jTDS JDBC Driver Source Code Files

jTDS JDBC Driver Source Code Files are provided in the source package file, jtds-1.3.1-fyi.zip.

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// jTDS JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase
// Copyright (C) 2004 The jTDS Project
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
package net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.sql.ResultSet;

 * This class extends the JtdsResultSet to support scrollable and or
 * updateable cursors on Microsoft servers.
 * <p>The undocumented Microsoft sp_cursor procedures are used.
 * <p>
 * Implementation notes:
 * <ol>
 * <li>All of Alin's cursor result set logic is incorporated here.
 * <li>This logic was originally implemented in the JtdsResultSet class but on reflection
 * it seems that Alin's original approch of having a dedicated cursor class leads to a more
 * flexible and maintainable design.
 * </ol>
 * @author Alin Sinpalean
 * @author Mike Hutchinson
 * @version $Id: MSCursorResultSet.java,v 1.59 2007-07-11 20:02:45 bheineman Exp $
public class MSCursorResultSet extends JtdsResultSet {
     * Constants
    private static final Integer FETCH_FIRST    = new Integer(1);
    private static final Integer FETCH_NEXT     = new Integer(2);
    private static final Integer FETCH_PREVIOUS = new Integer(4);
    private static final Integer FETCH_LAST     = new Integer(8);
    private static final Integer FETCH_ABSOLUTE = new Integer(16);
    private static final Integer FETCH_RELATIVE = new Integer(32);
    private static final Integer FETCH_REPEAT   = new Integer(128);
    private static final Integer FETCH_INFO     = new Integer(256);

    private static final int CURSOR_TYPE_KEYSET = 0x01;
    private static final int CURSOR_TYPE_DYNAMIC = 0x02;
    private static final int CURSOR_TYPE_FORWARD = 0x04;
    private static final int CURSOR_TYPE_STATIC = 0x08;
    private static final int CURSOR_TYPE_FASTFORWARDONLY = 0x10;
    private static final int CURSOR_TYPE_PARAMETERIZED = 0x1000;
    private static final int CURSOR_TYPE_AUTO_FETCH = 0x2000;

    private static final int CURSOR_CONCUR_READ_ONLY = 1;
    private static final int CURSOR_CONCUR_SCROLL_LOCKS = 2;
    private static final int CURSOR_CONCUR_OPTIMISTIC = 4;
    private static final int CURSOR_CONCUR_OPTIMISTIC_VALUES = 8;

    private static final Integer CURSOR_OP_INSERT = new Integer(4);
    private static final Integer CURSOR_OP_UPDATE = new Integer(33);
    private static final Integer CURSOR_OP_DELETE = new Integer(34);

     * The row is dirty and needs to be reloaded (internal state).
    private static final Integer SQL_ROW_DIRTY   = new Integer(0);

     * The row is valid.
    private static final Integer SQL_ROW_SUCCESS = new Integer(1);

     * The row has been deleted.
    private static final Integer SQL_ROW_DELETED = new Integer(2);

     * Instance variables.
    /** Set when <code>moveToInsertRow()</code> was called. */
    private boolean onInsertRow;
    /** The "insert row". */
    private ParamInfo[] insertRow;
    /** The "update row". */
    private ParamInfo[] updateRow;
    /** The row cache used instead {@link #currentRow}. */
    private Object[][] rowCache;
    /** Actual position of the cursor. */
    private int cursorPos;
    /** The cursor is being built asynchronously. */
    private boolean asyncCursor;

    // Fixed sp_XXX parameters
    /** Cursor handle parameter. */
    private final ParamInfo PARAM_CURSOR_HANDLE = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, null, ParamInfo.INPUT);

    /** <code>sp_cursorfetch</code> fetchtype parameter. */
    private final ParamInfo PARAM_FETCHTYPE = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, null, ParamInfo.INPUT);

    /** <code>sp_cursorfetch</code> rownum IN parameter (for actual fetches). */
    private final ParamInfo PARAM_ROWNUM_IN = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, null, ParamInfo.INPUT);

    /** <code>sp_cursorfetch</code> numrows IN parameter (for actual fetches). */
    private final ParamInfo PARAM_NUMROWS_IN = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, null, ParamInfo.INPUT);

    /** <code>sp_cursorfetch</code> rownum OUT parameter (for FETCH_INFO). */
    private final ParamInfo PARAM_ROWNUM_OUT = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, null, ParamInfo.OUTPUT);

