props.getCategoryProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "ContentStatus", props.getContentStatusProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "ContentType", props.getContentTypeProperty()); appendDateIfPresent(text, "Created", props.getCreatedProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "CreatedString", props.getCreatedPropertyString()); appendIfPresent(text, "Creator", props.getCreatorProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "Description", props.getDescriptionProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "Identifier", props.getIdentifierProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "Keywords", props.getKeywordsProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "Language", props.getLanguageProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "LastModifiedBy", props.getLastModifiedByProperty()); appendDateIfPresent(text, "LastPrinted", props.getLastPrintedProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "LastPrintedString", props.getLastPrintedPropertyString()); appendDateIfPresent(text, "Modified", props.getModifiedProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "ModifiedString", props.getModifiedPropertyString()); appendIfPresent(text, "Revision", props.getRevisionProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "Subject", props.getSubjectProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "Title", props.getTitleProperty()); appendIfPresent(text, "Version", props.getVersionProperty()); return text.toString(); } /** * Returns the extended document properties, eg application * * @return the extended document properties */ @SuppressWarnings("resource") public String getExtendedPropertiesText() { POIXMLDocument document = getDocument(); if (document == null) { // event based extractor does not have a document return ""; } StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(64); org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.extendedProperties.CTProperties props = document.getProperties().getExtendedProperties().getUnderlyingProperties(); appendIfPresent(text, "Application", props.getApplication()); appendIfPresent(text, "AppVersion", props.getAppVersion()); appendIfPresent(text, "Characters", props.getCharacters()); appendIfPresent(text, "CharactersWithSpaces", props.getCharactersWithSpaces()); appendIfPresent(text, "Company", props.getCompany()); appendIfPresent(text, "HyperlinkBase", props.getHyperlinkBase()); appendIfPresent(text, "HyperlinksChanged", props.getHyperlinksChanged()); appendIfPresent(text, "Lines", props.getLines()); appendIfPresent(text, "LinksUpToDate", props.getLinksUpToDate()); appendIfPresent(text, "Manager", props.getManager()); appendIfPresent(text, "Pages", props.getPages()); appendIfPresent(text, "Paragraphs", props.getParagraphs()); appendIfPresent(text, "PresentationFormat", props.getPresentationFormat()); appendIfPresent(text, "Template", props.getTemplate()); appendIfPresent(text, "TotalTime", props.getTotalTime()); return text.toString(); } /** * Returns the custom document properties, if there are any * * @return the custom document properties */ @SuppressWarnings({"resource"}) public String getCustomPropertiesText() { POIXMLDocument document = getDocument(); if (document == null) { // event based extractor does not have a document return ""; } StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.customProperties.CTProperties props = document.getProperties().getCustomProperties().getUnderlyingProperties(); for (CTProperty property : props.getPropertyList()) { String val = "(not implemented!)"; if (property.isSetLpwstr()) { val = property.getLpwstr(); } else if (property.isSetLpstr()) { val = property.getLpstr(); } else if (property.isSetDate()) { val = property.getDate().toString(); } else if (property.isSetFiletime()) { val = property.getFiletime().toString(); } else if (property.isSetBool()) { val = Boolean.toString(property.getBool()); } // Integers else if (property.isSetI1()) { val = Integer.toString(property.getI1()); } else if (property.isSetI2()) { val = Integer.toString(property.getI2()); } else if (property.isSetI4()) { val = Integer.toString(property.getI4()); } else if (property.isSetI8()) { val = Long.toString(property.getI8()); } else if (property.isSetInt()) { val = Integer.toString(property.getInt()); } // Unsigned Integers else if (property.isSetUi1()) { val = Integer.toString(property.getUi1()); } else if (property.isSetUi2()) { val = Integer.toString(property.getUi2()); } else if (property.isSetUi4()) { val = Long.toString(property.getUi4()); } else if (property.isSetUi8()) { val = property.getUi8().toString(); } else if (property.isSetUint()) { val = Long.toString(property.getUint()); } // Reals else if (property.isSetR4()) { val = Float.toString(property.getR4()); } else if (property.isSetR8()) { val = Double.toString(property.getR8()); } else if (property.isSetDecimal()) { BigDecimal d = property.getDecimal(); if (d == null) { val = null; } else { val = d.toPlainString(); } } /*else if (property.isSetArray()) { // TODO Fetch the array values and output } else if (property.isSetVector()) { // TODO Fetch the vector values and output } else if (property.isSetBlob() || property.isSetOblob()) { // TODO Decode, if possible } else if (property.isSetStream() || property.isSetOstream() || property.isSetVstream()) { // TODO Decode, if possible } else if (property.isSetStorage() || property.isSetOstorage()) { // TODO Decode, if possible }*/ text.append(property.getName()).append(" = ").append(val).append("\n"); } return text.toString(); } @Override public String getText() { try { return getCorePropertiesText() + getExtendedPropertiesText() + getCustomPropertiesText(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public POIXMLPropertiesTextExtractor getMetadataTextExtractor() { throw new IllegalStateException("You already have the Metadata Text Extractor, not recursing!"); } @Override public POIXMLDocument getDocument() { return doc; } @Override public void setCloseFilesystem(boolean doCloseFilesystem) { this.doCloseFilesystem = doCloseFilesystem; } @Override public boolean isCloseFilesystem() { return doCloseFilesystem; } @Override public POIXMLDocument getFilesystem() { return null; } }
⏎ org/apache/poi/ooxml/extractor/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: File size: 1396572 bytes Release date: 2022-09-09 Download
⇒ What Is poi-excelant-5.2.3.jar?
2017-04-01, 48283👍, 0💬
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