Start and Stop Glassfish 4 Server


How to start and stop the Glassfish 4 server? I have it installed as part of Java EE 7 SDK.

✍: FYIcenter


You can use the "asadmin" tool in Java EE SDK to start and stop the Glassfish server in a command window as descriped below:

1. Make sure you have Java SE JDK 7 or 8 installed.

2. Make sure you have Java EE SDK 7.

3. To start the Glassfish server:

>\fyicenter\glassfish4\bin\asadmin start-domain

Waiting for domain1 to start ..............................
Successfully started the domain : domain1
domain  Location: \fyicenter\glassfish4\glassfish\domains\domain1
Log File: \fyicenter\glassfish4\glassfish\domains\domain1\logs\server.log
Admin Port: 4848
Command start-domain executed successfully.

By default, Glassfish is starting with "domain1" at port 4848.

2. To stop the Glassfish server:

>\fyicenter\glassfish4\bin\asadmin stop-domain

Waiting for the domain to stop .
Command stop-domain executed successfully.


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2018-02-08, 1179🔥, 0💬