    /** <code>sp_cursorfetch</code> numrows OUT parameter (for FETCH_INFO). */
    private final ParamInfo PARAM_NUMROWS_OUT = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, null, ParamInfo.OUTPUT);

    /** <code>sp_cursor</code> optype parameter. */
    private final ParamInfo PARAM_OPTYPE = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, null, ParamInfo.INPUT);

    /** <code>sp_cursor</code> rownum parameter. */
    private final ParamInfo PARAM_ROWNUM = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, new Integer(1), ParamInfo.INPUT);

    /** <code>sp_cursor</code> table parameter. */
    private final ParamInfo PARAM_TABLE = new ParamInfo(Types.VARCHAR, "", ParamInfo.UNICODE);

     * Construct a cursor result set using Microsoft sp_cursorcreate etc.
     * @param statement The parent statement object or null.
     * @param concurrency One of CONCUR_READ_ONLY, CONCUR_UPDATE.
     * @throws SQLException
    MSCursorResultSet(JtdsStatement statement,
                      String sql,
                      String procName,
                      ParamInfo[] procedureParams,
                      int resultSetType,
                      int concurrency)
            throws SQLException {
        super(statement, resultSetType, concurrency, null);

        PARAM_NUMROWS_IN.value = new Integer(fetchSize);
        rowCache = new Object[fetchSize][];

        cursorCreate(sql, procName, procedureParams);
        if (asyncCursor) {
            // Obtain a provisional row count for the result set
            cursorFetch(FETCH_REPEAT, 0);

     * Set the specified column's data value.
     * @param colIndex index of the column
     * @param value    new column value
     * @return the value, possibly converted to an internal type
    protected Object setColValue(int colIndex, int jdbcType, Object value, int length)
            throws SQLException {

        value = super.setColValue(colIndex, jdbcType, value, length);

        if (!onInsertRow && getCurrentRow() == null) {
            throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.norow"), "24000");
        ParamInfo pi;
        ColInfo ci = columns[colIndex];

        if (onInsertRow) {
            pi = insertRow[colIndex];
        } else {
            if (updateRow == null) {
                updateRow = new ParamInfo[columnCount];
            pi = updateRow[colIndex];

        if (pi == null) {
            pi = new ParamInfo(-1, TdsData.isUnicode(ci));
            pi.name = '@'+ci.realName;
            pi.collation = ci.collation;
            pi.charsetInfo = ci.charsetInfo;
            if (onInsertRow) {
                insertRow[colIndex] = pi;
            } else {
                updateRow[colIndex] = pi;

        if (value == null) {
            pi.value    = null;
            pi.length   = 0;
            pi.jdbcType = ci.jdbcType;
            pi.isSet    = true;
            if (pi.jdbcType == Types.NUMERIC || pi.jdbcType == Types.DECIMAL) {
                pi.scale = TdsData.DEFAULT_SCALE;
            } else {
                pi.scale = 0;
        } else {
            pi.value     = value;
            pi.length    = length;
            pi.isSet     = true;
            pi.jdbcType  = jdbcType;
            pi.isUnicode = "ntext".equals(ci.sqlType)
                    || "nchar".equals(ci.sqlType)
                    || "nvarchar".equals(ci.sqlType);
            if (pi.value instanceof BigDecimal) {
                pi.scale = ((BigDecimal)pi.value).scale();
            } else {
                pi.scale = 0;

        return value;

     * Get the specified column's data item.
     * @param index the column index in the row
     * @return the column value as an <code>Object</code>
     * @throws SQLException if the index is out of bounds or there is no
     *                      current row
    protected Object getColumn(int index) throws SQLException {

        if (index < 1 || index > columnCount) {
            throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.colindex",

        Object[] currentRow;
        if (onInsertRow || (currentRow = getCurrentRow()) == null) {
            throw new SQLException(
                    Messages.get("error.resultset.norow"), "24000");

        if (SQL_ROW_DIRTY.equals(currentRow[columns.length - 1])) {
            cursorFetch(FETCH_REPEAT, 0);
            currentRow = getCurrentRow();

        Object data = currentRow[index - 1];
        wasNull = data == null;

        return data;

