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JDK 11 java.base.jmod - Base Module
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⏎ com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/
/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.jar.Pack200; /** * Control block for publishing Pack200 options to the other classes. */ @SuppressWarnings({"removal"}) final class PropMap implements SortedMap<String, String> { private final TreeMap<String, String> theMap = new TreeMap<>();; // Override: public String put(String key, String value) { String oldValue = theMap.put(key, value); return oldValue; } // All this other stuff is private to the current package. // Outide clients of Pack200 do not need to use it; they can // get by with generic SortedMap functionality. private static Map<String, String> defaultProps; static { Properties props = new Properties(); // Allow implementation selected via -Dpack.disable.native=true String propValue = getPropertyValue(Utils.DEBUG_DISABLE_NATIVE, "false"); props.put(Utils.DEBUG_DISABLE_NATIVE, String.valueOf(Boolean.parseBoolean(propValue))); // Set the DEBUG_VERBOSE from system int verbose = 0; try { verbose = Integer.decode(getPropertyValue(Utils.DEBUG_VERBOSE, "0")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } props.put(Utils.DEBUG_VERBOSE, String.valueOf(verbose)); // The segment size is unlimited props.put(Pack200.Packer.SEGMENT_LIMIT, "-1"); // Preserve file ordering by default. props.put(Pack200.Packer.KEEP_FILE_ORDER, Pack200.Packer.TRUE); // Preserve all modification times by default. props.put(Pack200.Packer.MODIFICATION_TIME, Pack200.Packer.KEEP); // Preserve deflation hints by default. props.put(Pack200.Packer.DEFLATE_HINT, Pack200.Packer.KEEP); // Pass through files with unrecognized attributes by default. props.put(Pack200.Packer.UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE, Pack200.Packer.PASS); // Pass through files with unrecognized format by default, also // allow system property to be set props.put(Utils.CLASS_FORMAT_ERROR, getPropertyValue(Utils.CLASS_FORMAT_ERROR, Pack200.Packer.PASS)); // Default effort is 5, midway between 1 and 9. props.put(Pack200.Packer.EFFORT, "5"); // Define certain attribute layouts by default. // Do this after the previous props are put in place, // to allow override if necessary. String propFile = ""; PrivilegedAction<InputStream> pa = () -> PackerImpl.class.getResourceAsStream(propFile); try (InputStream propStr = AccessController.doPrivileged(pa)) { if (propStr == null) { throw new RuntimeException(propFile + " cannot be loaded"); } props.load(propStr); } catch (IOException ee) { throw new RuntimeException(ee); } for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> e : props.entrySet()) { String key = (String) e.getKey(); String val = (String) e.getValue(); if (key.startsWith("attribute.")) { e.setValue(Attribute.normalizeLayoutString(val)); } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) HashMap<String, String> temp = new HashMap(props); // shrink to fit defaultProps = temp; } private static String getPropertyValue(String key, String defaultValue) { PrivilegedAction<String> pa = () -> System.getProperty(key); String s = AccessController.doPrivileged(pa); return s != null ? s : defaultValue; } PropMap() { theMap.putAll(defaultProps); } // Return a view of this map which includes only properties // that begin with the given prefix. This is easy because // the map is sorted, and has a subMap accessor. SortedMap<String, String> prefixMap(String prefix) { int len = prefix.length(); if (len == 0) return this; char nextch = (char)(prefix.charAt(len-1) + 1); String limit = prefix.substring(0, len-1)+nextch; //System.out.println(prefix+" => "+subMap(prefix, limit)); return subMap(prefix, limit); } String getProperty(String s) { return get(s); } String getProperty(String s, String defaultVal) { String val = getProperty(s); if (val == null) return defaultVal; return val; } String setProperty(String s, String val) { return put(s, val); } // Get sequence of props for "prefix", and "prefix.*". List<String> getProperties(String prefix) { Collection<String> values = prefixMap(prefix).values(); List<String> res = new ArrayList<>(values.size()); res.addAll(values); while (res.remove(null)); return res; } private boolean toBoolean(String val) { return Boolean.valueOf(val).booleanValue(); } boolean getBoolean(String s) { return toBoolean(getProperty(s)); } boolean setBoolean(String s, boolean val) { return toBoolean(setProperty(s, String.valueOf(val))); } int toInteger(String val) { return toInteger(val, 0); } int toInteger(String val, int def) { if (val == null) return def; if (Pack200.Packer.TRUE.equals(val)) return 1; if (Pack200.Packer.FALSE.equals(val)) return 0; return Integer.parseInt(val); } int getInteger(String s, int def) { return toInteger(getProperty(s), def); } int getInteger(String s) { return toInteger(getProperty(s)); } int setInteger(String s, int val) { return toInteger(setProperty(s, String.valueOf(val))); } long toLong(String val) { try { return val == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(val); } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value"); } } long getLong(String s) { return toLong(getProperty(s)); } long setLong(String s, long val) { return toLong(setProperty(s, String.valueOf(val))); } int getTime(String s) { String sval = getProperty(s, "0"); if (Utils.NOW.equals(sval)) { return (int)((System.currentTimeMillis()+500)/1000); } long lval = toLong(sval); final long recentSecondCount = 1000000000; if (lval < recentSecondCount*10 && !"0".equals(sval)) Utils.log.warning("Supplied modtime appears to be seconds rather than milliseconds: "+sval); return (int)((lval+500)/1000); } void list(PrintStream out) { PrintWriter outw = new PrintWriter(out); list(outw); outw.flush(); } void list(PrintWriter out) { out.println("#"+Utils.PACK_ZIP_ARCHIVE_MARKER_COMMENT+"["); Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> defaults = defaultProps.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : theMap.entrySet()) { if (defaults.contains(e)) continue; out.println(" " + e.getKey() + " = " + e.getValue()); } out.println("#]"); } @Override public int size() { return theMap.size(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return theMap.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return theMap.containsKey(key); } @Override public boolean containsValue(Object value) { return theMap.containsValue(value); } @Override public String get(Object key) { return theMap.get(key); } @Override public String remove(Object key) { return theMap.remove(key); } @Override public void putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends String> m) { theMap.putAll(m); } @Override public void clear() { theMap.clear(); } @Override public Set<String> keySet() { return theMap.keySet(); } @Override public Collection<String> values() { return theMap.values(); } @Override public Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entrySet() { return theMap.entrySet(); } @Override public Comparator<? super String> comparator() { return theMap.comparator(); } @Override public SortedMap<String, String> subMap(String fromKey, String toKey) { return theMap.subMap(fromKey, toKey); } @Override public SortedMap<String, String> headMap(String toKey) { return theMap.headMap(toKey); } @Override public SortedMap<String, String> tailMap(String fromKey) { return theMap.tailMap(fromKey); } @Override public String firstKey() { return theMap.firstKey(); } @Override public String lastKey() { return theMap.lastKey(); } }
⏎ com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/
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