     * Translates a JDBC result set type into SQL Server native @scrollOpt value
     * for use with stored procedures such as sp_cursoropen, sp_cursorprepare
     * or sp_cursorprepexec.
     * @param resultSetType        JDBC result set type (one of the
     *                             <code>ResultSet.TYPE_<i>XXX</i></code>
     *                             values)
     * @param resultSetConcurrency JDBC result set concurrency (one of the
     *                             <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_<i>XXX</i></code>
     *                             values)
     * @return a value for the @scrollOpt parameter
    static int getCursorScrollOpt(int resultSetType,
                                  int resultSetConcurrency,
                                  boolean parameterized) {
        int scrollOpt;

        switch (resultSetType) {
                scrollOpt = CURSOR_TYPE_STATIC;

            case TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE:
                scrollOpt = CURSOR_TYPE_KEYSET;

            case TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE + 1:
                scrollOpt = CURSOR_TYPE_DYNAMIC;

            case TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY:
                scrollOpt = (resultSetConcurrency == CONCUR_READ_ONLY)
                        : CURSOR_TYPE_FORWARD;

        // If using sp_cursoropen need to set a flag on scrollOpt.
        // The 0x1000 tells the server that there is a parameter
        // definition and user parameters present. If this flag is
        // not set the driver will ignore the additional parameters.
        if (parameterized) {
            scrollOpt |= CURSOR_TYPE_PARAMETERIZED;

        return scrollOpt;

     * Translates a JDBC result set concurrency into SQL Server native @ccOpt
     * value for use with stored procedures such as sp_cursoropen,
     * sp_cursorprepare or sp_cursorprepexec.
     * @param resultSetConcurrency JDBC result set concurrency (one of the
     *                             <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_<i>XXX</i></code>
     *                             values)
     * @return a value for the @scrollOpt parameter
    static int getCursorConcurrencyOpt(int resultSetConcurrency) {
        switch (resultSetConcurrency) {
            case CONCUR_UPDATABLE:
                return CURSOR_CONCUR_OPTIMISTIC;

            case CONCUR_UPDATABLE + 1:
                return CURSOR_CONCUR_SCROLL_LOCKS;

            case CONCUR_UPDATABLE + 2:

            case CONCUR_READ_ONLY:
                return CURSOR_CONCUR_READ_ONLY;

     * Create a new Cursor result set using the internal sp_cursoropen procedure.
     * @param sql The SQL SELECT statement.
     * @param procName Optional procedure name for cursors based on a stored procedure.
     * @param parameters Optional stored procedure parameters.
     * @throws SQLException
    private void cursorCreate(String sql,
                              String procName,
                              ParamInfo[] parameters)
            throws SQLException {
        TdsCore tds = statement.getTds();
        int prepareSql = statement.connection.getPrepareSql();
        Integer prepStmtHandle = null;

        // If this cursor is going to be a named forward only cursor
        // force the concurrency to be updateable.
        // TODO: Cursor is updateable unless user appends FOR READ to the select
        // but we would need to parse the SQL to discover this.
        if (cursorName != null
            && resultSetType == ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY
            && concurrency == ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY) {
            concurrency = ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE;
        // Simplify future tests for parameters
        if (parameters != null && parameters.length == 0) {
            parameters = null;
        // SQL 6.5 does not support stored procs (with params) in the sp_cursor call
        // will need to substitute any parameter values into the SQL.
        if (tds.getTdsVersion() == Driver.TDS42) {
            prepareSql = TdsCore.UNPREPARED;
            if (parameters != null) {
                procName = null;
        // If we are running in unprepare mode and there are parameters
        // substitute these into the SQL statement now.
        if (parameters != null && prepareSql == TdsCore.UNPREPARED) {
            sql = Support.substituteParameters(sql, parameters, statement.connection);
            parameters = null;
        // For most prepare modes we need to substitute parameter
        // names for the ? markers.
        if (parameters != null) {
            if (procName == null || !procName.startsWith("#jtds")) {
                sql = Support.substituteParamMarkers(sql, parameters);
        // There are generally three situations in which procName is not null:
        // 1. Running in prepareSQL=1 and contains a temp proc name e.g. #jtds00001
        //    in which case we need to generate an SQL statement exec #jtds...
        // 2. Running in prepareSQL=4 and contains an existing statement handle.
        // 3. CallableStatement in which case the SQL string has a valid exec
        //    statement and we can ignore procName.
        if (procName != null) {
            if (procName.startsWith("#jtds")) {
                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(procName.length() + 16
                        + (parameters != null ? parameters.length * 5 : 0));
                buf.append("EXEC ").append(procName).append(' ');
                for (int i = 0; parameters != null && i < parameters.length; i++) {
                    if (i != 0) {
                    if (parameters[i].name != null) {
                    } else {
                sql = buf.toString();
            } else if (TdsCore.isPreparedProcedureName(procName)) {
                // Prepared Statement Handle
                // At present procName is set to the value obtained by
                // the connection.prepareSQL() call in JtdsPreparedStatement.
                // This handle was obtained using sp_cursorprepare not sp_prepare
                // so it's ok to use here.
                try {
                    prepStmtHandle = new Integer(procName);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                               "Invalid prepared statement handle: " +

        // Select the correct type of Server side cursor to
        // match the scroll and concurrency options.
        int scrollOpt = getCursorScrollOpt(resultSetType, concurrency,
                parameters != null);
        int ccOpt = getCursorConcurrencyOpt(concurrency);
        // Create parameter objects
        // Setup scroll options parameter
        ParamInfo pScrollOpt  = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, new Integer(scrollOpt), ParamInfo.OUTPUT);
        // Setup concurrency options parameter
        ParamInfo pConCurOpt  = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, new Integer(ccOpt), ParamInfo.OUTPUT);
        // Setup number of rows parameter
        ParamInfo pRowCount   = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, new Integer(fetchSize), ParamInfo.OUTPUT);
        // Setup cursor handle parameter
        ParamInfo pCursor = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, null, ParamInfo.OUTPUT);
        // Setup statement handle param
        ParamInfo pStmtHand = null;
        if (prepareSql == TdsCore.PREPARE) {
            pStmtHand = new ParamInfo(Types.INTEGER, prepStmtHandle, ParamInfo.OUTPUT);
        // Setup parameter definitions parameter
        ParamInfo pParamDef = null;
        if (parameters != null ) {
            // Parameter declarations
            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
                TdsData.getNativeType(statement.connection, parameters[i]);

            pParamDef  = new ParamInfo(Types.LONGVARCHAR,
        // Setup SQL statement parameter
        ParamInfo pSQL = new ParamInfo(Types.LONGVARCHAR, sql, ParamInfo.UNICODE);
        // OK now open the Cursor
        if (prepareSql == TdsCore.PREPARE && prepStmtHandle != null) {
            // Use sp_cursorexecute approach
            procName = "sp_cursorexecute";
            if (parameters == null) {
                parameters = new ParamInfo[5];
            } else {
                ParamInfo[] params = new ParamInfo[5 + parameters.length];
                System.arraycopy(parameters, 0, params, 5, parameters.length);
                parameters = params;
            // Setup statement handle param
            pStmtHand.isOutput = false;
            pStmtHand.value = prepStmtHandle;
            parameters[0] = pStmtHand;
            // Setup cursor handle param
            parameters[1] = pCursor;
            // Setup scroll options (mask off parameter flag)
            pScrollOpt.value = new Integer(scrollOpt & ~CURSOR_TYPE_PARAMETERIZED);
        } else {
            // Use sp_cursoropen approach
            procName = "sp_cursoropen";
            if (parameters == null) {
                parameters = new ParamInfo[5];
            } else {
                ParamInfo[] params = new ParamInfo[6 + parameters.length];
                System.arraycopy(parameters, 0, params, 6, parameters.length);
                parameters = params;
                parameters[5] = pParamDef;
            // Setup cursor handle param
            parameters[0] = pCursor;
            // Setup statement param
            parameters[1] = pSQL;
        // Setup scroll options
        parameters[2] = pScrollOpt;
        // Setup concurrency options
        parameters[3] = pConCurOpt;
        // Setup numRows parameter
        parameters[4] = pRowCount;

        tds.executeSQL(null, procName, parameters, false,
                statement.getQueryTimeout(), statement.getMaxRows(),
                statement.getMaxFieldSize(), true);

        // Load column meta data and any eventual rows (fast forward cursors)
        processOutput(tds, true);
        if ((scrollOpt & CURSOR_TYPE_AUTO_FETCH) != 0) {
            // If autofetching, the cursor position is on the first row
            cursorPos = 1;

        // Check the return value
        Integer retVal = tds.getReturnStatus();
        if ((retVal == null) || (retVal.intValue() != 0 && retVal.intValue() != 2)) {
            throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.openfail"), "24000");

        // Cursor is being built asynchronously so rowsInResult is not set
        asyncCursor = (retVal.intValue() == 2);

        // Retrieve values of output parameters
        PARAM_CURSOR_HANDLE.value = pCursor.getOutValue();
        int actualScroll = ((Integer) pScrollOpt.getOutValue()).intValue();
        int actualCc     = ((Integer) pConCurOpt.getOutValue()).intValue();
        rowsInResult = ((Integer) pRowCount.getOutValue()).intValue();

        // Set the cursor name if required allowing positioned updates.
        // We need to do this here as any downgrade warnings will be wiped
        // out by the executeSQL call.
        if (cursorName != null) {
            ParamInfo params[] = new ParamInfo[3];
            params[0] = PARAM_CURSOR_HANDLE;
            PARAM_OPTYPE.value = new Integer(2);
            params[1] = PARAM_OPTYPE;
            params[2] = new ParamInfo(Types.VARCHAR, cursorName, ParamInfo.UNICODE);
            tds.executeSQL(null, "sp_cursoroption", params, true, 0, -1, -1, true);
            if (tds.getReturnStatus().intValue() != 0) {
                        new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.openfail"), "24000"));
        // Check for downgrade of scroll or concurrency options
        if ((actualScroll != (scrollOpt & 0xFFF)) || (actualCc != ccOpt)) {
            boolean downgradeWarning = false;

            if (actualScroll != scrollOpt) {
                int resultSetType;
                switch (actualScroll) {
                    case CURSOR_TYPE_FORWARD:
                    case CURSOR_TYPE_FASTFORWARDONLY:
                        resultSetType = TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY;

                    case CURSOR_TYPE_STATIC:
                        resultSetType = TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE;

                    case CURSOR_TYPE_KEYSET:
                        resultSetType = TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE;

                    case CURSOR_TYPE_DYNAMIC:
                        resultSetType = TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE + 1;

                        resultSetType = this.resultSetType;
                        statement.getMessages().addWarning(new SQLWarning(
                                Messages.get("warning.cursortype", Integer.toString(actualScroll)),
                downgradeWarning = resultSetType < this.resultSetType;
                this.resultSetType = resultSetType;

            if (actualCc != ccOpt) {
                int concurrency;
                switch (actualCc) {
                    case CURSOR_CONCUR_READ_ONLY:
                        concurrency = CONCUR_READ_ONLY;

                    case CURSOR_CONCUR_OPTIMISTIC:
                        concurrency = CONCUR_UPDATABLE;

                    case CURSOR_CONCUR_SCROLL_LOCKS:
                        concurrency = CONCUR_UPDATABLE + 1;

                    case CURSOR_CONCUR_OPTIMISTIC_VALUES:
                        concurrency = CONCUR_UPDATABLE + 2;

                        concurrency = this.concurrency;
                        statement.getMessages().addWarning(new SQLWarning(
                                Messages.get("warning.concurrtype", Integer.toString(actualCc)),
                downgradeWarning = concurrency < this.concurrency;
                this.concurrency = concurrency;

            if (downgradeWarning) {
                // SAfe This warning goes to the Statement, not the ResultSet
                statement.addWarning(new SQLWarning(
                        Messages.get( "warning.cursordowngraded",
                                resultSetType + "/" + concurrency),

     * Fetch the next result row from a cursor using the internal sp_cursorfetch procedure.
     * @param fetchType The type of fetch eg FETCH_ABSOLUTE.
     * @param rowNum The row number to fetch.
     * @return <code>boolean</code> true if a result set row is returned.
     * @throws SQLException
    private boolean cursorFetch(Integer fetchType, int rowNum)
            throws SQLException {
        TdsCore tds = statement.getTds();


        if (fetchType != FETCH_ABSOLUTE && fetchType != FETCH_RELATIVE) {
            rowNum = 1;

        ParamInfo[] param = new ParamInfo[4];
        // Setup cursor handle param
        param[0] = PARAM_CURSOR_HANDLE;

        // Setup fetchtype param
        PARAM_FETCHTYPE.value = fetchType;
        param[1] = PARAM_FETCHTYPE;

        // Setup rownum
        PARAM_ROWNUM_IN.value = new Integer(rowNum);
        param[2] = PARAM_ROWNUM_IN;
        // Setup numRows parameter
        if (((Integer) PARAM_NUMROWS_IN.value).intValue() != fetchSize) {
            // If the fetch size changed, update the parameter and cache size
            PARAM_NUMROWS_IN.value = new Integer(fetchSize);
            rowCache = new Object[fetchSize][];
        param[3] = PARAM_NUMROWS_IN;

        synchronized (tds) {
            // No meta data, no timeout (we're not sending it yet), no row
            // limit, don't send yet
            tds.executeSQL(null, "sp_cursorfetch", param, true, 0, 0,
                    statement.getMaxFieldSize(), false);

            // Setup fetchtype param
            PARAM_FETCHTYPE.value = FETCH_INFO;
            param[1] = PARAM_FETCHTYPE;

            // Setup rownum
            param[2] = PARAM_ROWNUM_OUT;
            // Setup numRows parameter
            param[3] = PARAM_NUMROWS_OUT;

            // No meta data, use the statement timeout, leave max rows as it is
            // (no limit), leave max field size as it is, send now
            tds.executeSQL(null, "sp_cursorfetch", param, true,
                    statement.getQueryTimeout(), -1, -1, true);

        // Load rows
        processOutput(tds, false);

        cursorPos = ((Integer) PARAM_ROWNUM_OUT.getOutValue()).intValue();
        if (fetchType != FETCH_REPEAT) {
            // Do not change ResultSet position when refreshing
            pos = cursorPos;
        rowsInResult = ((Integer) PARAM_NUMROWS_OUT.getOutValue()).intValue();
        if (rowsInResult < 0) {
            // -1 = Dynamic cursor number of rows cannot be known.
            // -n = Async cursor = rows loaded so far
            rowsInResult = 0 - rowsInResult;

        return getCurrentRow() != null;

     * Support general cursor operations such as delete, update etc.
     * @param opType the type of operation to perform
     * @param row    the row number to update
     * @throws SQLException
    private void cursor(Integer opType , ParamInfo[] row) throws SQLException {
        TdsCore tds = statement.getTds();

        ParamInfo param[];

        if (opType == CURSOR_OP_DELETE) {
            // 3 parameters for delete
            param = new ParamInfo[3];
        } else {
            if (row == null) {
                throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.update"), "24000");
            // 4 parameters plus one for each column for insert/update
            param = new ParamInfo[4 + columnCount];

        // Setup cursor handle param
        param[0] = PARAM_CURSOR_HANDLE;

        // Setup optype param
        PARAM_OPTYPE.value = opType;
        param[1] = PARAM_OPTYPE;

        // Setup rownum
        PARAM_ROWNUM.value = new Integer(pos - cursorPos + 1);
        param[2] = PARAM_ROWNUM;

        // If row is not null, we're dealing with an insert/update
        if (row != null) {
            // Setup table
            param[3] = PARAM_TABLE;

            int colCnt = columnCount;
            // Current column; we will only update/insert columns for which
            // values were specified
            int crtCol = 4;
            // Name of the table to insert default values into (if necessary)
            String tableName = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < colCnt; i++) {
                ParamInfo pi = row[i];
                ColInfo col = columns[i];

                if (pi != null && pi.isSet) {
                    if (!col.isWriteable) {
                        // Column is read-only but was updated
                        throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.insert",
                                Integer.toString(i + 1), col.realName), "24000");

                    param[crtCol++] = pi;
                if (tableName == null && col.tableName != null) {
                    if (col.catalog != null || col.schema != null) {
                        tableName = (col.catalog != null ? col.catalog : "")
                                + '.' + (col.schema != null ? col.schema : "")
                                + '.' + col.tableName;
                    } else {
                        tableName = col.tableName;

            if (crtCol == 4) {
                if (opType == CURSOR_OP_INSERT) {
                    // Insert default values for all columns.
                    // There seem to be two forms of sp_cursor: one with
                    // parameter names and values and one w/o names and with
                    // expressions (this is where 'default' comes in).
                    param[crtCol] = new ParamInfo(Types.VARCHAR,
                            "insert " + tableName + " default values",
                } else {
                    // No column to update so bail out!

            // If the count is different (i.e. there were read-only
            // columns) reallocate the parameters into a shorter array
            if (crtCol != colCnt + 4) {
                ParamInfo[] newParam = new ParamInfo[crtCol];

                System.arraycopy(param, 0, newParam, 0, crtCol);
                param = newParam;

        synchronized (tds) {
            // With meta data (we're not expecting any ResultSets), no timeout
            // (because we're not sending the request yet), don't alter max
            // rows, don't alter max field size, don't send yet
            tds.executeSQL(null, "sp_cursor", param, false, 0, -1, -1, false);

            if (param.length != 4) {
                param = new ParamInfo[4];
                param[0] = PARAM_CURSOR_HANDLE;

            // Setup fetchtype param
            PARAM_FETCHTYPE.value = FETCH_INFO;
            param[1] = PARAM_FETCHTYPE;

            // Setup rownum
            param[2] = PARAM_ROWNUM_OUT;
            // Setup numRows parameter
            param[3] = PARAM_NUMROWS_OUT;

            // No meta data (no ResultSets expected), use statement timeout,
            // don't alter max rows, don't alter max field size, send now
            tds.executeSQL(null, "sp_cursorfetch", param, true,
                    statement.getQueryTimeout(), -1, -1, true);

        // Consume the sp_cursor response
        Integer retVal = tds.getReturnStatus();
        if (retVal.intValue() != 0) {
            throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.cursorfail"),

        // Allow row values to be garbage collected
        if (row != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
                if (row[i] != null) {

        // Consume the sp_cursorfetch response
        cursorPos = ((Integer) PARAM_ROWNUM_OUT.getOutValue()).intValue();
        rowsInResult = ((Integer) PARAM_NUMROWS_OUT.getOutValue()).intValue();

        // Update row status
        if (opType == CURSOR_OP_DELETE || opType == CURSOR_OP_UPDATE) {
            Object[] currentRow = getCurrentRow();
            if (currentRow == null) {
                throw new SQLException(
                        Messages.get("error.resultset.updatefail"), "24000");
            // No need to re-fetch the row, just mark it as deleted or dirty
            currentRow[columns.length - 1] =
                    (opType == CURSOR_OP_DELETE) ? SQL_ROW_DELETED : SQL_ROW_DIRTY;

     * Close a server side cursor.
     * @throws SQLException
    private void cursorClose() throws SQLException {
        TdsCore tds = statement.getTds();


        // Consume rest of output and remember any exceptions
        SQLException ex = statement.getMessages().exceptions;

        ParamInfo param[] = new ParamInfo[1];

        // Setup cursor handle param
        param[0] = PARAM_CURSOR_HANDLE;

        tds.executeSQL(null, "sp_cursorclose", param, false,
                statement.getQueryTimeout(), -1, -1, true);

        if (ex != null) {
            throw ex;
        } else {

     * Processes the output of a cursor open or fetch operation. Fetches a
     * batch of rows from the <code>TdsCore</code>, loading them into the row
     * cache and optionally sets the column meta data (if called on cursor
     * open). Consumes all the response and checks for server returned errors.
     * @param tds     the <code>TdsCore</code> instance
     * @param setMeta whether column meta data needs to be loaded (cursor open)
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurs or an error message is returned
     *                      by the server
    private void processOutput(TdsCore tds, boolean setMeta) throws SQLException {
        while (!tds.getMoreResults() && !tds.isEndOfResponse());

        int i = 0;
        if (tds.isResultSet()) {
            // Set column meta data if necessary
            if (setMeta) {
                columns = copyInfo(tds.getColumns());
                columnCount = getColumnCount(columns);
            // With TDS 7 the data row (if any) is sent without any
            // preceding resultset header.
            // With TDS 8 there is a dummy result set header first
            // then the data. This case also used if meta data not supressed.
            if (tds.isRowData() || tds.getNextRow()) {
                do {
                    rowCache[i++] = copyRow(tds.getRowData());
                } while (tds.getNextRow());
        } else if (setMeta) {
            statement.getMessages().addException(new SQLException(
                    Messages.get("error.statement.noresult"), "24000"));

        // Set the rest of the rows to null
        for (; i < rowCache.length; ++i) {
            rowCache[i] = null;


// -------------------- java.sql.ResultSet methods -------------------

    public void afterLast() throws SQLException {

        if (pos != POS_AFTER_LAST) {
            // SAfe Just fetch a very large absolute value
            cursorFetch(FETCH_ABSOLUTE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    public void beforeFirst() throws SQLException {

        if (pos != POS_BEFORE_FIRST) {
            cursorFetch(FETCH_ABSOLUTE, 0);

    public void cancelRowUpdates() throws SQLException {

        if (onInsertRow) {
            throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.insrow"), "24000");

        for (int i = 0; updateRow != null && i < updateRow.length; i++) {
            if (updateRow[i] != null) {

    public void close() throws SQLException {
        if (!closed) {
            try {
                if (!statement.getConnection().isClosed()) {
            } finally {
                closed    = true;
                statement = null;

    public void deleteRow() throws SQLException {

        if (getCurrentRow() == null) {
            throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.norow"), "24000");

        if (onInsertRow) {
            throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.insrow"), "24000");

        cursor(CURSOR_OP_DELETE, null);

    public void insertRow() throws SQLException {

        if (!onInsertRow) {
            throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.notinsrow"), "24000");

        cursor(CURSOR_OP_INSERT, insertRow);

    public void moveToCurrentRow() throws SQLException {

        onInsertRow = false;

    public void moveToInsertRow() throws SQLException {
        if (insertRow == null) {
            insertRow = new ParamInfo[columnCount];
        onInsertRow = true;

    public void refreshRow() throws SQLException {

        if (onInsertRow) {
            throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.insrow"), "24000");

        cursorFetch(FETCH_REPEAT, 0);

    public void updateRow() throws SQLException {

        if (getCurrentRow() == null) {
            throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.norow"), "24000");

        if (onInsertRow) {
            throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.insrow"), "24000");

        if (updateRow != null) {
            cursor(CURSOR_OP_UPDATE, updateRow);

    public boolean first() throws SQLException {

        pos = 1;
        if (getCurrentRow() == null) {
            return cursorFetch(FETCH_FIRST, 0);
        } else {
            return true;

    // FIXME Make the isXXX() methods work with forward-only cursors (rowsInResult == -1)
    public boolean isLast() throws SQLException {

        return(pos == rowsInResult) && (rowsInResult != 0);

    public boolean last() throws SQLException {

        pos = rowsInResult;
        if (asyncCursor || getCurrentRow() == null) {
            if (cursorFetch(FETCH_LAST, 0)) {
                // Set pos to the last row, as the number of rows can change
                pos = rowsInResult;
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    public boolean next() throws SQLException {

        if (getCurrentRow() == null) {
            return cursorFetch(FETCH_NEXT, 0);
        } else {
            return true;

    public boolean previous() throws SQLException {

        // Don't bother if we're already before the first row
        if (pos == POS_BEFORE_FIRST) {
            return false;

        // Save current ResultSet position
        int initPos = pos;
        // Decrement current position
        if (initPos == POS_AFTER_LAST || getCurrentRow() == null) {
            boolean res = cursorFetch(FETCH_PREVIOUS, 0);
            pos = (initPos == POS_AFTER_LAST) ? rowsInResult : (initPos - 1);
            return res;
        } else {
            return true;

    public boolean rowDeleted() throws SQLException {

        Object[] currentRow = getCurrentRow();

        // If there is no current row, return false (the row was not deleted)
        if (currentRow == null) {
            return false;

        // Reload if dirty
        if (SQL_ROW_DIRTY.equals(currentRow[columns.length - 1])) {
            cursorFetch(FETCH_REPEAT, 0);
            currentRow = getCurrentRow();

        return SQL_ROW_DELETED.equals(currentRow[columns.length - 1]);

    public boolean rowInserted() throws SQLException {
        // No way to find out
        return false;

    public boolean rowUpdated() throws SQLException {
        // No way to find out
        return false;

    public boolean absolute(int row) throws SQLException {

        pos = (row >= 0) ? row : (rowsInResult - row + 1);
        if (getCurrentRow() == null) {
            boolean result = cursorFetch(FETCH_ABSOLUTE, row);
            if (cursorPos == 1 && row + rowsInResult < 0) {
                pos = 0;
                result = false;
            return result;
        } else {
            return true;

    public boolean relative(int row) throws SQLException {

        pos = (pos == POS_AFTER_LAST) ? (rowsInResult + 1 + row) : (pos + row);
        if (getCurrentRow() == null) {
            if (pos < cursorPos) {
                // If fetching backwards fetch the row and the rows before it,
                // then restore pos
                int savePos = pos;
                boolean result = cursorFetch(FETCH_RELATIVE,
                        pos - cursorPos - fetchSize + 1);
                if (result) {
                    pos = savePos;
                } else {
                    pos = POS_BEFORE_FIRST;
                return result;
            } else {
                return cursorFetch(FETCH_RELATIVE, pos - cursorPos);
        } else {
            return true;

    protected Object[] getCurrentRow() {
        if (pos < cursorPos || pos >= cursorPos + rowCache.length) {
            return null;

        return rowCache[pos - cursorPos];



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